Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal Student Rules and Registration


That guy who's not around much right now
Thread Rules:

1. If you have OOC in your post, include it in parentheses at the end. Otherwise you may post it here. A fully OOC post is unacceptable.

2. No meta-gaming or bunnying, unless given express permission by said player.

3. Try to remain literate. One line posts are unavoidable from time to time, and not everyone is perfect; just try your best. (Sensory details can really help expand your post if you need to.)

School Rules:

1. No leaving the premises without an escort.

2. When light's out is called, there is to be no leaving your room.

3. Duels are perfectly acceptable, otherwise, do not act violently toward your peers.

Student Registration:





Talents magical or otherwise:

Photograph attached:

Tell us about yourself:

'Photograph' just refers to appearance.

'Tell us about yourself' is just a brief history.
Name: Taylor Grey


Gender: Female

Species: Nixie

Talents magical or otherwise: Shapeshifter (between human body and mermaid like body.) Cause storms when offended. Can make it rain. Predicts someones death (by drowning) by dancing across the surface of water. Enjoys singing and dancing. The music a nixie makes can lure people into the water.


Bio: For her whole life Taylor has been hated and attacked by humans because of something that happened when she was a little girl. Taylor had been playing on the beach by the lake she and her parents lived in when she met a young boy. The two started playing and young Taylor, unaware of her full powers, began singing and dancing. She was so caught up in the fun she was having she did not realize that she had danced on top of the water quite a ways away from shore and the little down had followed her to the point of where he drowned. The people of the beach saw everything and word traveled fast about the monster child in the water. For years after that people polluted their lake in hops of killing Taylor and her family. The towns people succeeded in killing her parents. This drove Taylor, now 7, mad and she lured a few men into the lake and drowned them. Ever since then Taylor has been on the run from her past trying to avoid humans all together so for fear of losing control again.
Name: Ballos

Age: 17,since animation.

Gender: Male personality,voice and form.

Species: Animated statue (Resin)

Talents: Music; he can turn anything into a good drum,and he can play the violin quite well. He can communicate with his seemingly silent pet raven. He doesn't need to eat,drink,breathe or sleep. Due to his mass,he cannot swim,since he sinks like a rock. No sense of touch.

Ballos is a solid (not hollow) resin statue in the shape of a human man of approximately 22. Standing at six foot four,and weighs approximately one thousand kilograms. The resin is shaped to resemble a pirate's outfit,with a vest,wide breeches tucked into buckled shin boots,a long sleeved shirt under the vest,and a bandana wrapped around the head,allowing the bangs of his hair to poke out. The hair is painted a dark brown,as is the vest. The shirt is painted white,and the breeches are a dark tan colour. The boots are painted a shade lighter than his vest. The bandana is painted white. He wears a light longcoat,dyed orange with a black jolly roger on the back. He also has a jury-rigged shoulder pad,which includes a bird perch,which is strapped securely to his right shoulder. Some of the paint,especially on his palms,fingertips,and soles of his feet,has been worn away,revealing dim gray resin.

Background: Ballos was just a normal statue in a museum until the day he was animated,in a pirate-related exhibit. Several other statues were coming to life,as well,including his avian companion,Jenka. He quickly found joy in music,even at its most primitive;hitting things to make a rhythm. After about a year,he found a violin,and taken it. He quickly learned how to play,even though he has no sense of touch. He arrived at the school to learn about the world around him,and to seek sanctuary from the xenophobic society of humans,who constantly ostracized him for his nature,since it's nearly impossible to hide the fact that he's a statue.


Name: Jenka

Age: 17,since animation.

Gender: Assumed female

Species: Animated statue (Resin)

Talents: Flight. Seemingly intelligent.

Appearance: Jenka's paint is unblemished,and is shaped like a raven,with bright red eyes. Jenka is hollow.

Background: Jenka was animated by the same event and force that animated Ballos,and the two had taken to eachother very quickly. Ballos talks to her quite frequently,and,although she appears to remain silent,Ballos behaves as if she does speak. Jenka is Ballos' companion.








