Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal


That guy who's not around much right now
A sunny, late summer day... The gates to the academy opened. Finally Dirk's vision could become reality, and the man himself sat back in a large, wing-backed chair in his study,a pipe in one hand, wearing a tuxedo tee and green cargo shorts. Fashion sense wasn't exactly something the stock trader slash banker was known for. The building was celebrating it's first class of students, not a very large one, but hopefully that would improve with time. The gates were opened, and anyone was allowed to enter, though the crowd outside seemed far too disgusted to even think about entering.

"So what do you think, will this blow up on us?' Dirk asked, standing from the chair as he turned to Andromeda, his wife.

"You know that I'll be here with you, whether it does or not," she replied, just walking out of the shower. If it weren't for the shape changing powers most every supernatural creature had, there would have been no way for the two to be together, but on land, she just needed to bathe often; she dried out easily.

"And the teacher?" he asked, referring to their one and only employee thus far, another man they hadn't met yet, somewhere in his fourties. Crossing the room, he gently placed a hand on the mermaid's shoulder, facing the door where said employee was waiting.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," she replied yet again, voice soothing and calm.

"Whatever, come in!" Gray hollered through the heavy oaken door. Immediately it swung open to reveal a recently retired man around his middle age, hair cropped short, and a well kept small beard that was more salt than pepper.

"You look trustworthy enough, look if you aren't comfortable with the idea of possibly being spontaneously combusted, dismembered, or host of an unnamed parasite, get running," the young businessman stated simply.

"With respect, if I were afraid of something like that, I wouldn't have joined the military either; I'll whip these kids into shape in no time..."


Mary was hovering far above the heads of the crowd below. At the moment she was invisible to any who might glance up. Although she knew that there were creatures like her in the milling group of people Mary still found it hard to think that the sight of her wouldn't be met with screams. Or attempts to get a picture in order to sell it. Mary had never understood that. Why did they want a picture of a normal looking girl? At least, she thought she was normal looking. Mary hadn't exactly glanced at a mirror in quite a while.

Mary shook away these thoughts. They were cowardly and frivolous. If those beneath her were too afraid to enter then she might as well be the first. After all, what did she have to fear? Death had already claimed her, and she was held in this state... Mary once more had to determinedly expel the negative thoughts from her mind. The girl instead focused on drifting over the wall and slowly settling down to the earth on the other side, still invisible.

"It seems okay..." Mary murmured. She knew she didn't count as a student, or even officially living here. No classes. No room. No money. Perhaps the owners wouldn't object to a lonely ghost haunting their hallways. After all, what school was complete without it's helpful spirit popping out of random places and offering advice? Mary glanced around, searching for the perfect spot. It took her barely a minute to see it. There was a willow tree with a bench just peeking out of it's branches. Mary grinned. The perfect spot for a ghost.

Mary drifted over to the bench and settled onto it. She reached out a hand and a swirl of purple shaped itself into a violin and bow. Mary brought the violin to her chin and turned visible. She gently touched the bow to the strings and began to play. Hopefully she wouldn't cause a panic, or any seances.

As the gates begin to open, and the crowds voice raise a few octaves, I sigh. "I hate my parents" turning back to see my parents car in the far distance driving by "Fsk, why!!". The sounds of the crowd raise even more, the sun being of no help with its terrible heat. "I can't WAIT until someone tries to sta-" I start to walk towards the gate, crossing the car filled streets. People left and right threatening me and honking horns from those in their vehicles.

The crowd began to throw things at the students, cans, bottles, tomatoes... anything they had at their disposal. The crowd getting louder, cursing, shouting threats, a mob seeming to be on the edge of creation.

Clenching my fists I manage to reach the gate itself, when suddenly something hits me... "Wait..." a half a second goes by as I turn to the direction of one of the humans in the crowd "What was that." I speak in a dead monotone manner. My current disguise hiding both my true self and my public disguise. "Did you just throw something at me??" a smirk breaking across my left cheek, displaying a blood tainted fang, as sharp as a cats fang.

People quickly see what looks like heat itself gathering around Tsion, though any thoughts of a freak heat wave or trick of the eyes, quickly fades as the heat waves quickly darken to a black mist like object of sorts. All while Tsion begins to take a step towards the crowd.
When Ashta arrived, she wasn't surprised that a large crowd had gathered. People didn't understand. They believed what Dirk Gray was doing here was madness, she didn't disagree with these people. They believed that his students were abominations against nature. That was a point that she thought was incorrect. At least for her race that was not true anyways.

