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Fandom Digimon Story: Code of Reality ~Reformation: Altered Code~ Virtual Pet Application (In Character)


The Explorer

Philippians 4:13
The Virtual Pet Application for the Digimon Story: Code of Reality ~Reformation: Altered Code~ RP. Make sure you read the Linked "Other" Page as it explains in further detail.
Cole had finally finished his life long project. After the Digitama Code was working perfectly, he noticed that his Digitama was in place, "Let's do this."
Jacqui is busy painting and listening to music when the message went off but felt it vibrate as it called out it's message. She put down her paint brush, took out her headphones and pulled out her Digivice "Oh coolies, a Digitama" she said with a smile as she spun around in her chair and opened up her device to see the Digitama

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