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Fantasy Discovery

Fae Magic

I am made of memories
The northern city of Discovery was a fort built into the side of a great mountain when the country was first founded and was the country's strongest city. It was where the royals fled to in times of danger and where the Guild, the country's protectors, were based. In days of old it had been nothing more than a military base but now it was teaming with people like any other city - the only different was that it was still heavily guarded. Guards patrolled the higher outer wall that jutted from the mountain's face and there were two guards stationed at the reinforfed steel gates, the only exit or entrance to the city.

The guards at the gate were in charge of making sure nobody suspicious got into the city so Arabella found herself being patted down while the other guard searched her bag. Standard proceedure but not something Arabella particularly enjoyed and wad the reason she had never been to the city before.

"Unmarried?" The guard holding her passport open asked in a gruff voice while her arms were patted for weapons. The guard was suprised to see a faerie, as it stated her to be such on her passport, unmarried at such an age and travelling alone but the only answer he recieved was a stiff nod. Shrugging it off, the guard got Arabella to confirm her name and date and place of birth before he allowed her access into the city. Relieved, Arabella smiled as she took her passport and knelt to reorganise her bag at the side of the cobbled road. Just as she was rerolling one of her dresses to fit in back into the bag, a higher ranking Guild Member walked over to speak to one of the guards.
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