She slid forward on her stomach, her bottom half being that of a snake and she failed to glance at a single human. If she was going to submit herself to a school where she was probably the only lamia and where her clan's dietary needs, small children, would probably not be met, then she was going to do so with pride. She was superior to the people pressing in around her and acknowledging them helped to show them this. The shouts and screams of the crowd were simply empowering her to ignore them. They wanted her attention, they clamoured for it. But she wasn't going to give them any. She slithered forward deep into the crowd and she held her chin up at a high angle with her eyes straight forward.

Her plan to ignore the crowd would have worked if they hadn't begun to throw things. Ashta wasn't expecting the empty bottle of pop to strike her and when it did she froze in place. How dare they strike her with garbage? She was above garbage! She barely had time to register what she was doing before she had seized a human and had plunged her teeth into his neck injecting her poison into him. After she had realized what she had done she dropped the man to the ground and frowned. While he would face no harm and would simply be asleep for a few hours at most, she certainly wasn't helping Dirk Gray. Ashta raised her head and the crowd moved away from her.

She was able to be ignored for the rest of her trip into the building. The crowd would be gone by the time she was kicked out of the school for what she had done there. She didn't bother to do anything more with herself then linger beside the door. There was no way that they would let her stay after she had attacked a civilian and when they would dismiss her from the school she would leave with dignity and pride, as if it had been her idea to leave all along.
What appeared to be a normal young man approached the gate. His shoulder was home to a hand-made bird perch,which was home to a large raven. Under his arm was a bright orange longcoat,and in his hand was a violin case. He smiled wide,but the bones and muscles didn't seem to move. Indeed,he lacked bones and muscles. He was a solid piece of resin,all features painted on. "Well,then,Jenka. This is Dirk Gray's Academy of the Abnormal." He looked at the bird,which tilted its head and looked at him. The statue was Ballos,and he weighed somewhere in the neighbourhood of a thousand kilograms.

Ballos chuckled after a moment,as if listening to Jenka speak. "Of course I'll behave. I'm not looking for trouble." He began to walk across the street. Suddenly,Jenka flew off of his shoulder,causing Ballos' gaze to follow her. Suddednly,he was struck by a compact car. Ballos stumbled,but was otherwise unharmed. The car,however,was completely wrecked. The front end was almost completely caved in,and the driver looked completely stunned,behind the airbag. Jenka landed back on the perch,and looked at Ballos,who was already on his way to the driver's side door.

He tapped on the window,and asked, "Are you alright? I'm sorry for getting in the way!" The driver simply nodded,still staring blankly ahead. Ballos' smile returned,and he chuckled. "That's nice to hear!" He cauntered off,back into the direction of the gates. The crowd was stunned,now,having seen what had happened. He saw one of the students,a young man,looking poised to pounce on a poor human. "Oh,deary me!" Ballos simply approached him,tapped his shoulder,and wrapped his free arm around the young man's torso. He lifted slightly,then began to drag him along. "Now,now,I don't think you'd want to ruin our image,my friend!" As he approached the gates,he saw a snake-woman bite into someone's throat. "Oh,dear." He quickly looked at the victim's chest,and sighed in relief to see it still moving. As he stepped through the gates,he heard the beautiful sound of a violin reach his ears.

He released the young man,and said, "Well,that was an experience!" He sounded happy. His smile gave no signs of anger,madness,or disingenuousness. He was simply happy. He looked at his legs,where the bumper struck,and the only damage was some chipped paint. "Oh,well. I can re-paint that later." He looked around the area,and quickly found that the violinist was somewhere around the willow tree nearby. He began to walk towards it,and gave a cheery farewell wave to the man he had dragged into the grounds. "I'll see you around!"

Ballos approached the willow tree,putting on his longcoat. It was long sleeved,bright orange,and reached to just below his ankles. He kept it open,since he had long ago lost the belt,and the jacket was devoid of fastenings. By the time he reached the trunk of the tree,he was re-fastening the perch to his shoulder. He looked around,then up. He saw a young woman,and smiled with a friendly chuckle. He pulled out his violin from the case,checked the tuning,and brought it to his collar. Listening for a point to jump in,he began to formulate a nice accompanying melody. When the time came,he started up his own melody,adding a new layer to the woman's solo performance.


