
"L..Lee please get up, you can't lay in bed like this." The medium boy Slowlyslid up onto his right arm as he rubbed his eyes with his left hand. His mother pushing away his hair she gave him a sweet smile. " You've slept half of the day, weneed to go to the market." Lee yawned covering his mouth. "how with what money." his mother pulled away from him , trying to hide her frown. "i um we just have friends." Lee slipped our of bed pushing the blanket back toward the broken wall. " let me get dressed.

He walked toward the small bathroom that lied bewtween the kitchen and back door, that only led to more town houses.He slipped on his geans that had holes near the knees and his upper thigh. HHe had put on a shirt with long sleves and were ripped at the end. His hair was perfect and long, silky and smooth so it rarely messed up. He grabbed a wallet that only held fourty cents. " m..mother." His mother was by the door her hands tightly wrapped around her wallet. He walked toward her holdign her shoulder. " are you ok" His mother looked back and gave him areasuring smile." no worries my son."

He opend the door sliding past his mother's body and pushing the door wide open. Stepping out he leads his mother down a street but away from the upper class. Men stared at her and whistled for her to come over. Lee shot a glare toward the men arousing them more since he to looked beautiful. He let out a sigh leading her down another alley toward a market. " i have fourty cents." His mother looked around , sppoting some fish but cost way to much. " it's ok son i have freinds..after your fther left."Lee patted her shoulder. " no need to talk about him."
The two getting cornered had to stop before they reached the opening to the street. Gripping onto his mother's waist and hand , he held her close as he glared at the men. He didn't want to say anything that would rub the men the wrong way sicne he had no fire power, and his body wasn't built to fight, let alone hold an object that can do harm. His mother on the other hand wasn't as worried as much. She smiled when she heard a man's name. Trying to break through the crowd she was able to wave a hand up in the air, as a sign of thanks. " mother" The mother turned around and gave him a warm smile as the others began to break off.

"see i told you everythign would be fine." Lee frowned but was shook in fear when one of the men that surrounded them bumped into him. Leaving with such few words he whispered into lee's ear. " be careful at night." The man smirked while walking off. His mother leading him toward the man that had saved him, she smiled. Lee held his head down, his hair covering his eyes as he gritted his teeth. He was at the top, the second best company. He had money, a big house, fans, people that did his very bidding. Now he was down here in the slums, he used to call these people trash but now he could only call himself trash.

Before stopping she turned back toward lee. " smile and no frowns." Lee looked up a little shocked that she could tell his emotions. "..mother." The mother turend around and shook her head. " a mother always know."The mother stopped about a few incehs away from the man as she held onto lee's arm. " Hello, um i would like to say thank you, you got us out of a sticky bind there." She held out her hand for him to shake or at least hold. Lee looked up toward the man , his eyes widend a bit. "mother you dont" The mother barged in before he could finish his words. " people must always say thank you to their protectors..weather we are upper or lower class people..but as of know we are on the same level no." She smiled toward the man.
The woman pulled her hand back. " They would not know my vocation since i was born onthe streets but lived a some what high life." Lee looked down the street to find a way to escape this conversatoin his mother forced to continue. He , didn't realizethat his name was being spew from her mouth. "your wounds..lee can help you with him, he's very good at medics." She smiled toward him walking clsoer. Lee turned around and walked with her. " wait what." TThe mother didn't listen to lee but continued to talk. " we have bandages back at the hose, you could stop by."

"mother we stepped outside just to get food." The mother looked bac ksighing. " Wouldn't it be nice if we had a conversation in a while..or you for that maatter, after the crash and yourcompany shutting down you've completly became anti social." An idea popped in her head as she took Lee's wrist and moved him up to the side infront of behind her. Taking the puch of money he had and replacing it with a mind and a few bandages she carries with her just for safty she smiled up at him. " Be a good boy and talk to your new friend while motherr get the supplies we need." Lee showed a sign of protest when he darted glares between hiss mother and the man. "why..why hsould i have to stay."

"you are in no condition to be just roaming this place by yourserlf." His tone of voice changed, trying to deman his rights in coming along. "i told you i had friends lee, now enough of this idle chit chat talk to him." She patted his shoulder then bowed toward the man who saved him. Taking her leave she walks to the corner of the street. As son as she gets there a group of men surround her. Lee reaching out his hand he pulls it back when he see's them bow and smile with her. He sighed a little turning back toward the man. He didn't want to talk to him let alone bandages him up. " i can bandage them."

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