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Fandom Disney: Lost Magic ~Character Sheet~



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Name from Movie
(Face Claim)


Character: (self-explanatory)
Realm: (i.e. movie/show)
Alias: (they can't go by their Disney names, can they?; Renaissance characters will go by this name)
Nickname: (from alias or original character)
Age: (spell makes them 16-20)
Gender: (preferably same as original character)
Sexuality: (can vary from movie/show to real world)

Appearance: (face claim picture and one of the character)
Height: (of FC)
Weight: (of FC)
Hair: (of FC)
Eyes: (of FC)
Distinguishing Features: (self-explanatory)
Tattoos/Markings: (can correspond to character itself or be something else)

Personality: (a nice paragraph or two would be nice; if Disney Renaissance, this will be different from the original character; classics and modern pretty much keep the same personality)
Vices: (3+)
Virtues: (3+)
Likes: (5+)
Dislikes: (5+)
History N' Such

(Renaissance~Disney bio/their new memories since they forgot their past selves)
(Modern~the brief snatches of their Disney bios they remember--maximum of three snatches)
(Classic~Disney bio)
Relationships: (TBA for now)
Theme Song: (optional--I like doing them)
Disney Magic

Type: (Renaissance, Modern, Classic)
Power: (ONE. UNO. UN. ANOTHER WORD FOR ONEEEEEEEEE; preferably relates to the character in some way)
Weapon: (if applicable)

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

  • Kovu a.k.a. Korey Hughes
    (Face Claim: Corbin Bleu)

    I Think I'm the One That Just Saved Your Life!

    Character: Kovu
    Realm: The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
    Alias: Korey Donvan Hughes
    Nickname: Kor, The Chosen One, Little Termite
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    He Wasn't My Father, But He Was Still...Part of Me

    Original Appearance:

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 159 lbs
    Hair: Light/Dark Brown
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Distinguishing Features: Big, Curly Afro
    Tattoos/Markings: Passion Fruit on Shoulder Blade
    Maybe There's a Darkness in Me, Too...

    Korey is a mess of contradictions. He’s compassionate yet cold, quiet yet reckless… Above all, Korey pretends not to care for the well-being of those around him, but he does. Very much. He shows this through cutting honesty that is at times blunt and sarcastic. However, he tells the truth for the good of the person he’s most likely hurting. The sooner they realize how cruel the world is, the easier they’ll be able to handle injustice later on.

    People often accuse him of being selfish, but everything he does is for the sake of someone else. If there’s anything he’s selfish about, it’s those who are closest to him. Those people number very few, for despite his hobbies consisting of sports (and thus suggesting his being social), he’s really very unsure how to handle himself in social interactions. He therefore values anyone who cares enough to try to get close to him.

    Regarding romance, he’s cynical. Yes, he's visiting the Magic Kingdom with his best friend, but that doesn’t mean he believes all the crap Disney seems to market. It would take someone really special to convince him otherwise. But no, he’s not one to care about looks. (Though he certainly doesn’t mind if the girl in question is pretty.) For all his contradictions, perhaps the most stunning one is how drastically his behavior changes when in the presence of a girl he likes.

    Blunt, Reckless, Cold, Selfish
    Honest, Selfless, Caring, Protective
    Sports (Mostly Basketball), Law Enforcement, Cats, His Friends, Nighttime
    His Uncle, Fake People, Crime, Sunsets, "Magic"
    Or Am I to Be Blamed for a Crime I Didn't Commit?

    Disney Bio:
    Kovu was chosen by Scar to succeed him. That was before Simba reclaimed his throne at Pride Rock and banished Kovu and his mother Zira to the Outlands, as well as the other lionesses who had supported Scar. The two prides were kept separate, but by some strange fit of luck, Kovu met Simba’s daughter, Kiara, on the border of their two lands. The two became fast friends before their parents caught them and took them away from each other. From then on, Zira trained her son to be a coldblooded killer, and she sent him to infiltrate Simba’s pride and exact revenge on behalf of Scar. What he didn’t expect was to fall in love with the same lioness from before—Kiara. Thus, he refused to carry out the plan, and, along with Kiara, he managed to stop the war between their two prides.

    Two prides became one, and Kovu got to be with the lioness he loved.

    New Memories:
    For whatever odd reason, the leader of a crime ring decided to adopt Korey when the boy was only a few months old. Though he wasn’t Korey’s real father, they looked alike, so much that people couldn’t help but compare him to his adoptive father.

    Korey knew that what his father did was wrong, but it wasn’t like he could protest—it wasn’t his place to speak out. At school, he ignored the rumors and whispers that followed him. If he couldn’t disperse them, he thought he might as well encourage them. He began training in the family business. Of course, he didn’t actually plan on inheriting his father’s status as the leader of the crime ring, but he figured he might as well pretend to be the son Mr. Hughes had always wanted.

    It wasn’t too long after he started high school that he found out why exactly he’d been adopted. His real father was the brother of the man who had adopted him, and he’d been a police officer that was killed in the line of duty. Mr. Hughes himself had killed him. Korey was understandably shocked. His adoptive father-slash-uncle had killed his real father? How screwed up was that? His mother’s whereabouts were unknown, and if he had any siblings, his “father” didn’t know.

    Nevertheless, he somehow felt as if his hands were stained with his birth father’s blood. When he looked in the mirror, he saw his uncle’s face, not his. How delightfully ironic. No matter how indirect it was, he had clearly become the man he hadn’t wanted to be.

    So he ran away. He wasn’t going to be the man he despised, and he wasn’t going to be the man he never knew. He’d start over.

    And that’s how he ended up finding his now-best friend Magdalene Lewis, also an orphan. They are now visiting Disney World with their classmates and have woken up in Magic Kingdom...

    TBA for Now

    Theme Song: "Risk It All" by The Vamps
    You'll Never Hurt Kiara or Simba. Not While I'm Here.

    Type: Renaissance
    Shapeshifting~Korey can shapeshift into species of wild cats, mostly big cats, though for whatever reason, he chooses to change into an ocelot or a lion most of the time.
    Weapon: His Glare or His Basketball

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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  • Oliver James

    realm: Alice in Wonderland
    nickname: Chessy, Ollie
    age: 20
    gender: Male
    sexuality: Heterosexual
    hair: Brown
    eyes: Blue
    height: 6'2"
    weight: 165lbs
    distinguishing feature(s): -
    tattoos/markings: Cheshire Grin on his lower abdomen
    faceclaim: Grant Gustin
    theme song: Control
    | Hanging Tree/Come Little Children Mashup

    history: After a gamut of nonsensical events in a pursuit of the White Rabbit, Alice enters the Tulgey Wood. There, the Cheshire Cat arrives offering her help with directions. She tries to receive practical answers, but he continues to goof off by asking random questions, and continually showcasing his abilities. After a while, he advises her to seek answers from the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. She, not wanting to associate with mad people, denies the advice, but he claims that everyone in Wonderland is mad, including himself. He then slowly fades away into thin air, laughing and singing in the process.