Mary closed her eyes, smiling gently as her bow slid across the strings under her guidance. For the first couples years of her... Let's call it New Life, Mary had simply played by muscle memory. She had pieced together which songs she knew and found that with all her spare time it was simply not enough. She couldn't really go out and buy music books, so Mary had taken to composing. The music she was playing right now was a little thing she had come up with and grown rather fond of.

Although she was in a place of calm, Mary could hear the commotion outside. Voices shouting, chanting slogans against the monstrosities. Mary couldn't help but wonder why they were fighting Dirk Gray's Academy. It seemed to her that they would be thankful to have all those 'monstrosities' safely hidden away. Why must they call for bloodshed when they knew how hard it was to kill some of these creatures? Why not simply let them live among each other? Mary wondered how she would've reacted had she still been alive during all this. Would she have been out in that crowd, throwing things? She hoped not, but she couldn't remember. Perhaps Mary was an awful person in life and death had simply softened her. She would never know. Mary had died so long ago that those who had known in life had long since passed. She'd died in an era where the gown she was wearing would've been considered simple attire, meant for the street.

Mary heard footsteps approach, but opted to keep her eyes closed. She was engrossed in the music and did not feel much like conversation. However a moment later when a new melody joined hers, she was surprised into glancing over at her partner. A man, accompanying her piece with his own melody that fit perfectly, as if it had been crafted exactly for this song. That was quite a talent. Mary acknowledged his prescence with a nod but did not speak. She didn't wish to ruin the music, and her composition would end in a minute anyway. Then would be the time for talking. Mary settled more comfortably where she sat. Technically Mary was not sitting on the bench, as she had no physical form. Instead she was hovering an inch above it in a seated position. Mary had found that if she acted alive then people were slightly less inclined to notice the oddities and start fussing.

Not too long after, Mary's music came to a slow stop. For a half a moment after she simply sat there, enjoying the peaceful feeling that playing always brought to her. Then she opened her eyes once more to gaze upon her companion. She lowered her violin and as she did so it dissipated into a swirl of violet mist. Mary had to admit, that particular ghost trick was quite handy.

"You have talent," Mary observed in way of greeting, her voice soft.

Arikiko hauled a blue, heavy-set backpack on her back and a man-made tote bag on her shoulder. She seemed to be quite uncomfortable with the two bags weighing on her, so she tends to adjust the straps on the aforementioned bags. She walked the sidewalk to her destination, which would be Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal. And, as she walked, she thought about what the other kids would be like. Would they be friendly? Would they be mean? Would they treat her like a freak?

No, Ari, she said to herself, you mustn't say such a thing. They are just like you. Different. Abnormal. That's why they're going to Dirk Gray's Academy.

She had a small piece of paper in hand, which she clenched. For as long as she had been walking, she would glance at the address that was noted on the paper. Now, she no longer finds need to continue looking at it, since she had remembered the address.

Approaching a corner, she turns left, away from the street to the right. However, she did not walk on. She stopped dead in her tracks, shocked at the scene. What she saw was a crowd of people, pumping their angry fists in the air and yelling their angry voices. Ari turned her head a few degrees to the left to see what they were so angry about. She saw the Academy. "Oh my--," Ari says, scared to even walk on.

C'mon, Ari, you can do this. Head up and walk forward.

Attempting to swallow her fear, she clenches the paper she had in her hand even tighter. After a second or two, she lets the now balled-up paper drop to the ground, and she starts walking. When she finally gets to the crowd, she begins to push her way through the people to get into the opened gates.

Pushing and pushing, she finally gets through. Unfortunately, when you she steps into the gates, she hears someone yelling at her. "Hey, where do you think you're going, freak!?" they would yell. The person throws a can at the back of Ari's head. With a painful, low grunt, Ari falls to her knees. Laying her hand on the back of her head, she picks up the weapon of with the other. A frown forms on her face and she hurls the can out of her hand.
Yusuke had arrived early and waited for the gates to open, passing the time at a nearby street corner where he leaned against the wall of a building. He actively released the heat he was passively drawing in from the environment to avoid causing ice to form around him. It would be better if nobody noticed that he was different until he was inside the gates of the academy. He had all his belongings in a relatively large bag of the type used to store clothes when one is going to travel on an aeroplane. It was by no means easy to travel with on foot but it served its purpose.

