Dire Shards: Chaos Reborn {xXx}Interest Check{xXx}


You have thirty days until the end of the world, and the clock is already ticking.

Shadows are lurking near, ready to plunge the world into total darkness. The streets are abandoned by all except for Horrors, Dires, and the ill-fated heroes, destined to put the sinister rule to an end. Who are these heroes? Well, unfortunately I could name a few. Us.

Long ago, a Dire by the name of Chaos wreaked havoc on this world, threatening to wipe out the whole of sanity. He wanted no riches, no orderly rule. He wanted one thing only; to see the world and fear and disorder for the mere sick pleasure of it. To be able to control the people like puppets. His reign cast a dark shadow on history, and the people were left devastated, abandoned by every sliver of hope. But there is always someone to rise up against evil. A brave legend who wouldn't back down.

His name was Tannim. Disgusted by Chaos's twisted way of thinking, he approached the Dire Overlord to request a battle. He knew it was hopeless. Chaos could crush him with a single word. So instead of taking up a sword, Tannim lured Chaos to Mount Igneous, a volcano at the world's end, and trapped him inside. Chaos's essence was imprisoned in stone, and to make sure he couldn't return to the mortal world, the victorious hero shattered the stone with his sword. But he had underestimated the Dire. Chaos could still whisper orders to his Dire Servants, commanding them to collect the pieces and restore him to his original form. In order to prevent this, Tannim distributed the Chaos Shards to different individuals across the country, to protect them from Dires and Horrors with their lives.

Since then, the Dires have been trying to recover, and haven't had much of a grip on us. But now, they're making their way back and will do anything to retrieve all the missing shards. And a certain group of people—the descendants of the protectors—must guard the stones and put an end to it all, without the Horrors catching them.

Setting: The world that the characters live in is mythical, but it also has a lot of modern things. For instance, there are small villages and things as so, but there are also big cities like in modern America. Or, their technology is more advanced in some ways, but less advanced in others. Most places are in ruins though, and people generally stay indoors. The most populated race is human, but there are a few others, though the others are often shunned.

Dires are basically shadows with no form that can possess a human and transform their host into a ruthless monster. After it has finished its work, the host dies, except in rare occasions.

Horrors are like reapers, trying to bring the fate of death upon those who they deem ready, especially the heroes. You can't fight them, only outrun them, so it's a constant chase.

In this role-play you can be a Hero, a Dire, or a Phantom. I think I have explained things well enough for now... anyone interested? If so, please reply. I will answer any questions.
Awesome. ^~^ I just wanted to make sure there was some people interested before I actually started it.
Would it be more 1x1 or small group based. This rp seems very interesting and could a hero be born with dire with his char?
More group based, it seems. And I don't understand the question well... do you mean you want to know if a hero could be a Dire?
Well I am wandering if I could play hero but have like dire follow my char around. Kinda like good luck charm or has always been there since been little kid helping him escape trouble. Also the dire would be shadow but would look like bunny.
Well I kinda wanted to make my char maybe son of choas or one of the shards that why the dire would be helping him. He could figure it out later in the story.
I'll have to see about that, Hmmmr. I had planned to allow one or two characters to be the children of Chaos, though.

((I don't know, just a design to catch attention, I guess. Why, does it mean something?))
Could be like he was lost in the battle or trapping. He was found in a small pit of fire which was taken and raised by a family. Than his sister could be found by their mother and raised differently. Because wanted to make my char more friendly/caring. As for the dire part would be interesting because could give a twist later. Kinda like beacon to other family members and that he could clash with repeats because of father. ((If dont like idea just tells))
As I said, I'll think about all this. For now, I have to get things running, which I'll try to do tomorrow. ^~^ One thing though, I do have certain standards. For instance, I'd like the role-players to have understandable grammar and be at least adequate at role-playing, and I don't want a lot of very short posts, so I may have to decline some people...
Mordaedel said:
As I said, I'll think about all this. For now, I have to get things running, which I'll try to do tomorrow. ^~^ One thing though, I do have certain standards. For instance, I'd like the role-players to have understandable grammar and be at least adequate at role-playing, and I don't want a lot of very short posts, so I may have to decline some people...
That is totally fine with me. It is your rp anyway so you make the roles. I will just try to enjoy myself and if I get cut that is fine. 

Hmmmrpumust said:
That is totally fine with me. It is your rp anyway so you make the rules. I will just try to enjoy myself and if I get cut that is fine.
Thanks for understanding. ^~^ I have to sleep now, but I'll let you know what's going on tomorrow if I'm not too busy to get on. Night.

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