    Later on, Alice finds the trail of the White Rabbit once again and begins to pursue him once more. She is lost again, but this time, all hope seems lost. She breaks down in tears, just when the Cheshire Cat arrives. Delighted to see him, she claims that she's no longer looking for rabbits, and wants to find her way home. However, he explains that in Wonderland, she has no way and that all ways there are the Queen's ways. Confused, she informs him that she knows nothing about the queen, so he reveals a secret passageway to her card-inhabited kingdom.

    During a croquet game with the Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat arrives and continuously gets Alice into trouble with the Queen. At one point, the Cheshire Cat causes the Queen to flip over, revealing her bloomers. Out of utter embarrassment, she puts Alice on trial. With the witnesses being the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Dormouse, the trial gets nowhere. Soon enough, the Queen sentences Alice to death by beheading, until she finds more mushrooms in her pocket, which causes her to grow to a gigantic size. She then takes advantage of the opportunity and insults the Queen, but she shrinks down to her normal size once again. The Cheshire Cat appears once more, repeating Alice's insults which causes the Queen to lose her temper, and this leads to the climactic chase.
    Invisible Text
    personality: Oliver is, in a word, mad. But then again, who isn't in Wonderland? Finding joy in causing chaos for others and forcing them to think beyond the normal parameters of inside and outside a box, Oliver loves to cause problems for others. However, he's not an "evil" cat. He just loves to play games. When others are in need, he does intend to be helpful, but like in life, nothing is free. Everyone has to work for what they want from him, and what better way to pay than to play? Always ready with a sarcastic quip or flirty remark, Oliver believes that everything should be taken seriously and not seriously at all. He thrives on being contradicting, making one go back and forth about what type of person he is. Overall it's hard to get a good read on Oliver. He's obviously quite mad, even more so from being ripped out of his own realm, but at the same time, if you know him well enough, you know that he's dependable and will do just about anything asked. As long as his own requirements are met of course.
    likes: Mischief | Chaos (that he caused) | Puzzles | Showing Off | Tea | Games
    dislikes: Chaos he didn't start | Direct Sunlight | Serenity | Queens | Whiners
    virtues: Playful | Dependable | Flirty
    vices: Mischievous | Unpredictable | Sarcastic | Mad
    type: Classic
    power: Teleportation | Oliver is able to fade out of existence and then fade back into existence in another area as long as he's seen it, either in person or in a picture
    weapon: -
    Cheshire Cat
    Code by S n o w S n o w

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  • 2df6968fa04139434a28348164563d2f.png

    alias: carter mute artin
    age: 20
    nickname: cart or mad
    sexuality: pansexual
    character/realm: mad hatter from alice and wonderland
    gender: cis-male
    character appearance: mad hatter
    height: 5 feet and 11 inches
    weight: 174 lbs
    hair: blonde
    eyes: green
    distinguishing features: has piercing green eyes
    tattoos/piercings: one two

    personality: the thing about the carter is that he's mad. not in the sense that he needs to be put into a mental hospital but in the sense that his mind is thinking about an hundred different things at once. he is brilliant in his madness. but with this, he is also highly disturbed and temperamental. he tries not to think about the bad things, or at less do anything that reminds him of the bad things. he rather be in a state of consistent happiness and calm.

    you also cannot understand or really know what's in his mind unless you ask him. he's a quiet soul, rather then loud. that does not mean that he can't be dramatic, cause he most definitely can. he is also very loyal, once you earn his trust, there is barely anything you can do that can lose it. he'll will be there for you anytime and place. he's very brave, especially if his friends and family are being threaten. he's very kind-heartened, caring way too damn much. he's much like a child who needs someone to tell him that's it is alright to feel so much and everything. he's extremely wise also. giving you advice that you may not understand but need to hear. sometimes he doubts himself in time of needs. when he feels he cannot be enough for anyone but he gets through it with friends.

    vices: doubt, overprotective, quiet, brave, stubborn, and mad
    virtues: loyal, kind, caring, endurance, curious, honest, and gentle.
    likes: dark chocolate, ice cream, tea, fashion, kids, animals, and books
    dislikes: bad things, evil people, fanny packs, coffee, and being mean.

    carter remembers.......

    - his hat. the hat he got from the white queen. he will and would freak out if he loses that hat.

    - his best friend alice, the girl who made him feel like he was ok being mad as heck.

    - tea parties, a whole lotta them. he loves tea and hosting tea parties.

    relationships: tbd

    theme song: imagine dragons - believer

    Disney Magic
    type: modern
    power: illusion manipulation
    weapon: his acting skills



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James Hawkins
Treasure Planet


Character: Jim Hawkins

Realm: Treasure Planet

Alias: John Benbow

Nickname: Jimbo; Jimmy

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Height: 5'4

Weight: 128 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Distinguishing Features: Jim has a light stress line underneath one eye. He also has a gold earring on his left ear, and has a short, braided rattail at the back of his head.

Tattoos/Markings: Something that resembles a sailing ship floating among starry clouds, on his upper right arm.

Jim Hawkins is a very complicated young man. On the outside he might appear to be just a brooding teen, who is only really concerned about himself and how unfair his own situation is. In some regards it is true, as Jim is a bit of a rebel and can be very restless and discontented with both his situation and himself. He has a very pessimistic view of his life and feels like he has no future and no hope, and so he doesn't put much effort into things that he should be trying in, such as his education, getting along with others, and abiding by the rules. Instead he really only puts effort into the things that give him temporary freedom and enjoyment, even if it means taking extreme risks and going against some rules as well. Jim is also very impulsive, often doing or saying things without thinking. This is something that can also get him into a lot of trouble, and often does. Jim is very assertive when need be and hardly ever backs down from anything... which can also lead to many problems. He has a rather dry and sarcastic sense of humor, though at times he might playfully and lightheartedly tease when relaxed enough.

Despite Jim's rebel and trouble seeking exterior however, the true reason that he acts that way is because of the tragic event that happened early on in his childhood. The defining moment of his personality was the day that his father left him and his mother. Even before that, Jim had to grow up virtually without a father. Once his father had abandoned them for good however, the boy didn't know how to handle his grief and how to cope, and slowly he grew more distant from everyone around him. Many of his issues stem from his pain and despondency that came from that fateful event. One of the lasting effects that growing up without a father left on him is a deeply rooted need for validation, both from those he looks up to and even just from the way the general public might see him to a certain degree. He doesn't like having the reputation that he does, but he usually doesn't see any other way to break the cycle and actually prove to everyone that he's more than just a hopeless delinquent. When there is an opportunity to do so though, he would take it in a heartbeat. If there's a chance that he could do something right for once and make a positive impact on others by doing so, he'd put his whole heart into it. He will also work very hard if there's someone that he looks up to that he particularly wants to please, or if he thinks there's some way that he can make up for all the mistakes he's made. Most of all though, Jim craves approval, love, and guidance, especially from a father figure or anyone who will give him a chance. This can sometimes lead him into trouble, as at times he can be a bit too trusting or accepting of someone he admires or looks up to without taking much caution. Jim also does regret the pain or distress that he causes others, such as those close to him, whenever he makes a mistake or gets into frequent trouble. Jim simply feels stuck in a rut most of the time, with no way to get out, and no reason to pull himself out when he has no future in sight, and might as well never will.

