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Multiple Settings Dino_Crackers M/M search thread updated 8/20/21


New Member
Hi! Let’s start off by telling you a bit about myself. My name is Dani. I’m in my mid 20’s I live in the US in PST time zone. I’ve been roleplaying since I was probably 13 and in my off years I spent a lot of time writing as well. I work a full time job but it’s remote so I reply pretty quickly. Generally I’ll let my partner know if I’m going to have a busy day or be away for any reason. I also go to college as well (I’m an English major ha) buuut it’s summer break so HUZZAH!

Now, what I’m looking for in a partner:
I’m looking for someone who is open to communication and discussing plot ideas and stuff like that. If I come to you saying that I’m not feeling the plot I don’t want hurt feelings I want us to work together to improve the plot somehow or agree to try something new. I’m not really a fan of premade characters. In my experience they often bring baggage from previous storylines that either halt the progress of the story or just don’t fit with the plot that we have agreed upon, however, this does not mean I absolutely will not accept premade characters. It simply means I may need some convincing.

I also need a partner who is going to be flexible. I don’t want one character to constantly be a damsel of sorts while the other is repeatedly swooping in to save the day. Yes drama is good and angst is great but let’s not play into the victim complex more than necessary.

As far as post length, literacy, and so on goes, I prefer my partner to give me something good to work with. I’d rather spend a day waiting for a reply and get something with substance that helps move the plot and isn’t distracting with typos etc. than to have a fast back and forth that doesn’t get anywhere. Speaking of moving the plot, WE SHOULD BOTH BE MOVING THE PLOT FORWARD! I do nooooot like having to be the person to constantly put things into action only to get my partners responses and that is all.

What I will roleplay:
I’m honestly open to anything. I have a few plot ideas in my brain I mostly prefer slice of life plots fantasy or supernatural whatever you prefer to call it and some adventure type stuff. I’m not big on gore or horror so if that’s what you’re looking for I’m not your gal. I can play many characters or one character. I am only interested in playing M/M plots at the moment so please keep that in mind.

Some Plot Ideas (theyre all very rough and require further developement):

Body Switched (OPEN)
This concept is a little tricky and it requires doubling but there are four main characters main boy (MB) main girl (MG) main boys best friend (BBF) and main girls best friend (GBF). MB is quiet and shy while MG is more in your face and athletic. MB has a crush on MG and they some how switch bodies so now he is stuck in a girl body. While he struggles with being a girl MG seems to embrace being a boy and works out and does sports and ends up dating GBF. Meanwhile BBF kinda has a suspicion until he confirms that the two have switched but he doesn’t seem to care as he continues to pursue MB.

Behind Closed Doors (OPEN)
(All site rules will be followed while playing this plot on RPNation)
Character A is a type A personality who has complete control of every aspect of their life. They are the boss at work and people often fear them. One night they get hammered and go to a special “club” where they relinquish control to a dominant/dominatrix. A few days later said dominant/dominatrix shows up at their work for a job interview and they’re actually the most qualified and professional person interviewed for the job...

Back When I Knew You (OPEN)
Two kids are neighbors and they grow up together this would be a two-part role-play where there’s more of like an innocent love as kids and then they grow up and one of them moves away or something like that and then many many years later they meet back up and they don’t realize who the other is, or maybe one remembers very clearly and the other doesn’t remember so one of them kind of plays on the other that they know who they are without really letting them know and eventually the other one remembers. (This can also have kind of a dark horror type twist to it if you want I think it could be cool to have some thing like that happen so maybe the one that remembers has kind of a special power that they used as a kid to pretty much kill somebody or something that was super violent or to either him or to his friend and then that person kind of doesn’t remember his past but he has always had this like inkling that he has A dark past but he doesn’t remember exactly what it was and then when the other starts to allude to what it was, while scared he is also excited by the thought)

Tortured Love (OPEN)
This is an idea that would not be a happily ever after idea but it would be like murderer/cop or detective and basically the cop or detective is on the trail of this murderer and she captures him and ends up torturing him and he gets Stockholm syndrome from it and then eventually he’s released but he doesn’t turn her in instead he like tries to help her somehow and then they end up finding out and he goes to jail she would just kind of disappear. (Very loose idea needs some work)

Waiting For You (OPEN)
100 years ago a man and another man fall in love and they end up being blessed by the gods. They are both granted immortality but before they can drink from the cup of life one of them ends up dying. So then the immortal one spends the next hundred years or so trying to find his reincarnated love because the Gods said that he would have another chance and when he finally does he is the king of some realm and he already has a partner that he’s not terribly serious with and maybe the partner is kind of wicked and they want to Be with him to get power but when the fated loves meet he is obviously kind of cast aside and he doesn’t take it very well so they have to overcome him.
Looking For You (OPEN)
So this is an idea based off of treasure planet kind a like that they live in space and maybe Character A’s dad was an explorer and he wants to go find his dad now that he’s of age and so he disappears one day from his moms house and he hops on a space boat and he goes out on this big huge adventure and meets a bunch of people and eventually he meets character B who kinda sticks around and they have this dynamic that gets created and whatever reason CB is wanting to come they’re kind of just using CA until they start to develop feelings too and then CA finds out that he was just being used and gets upset and they have a big fight and then later on down the line they need each other for some reason and end up finding the big bad together and falling in love.

I'm also very interested in an Omegaverse roleplay at the moment so please feel free to message me if you know what that is and are interested and we can certainly see about getting something planned out!

I will add more as they come to me, if you don’t like these or have you’re own ideas I’m open to anything!

Now if you’ve gotten this far and you agree with all the lovely little pet peeves I have and would like to reach out please send me a message and we shall chat! I promise I’m quite friendly and open to many things!
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Clarification: By fantasy/super natural I mean vampires where wolves witches maybe a fairy possibly a ghost or spirit or even an angel or demon or Greek god stuff like that.... I’ve got zero knowledge about actual beasts or dwarves or idk what else those other things are the kinda stuff you find on magic cards or in dnd I dunno anything about that stuff guys lol.
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