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Fandom Disney´s Gargoyles - We live again!

Miss Silver Lining

Scripted Chaos, Boundless Imagination
Roleplay Type(s)

Why hello there!

While I have your attention, let´s get an introduction out of the way.

I'm Anna, age 28, from Sweden. I've been in the swing of roleplaying on and off for 10+ years now. As a partner in the art of roleplaying I am very chill, though one rule I´m firm with is that my partner must be 21+ , preferably closer to my own age, that´s just what I´m most comfortable with. I also only roleplay through PM´s on this site, for now.

My post length may differ from 2 - 5 paragraphs, sometimes more, depending on what´s going on in life, what happens in our story, how the muse is doing. If things get really good, I can write a lot, and I do mean a lot. All I´m asking, is something to work with from my partner, preferably no one-liners, please? They tend to really snuff out the flame of inspiration.

I tend to aim for granting one post per day, at the least every few days, and would love if you could grant me that in return. Of course, sometimes life happens, I understand completely, we all know how life can get hectic at times. Communicate with me, that is the key! Also adore OOC chats, where we can share our ideas and work on the plot, discuss our characters, as well as get to know each other, no need to be shy!

Some romance in our story would be marvelous, however, I am more than open to something more platonic if that is your preference. In terms of pairings, I´m experienced with MxM, MxF, FxF, whatever you might fancy. OC x OC, Canon X Canon, OC X Canon, love it all. Also more than willing to double!

Now, this might be a bit of a long shot, I don´t know if anyone remembers this little animated 90´s disney gem, but it is truly marvelous. This show had it all, complex characters, the storytelling, the animation, truly one of Disney´s best and unfortunately not talked of as much as it deserves. And naturally, I would love to explore it more with someone, put our own spin on things and create something amazing!

In terms of plot and ideas, I do prefer to come up with something together, but a suggestion would be this tiny prompt, inspired by another thread here long ago:

A few young and adventurous members of the Avalon clan (our OC´s perhaps) leaves the island to explore what is out there in the great beyond. Going on all sort of adventures, with drama, romance, horrors, you name it.

I am of course open to other ideas and some in-put here for whatever you might be looking for! I'm also more than willing to try out anything canon with the OG gang. Again, OCs and canon characters are all more than welcome!

I also certainly don't mind darker and heavy themes, this show got pretty damn dark and angsty most of the time, which is why I love it so~

If anyone is interested, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM! I currently will probably only have time for one partner here, so first come, first served!

Take care, darlings~ 💜

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