One of Jim's traits that he shows plain as day is his avid curiosity to learn about people, places, or things that he has never seen or heard of before. Having come from a big, big universe where exploration was much easier, he still has that same eagerness to learn about new, interesting things. Any new information he is given he absorbs and keeps in mind. Jim is also actually quite intelligent and even inventive, with the potential to do great things. He is very resourceful, able to use his surroundings or even just random things lying around to his advantage. He is pretty good at tinkering, and is able to make pretty impressive things out of scrap or spare parts. He can be quite clever when he wants to be, even if he might put on the exterior of not being that bright.

Jim can also be very compassionate, and caring when he needs to be, being willing to help total strangers if it seems like they might really need help. He genuinely cares about those who have earned his respect or even friendship, being willing to confide and rely on them for support if so. Jim is also very loyal, so that when his loyalty would be earned, he would never abandon or falter. He does fear being abandoned however, and his trust could be easily damaged or broken by any deceit or lies. Even though his trust and loyalty might be fairly easy to gain, the same cannot be said for gaining it back. No matter what though, as long as his trust is uncompromised, his loyalty to whatever group or person he commits to is strong. When it comes to a group, he has decent enough leadership capabilities if it is needed, though sometimes his tendency to not think ahead can cause him to make missteps or errors in judgement in this regard. Jim is also quite sincere in what he does, once having opened up a little. He means everything that he does and says, even if he might be a bit misguided at times. Though he might try to hide all his feelings behind an uncaring and impassive attitude half the time, usually only a little prodding causes him to open up and be honest about his feelings and what's bothering him.

Now that Jim has been pulled out of his own world and barely remembers any of it, he now feels more disconcerted, confused, and lost than ever. However, his curiosity and determination to do what is right and find his way back home remains, no matter what might happen to him next.
All in all, Jim Hawkins is an individual that puts on a tough and uncaring exterior due to a pessimistic outlook, but deep down he is actually caring, hurting, and simply craving approval and redemption for past deeds, even if he does his best to hide these certain aspects underneath the exterior.

-Self Doubt


-Outer Space
-Stories of adventure or treasure
-Exploring the world
-Experiencing new things
-Inventing or creating something
-Pets of all shapes and sizes
-Accomplishing something great
-Earning approval
-Feeling like he belongs somewhere
-Being accepted
-Making those he cares about and looks up to proud

-Rules and regulations
-Being bossed around
-Excessive physical contact
-Bumbling clumsiness
-Unnecessary prattle
-Being judged or looked down on
-Deceit or betrayal
-Being abandoned
-Failing to accomplish something
-Other people suffering from his actions
-Disappointing those he cares about or looks up to

The three little snatches of his past life that Jim remembers are:

The day that his father left Jim and his mother, when he was just a young boy. He faintly remembers rushing down the steps of their house and down to the wharf, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He reached the wharf in time to see a ship begin to embark, the silhouette of his father standing on the deck just barely visible to him. The little boy desperately waved for the ship to stop, his mouth opening to cry out but no words coming out, but in the end he was too late. The sailing spaceship carried his father away from him, leaving him standing there, breathing heavily with a shocked expression on his face, all alone. The image of his heartbroken mother sobbing at their kitchen table with her head in her hands that day is permanently ingrained into Jim's memory.

The other memory is of his mother's inn, the one thing that she had worked tirelessly to maintain in order to keep them afloat, being engulfed in flame. He remembers staring blankly out the carriage window at the burning wreckage as he, his mother, and a family friend retreated from the carnage. He just barely remembers a round, circular orb resting in the palm of his hand as they fled. Again, the hopeless and pained expression on his mother's face resounds all too clearly in his mind. Somehow, when it comes to this memory, whenever thinking of it, Jim gets the distinct feeling that the flames licking up the roof and walls of the inn and destroying his mother's livelihood were his fault, somehow. He doesn't know why, or how, but for some reason he gets the feeling that by some mistake or lapse in judgement, he was the reason that the inn had gone up in flames. Knowing that he might have been the cause of the look on his mother's face as she buried her face in her hands during that terrible carriage ride makes the memory all the more painful.

The last memory is one that is not quite as unpleasant. Jim faintly remembers feeling the terrible, black void of a feeling that usually comes from whenever he screwed up and someone ended up paying for his mistakes. But then he also remembers a jovial, reassuring voice cutting through the darkness of his despair and guilt, saying words of encouragement and support. He doesn't remember all of the words that were said, but the most significant phrase of all of them is something he could never forget.
"Now listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in ya! But you gotta take the helm and chart your own course; stick to it! No matter the squalls. And when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you're made of... well, I hope I'm there, catchin' some of the light comin' off ya that day."
Those words, and the passionate sincerity in them, are a comfort to Jim, even whenever he thinks of them now. The last thing he remembers is being enveloped in the warmth of a comforting embrace. Two arms were wrapped firmly around him in a hug, one of the arms around his back having the cold hardness of robotic metal.
"Ah... it's alright, Jimbo. It's alright..."
Then whatever came after that moment simply gets swept away in Jim's mind by the warmth and reassurance of that particular moment in time, and nothing else comes after it when it comes to memories of his former life.
Jim doesn't remember who the being was that had comforted him that night with those words, but he wishes that he did. Sometimes he wonders, and secretly hopes, that the voice was his father's. Somehow though, this option doesn't seem very likely to him. He can only speculate, and also keep the hope inside that maybe someday, he might rediscover or remember who that person who had spoken and acted like a father to him was.
But sometimes, in Jim's dreams, the metallic hand wrapped soothingly around his back in the embrace suddenly turns into a sword. The blade, gleaming silver in the starlight, is then plunged into the back of the unsuspecting boy, the unexpectedly sinister and threatening laughter of the cyborg echoing throughout the entire vacuum of empty space.

All Jim knows is that once he had awoken from in this new, extremely unfamiliar world, he immediately felt as if he had just lost something. This feeling is a constant ache inside of him, even as he struggles to discover where exactly he is, and even who exactly he is. It's obvious enough for certain though, that he isn't exactly the most normal of humans.

