Story Dirge


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Before Revelations​
The Sounds of the city were thunderous outside, as he smoked on a Native Spirit, but he enjoyed the liveliness of downtown Portland. It made Hume feel as the spirit of the city was speaking to him and all its inhabitants. The noise of traffic and all the people reminded him of a pulse and Johnathan loved hearing it.

He was an imposing figure; a pale olive-skinned man of twenty-two, standing at six foot six inches tall, with ebony black hair and icicle blue eyes. He had an athletic physique from years of martial arts and Free Running. A lot of women he had met in his life had compared him to Edward Furlong and, the late, Brandon lee.

His Mind began to wander down dark routes, to things much more depressing than the love of this city. He had lost the love of his life the year before, police had failed to find out the truth of the matter either. They said it was a pack of wolves that had come down from Washington Park's hills due to starvation and when they saw Victoria, they instinctively saw her as prey, Johnathan still had his doubts.
His best friend had given him a year to grieve, then started to pester him with logic and words like 'She would want you to move on." And other insensitive bullshit like that, it had taken almost another year before he finally gave into Matthew. Johnathan knew he meant well and he loved his friend like a brother and agreed only to make his friend happy.

Matthew was running lath though and John had begun to feel uncomfortable standing near the stage entrance at the back of a bar called Embers. Portland had outlawed smoking inside bars early that year, so he was out back off the sidewalk smoking so no one would complain about early that year, so he was out back off the sidewalk smoking so no one would complain about him smoking. He wondered why he had never heard of the place, but it could be that unlike him Matthew was a Barfly. Matt was overly popular and very gay; he was always in the know and loved to bar hop. He lit up another cigarette and took a few drags, when suddenly through the smoke, he suddenly smelled the sharp smell of lavender and cherry blossoms. As he turned to the direction of the scent, that's when he saw her; a pale skinned beauty with ebony eyes and hair that stretched behind her waistline like a cloak hiding her in the darkness.

Their eyes met as she walked by a devilish on her face, "Hello Johnathan," her voice came out like a purr to his ears, as she walked up to the "Performer's Only" entrance of the bar and opened the door letting out the Intro of the song Perfect Skin by 'The 69 Eyes'. She went inside and the music suddenly stopped, leaving him dumbfounded in the darkness of the alleyway. The sound of boots running up behind him snapped him out of his state and he turned to see Matthew running up in Go Go Boots and a dress. It was now obvious why Matt was so late, a wardrobe malfunction at some point as he hardly matched his boots with that dress.

"Hey Johnny, Sorry I'm so late." Matthew stopped in front of him and smoothed out his dress, which was a hilarious sight to behold. Matthew was a five-foot six-inch Mexican American who loved to dress up, but hardly ever in drag. Johnny laughed out loud a bit confusing Matt even more.

"What is it? Drag night?" Matthew punched him in the upper right arm hard.

"Yes, it is thank you for waiting, asshole." Matthew moved to the end of the alleyway and turned to look at him, a red purse in one hand." You are coming?" is all he said before going around the corner and vanished out of sight.

Johnny just smiled shaking his head as he walked out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk in front of the building. It was truly a beautifully painted old building that had a mellow teal coat that shimmered in the streetlights. As he focused on the building, he saw the Queer Rights flag flying proudly on each corner, a different color orientation for each of the sexual preferences.

As he opened the door he was stunned momentarily by bright lights, but he did not see Matt anywhere in sight as his eyes adjusted to the bright light. Stamping his cigarette out in the ash tray by the door he went inside, nodded to the bartender and sat down at table near the back of the room but still up in front of the stage. Matthew soon came over with a tray of drinks in his hand of various aromas and colors, handing Johnathan one with a green color and a sugar cube held over it with a strainer spoon. He sat down and lit the sugar cube on fire and motioned for John to wait a bit.

"Really Matt? Absinthe?" Johnny had grown up around gypsy clans that loved their absinthe and plum brandy, so he knew when to drop in the sugar and blow out the fire. Tilting the tumbler back as he let the glowing drink melt its way down his throat, he coughed a little from the heat of it.

After a few shots of various drinks, he began to feel a little tipsy, he never liked mixing drinks. The stage lights began to dim as he momentarily thought he was going to pass into unconsciousness, but soon a light blue light began to raise on the stage as he heard a very primal and sensual music begin to play in the overhead speakers, reverberating around the room.
Matthew seemed to get excited as he stood up straight and clapped.
"Yay, Johnny watch this." The amount of excitement seen from Matt seemed to infect the whole room as catcalls and hollers were heard all around.

As soon as Operatic vocals began to play Johnathan saw a pale feminine leg shown out of the heavy velvet curtains and the sound of whistles came over the crowd. Johnathan Immediately had Deja-Vu of a movie from the 80's and just as he was sure she was mimicking Jessica Rabbit, she burst out of the curtains with a black and red Belly dancer dress on. It was that strange girl who walked by him outside, his eyes widened as she pulled out fans and changed from an elaborate belly dance to a fan dance, and just when Johnathan was thinking the song was over with a more upbeat tempo started and flames leapt from the fans in a stylish arc.