Talents magical or otherwise:

shape-shifting. He is an amazing drummer, he can sit down in front of a kit with at least two bass drums and he will have created an amazing work, wether it be a simple beat or a whole solo nothing he ever makes is bad. However he is not in a band so he doesn't get to do much in the way of playing songs, unless it's a cover in which he prefers to do system of a down

Photograph attached:

View attachment 3476

Tell us about yourself:

Yasahiro is normally quite a quiet boy, keeping most of his opinions to himself, although he only acts like that around strangers. With whatever friends he has he likes to start conversations, join in conversations, pull pranks, make jokes and generally be quite normal.
REAL ////////// HUMAN

Name - Tsion Veryll (Tristan Veryll)

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Species - Nymph*

Talents ~

--Surpressed Type B Blood curse

----Self Blood Control

--Hightened Senses and Physical aspects (1.5 to 2 times that of a human)

----5Senses, Speed and Strength

--A taste for blood

--An unfortunate love of pants...

--Royal Nymph Magic

----Human's call it dark magic... or evil.

Photo ~


Hiding my pointy ears.

Tell us about yourself ~

I'm here to learn to hide in the human society better. I highly doubt it'll work but my parents are paying... and forcing me to come here. So where's my room??

*The Nymph from my fantasy world. Is that alright with you??
Name: Arikiko Iyuko Yan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Talents magical or otherwise:

1. Shape-shifter: Transforms from human to a pixie. (Her small pixie wings are always easily hidden as human.)

2. Camouflage: Her body is able to change to the setting that she is closest to.

3. Ultrasonic sound: The high-frequency sound waves from her voice traumatize an enemy.

Photograph attached:


Tell us about yourself:

I am a bit shy at times, so I usually keep to myself. Most of the time, I work on my studies and things of that nature or read a book when I'm bored. Although these things are true about me, that does not mean I do not, or cannot, fight for what I believe in. I have a highly tough side...you just don't see it often, that is unless you try to cross me.
Both Approved!!!

I did say anything supernatural Ran, so don't worry about it.

I'll be starting the rp soon, signups are still open.
Name: Yusuke Aisukaji

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Talents magical or otherwise:

1. Ability to manipulate energy transfer though he still has trouble controlling it, passively chilling everything within half a metre radius of him by drawing away heat energy.

2. Quite the sculptor and specializes in ice sculptures which he carves with stunning detail.

Photograph attached: http://imgh.us/Anime_guy.jpg

Tell us about yourself: I like to meet new and interesting people. I enjoy art in its various forms whether it is music, paintings or sculptures. I believe that conflict should be avoided but that does not mean that I cannot defend myself. I do quite enjoy quiet time every now and then but I generally prefer to be around company.









Talents magical or otherwise:

Mary is very skilled on the violin, even in life. Now she has the power to use her music as a weapon or defense if she wishes. When Mary focuses she can turn the notes of the violin into a force that she controls. She can use it to manipulate objects, or to punch a hole in a wall. Mary usually uses it to do things she normally wouldn't be able to as a ghost. For example Mary can use the music to pick up a pen and write a note. Or she can form it into the shape of an object and turn it solid, such as a fist if she wished to punch someone. Mary can also will herself invisible to the eyes of any creature, and then visible once more. Mary can not touch anything physical and thus can go through walls and things like that.

Photograph attached:


Tell us about yourself:

Mary doesn't remember much about her life before her death. Only a few details, such as that she was in an orchestra and she was killed in a robbery. After Mary's death she continued to wander around but whenever anyone saw her they would scream and run. Soon she got tired of this and stayed invisible. That too had problems, however, as people were constantly walking through her or sitting in her. So Mary retired to an abandoned hovel and played her violin alone.