When the gates opened, he smiled lightly. Soon he would be meeting other beings that were considered outcasts or monsters by the 'normal' crowd gathered outside the gate. If being normal meant being ignorant, intolerant and a bigot then he was glad to be strange. A plus side is that with such diversity as there is in what many refer to as the 'abnormal', how could one ever become bored? There were simply too many possibilities when you have a friend who could be, for example, a shapeshifter or an Undine.

Rather than go in immediately, he waited a bit so as to get the opportunity to see the others who would be entering. What appeared to be a young man stepped forward and on his way inside, the crowd had started to throw garbage at him. Yusuke shook his head in disappointment. "So now they've degraded to this? Who is the real monster now?" Next, he noticed a Naga slithering in and rather proud-looking one at that. He watched as she ignored the crowd until she was hit by an empty bottle and bit the thrower, putting him to sleep apparently by the looks of the man's chest still moving. He thought to himself "I wonder if she would let me sculpt her?"

He noticed what appeared to be another young man walking in but as he had figured with the first, it was merely a disguise. It was proven when a car crashed into the fellow and the car was the only one that seemed to receive any damage. The fellow also seemed to be quite the good Samaritan as he checked on the driver of the damaged vehicle to see if he was harmed and pulled away the first young man for what seemed to be in the interest of the safety of the crowd.

Finally, he saw a young lady enter but she too was attacked as he saw her get struck on the back of her head with a can. She was the only one besides himself that seemed to be bringing much of anything with them. Well, the fellow with the birch perch on his shoulder carried a violin case with him but that did not seem to be very much in the way of belongings. He shrugged and thought "To each, his or her own, I guess." It seemed that was either everyone except him or almost everyone so he might as well enter.

Yusuke grabbed his bag and lugged it with him to the gate. He appeared normal but that did not stop the crowd from continuing with their cursing and throwing of garbage. He ignored them for the most part, choosing not to let them bother him but still kept an eye out for the occasional incoming can or bottle which might actually hit him. Using his bag as a shield when necessary, he managed to get through the crowd and past the gates without too much of an issue. He gave a sigh of relief, happy that he had avoided getting struck by a bottle or worse, a rotten tomato.

He turned his attention to the young lady who had been struck by the can and gave a bow. It was old-fashioned but sometimes, nothing beat the classics. "Good morning miss. I hope you are fine after what had occurred just now. My name is Yusuke. May I inquire yours?" Friends were an invaluable commodity, one which Yusuke wanted. After all, what better way to start off than by making friends with the people who you would end up spending quite a bit of time with?

Yasahiro watched everyone enter the building, he tended to wait after everyone entered buildings before he walked anywhere near it. The thought of being flattened against a group of strangers made the hairs on the back of his neck stick up, but the thought of bumping his bag into something and breaking what was inside made his face go pale. He sighed as he noticed that a lot of the crowd was just a bunch of people wanting to show their hate for things that are different.

Slowly he pulled away from the tree and walked over to the gates, accepting the fact that things were going to be thrown at him and mean words called at him, but the closer he got to the gate the more he thought the words and the actions were like being at school when people would laugh at him and throw things at him, that wasn't even for the fact he wasn't... normal it was simply the fact that he behaved different to the way everyone else behaved. He sighed and ducked his head from a flying can, held his hand in front of a book which hurt his hand a little. Whilst he had been looking at his hand another can flew onto his bag and spilled its contents all over it. He growled at the person that threw the can then ran inside of the building quickly before anything else could hit him, holding his bag close to his chest to protect it from any of the other projectiles.

When he finally got inside the building he noticed two people talking to each-other, he flashed a smile at them, but did little more than that as he continued to walk further into the school. It was such a shame to think that those people could just stand there, throw things and yell horrid words at people without giving a seconds thought about how that would make them feel. Never once did he see an abnormal person standing outside a normal person's school and yelling mean words and throwing things at them.

Gwenhara and Verjouhi stood in an alley across the street from the Academy, taking in the happenings. The garbage was nothing new, neither was the cursing. But one would think that humans, normal ones, would at least have the decency to respect a female of any race. The two said nothing, but Verjouhi did check Gwenhara's cloak, making sure it covered his four wings as best it could. Demons were less welcome than your average creature, and if they could keep it hidden for a few minutes, then all the better for the two travelers.