When she finished, she hopped off the stage and walked up to the table he was sitting at, anticipating her coming up to him and was slightly agape when she walked right by him and hugged Matthew.
"Hi Matty, how are you." Dropping into a chair across from him she stared at Matt while he was unsure how to respond. Johnathan turned to her and was stunned that she was just staring at the back of his head, when he tried to tune into their conversation, he realized it was in full Spanish.

Johnathan felt uncomfortable for a moment and stood up, "excuse me." He walked towards the sign that clearly labeled bathrooms close to the stage. As he closed the door of the bathroom and turned around he felt uneasy and almost dizzy, he leaned over the sink in front of the mirrors a flickering light being the only illumination in the room. For a minute, he thought he saw someone standing behind him and when he turned around there was nothing there at all.

He turned on the faucet as he faced the mirror again and washed his face in the sink. Grabbing a paper towel, he dried his face off and leaned against the door.
"Alright, Johnathan why are you so uneasy? You never had issues with women before." Johnathan turned and looked at the mirror again and began to think of Victoria, just as he was Johnathan turned and looked at the mirror again and began to think of Victoria, just as he was shoved out of the way of the door by Matthew coming in.

Matthew recognizing the signs of his "unhappy" place Grabbed him by the arm and gave him a big hug.
"Johnny, I understand if you want to leave." Matt helped him back up from the floor where he was now sitting.
"That woman is Sydara, a good friend of mine and I thought you'd like her and maybe she could help you heal a little." Matt pushed him up to the sink and helped him wash the eyeliner out from under his eyes, as reapplied it for him.

Johnny looked to Matt and shook his head, "I need this it's just kind of hard with the alcohol and just being so close to when she was found." Johnathan turned around to hear a soft knock on the door, and Matt slightly cracked the door and talked to whoever was outside, from the muffled softness, he guessed it was Sydara. Johnathan stood up and leaned against the sink and brushed out his hair with his fingers.

Matt looked back at him and shrugged at him, asking what to do in body language pretty much. "Go on I'm okay. I’ll be out soon." Matt walked out of the bathroom and back to the table with Sydara, waiting on his friend with obvious worry across his face.

"So, what's going on with him?" Sydara asked softly, her voice barely a whisper. "He lost someone he loved around two years ago, and it's close to a year ago when they found her body." Sydara covered her mouth in a gasp of shock. "He finally decided to take my offer of coming out to a few places this last week." Matthew looked at the bartender and signaled him to come over, whispering something to him. "I think a peace offering is what should work here."
Sydara looked at him confused, "A peace offering? Like what?" Sydara was curious what Matt meant by his comment.
"Just take this to him." Scooping a bottle and two shot glasses off the tray and handing it to her. "It's his favorite drink, Plum Brandy."
Lilith {TW: Gore, some suggestive scenes}
Lilith sat quietly on her throne; she was extremely bored. Nothing in her realm satisfied her anymore; the un-dead around her were mindless and lacked the ability to even hold a
conversation with her. She tired of ruling a realm full of the un-dead and yearned for some sort of companionship, albeit just for a temporary time. She had to find a way to spread her rule to the living not just the un-dead, the best way she could think of was bloody conquest. The easiest and yet most unsettling choice so far, she really wanted to skip royal marriage because no one interested her.
She was Alu, a spawn of a succubus and a human. Her birth meant that most men distrusted her and even less could satisfy her fully, she grew bored with her own kind and left to seek out her own kingdom, though so far she could only rule over the dead, and un-dead. But soon she would be able to rule over all of Vera. She just needed an army.

Sitting there thinking to herself she felt a cold chill raise slowly up her spine, "what just happened?" She thought to herself. "Did something just happen?" She slowly stood up and walked over to a great stone cauldron in the middle of her throne room, slowly chanting and adding ingredients to the water inside. The water began to bubble and steam, and soon a picture formed inside the reflection, the image of a man with dark hair and pale olive skin. She stared in wonder at his face and wondered truly who and what he was.

Seeking to find him, she set about gathering her most provocative clothing and a robe; she left her throne room and walked towards the exit to the room. Fixing an image of his face in she left her throne room and walked towards the exit to the room. Fixing an image of his face in her mind she summoned a globe of light that radiated his image, and she was gone.

The weather turned sour fast; it had started out being bright enough to where Johnathan wore his Polarized sunglasses. Rain pouring down his face and his hair stuck to the side of his
cheek, as waited at the outside of The Hampton Opera Center. He was excited, the Phantom of the Opera cast were reuniting for a big show at the center, and he had gotten tickets from
Matthew and immediately asked Sydara. This would be their ninth date since they met three weeks previously, it still felt like the first to him.

Sydara was late, and the show would start soon. He was worried that she wasn't going to show for a moment before he saw her moving up the line to him. She had a unreadable face
today and that usually meant something did not go the way she wanted it to.