Relationships: TBA, though one notable thing is that he does faintly remember his past relationships, such as his relationship with his mother and his close father-son bond with John Silver, even though he still barely remembers these at all.

Theme Song:

Type: Modern

Power: Pyrokinesis- a psychic ability that allows one to create or control fire with their mind. However, Jim can only create fairly small flames at best, rather then any raging infernos. He mainly uses this ability to create small bursts of fire from his feet in order to propel himself into the air and either fly or hover, though it is quite difficult to do so and he can't do it for long. He doesn't use this power much at all either, as his insecurities and faint memories make him afraid to do so, due to the power's mostly destructive nature.

Weapon: None for now.​
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  • Arthur "Artie" Jackson // Aladdin
    (Michael B. Jordan)


    Character: Aladdin
    Realm: Aladdin
    Alias: Arthur Jackson
    Nickname: Artie, The Diamond in the Rough
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Distinguishing Features: Dimpled Smile
    Tattoos/Markings: None

    Personality: A social butterfly, Artie has a very vibrant and open personality that can be a little intimidating to others, especially if that person doesn't know who he is. He's the kind of guy that wants to make people comfortable in awkward situations and, because of that, things can tend to go wrong when he tries to put things into his own hands. He's a bit of a control freak in that regard because he thinks that it's his responsibility to make other people happy, but he often neglects to make himself happy out of wanting to only do service for others. Despite this, Artie is very selfless and would give the shirt off his back for you while also cracking a joke to make light of any situation.
    Vices: Envious, Gullible, Critical
    Virtues: Selfless, Daring, Courageous
    Likes: Exercise, Animals, People, Traveling, Food
    Dislikes: Corruption, Cops, Snakes, Selfish People, Sadness
    History N' Such

    Disney Bio:

    Aladdin was born a street rat and lived most of his youth in poverty, though he maintained a warm heart and selfless nature in spite of his struggles. Aladdin never had a formal education, learning everything he knew from the streets of Agrabah. He met Jasmine during one of his thieving escapades, soon falling in love with her in the midst of an attempting political overthrowing by Jafar. With the help of Genie, Abu, and the Magic Carpet, Aladdin was able to stand up to Jafar and became a prince after marrying Princess Jasmine.

    New Memories:
    Be clear, Artie doesn't necessarily want to steal, but he has no choice.

    He has never met his biological father, which is common for a guy like him, but he also has never met his biological mother. Unable to have a conversation with either of his real parents, Artie did harbor bitter feelings as he reached his teenage years, but he decided that he would never be the kind of parent his mother and father was: abandoning their son without a trace. Because of this, Artie grew up in foster care and although the commercial and the notices about living in foster care seemed great and hopeful, no one truly knew the struggles that came with living in a home full og children that nobody wanted.

    Funds were low and tempers were high each day and Artie came in as one of the youngest children in the city. Yet, day by day, Artie watched child after child after child get claimed by loving families. Either some families could not conceive and wanted a young boy or girl all their own or there was some sort of philanthropic family that wanted a unique edition to the family. Regardless, Artie continued to get overlooked to the point where he went from being the youngest child in the facility to the oldest child entering young adulthood.

    Was he upset? Certainly. But that didn't mean he would sit idly by while the other children at the foster home went uncared for. It took a great deal of money to operate the facility, so Artie did what he had to do: steal food, money, and clothing from particular places and bring them back to the home. A 10-year-old wanted the latest pair of shoes? No problem! There wasn't enough food at the house for everyone? Let's go grab some pizza from the pizzeria across the street (and not pay for it!). Want to go to Disney World? Cool, let's steal some money from that businessman and load up the van!

    And that's exactly what happened. A benign visit to the Magic Kingdom was meant to serve as a field trip for his brothers and sisters. Now? Artie has woken up without any idea of what was going on or what was about to happen.

    Relationships: (TBA for now)
    Theme Song: Renegades by X Ambassadors
    Disney Magic

    Type: Renaissance
    Power: Enhanced Agility - User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort.
    Weapon: None

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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  • Selene Manson

    BASICS !

    Character Name || Sally Finklestein.
    Realm || The Nightmare Before Christmas.
    Age || Nineteen.
    Gender || Cis-gender Female.
    Sexuality || Heterosexual
    Theme || The Grand Romantic - Nate Ruess.


    Height ||Five foot, seven inches.
    Weight ||One hundred and twenty three pounds.
    Hair ||Fiery red.
    Eyes || Selene has heterochromia meaning her left eye is silvery blue and her right eye changing from grey to blue.
    Body Figure ||Lanky.
    Distinguishing Feature ||
    ➺ Hery eyes.


    Personality || Kind, honest and romantic describes Selene. Her brain works in mysterious ways and Selene is often a quick thinker and considered very intelligent with her lengthy knowledge on cooking, gardening and other niche yet strange skills. She's painfully shy, especially around others and often struggles to voice her opinion around others in fear of being rejected and isolated. Her curiousity can lead her be restless and Selene often struggles to stay in one place and relax, hence her fear of small spaces. But Selene is a romantic at heart, despite being naive at times, she's often very affectionate and motherly towards others.
    Vices || Restless | Curious | Naive | Shy.
    Virtues || Romantic | Motherly | Intelligent | Quick-thinker.
    Likes || Cooking, holidays, romance, gardening.
    Dislikes || Being scolded at, small spaces, loud areas, crowds.
    Habits || Drums her fingernails on surfaces.
    Fears ||
    Eremophobia The fear of isolation.
    Claustrophobia The fear of small spaces.

    IN DEPTH !

    ➺ Jack; of course Selene remembers him and the feelings she has for him. Sure, Jack and Selene may appear to be complete opposites personality wise, but Selene couldn't be happier with him.

    ➺ Reindeers; This memory is quite unusual to Selene since reindeers are supposed to have fur and flesh, but the ones she remembers are only made of bones.

    ➺ Halloween; Her favourite holiday, otherwise why would Halloween would be so important to her?


    Type... Renaissance.
    Power... Clairvoyance.

