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Realistic or Modern Dispatcher

Maryana Starin




She, Her



A small tattoo on her wrist with the date 6/23/2004

911 Dispatcher

Name: Dean Smith
Nickname: 'D'
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Hetero
Height: 6'1''
- Full Sleeve Tattoos on both arms
- Angel Wings Tattoo on his back
- has a rescue German Shepherd called 'Echo'

Job: Police Officer


Maryana sat at her desk, looking at the three computers she had that all displayed a different screen. The town was small so there was really no need for a whole computer to be designated to just the map but she figured if there were any calls, it would be useful. Mary had no idea how she ended up in such a small town but it didn't matter to her, she was making money and she didn't hate her job. "Smith just clocked in." Grace, one of her co-workers, said just a little too loud as she rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the heads up." she says sarcastically as she looks to the screen that showed the cops on duty and she could track any one of them if needed, it was part of her her job. Mary was just sitting back in her chair, spinning just a little bit side to side, not surprised how quiet it was, it was a Friday night. In bigger cities, there would be so many calls that it wouldn't just be her on the graveyard shift.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I don't mind." Grace spoke again as Mary reached for a coffee cup. "You always ask and I always say no. I'll be fine, there is no reason for two of us to be sleep deprived." Mary said her goodbyes as she took her headset off, finding no reason to have it on right that second, plus the stiffness of it got rather uncomfortable after a couple hours. Once she knew she was the last one in the office, she pulled out a small walkie talkie radio that Dean had given her a little while back. That's how they talked when it was a slow night, and whenever she managed to get alone. To her, it was a lot more fun then simply texting to even a phone call. "Officer Smith, happen to be on the channel?" she asks with a smile as she released the small button and sat it down on her desk, waiting to see if his voice responded, she knew at some point it would depend on what things looked like at the station.

Mary placed her headset back on before leaning back, monitoring the screens that were rather boring, there was nothing exciting happening. There was no movement from any of the police officers and the town was as quiet as it typically was. After an hour or so, a call rang in and she answered it, figuring someone at most cut their hand open and was clueless on what to do, maybe a women went into labor and needs an ambience. "911 what's your emergency?" she answers quick and precise. "Hi, I think there might be something going on next door, there have been some rather....loud sounds." There was a women on the other side of the phone and Mary could clearly tell she was concerned but confused on how to explain what was going on. "Can you clarify?" "It almost sounds like glass breaking, maybe someone hitting a wall?" The first thing her mind went to was either some teens were deciding to roughhouse or even there was a group of adults just a little too drunk. "Where are you located?" "2735 Spring Creek drive." Mary instantly typed the address into the map and it almost instantly brought up the location. "Thank you, I will have a unit check it out." The call ended abruptly as she then tuned into the radio that communicated to all the officers on duty which was maybe two or three. "There is a possible 273.5 (Domestic Violence) or just a noise complaint at the house next-door to 2735 Spring Creek drive." That's all she typically had to say through her headset to get a unit and she could give any other information upon request.

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