"What's wrong?" Johnathan asked her as he stood beside her in line just as the doors opened. He always felt uncomfortable when she seemed upset, it was an odd thing to him but
he liked her enough to not get too upset over it.

"My bloody hair dryer decided to be an asshole today, something about neglect and stuff." She eyed him playfully and smirked. "Sunglasses after dark? So Cliche'"

"Really now? You mean how ye. have a hairdryer issue and yet you have perfect hair, like it's mag...?" She immediately covered his mouth as he was about to get the word magic out.

"Shh! Don't utter those words in public." She looked behind her making sure no one else was watching.

Johnathan gave her a puzzled look at her behavior, but just shrugged it off. Wrapping his arms around her waist, she seemed to close the gap between them. Feeling elated when she was
him was a frequent thing now and most the time he smiled when talking to her, almost forgetting about the fact that nine weeks ago he was about a keg down into misery and contemplating suicide. The night was amazing in Johnathan's eyes, he always loved the Opera and the fact that Sydara shared the same joy of it and spoke lots to his heartstrings. After the concert they went to a nearby coffee shop and talked until three in the morning. Realizing how late it was Sydara paused and had a slight freak since the buses stopped running at two and she was here with him until an hour past then.

"I don't suppose you have a car, do you?" She was a little off put that she got distracted so much around him. She never even watched over her shoulder anymore.

"A car? In Portland? No, I don't." Johnathan looked at her confused, and then the barista came over and announced that it was closing time. Sydara looked very uncomfortable, and he picked up the hint that she did not want to be stuck downtown all night. "You could always take my bed, and I can sleep on the couch."

Sydara stands up, "Okay, if you promise to be on your best behavior." She gathered her things together and Johnathan got up to help her put on her coat. They both held hands out into
the rainy early hours of Portland, heading towards his place in the University District. Once inside he went into the kitchen and warmed up some coffee, and goes to clean up his room for
her spreading out nice sheets and closing the canopy curtains.

Once he came out of his room, he realized that they are both soaked to the bone. Offering a robe to her and his shower, she eyes him playfully. "No Peaking, Johnny." She said in her purr of a voice. Johnny just smirked and shrugged.
"Hey, I'm not a total asshole. Despite what Matt may say." She kissed him on the cheek and then went to use the shower. Johnny decided to start making something to eat for both of
them. A Terrine was simple enough for him, so he began to make it from the recipe that his grandmother had taught him when he was young. Terrine consisted of a multiple layer stack of
of pureed vegetables that were baked into an almost cake like consistency.

When he was just pulling it out of the oven, Sydara had come out of the bathroom. Stretching her arms wide, he could not help but notice some of her cleavage had shown a bit
through the seam. He smiled to himself.

"Do you usually bake at four in the morning?" Sydara smiled at him and sat down at his bar, on a very comfortable bar stool. Just watching his lightning-fast movements as he prepared
and plated the Terrine. Placing it in front of her, he smiled softly.

"Bon Appetit." He took the small fork and cut into his own slice and placed it in his mouth, tasting the sweetness of the pureed carrots and the thickness of the potato. After
halfway through chewing his piece he tasted the legumes in the center with a hint of brown sugar. After Breakfast, he had her go to bed as he cleaned the dishes. She was obviously tired
and he really wanted to have her company when he got up later also. Once he was done, he started a shower for himself. Slipping out of his clothing, he went under the waterfall of hot
water. After a while of being under the steamy pressure from the spray nozzle, he felt a chill go up his lower back, as cool hands caressed his abdomen.

Turning around he saw Sydara in the shower with him, a devilish smile on her face with her eyes affixed on his body. He pulled her closer into a deep and longing kiss, and they made
love right there in the shower; afterwards, they headed to the living room to continue their fun.

Although soon, he felt an excruciating pain from his chest, looking down he saw his own beating heart within a flayed open rib cage. Letting out a scream of absolute terror, he looked to Sydara to see her face twist into a hellish expression as she was lost in her own amusement. After a few moments she shuddered and reached down into Johnathan's chest and tugged out his heart, his screams suddenly stopped as his life slowly faded into blackness.

The last thing he saw was the woman he loved taking a bite out of his still beating heart, before oblivion took him.

Lilith was proud of herself, as she finished eating her prey's heart. She had spent way too long in the human realm studying the woman that she would pose as to get her meal. It really
was a pity that she could not have kept him as her slave, but Samuel would have killed her for betraying him. This was after all the final seal, one of the seven who must die to open the way for the apocalypse.

Savoring her kill for a bit longer, she was shocked when a door burst open and the woman she was posing as was screaming in terror and deep sorrow. The Octave and Pitch suddenly increased to ear deafening levels as glass began to shatter from the windows, her brain felt like it was swelling and shimmering as she realized it was a banshee's wail, and very fatal.

Lilith stood up and her body rippled as she vanished from sight, willing herself back to the gates of hell. Sydara sat down in front of Johnathan on the floor, her eyes swollen from crying so long when Matthew came to help her explain what happened to the police, making sure to make it seem like it was a burglary. Matthew always took care of his friends.

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