They didn't have any bags, never really owned more than the clothes on their backs, so it would make getting through the crowd less of a hassel. "Do it." Verjouhi muttered, voice low and quiet, stepping out beside his Demon counterpart and they pulled the hoods of their cloaks down. Gwenhara nodded, lifting his furred hand slightly, the wind instantly picking up. Carefully, almost unnoticably, the crowd parted as the wind drove them to seperate. The two took advantage of it as always and stepped through the crowd.

They ignored the cursing and the thrown garbage. Nothing they weren't used too. Gwenhara's skin was naturally tough, and Verjouhi's own was stronger than your average human, just as he was physically. If they did get hit-and they did-they didn't feel it. Even the glass bottles left them hardly stumbling. They stepped through the gates, not glancing back as Gwenhara let his wings slip through the slits on his cloak again. The crowd, for once, fell silent. No doubt they'd start up again, but it wasn't every day they saw a winged Demon.

The two pulled their hoods back, already feeling...different inside these walls. No humans, and everyone here was like them to an extent. Different and misunderstood. Not that the two had ever cared, but it was nice to feel...normal. Gwenhara's ears flicked around, taking in the sounds as Verjouhi took in the sights. The two violinist were playing a soothing melody, the poor Naga was still standing by the gates, likely fearing she wouldn't be accepted after what she did, the girl that was struck with a can was being asked after by the man that had walked in just before Gwenhara and Verjouhi had.

They wouldn't likely make friends the first day or so, but that was likely because they simply didn't talk much to begin with. But, amongst these other creatures, they were already feeling at ease, which was something neither had felt in years. The two exchanged a glance and a smirk; maybe this was a good idea after all.
"Oh, hi. My name is Arikiko, but call me Ari," she would say to the kind fellow that is Yusuke. Never before had she made an encounter with a kind person who seemed to find friendship as a necessity. She quickly stood to her feet, jerking her backpack and tote bag in a more comfortable position. "And I'm fine. I'm not very accustomed to such brutal behavior, but I think I'll manage." She laid a gentle hand to her wound once more as she turned her head to see the people who so obviously are ill-mannered. A man looked Ari into her eyes, smirking. This may be the malicious man who had brought harm to her.

She turned her head now, in disgust with the nerve of some people. How could these people be so cruel? Besides our unnatural abilities, we abnormals are human-beings as well.

Ari began to walk further in, pass the gates. She turns her head for a second to see that a tomato was head her way. Prepared for this, she quickly slides to the right to avoid another blow to her head. Smiling or the victory, she walks on.
Yusuke saw Yasahiro flash a smile at him and Ari. It was nice to see another friendly face there and after having been there for only a few minutes, he was already feeling like he fit in somewhere. He waved to Yasahiro and smiled back at him before he returned his attention back to Ari. "Nice meeting you, Ari. I hope to see you again soon." He smiled at her right before she went inside the building.

So far, it he was making friends. He hoped that the rest of the people here would be as pleasant as Ari but that would most likely not be so or at least not to the same degree. He had heard that Lamia were proud creatures but everyone had their quirks so he figured that he could make friends with the one he saw enter. That however, depended on if she was willing to even consider the prospect being friends with a creature other than a fellow Naga. The fellow who was hit the car earlier seemed quite nice and he should still be nearby from the sound of the violin being played.

He could not help but notice the two cloaked figures that had entered. He shrugged and thought that he might as well greet them despite the feeling he got that they might not be the talkative type. He approached them and took a bow as he greeted them. "Good morning. More students here like myself? My name is Yusuke. May I inquire as to what your names are?"
Glancing back to the window after the heated discussion, Gray could see the students milling about, looking a little lost.

"Well, that out of the way, now we'd best go welcome the kids... they are kids, right?"

Agreeing, the new instructor turned on his heel, and strolled briskly back to the exit, through the maze of corridors.

"Well, if it's going to bite us, it'll be now..." Andromeda stated matter of factly, striding alongside her human husband to greet their first batch of students.

The heavy oaken doors burst open, revealing the headmasters and teacher for all to behold, quite a comical sight. The disheveled young man in his cargo shorts and tee-shirt tuxedo spoke, not breaking stride.