Soon rumors began to fly about the decrepit house with the music coming from it. Whispers of a ghost sent some running from the house and others right to it. Mary watched, invisibly, as her sanctuary was invaded. She was still alone, and very sad. Mary wandered about, trying to find a place to belong. So when she first heard of Dirk's, Mary headed for it as soon as possible and became the resident ghost.

Mary isn't really a student; she is simply the ghost that haunts the halls. That is, she does go to any of the classes, nor does she rent a room. Mary simply wanders about, enjoying that she can finally stay visible without all the screaming she had grown accustomed to. Mary rarely goes invisible anymore, mostly because she does not enjoy when others walk through her.

Mary is very polite, and quiet. She watches a lot, but she also enjoys social interaction. Mary is sweet to those she has just met. With close friends, of which she has very few, Mary is teasing and a little sarcastic. She likes meeting others with musical inclinations and is happiest when playing her violin. Mary does not take to rudeness very well and will ignore someone if they are being rude or mean.

Name: Ashta Swiftscale

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Lamia

Talents magical or otherwise:

-Ashta has poisonous fangs (weak and non-fatal - if injected her poison makes the victim drowsy and disorientated only) and mild resistance to all but lamia poison.

-Ashta also is quite adept at climbing and swimming. She cannot move quickly aside from these two mediums though.

Photograph attached: http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af130/rubberchickensoffear/imagesCALF74L9.jpg

Tell us about yourself: Ashta can be quite cold and prefers to keep to herself. She does not trust easily and often manipulates and works situations to her advantage. She considers herself quite cunning and thinks of herself as superior to others. When she chooses to act social she often hides behind sarcasm or is openly demeaning. Ashta comes from the Swiftscale lamia clan so she has a personality very similar to theirs.
All Approved!!

Not quite what I had intended for the "tell us about yourself" section from all of you, but it's fine.

Oh, yeah! I forgot that was there... Well, after I posted my profile I mean.

As a side question; have you made the actual thread yet or are you waiting?
I'm in the middle of making it as we speak. Also, you don't need to tag me every time you post ^^'
heartsteal22 said:
All Approved!!
Not quite what I had intended for the "tell us about yourself" section from all of you, but it's fine.
If it's alright, might I re-post on the "Tell us about yourself" part?
(Sorry for the massive text wall, spoilers don't work for me..._

Verjouhi Trueflight, goes by Ranger. Only Gwenhara knows his real name these days.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Talents magical or otherwise: He carries a bow and arrow around, though no one knows why. Rumor was he never missed, and it's a fact. He just doesn't advertise it. Another thing he doesn't advertise is his inhuman strength and stamina, which is so drastically different that it drove him into his self proclaimed exile. He wanted to keep others safe from himself, to put it simply.

Photograph attached:

Ebony-black hair reaches the base of his neck and hangs over his eyes, so no one knows what goes on in his mind. He is tall, 6’ even to be exact, and his arms are long and lanky, but strong and firm. When it comes to what he wears, it's mostly old school. He mostly goes shirtless, but he wears a deep blue cloak around his shoulders. A pendant fastens the front of the cloak together. He doesn’t know where the pendant came from, but his mother gave it to him so he doesn’t care. It has a howling wolf head etched into it and its sapphire in color.

He carries an oaken bow and aspen arrows with him everywhere. The quiver is made from bamboo wood covered in thin oak strips. He wears the quiver easily on across his back and he normally has his bow unstrung in the quiver. It’s not fancy and is just barely an inch over the top of the 3’ quiver. He keeps his cloak over it, the last thing he needs is to be seen as something that can kill in less than a millisecond.

Tell us about yourself:

When he was only two he was holding and stringing his first bow and by three he was shooting arrows two at a time. The speed and accuracy came with age and practice and over time he became a better shot than his father, though as he later discovered, his gifts were a big hand in his early training. He has lived alone since his family was killed in a car wreck when he was nine. Surprisingly he didn’t grieve over his family; he simply went on, taking only his bow, arrows, and his cloak.