    Coded by revalia revalia
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  • 9b4ed447f55956d2a5bef829da8a8e6c.png

    If I had a world of my own,
    Character... Alice
    Realm... Alice in Wonderland
    Alias... Alison Grey
    Nickname... Alice | Ally
    Age... Eighteen
    Gender... Female
    Sexuality... Demi-sexual

    Type... Classic
    Power... Dream Walking - The ability to enter the dreams of another person.
    Weapon... N/A

    Eat Me
    Alison is an intelligent young girl with quite an active imagination, often resulting in day dreaming. She tends to twist reality into one of her own, the ones she creates in her mind. Imagining the episodes coming to life. The girl does believe in magic and the many wonders of the world so nothing less is expected. Alison strives to finding answers to riddles her mind cooks up which occasionally are solved through adventures. Loving the concept of finding new ideals.
    That being said Alison is not really out-going with just anyone that is not close to her. She is very much a person that prefers minding her own business. However, whenever someone is need of an ear or a shoulder to lean on, she has proven to be a good listener. The young girl is rather open minded despite her weird and trippy imagination at points. She is rather considerate.
    Vices... Extremely Sensitive | Naive | Shy
    Virtues... Inquisitive | Intelligent | Generous
    Likes... Flowers | Cats | Tea | Imagination | Adventures

    Dislikes... Red | Being told she is crazy | Mazes | Treats | Close-minds

    everything would be nonsense.
    Face-Claim... Scarlett Leithold

    Height... 5'3''
    Weight... 101 pounds

    Hair... Natural Blonde
    Eyes... Blue-Green

    Distinguishing Features
    ↪ Always wears a black band or a white bow
    Clothing Style... Simple and Quiet. Loves to wear denim dungarees in any form; pants dungarees to dress dungarees

    Drink Me
    Theme Song... Pity Party by Melanie Martinez
    A | L | I | C | E

    Disney/Current Biography
    Alice is sitting in a tree with her pet kitten, Dinah, listening to a history lesson being given from her older sister, who repeatedly reminds Alice to stop daydreaming and pay attention. Alice slips away with Dinah, going off about "a world of her own". Near a brook, she spots a white rabbit with a waistcoat and an over-sized pocket watch fretting endlessly over how late he is running. Filled with curiosity over what a rabbit could be late for, Alice hurries after him, begging the rabbit to wait. She follows the rabbit into a small rabbit hole, where the ground gives way, and she tumbles end over end down an endless black hole. Her dress catches her fall like a parachute, slowing her descent, and after floating past assorted household objects such as chairs and pictures aloft in the hole, she lands safely at the bottom. She continues her pursuit of the rabbit to a round, cavernous room with doors on all sides. At one door, in particular, is a cheerful doorknob placed on a door too small for her. At the advisement of the doorknob, Alice drinks from a bottle on the table (which magically appears). Alice drinks the drink (after considering that it may be poison) and says it taste like a cherry tart, custard, pineapple, and roast turkey. As she says this, she shrinks to just the right size. She goes up to the doorknob and is about to turn the knob when he informs her that he's locked. Alice is saddened by this, but the doorknob says (assumes) Alice has the key, which Alice doesn't. The key then magically appears on the table. Alice tries to climb the table but can't due to her small size. The doorknob suggests Alice try the box which also magically appears. Alice opens the box and finds it full of cookies. She takes a bite of one and grows to giant size. Upset by this, Alice begins to cry giant drops of water that turn the room into a pool of her own tears. The doorknob sees the bottle and tells Alice. Alice drinks from the bottle, shrinks, and falls into the empty bottle. The bottle is washed through the keyhole and enters Wonderland.
    Once on the shore, the white rabbit appears and dashes into the nearby forest. Alice follows, but is delayed by the appearance of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The two comical chums entertain her with the story of The Walrus and the Carpenter until Alice realizes she is wasting time. Taking leave of the two, Alice finally stumbles upon the white rabbit's home and meets him face to face, but he mistakes her for his housemaid Mary Ann. He orders her to retrieve his gloves from the house. While upstairs, Alice innocently eats a cookie from a jar on the table, but grows to giant size once again with her arms and legs shooting out the windows and doors of the house trying to pull herself out. Seeing what has happened, the white rabbit enlists the help of Dodo, who resolves to set fire to the house and smoke the monster out. Spotting a garden, Alice eats one of the rabbit's carrots and shrinks very small. Alice is then able to exit the house and resume her pursuit of the white Rabbit, who has realized how late he is and taken off.
    After losing the rabbit a second time, she has a marginally pleasant interaction with a bed of live, talking flowers. However, when she fails to adequately answer their questions of who she is, they label her as a "weed" and rudely oust her from the garden. Afterward, she encounters a snobby, hookah-smoking caterpillar who shows her a mushroom that can enlarge or shrink her before turning into a butterfly and flitting off. Alice breaks off two pieces of the mushroom and finds that a small nibble from one of the pieces returns her to normal size. She places the two pieces in her apron pockets and resumes her journey through the forest. Alice then meets the mischievous, perpetually-grinning Cheshire Cat, perched in a tree. After a vexing conversation, the cat suggests she visit the Mad Hatter and March Hare.
    The Cheshire cat vanishes into thin air, and although she does not want to come across mad people, Alice pays a visit to the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Dormouse. The trio are at an enormous table laden with teapots and kettles, sipping tea, and celebrating one of their 364 unbirthdays. Alice and the trio become friends until they seem to be even madder than they appear. After several failed attempts at a civilized conversation, an exasperated Alice becomes fed up with their madness and storms away. Before she does, however, the white rabbit appears and rushes through the party, only to be stopped by the Mad Hatter, who was intrigued upon hearing of the rabbit's tardiness. He claims his watch is the fault, and believes its two days slow, leading to be and the March Hare volunteering to "fix" it. Their efforts merely make things worse, to the point where the watch goes mad and is destroyed by the Hare. The white rabbit sadly gathers the ruined pieces, heartbroken as it was an unbirthday present, and the trigger word causing the rabbit to be thrown out during the Mad Hatter and March Hare's reprise of their Unbirthday song, leaving Alice chasing after the rabbit once more.
    Declaring she has had enough nonsense, Alice decides to find her way home, no longer interested in the rabbit. As she continues on her way she realizes she has come to an unfamiliar part of the forest. Here she encounters a plethora of peculiar animals, who divert her attention even further into the unknown. A resigned Alice reaches her breaking point and starts to believe she may never see her home again and sobs in distress. As she cries, the Cheshire Cat appears in a nearby tree to comfort her, to her utter delight. Alice wails that she is done with following white rabbits and wants to find her way home. The cat directs her to a secret passageway to a twisting hedge maze surrounding a castle.
    Alice enters the hedge maze and comes across a palace garden with white rose trees. There, she finds a trio of cheery Club playing cards armed with paintbrushes painting the roses red. The cards explain to her how they planted the white roses by mistake and they are trying to correct themselves since the penalty is losing their heads. Alice willingly lends a hand, but they are all halted upon the arrival of their boss, a mean, horrible, loudmouthed villain named the Queen of Hearts, along with the diminutive king, and an entourage of spear-toting card soldiers. In a panic, the three grounds workers try to shift the blame to one another, but the belligerent Queen sends them off to be executed. Alice tries to plea for them, but the Queen strongarms Alice into a game of croquet. Although she has played before, Alice is surprised to see the mallets and balls are flamingos and hedgehogs respectively. The entire game operates under the Queen's constant threat of beheading. The card soldiers, serving as the brackets, are careful to place themselves in front of the rolling ball, and the flamingos and hedgehogs dare not upset her. Alice is not so lucky with her own flamingo, who tickles, embarrasses, and wrestles with the girl. The Cheshire Cat appears in and out of game-play, but only to Alice. The Queen is quickly angered by Alice's repeated claims that the cat is there. When the cat plays a trick on the Queen, she eagerly orders Alice's execution, but king manages to earn her a trial. Her trial is a convoluted, nonsensical proceeding full of irrelevant hearings from the March Hare and Mad Hatter and imaginary evidence against Alice. When the Cheshire Cat orchestrates another trick against the Queen, Alice receives the blame again. Alice gobbles down the pieces of mushroom in her apron and shoots toward the ceiling to tower over the courtroom. Alice brushes away the attacking card soldiers carelessly and refuses to leave the courtroom, despite Rule #42 stating that people more than a mile high cannot be present. Alice calls the Queen a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant, just as she realizes the other mushroom piece has returned her to normal size. The Queen screams out "Off with her head!!" and the card soldiers swarm her.
    In the confusion, Alice escapes the castle and the hedge maze and flees through the previously visited segments of Wonderland. When she arrives back at the doorknob, she looks through the keyhole and sees herself asleep under a tree. She begs herself to wake up as the infuriated inhabitants of Wonderland advance on her. Alice awakens to the sound of her sister asking her to recite her history lesson. The dazed Alice only spouts out some nonsensical poetry, much to her sister's exhaustion. Alice then picks up Dinah and they all return home for tea time.