"In this world, there are many kinds of life. All of them sacred, and unique. What this institution was founded to do, was to educate you, the outcasts of normal society, and allow you to live amongst us humans as equals. Not everyone agrees with our goals, and I'm sure you've been made quite aware; but do not be afraid, we here at Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal, we welcome you with open arms. Here, we will keep you safe..."

Cheesy, but powerful. Gray's speech boomed over the campus, and easily reached the mob's ears, modified by a mermaid's magic to carry further and louder than any voice ever could. A short breath, and he continued:

"Come one and all, to the school of the strange!"

The instructor stood to the side, shaking his head almost imperceptibly, unimpressed with the speech. Andromeda on the other hand, beamed with pride, quite glad to see more of the supernatural world ready to reveal themselves.

Hands up in the air, the young headmaster grinned like a child, looking over his students with glee, hoping his vision would come to reality.




More disturbances of sorts happen throughout the entry way of the gate, as one particular event occurs with a future student being struck by a car. With a large portion of the crowd in shock by the retaliation of the students, or assumed retaliation, many of the crowd begin to flee while other prepare to defend themselves. Suddenly as the student struck by the car walks towards another student, he picks him up slightly and drags him back.

A weak gust of wind, with an odd sense to it, pushes hats off some crowd members and lifts up skirts and coats of others.


(OOC - I'm gonna stop doing first person posting... too irritating to work on)

Tsion's smirk quickly turned into a full on grin as he imagined how this wretch would taste, after being cooked alive of course, when his vision had suddenly become filled with bright and vibrant and eye bleeding colours. He barely took notice that he was lifted, what felt to him, hundreds of feet off the ground. Someone spoke and his vision slowly returned, sclera* almost completely red. Tsion never spoke a word, simply turned from the humans towards the school itself, and sat cross-legged.

Tsion waited for his sense to recover fully. Just as everything recovered, the Headmaster, his wife, and what Tsion could only assume was the only person dumb enough to be, the Teacher. The teacher was quite apparently from the military, Tsion stared for a minute... at least until he caught a glimpse of the Headmaster again. A similar outfit to that which he had seen on the man before.

*The white part of the eye
Yusuke. The two turned the name in their head, putting it to memory. Wasn't a bad name, that was certain, and the man himself was definiatly friendly enough. But that didn't mean Verjouhi was going to give his real name. No one but his traveling companion knew that and that was the end of it. A glance at Gwenhara said to give his nick-name as well.

They pulled their hoods off, Verjouhi running an absent hand through his hair and Gwenhara flicking his ears back and forth, his muzzle partially open to help scent what was near. "Name's Ranger, this is Gwen... We're both students, like you... We don't talk much...no offense meant..." That was the most he'd spoke in a long time, but his voice was the same. Deep, low, just audible enough for a person within five feet to hear, but no farther. Gwenhara flexed his wings, looking toward the school as the doors opened.

The demon pinned his ears back flat against his skull, the magnified voice hurting his sensitive ears. Stupid mermaid magic. He could always tell the differances in magic, and this was definatly mermaid. Being a demon, he was just super sensitive to all magic, but to him and his particular breed of demon, mermaid and Angel were some of the worst. Angel, however, was rare these days, so he was fine there. But the speech was welcoming enough, despite his sensitivity.

Gwenhara looked at Verjouhi again, eyebrow raised. His tail flicked slightly, a dragon like movement to it. Covered in fur like the rest of him, but long enough to actually show at the base of his cloak. Call it a demon thing, but Verjouhi understood his agitation.

Verjouhi only nodded slightly, the tail and ears telling him what he'd already assumed. Mermaid, likely the woman. But he was more interested in the human instructor, who was clearly military or retired military, and who was full human. Authority, especially millitary, just wasn't his thing and he hated it. But he wasn't going to knock this place before he tried it. He, like Gwenhara, would make due with this place. If it didn't work out, the gate wasn't locked and even if it was, Gwenhara could fly.
Ari feels warm with the so welcoming speech. She seemed to beam for as long as the speech went. When the oration had ended, Ari starts to make her way up the stairs. But, before she would make her way into the academy, she hesitated for a moment. There really wasn't reason why she could not walk through those doors. Ari was so ready for this. To show the supernatural side of her. Not having to hide that particular side as long as she would be here. She should really be walking in without a moment's thought.

What are you doing, Ari, she started in on herself, you've been waiting for this time to come. No wimping out. Walk through those doors. NOW.