He traveled for years, never staying in once spot for too long; he was restless and that doesn’t change. He has made it on his own for years, sometimes he accepts the money the from the few jobs he takes, from carpentry to hired murder; whether or not he does depends on the situation he is in. He travels with a Demon now, careful as always. When they heard about Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal, they decided to check it out. (See Gwenhara's history.)

Silent and hard, Verjouhi has issues with authority and refuses to take orders. He's earned the nickname of Trueflight-Ranger because of his freelance business. He normally goes by Ranger than anything else; only his friends called him Verjouhi, and those are long gone. He doesn't open up and refuses to talk about his personal life. Get the job done then vanish, that's always been his motto and he lives by it easily.

Name: Gwenhara Trueflight, he's adopted Verjouhi's last name over time.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Talents magical or otherwise:

Holds a sun pendant to show his rank, though he keeps it hidden; it also helps his left wing stay strong. He knows that if he ever loses the pendant, his wing would be useless and he'd never fly again. He has small electric attacks and strong wind attacks at his disposal, but never both at the same time and never for long periods of time. Both work as a defense as well as an offense. He can’t, however, fly for long for, even with the sun pendant, his wing is still weak. He also can't stand when creatures talk about him behind his back. His hearing is like a wolf’s and normally he can hear whatever anyone says about him.

Photograph attached:

Canine head and tail, and his wings are… slightly strange. He has four all together, two small below two larger ones. His left large wing has a scar from an Angles sword that hurt like Hell itself, but he can’t complain. Nor does he care to explain why he fought an Angle to begin with. His fur is ebony-black and he wears a sapphire blue cloak with four slits for his wings to slip through easily.

Around his neck is a pendant that he keeps hidden beneath the cloak and his eyes are light blue, when not mad. When angered, his eyes turn the sapphire blue of his cloak and he’s not easy to be around. He has a gold canine tooth to replace the tooth he lost when he came to in the same fight that damaged his wing. He has a white star pattern that is dead center of his forehead and his chest; the same pattern is on the tops of his feet and the palms of his hands. He goes barefoot most of the time and has a small anklet around his right ankle.

Tell us about yourself:

Raised by his mother and father till they were killed when he was two, he learned barely any cruelty from them because he was so young. Though he does have his share of cruelty in him, just less than your average demon, especially one his age. But, after they were killed, he was sent to what one could call an orphanage, but he didn't stay long. It was just a few years before he left when he was five. He wasn't human, and it showed drastically.

When he was ten, he ran into a human much like himself. Silent and cold. They met in a open field and simply stared at one another for the longest time. Then, at the exact same moment, held out their hands to each other and shook hands once. They were one in the same, somewhat, and that was enough for them both. They travel together now, though Gwenhara stays in the shadows while Verjouhi stays near the trees. They are not seen together, they don’t camp together, but they each know the other is there. They take time every now and then to say few words to the other, but for the most part they say nothing at all.

Cold and cruel, he knows no other way in life. He is silent and reserved, refuses to show anything, anger included. If anyone gets to close he’ll simply stare at them till they leave or fight him, he has no issue with anyone till they make an issue with him. He refuses to talk and many consider him mute because of it; he can talk, but it’s simpler if he doesn’t say anything and simply watches from the sidelines. His eyes give nothing and show nothing; if someone is looking for mercy, they won’t find it in this Demon’s eyes. All anyone gets from him is a cold stare, if they’re that lucky.

By chance are you still accepting? I read through your RP thread and I'd love to jump in if you don't mind. (:
Name: Ashlyn Lafayette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Talent: Water/Ice Elemental


History: Ashlyn grew up only knowing her mother, her father supposedly ran off when she was born though she knows that there is more to the story. She never asked her mother since she was already fighting severe depression. Ashlyn was never unhappy but she did grow up as a social introvert. Her interests lead her to academics and the art of hand to hand combat. For being quiet she is fairly well trained, though her fear of almost everything usually drives her to pick flight over fight.
Adding hand-to-hand as a talent would have been a little helpful, but:



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