    Coded by revalia revalia
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background-size: 170%; background-position: 35% 15%; border: 5px solid #9eb483; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; transition: 1s [/class] [class name=image02 state=hover]filter: saturate(120%) brightness(105%) [/class] [class=wordscontainer02]height: 25px; width: 100%; padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid white; font-weight: 400; font-size: 11px; line-height:17px; font-family:'Comfortaa', display; [/class] [class=nameword02]display: inline-block; font-size:12px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; color: #86A265 [/class] [class=text]height: 245px; width: 230px; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 48px; left: 0px [/class] [class=overflow]height: 100%; width: 96%; padding-right: 5px; overflow: auto [/class] [class=box02]height:15px;padding:1px 5px 2px 5px;display:inline-block;color:white;background: #78915a;font-weight: 700 [/class] [div class=tcontain2] [div class=timagecontain2] [div class=timage01][div class=timage02]
    [/div][/div] [div class=miniwords01]the forest seemed to call to her [div class=miniwords02]and she answered, eagerly and with great joy[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs02][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
    [div class=tabs02][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]persona[/div][/div][/div]
    [div class=tabs02][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]biography[/div][/div][/div]
    [div class=tabs02][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]extra[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div] [div class=image02][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer02][div class=nameword02]farrah hightower[/div]
    the requisite[/div] [div class=text][div class=overflow] [div class=box02]character[/div] Jane Porter

    [div class=box02]realm[/div] Tarzan

    [div class=box02]alias[/div] Farrah Hightower

    [div class=box02]nickname[/div] None (though she enjoys the idea of having one)

    [div class=box02]age[/div] 17

    [div class=box02]gender[/div] Cisgender Female

    [div class=box02]sexuality[/div] Bisexual

    [div class=box02]appearance[/div] Jane

    [div class=box02]faceclaim[/div] Gigi Ringel

    [div class=box02]voiceclaim[/div] Daisy Ridley

    [div class=box02]height[/div] 5'8

    [div class=box02]weight[/div] 130 pounds

    [div class=box02]hair[/div] Light brown

    [div class=box02]eyes[/div] Green

    [div class=box02]distinguishing features[/div] Her very curly hair[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image02 style="background-image:url(http://0169acf2b41053510793-a17828a56d1fe6987c3860aa718002a9.r21.cf3.rackcdn.com/10492_47fddd9a-80cf-43a5-883e-4885428521b5.jpg);background-size:300%;background-position:center 0%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer02][div class=nameword02]farrah hightower[/div]
    the persona[/div] [div class=text][div class=overflow] [div class=box02]personality[/div] Farrah may best be described as odd or eccentric and neither of these would be wrong. She seems to be quite contradicting in her personality. She can be so paranoid around strangers, but she's truly a people person. She is hesitant and cautious of everything, and at the same time, her heart yearns to explore the world. This can have Farrah feel like she is in a conflict with herself - trying to be herself while upholding standards.

    In reality, Farrah is more of a free thinker than anything. She has her own style and she embraces it. Her interesting, simple bohemian style is one that is seen as charming, but it's also quite different to how she acts with her family. She shows a large amount of wisdom and can quickly examine situations, as well as find solutions. She is careful with her words and actions and is very meticulous when it comes to planning. She makes sure not to come off as rude or spontaneous in any way.

    [div class=box02]vices[/div] Independent, paranoid, self-deprecating, hesitant, melancholic

    [div class=box02]virtues[/div] Charismatic, wise, gentle, adventurous, peacemaking

    [div class=box02]likes[/div] Nature, most music (but especially indie/alternative), chamomile tea, animals, laughter, warm weather, traveling to new places

    [div class=box02]dislikes[/div] Social standards, being called a hippie, the cold, rainy days (despite England being quite rainy), pet dander, complete darkness, gossip[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image02 style="background-image:url(https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1888/0111/files/Look_1_Posse_x_Gigi_05_copy_2048x2048.jpeg?v=1517966966);background-size:400%;background-position:50% 50%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer02][div class=nameword02]farrah hightower[/div]
    the biography[/div] [div class=text][div class=overflow] [div class=box02]disney history[/div] Jane Porter was an American woman who lived during the Victorian period. Her father, the esteemed Archimedes Porter, was an animal researcher who often studied the behavior of certain animals. Jane herself was an artistic animal researcher, drawing detailed sketches depicting wildlife in different natural habitats. Her most important expedition was when she and her father traveled to the African jungle to study the behavior of gorillas. Unexpectedly, she came into contact with a human man who had apparently been abandoned in the jungle and acted as one of the gorillas. He couldn't speak very well and he was somewhat unkempt. Despite this, the prim and proper Jane fell in love with the ape man, who was called Tarzan.

    After Tarzan's aftermath with William Clayton, a cruel man who was planning on kidnapping and selling the gorillas of the African jungle, Jane stayed with Tarzan. He became the king of the gorillas and she soon learned to adapt to life in the jungle, though she retained her proper disposition and tried to remain "civilized". They became married and lived happily ever after . . .

    [div class=box02]history[/div] Farrah was born to the rather average Hightower family in London, England as the oldest of three children. Her parents were both law attorneys, and life was quite busy and somewhat boring for the children. They were upper middle-class, but their lives were quite normal. Farrah got average grades and attended an average public school, so nothing was very interesting.