She pushes herself to enter the academy. When she does, she is amazed at the sight. The high ceilings stunned her as she turned her head all about. She hadn't idea on what she'd look at first.

Oh, this is a wonderful place, indeed. I know I'll it here. I just know. And, besides, it's way better than living on my own.
Ashta grimaced after hearing the headmaster's speech. It was exactly the quality of speech that she had envisioned.

Although she had just bitten the man she chose to believe that she was still welcome. There had been no attempts to single her out and pull her aside and as the crowd began to disperse as student filed in, she figured that they would believe her to have no reason to attack within the confines of the school and away from the crowd. Besides, even when the man woke up, he himself wouldn't have noticed that she pulled just a mouthful of blood from him so there was no harm done. It was justified because who knew the next time she would receive any?

She stuck her chin up at the absurd angle once more as she slithered forward and up the stairs and into the building. While the words of his speech were not unexpected, the quality of the school was unexpected. She almost showed a reaction to the building as her eyes lazily trailed upwards taking in the high ceilings and she took in the eloquent decorating. She felt exalted. This school might actually treat her in the manner she expected after all. Now she regretted not bringing anything. Ashta had admittedly believed that she was going to be leaving tonight for one reason or another... even before she attacked the man.

She slid further into the room and waited. She had limited patience, but she was sure that she could wait just long enough to be given directions as to what was expected of her and where she was to go now. Without meaning to, Ashta shot a scowl over at Ari who had entered into the room. It was an impulse to greet others who were not lamia or naga... whatever you wanted to call her... with a scowl. It was probably alright, let her take that scowl as she wanted to, Ashta didn't need friends anyways.
Yusuke was about to respond to Hunter and Gwen when the doors of the academy burst open and the headmasters and what appeared to be the sole teacher walked out. He turned his attention to the trio as it looked like the he and his fellow students were going to be welcomed to the school now. His guess turned out to be correct as the male headmaster started his speech. He found it a bit comical though that one of the headmasters would dress so. He always thought of headmasters and principals as dressing in a manner which practically defined them with a lack of personality and liveliness. Still, it was a welcome relief from the norm but as he thought about it, it also made sense that a school for the abnormal would have a headmaster who dressed abnormally for his position or was different in some way.

He smiled and stood there, listening attentively to the speech. He had expected that it would be within the region of what was said before the words were even spoken. It seemed a bit cliché at certain points but it was still a good speech in his books and the headmaster seemed to know what he was doing even though his dress code might make some think otherwise.

After the oration had ended, Yusuke decided that it would be a good idea to go inside. He saw the Naga girl go inside and wanted to speak with her a bit so he could get two things accomplished at the same time. He lugged his bag with him, starting to wish that he had packed less art supplies such as sketch pads, paint, pencils and more. He reminded himself that it was said that great artists suffer in the name of their work and lugging the heavy bag was just a part of it. Still, the steps weren't exactly helping with the journey.

When he reached up the stairs and stood at the door of the academy for a moment to catch his breath, he felt a tiny bit winded. He was not the type for heavy lifting and anyone who looked at him could see it. After having spent a moment catching his breath, he continued onwards and into the building. As he entered, his gaze ran across the interior and he was a bit jealous of the person who designed it all. "Wow, I'm actually a bit jealous of the master behind the architecture in here." His gaze soon focused on the Naga girl afterwards.

Yusuke approached, hoping that he would not disturb her or worse yet, be mistaken for a normal human and get attacked by her. He halted next to her, taking his signature bow as he greeted her. "Good morning miss. My name is Yusuke. May I inquire yours?" He returned to his upright position after he had spoken, a light smile on his face as he hoped to make friends with her. "I was also wondering if you might allow me to make a sculpture of you some time? I am quite handy with ice if I say so myself."
Verjouhi and Gwenhara spared each other a glance then filed inside with the rest of the students. Wasn't exactly they were hesitant, just unused to going anywhere and seeming normal wasn't easy for them. The other students were milling about as well, which wasn't so bad, but being inside after so many years outside already had them feeling claustraphobic. Still, it was bearable, as long as the headmaster understood they wouldn't be staying inside all day.
Ari continued letting her eyes wander, and she soon caught the scowl from Ashta. As if slapped in the face, Ari stumbles back a step. It was unexpected that, on the first day, someone would seem like they suddenly have a dislike for Ari. She wanted to go over to her and say hello, but seeing the scowl somewhat changes her mind. Instead, Ari decides to just continue looking at her wonderful surroundings.

