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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick LazyDaze LazyDaze FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Valky-Nyan Valky-Nyan Zufaix Zufaix
Quick announcement.
Given how I've been misreading posts and failed to keep track of certain details in general, I am convinced that I am no longer in the right mind to write.
With that said, I'm going to take a two-weeks break from this to reorg myself. Will do roll-call upon my return, and if you want out now, please let me know.
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick LazyDaze LazyDaze FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Valky-Nyan Valky-Nyan Zufaix Zufaix
Quick announcement.
Given how I've been misreading posts and failed to keep track of certain details in general, I am convinced that I am no longer in the right mind to write.
With that said, I'm going to take a two-weeks break from this to reorg myself. Will do roll-call upon my return, and if you want out now, please let me know.
Asians and their drinking culture, smh.

Jk, jk, mate. Take care and I hope your two weeks heal your soul.
Quick announcement.
Given how I've been misreading posts and failed to keep track of certain details in general, I am convinced that I am no longer in the right mind to write.
With that said, I'm going to take a two-weeks break from this to reorg myself. Will do roll-call upon my return, and if you want out now, please let me know.

That's all good. Take the time to rest up, chill out.

Definitely staying, though. Mecha is a rare genre of RP.
Quick announcement.
Given how I've been misreading posts and failed to keep track of certain details in general, I am convinced that I am no longer in the right mind to write.
With that said, I'm going to take a two-weeks break from this to reorg myself. Will do roll-call upon my return, and if you want out now, please let me know.

Take all the time you need! Rest is important for keeping your mind and body healthy. I'll be here when you get back 🫡
Oh. You mean those.
Ok, yeah, you are more than welcome to take refuge here with me. Long as you don't mind me burning out at times like this.

That's fine. I can count very few RPs with the same level of detail on my hand, which is really awesome.

And here, I won't be pinged about useless shit like server partnerships that don't seem to go anywhere, admins bellowing in the announcement channel demanding activity or else, players who don't communicate and get offended when their character loses...
That's fine. I can count very few RPs with the same level of detail on my hand, which is really awesome.

And here, I won't be pinged about useless shit like server partnerships that don't seem to go anywhere, admins bellowing in the announcement channel demanding activity or else, players who don't communicate and get offended when their character loses...
This gave me ptsd to the modern/realistic rps I used to partake in.
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian koala koala Midrick Midrick LazyDaze LazyDaze FiveElemental FiveElemental Steve Jobs Steve Jobs ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe LostHaven LostHaven TheRealAngeloftheStorm TheRealAngeloftheStorm ERode ERode Valky-Nyan Valky-Nyan Zufaix Zufaix
Quick announcement.
Given how I've been misreading posts and failed to keep track of certain details in general, I am convinced that I am no longer in the right mind to write.
With that said, I'm going to take a two-weeks break from this to reorg myself. Will do roll-call upon my return, and if you want out now, please let me know.
Take your time my friend. Burn out is a real thing.

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