    What she did have was a deep interest in nature. London was quite urban and was full of tall buildings, so she didn't get to spend much time in nature. However, her family would go on vacation during the summer, usually residing in hotels near the coast. Rather than staying inside the hotel, Farrah preferred going out on the beach or just in nature generally. She particularly loved forests, for some reason. She always felt safe and secluded when walking with her family in the midst of the trees.

    Middle school was a very . . . interesting time for Farrah. Around this time, she began falling in love with the world around her and she became more friendly. She began to develop her own style, which was quite floral and "hippie". She had a close group of friends whom she shared everything with. They were like sisters to her, but then one day, she found that a few of them were gossipping about her and spreading rumors behind her back.

    Farrah became very upset, obviously, and she felt very angry towards them. She wanted nothing to do with them, but the girls were somewhat popular, so she saw them often. She just wanted to leave the place and begged her parents to place her in another school. They would not, and a year later, the former friends were all withdrawn from the school, for unknown reasons. It was quite worrying, since they were pulled out at a random time.

    When she was 15, her family immigrated to the United States, specifically the state of Florida. It was a big change and Farrah did quite well in high school. There was a lot of sunshine, which she enjoyed, and though she was still paranoid about her earlier situations with those friends, she quickly became friends with more genuine people.

    Two years later, the family was going on vacation. They were being indecisive and didn't know where they wanted to go. The youngest ones, Claire and Edward, proposed Disneyland, and at first, no one wanted to go. With their persistent begging and lack of other choices, they all agreed to it. One minute, she's safe and sound with her family, and the next, she wakes up, not knowing where she is.[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image02 style="background-image:url(https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0994/7298/files/fella_02a_1024x1024.jpg?v=1519779849);background-size:550%;background-position:22% 5%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer02][div class=nameword02]farrah hightower[/div]
    the extras[/div] [div class=text][div class=overflow] [div class=box02]relationships[/div] TBA!

    [div class=box02]theme song[/div] Heartlines - Florence and the Machine

    [div class=box02]type[/div] Renaissance

    [div class=box02]power[/div] Environmental Adaptation: Farrah has the ability to adapt to certain environments. They don't just have to be certain climates, but may also be areas that are very hot, cold, low/high in air pressure, etc. Currently, she doesn't even realize she has this power (since she's a Renaissance character).

    [div class=box02]weapon[/div] None[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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Character: Honey Lemon/Aiko Miyazaki
Realm: Big Hero 6

Alias: Marisol Takahashi
Nickname: Mari

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: (faceclaim: Alexa Vega)

Height: 5’ 1’’
Weight: 106 pounds
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Features: A pair of big, bright pink glasses
Tattoos/Markings: She’s got some perpetual dark spots on her wrists where latex gloves don’t cover- silver nitrate stains and there’s really nothing she can do about it. She also has a pink streak in her hair, although she doesn’t remember why it’s there- she does know it was meant to match with purple, though.

Marisol is, true to her name, a ball of living sunshine. She is outgoing, extroverted, and an eternal optimist who constantly believes the best of people, which can end badly. But it can also end very well, and Mari has always been a big believer in taking the good with the bad. This also means that oftentimes when someone is trying to hurt her, she’ll just kinda deny it up to the point where they actually attack her, like throwing a car at her or something- wait, that’s a weird example. Why’d that . . . anyway, she’s also a quick thinker, and good at using what she has around her. It’s kind of a necessity, but her field is chemistry after all- the study of all the stuff in the universe! She might as well know how to use it. This also ties into the fact that she’s very observant, and good at putting pieces together- give her a couple clues and she’ll be able to figure out the whole picture. It’s just like balancing a chemical equation- you just have to know how the pieces link.

The most important thing, however, about Marisol is that she is alive, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes (even if she has this strange feeling that she’s supposed to be taller). She is brimming with energy, and nowhere does this show as well as when she’s got a good reaction going. Her pride and joy is discovering new ways to click the universe together- by heating it, mixing it, distilling it, decomposing it, combusting it-- that’s where she feels most at home. If there’s one thing she is, it’s passionate. She’s also got a phone with her and she loves taking pictures. She’s not sure why she feels that way, but there’s a niggling voice in the back of her mind that says, “Vas a salir pronto- tome los fotos para memorias.” So she does. Marisol also is a bit of an adrenaline junkie- most teachers would frown at her strange predilection for explosions and mild disregard of lab safety. She can’t really bring herself to care; she makes sure no one gets hurt, and anyway the stuff she’s doing is amazing. Marisol is absolutely certain she’s going to change the world someday, whether by creating new environmentally friendly fertilizers or chemical metal embrittlement solutions for getting people out of earthquake rubble. She just has to figure out why this world doesn’t feel like hers first.



Likes: danger, the color pink, baking, selfies, explosions, Latin music, chemistry (obviously)

Dislikes: masks, arguing, silence, her height, confrontation, too much salt on anything

If she thinks, if she tries, she can almost recall a few things about- about- it has something to do with the odd feeling she keeps getting, and that’s all she knows. But she remembers something, so it’s progress.

There’s a girl, that much she knows. And a boy- four other boys, actually, because STEM gender ratios are always off. And . . . something? Big, white, puffy, and very much a friend, but she can’t get more than that. But she remembers the girl- not her name or anything, but little moments: ice cream somewhere after a day in the labs, behind her on her motorcycle, hair streaming in the wind, that one time she stained both their clothes bright blue for weeks. She had a purple streak in her hair- that much, Marisol is sure of. Maybe that’s why she’s got her pink one? Marisol is also vaguely sure they meant something to each other, but she doesn’t remember enough to know. All she can really remember, for sure, is a single image, like a snapshot of some kind. They're moving forward, towards the future, maybe? She's not one hundred percent sure, but she knows they're together, a team- right, a team: one boy in green with blades, a boy in blue with flames, a much smaller boy in red on the back of said puffy something, although said puffy something is no longer puffy? It's confusing. There's the girl, though, except now she's in yellow and on wheels and Mari remembers she's fast, faster than anyone or pretty much anything else humans have created. And she's there, too, in pink with a purse, but when she looks down at her purse there's nothing really special about it and she doesn't know why she remembers so differently.

And- a fire, an explosion- holding that small boy in her arms and thinking, Tadashi. Tadashi's gone. Who is Tadashi? Why is he important? She couldn't tell you. All Mari knows is that he died, somewhere in that fire, and the boy . . . . is his brother, right, and she needs to protect him. She's going to fail, she knows that (a flash of red, -- destroy, and then that sudden headache whenever she tries to remember anything more than what she's been given) but she has to try. The boy is curled up against her, sobbing, and the others are around her, the flames reflected in wide eyes. Some she remembers from the image- the timeline's a mess, but she's seen them before. Others she doesn't. But she knows, at least, that this is where it begins.