After moments of looking around, she gets accustomed to the welcoming entrance. Now, she wishes to ask the headmaster a question or two. She turns around, and walks back over to the steps just outside the academy doors.

Approaching the headmaster she asks, "Umm, headmaster, I don't mean to jump into things, but where exactly will we be staying?" Ari seems a bit nervous as she asks her question. She stands with a polite posture as she awaits the headmaster's replication.
Yasahiro took his eyes off the ground when he heard the powerful voice of who must've been the head teacher and founder of the school. The man's words turned Yasahiro's lips into a slight smile. However the man's dress code was very different to his words, but then everyone likes to express themselves in their own unique ways. Yasahiro sighed happily and continued to walk around seemingly aimlessly, but he was too shy to approach anybody.

eventually he managed to pull forth the courage to speak to the two people he had smiled at previously. His brain told his legs to turn around, but his legs refused and he kept on walking away. After a bit of time Yasahiro came to a small spot where he could sit down and convince himself that he could talk to those people and he wasn't a big chicken, but he ended up just hitting his hands off his legs in a drum-like way, however the moment he realised he was doing that he stopped and continued attempting to convince himself to talk to people.

(sorry for le bad post D: )
"Welcome, to the former Theresa Academy. I purchased the property recently just for this purpose. Anyways, Swiss, I'll hand this to you..." Dirk explained, motioning to the recently acquired instructor.

Rolling his shoulders, the man in question brought his chin up, and inhaled slowly through his nose, seeming like he was still attempting to plant his feet on this notion of the supernatural.

"For today, get comfortable with your surroundings, get to know one another; we gather tomorrow at Oh-six-hundred hours. Bring nothing."

An awkward silence hung in the air after that before the headmaster broke it with a cough.

"Anyways, you heard the man, six in the morning. Questions or concerns, I'm sure the kind major will be happy to answer. Now; ta!"

With his piece said, Gray strolled away, no doubt solely to infuriate his newest employee. Andromeda followed along, remaining quiet until they were out of earshot.

Eyes widened a little bit, former major Swiss glanced from one student to the next before stiffly raising an arm, motioning to the dormitory building.

"You'll be staying there, we meet in back of the property tomorrow morning to begin class. Anyone with questions come forward!" he ordered, obviously much more accustomed to dealing with subordinates than students.
As the ghostly woman stopped playing,so did Ballos. He lowered his bow to his side,and relaxed his grip on the neck of his violin. His smile widened as her violin vanished in a puff of smoke,and shrank when she noted his talent. "Talent? No,no. Just determination. It's hard to have natural talent when you can't feel." He passed the violin to his other hand,and Ballos showed the ghostly woman his palm and fingertips;bare and worn resin. "But,still...Your music is also quite beautiful." He waggled his fingers playfully,and packed up his violin. When the headmaster and who he assumed was the instructor,Ballos waved for the ghost to follow. "Time to hear the address~!" He was joyful. Infinitely so. He turned his head to Jenka,as if is just spoke,and said, "Oh,hush,you. She's a nice person."

After the address,Ballos was truly excited. A chance to learn about the world around him,free of bias and hate. His smile shrank a bit when the instructor,Swiss,opened his mouth,though. A soldier,it seemed. "Well,it appears that the year will be an interesting one!" Ballos stepped forward,and asked, "What of pets? And what if we don't need to sleep?"
Looking at the statue as he came forward, it was easy enough to tell, Swiss simply sighed.

"There are no rules against pets; and if you don't sleep, then at least pretend. Light's out gets called, and there will be no leaving your rooms unsupervised."

The crowd of students, though small, was somewhat unnerving; being merely human, and at the moment unarmed, knowing nothing of their capabilities, he was on edge to say the least.

"...afraid." Verjouhi and Gwenhara looked at one another, already feeling better. Good. That meant he was less likely to try anything just yet. Which was good for the two companions. And six a.m.? That was nothing compared to waking up at four a.m. just to find food. Good, this would be a good place for a while at least. Verjouhi glanced at the statue, a slight smirk on his features. Gwenhara clearly felt the same. This place, for all it's good, was an even better place to call home, even if it was temporary.

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