Dirty Money


Junior Member


Appearance(Realistic Preferred)~



History(Parents occupations, use of any drugs or alcohol, any history of unfair treatment, neglection, sexual abuse etc)~


Biggest Secret~






Sebastian Nicolai Black

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/avan-jogia-3.jpg.1e36c31ee11ed9a68235a2ffbabfe2a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/avan-jogia-3.jpg.1e36c31ee11ed9a68235a2ffbabfe2a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age(16-19)~ 19


History~ His father , Stiles Black , is some big shot stockholder/international drug dealer who also dabbled in sex slaves. His mother, Sylva Harris, was one of the unfortunate Mistresses that Stiles abused and impregnated. She hid her pregnancy to avoid being forced into an abortion and six years later showed up at the door step of one of Stiles vacation homes with a unknowing Sebastian. Sylva was a gutsy yet foolish woman who dared to stand up to Stiles for her child. She blackmailed the man and forced him to claim his illegitimate child: doing what she believed would secure Sebastians' future and prevent him from wanting or needing anything. Little did she know that Stiles was an evil man, more so than she had thought. The sick bastard was a drunk. A drunk man such as him paired up with a 'rare beauty' such as Sebastian was not a good idea. Stiles overpowered the young undeveloped toddler body of the young Sebastian and 'trained' it. He drilled this motto into Sebastians head. "Your purpose in life is to fulfill my every desire. I. Own. You." Stiles bribed other big shots in the same field of business with Sebastians body, using him to seal big deals and to entertain the higher ups. Sebastian was introduced to drugs at the age of 10 and started using them soon after. He's become tolerant of both drugs and alcohol, never getting drunk or too high even when taking those in large quantities, the only times when he does get shitfaced drunk or higher than a spaceship is when he is home alone.

Personality~ He's one cocky bastard. He enjoys teasing people and seducing them before leaving them hanging(sometimes). Sebastian isn't one to show his true emotions and chooses not to get too close to anyone because in his eyes everyone will manipulate him. He doesn't have any true friends and likes it that way. Most people have to drill their way through his steel walls that he puts up to protect his heart. He has one thing on his mind- control. Control or be controlled. That's what his world revolves around. He attends parties when he's generally in a foul or unpredictable mood and can be seen at a lot of high end parties due to connections.

Biggest Secret~ "Wouldn't be a secret if I told you, now would it?"

Aspirations?~ To kill his father, take his money and expose the whole of the big league international drug business and hand them over to the cops. And to write a biography.

Orientation~ Bisexual

Origin~Rome, Italy

Other- N/A



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Name: Grace Accardi


Age: 17

Gender: Female

History: When Grace as 10, her mother left their family after having her 7th and last child Kaleb. This left Grace's father with 7 kids ranging from 15 to 2 months old. He had no idea what to do, he already worked at the towns mechanic shop from 7 in the morning to 7 at night and now he had to take care of 7 kids. He soon had to cut his hours at work. Which meant that he would get less money. From then on, he would work from 3 to midnight every night except for Sunday's when the shop was closed. They obviously didn't have enough money for glamorous things. Heck, her oldest brother Angelo couldn't even go to a community college close to home. He was immediately sent to work with his father in the mechanic shop. Their house was falling apart by the day and Grace would often have to wear her older sister Katherine's hand me downs. Despite how busy they were, they still made time for church. Her father would always say "Now, life may take a lot of things from me, but one thing they can't take from me is my faith". This is why Grace is such a big Christian. Now, you understand why she never takes anything for granted, because it might be taken away from you in a blink of an eye.

Personality: Grace is as innocent as her name sounds. She's learned to never take anything for granted. She doesn't talk much and when she does, she stutter. It's just how she is, she's a observer not a talker. She's the "girl in the shadows", she'd rather be in the library in her favorite spot by the window, reading one of the many books in her town's library. She's very awkward in most situations, not quite knowing what to do. She'll most likely shrink away from the conversation. She has a nervous habit of picking at her nails whenever she has to talk, which explains her super short nails. She's not used to people noticing her or liking her for that matter. She'll often stress over the littlest things, which explains her anxiety.

Biggest Secret: She's ran away from home at the age of 15 after not being able to take her life anymore

Aspirations: To make her father proud, to give her family everything they need and want and to finally be happy.

Orientation: Straight

Origin: Greek

Other: She has a ukulele that she'll never let go of and is left handed. Will often be seen reading/writing or playing her ukulele and quietly singing.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.c802b22010d6b810568172a90a008fc8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13163" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.c802b22010d6b810568172a90a008fc8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name~ Marie Dupont

Age: 19

Gender~ Female

History: Marie was born in Paris, France, to a well-to-do French family, but Marie and her parents left the country for the United States when she turned seven, settling in New Haven, Connecticut. At first, Marie admired the U.S. for giving her access to a new culture and lifestyle, but when she was fourteen years old, Marie had an encounter in middle school with a student who harshly insulted her home country and heritage, which she gave him a firm kick in the balls for. Since then, Marie embraced her French identity, and defended it with a fierce passion. Eventually, Marie's fierce protecting of her heritage landed her in a boarding school where staff could keep a better eye on her.

Living in the boarding school worked well for Marie, she met some French girls and built herself a small French-speaking community to retreat to, but she also socialized with American girls, which halfway turned her attitude toward Americans around. Upon graduating from the boarding school with outstanding grades, Marie attended University of Minnesota, where she studies sports medicine and plays ice hockey. Marie also met her boyfriend at University of Minnesota. Marie hopes to stay in Minnesota with her boyfriend, get married, and raise a family.

Personality~ Marie has been told she has a fiery personality, the word which best fits her sassy, independent attitude. With a bad temper to match, she is a tomboy born and bred.

Biggest Secret~ Marie loves wearing dresses.

Aspirations?~ Marie is chasing a career as a personal trainer.

Orientation~ Bisexual

Origin~ French

Other~ Marie has a tattoo of the French flag on the back of her neck.



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