There are other things, smaller ones: a sort of ship, in a pile of rubble, and the crushing sense of loss (again? Why would it be again, she doesn’t know.) And a voice, or two, that sound almost similar but not quite, mingling in her head and repeating over and over again: look for a new angle. What does it mean? Why does she know it? Mari doesn’t have answers. But it feels important, so she keeps it in mind. Look for a new angle, they say, and she doesn’t know who they are but she knows they matter to her. So she looks- and in her experience, she tends to find one.

Relationships: Give her a hot sec to figure out everything else first, okay? She barely even remembers who she was right now.

Theme Song: Bajo El Mismo Sol, by Alvaro Soler

Type: Modern

Power: Marisol is basically a living catalyst. If she wants a reaction, she’s going to get one- give her a flame and magnesium and boom- flashbang. She can pull concentrated hydrogen peroxide from the air and use the acid, she can make hydrogen gas burst into flame, and she can make a glowing splint pop so loud it hurts. This also means she’s got an instant knowledge of what has what elements, and she can also “refine” said element- in other words, she can pull the atoms of a certain element together in order to create a reaction.

Weapon: None. She does have a permanently glowing splint in her purse though- it never seems to set anything on fire unless she wants it to. But it doesn’t go out, and she doesn’t really get it but it’s way too useful to give up.
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"L A N I"



Moana Waialiki
Alias...Leilani Kaiea

Weight...115 lbs
Distinguishing Feature(s)...Always wearing a flower, hair always a frizzy mess
Tattoos/Markings...None yet

Leilani has a giving, golden heart. With every smile she offers, it feels as if she shines a bit brighter. Lani is known for not following the pack, enjoying her own opinion and decisions more than those of others, even those she's friendly with. Leilani can be very stubborn, as it is usually her way or the highway, but when she's wrong, then Lani is a quiet bashful mess. Leilani hates to be proven wrong, since she does think her ways of handling things are better, but she will always offer a thanks when necessary and won't skimp out on praises if something else works best. Lani has dealt with men thinking they were better than her due to her gender, and because of that, Leilani, out of spite, feels that she must prove the opposite. Regardless of her somewhat tenacious behavior, Leilani is very loyal and caring, wanting to be a good friend to whoever turns to her. Now, if she could only get over her spite....

Vices...Eccentric, impulsive, stubborn, rebellious, unruly
Virtues...Daring, spirited, intelligent, adventurous, caring, vivacious
Likes...The water, chickens, pigs, coconuts, being self-sufficient, boating, doing what she wants,
Dislikes...Men thinking they're "taking charge", crabs, pressure, those interrupting her chosen path, the phrase "you're welcome", stealing, tiny coconut creatures,
Habits...Talking to pool water, fishing, arguing with fountains, navigating, laughing in the showers, stargazing, kidnapping chickens, swimming,
Fears...Losing the world due to selfishness. Forgetting who she truly is. Disappointing her grandmother.


Lani remembers:​
1) Realizing her ancestors were voyagers; her grandmother had brought her out to a secret cave and there, she had a vision of her family's true history....​
2) Going off on her journey with Maui to save the world from Te Kā; here she learned that she was to save the world, not Maui....​
3) Giving the Heart of Te Fiti back to Te Kā, transforming the latter back into the former; saving her village and the world from disintegration while becoming the new cheiftan in her family....​

Lani's family lived closer to the ocean than to the town, that is what she believes. Leilani believes she is the daughter of an important family, that she has a journey to set upon, but for some reason...none of it is staying together in her mind. She gets loose memories of singing, of the ocean, of the world becoming ash and blooming again before her eyes, of her calling, but it is faint. The only thing that has stayed stagnant in her washed-up memories has been the ocean's guidance. Everything feels muddled, but as long as she has the ocean by her side, she believes nothing can go wrong and that she is on the right path.

Theme Song...TBD

Power...Ocean Ladyship; she can command water to do her bidding. It may talk back in its own liquid way.

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"B E A"



Betty Boop
Realm...Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Alias...Beatrice Jennings
Nickname(s)...Bea ("Bee"), Boop (If you know her)

Weight...115 lbs
Distinguishing Feature(s)...Slight Long Island accent; hair is always short, never goes past a medium-length bob; always wearing red lipstick if not black; perfect makeup??? dang; also yes the garter exists. she wouldn't be her without it
Tattoos/Markings...Gold hoops and bangles are kind of her thing.

Bea is a very carefree person. She knows how to get what she wants, but most of the time, all she wants is company. Beatrice loves to go through her life without causing problems or tension with others, but she is aware of her appeal and how that can make things rough. Despite her natural tendencies to flirt as if it were her first language and have a good time, Bea is an easy person to talk to about things that delve deeper than what shade of red she's wearing today. Her gentle, kind, and light-hearted nature is what shines through first, but anyone who knows her well knows she can't keep herself focused on one thing at a time. Anything that is considered "unladylike" - drinking, partying, wearing short skirts, dancing, playing her music a little too loud, staying up late, being free with her sexuality - is a thing Bea is already known for doing around campus. What can she say - she's a sucker for a good time!

Vices...Pretty people, good parties, any hint of trouble, any hint of fun, a good beat
Virtues...Fun-loving, tender-hearted, quick thinker, romantic, humble, bold
Likes...Good vibes, old tunes, entertaining, animals, flirt-offs, gold, swaying to music
Dislikes...Aggression, tension, fighting, being harassed, being ignored, forgetting anything, being surprised
Habits...Singing, flirting, dancing, looking for a party, referring to people as "sugar", winking, cuddling, enjoying some bubbly
Fears...Being forgotten. Losing her individuality. Being one-upped.


Beatrice grew up with too many siblings to count. The Jennings were kind of like the old lady who lived in a shoe; the children kept multiplying and it made living there difficult. Because of this Annie-like living situation, Bea basically slipped through the cracks when it came to proper parenting. Beatrice was finally taught something along the lines of good advice from the people on the streets she met as she went along, from stoop to stoop, until she made her way to a club. Beatrice doesn't really remember much before this, if she were to be honest. The working girls took her and a bunch of her close friends in immediately, and she grew up under their wings, learning street smarts as well as a few tricks to keep up her sleeve. Under their care, Beatrice grew up into a lovely, free, young woman. Beatrice was so in love with her new home that she ended up working alongside her surrogate sisters, singing and dancing without a care in the world with the stagename "Boop". She'd made a pretty great living for herself, but for some reason, Bea thought something was missing. The girls were kind enough to provide her with a means to get an education, but she wanted more. So she applied to university, to see a new perspective. Maybe this academia thing wouldn't be so bad!

(She now knows how wrong she was, but hey. It never hurts to keep smiling!)

Theme Song...Company by Tinashe (x) / You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile from Annie (x) (x)

Power...Mimicry Form; Beatrice can impersonate anyone she's met and talked to for more than five minutes, either by turning into them or just using their voice. This lasts for around two hours before Beatrice gets worn out.

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