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TeddiBear submitted a new role play. @TeddiBear, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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characters creation:



appearance: (pictures intended)





abilities: (can have up to 3)

weapons: (can have one if you like)

name: Rune Abeth

age: 14

appearance: blond long hair, bright blue eyes, very pale skin, dresses more punk, 5 ft 4. weighs 110

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-25_18-24-11.jpeg.fbc6324a34e0dab590faae4403d34edb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-25_18-24-11.jpeg.fbc6324a34e0dab590faae4403d34edb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

likes: Rune likes to draw, and read, she prefers being outside in nature and loves animals. she likes rock music and loves to dance for no reason at all.

dislikes: Rune really dislikes the government, she thinks they are bad people (her words) that don't deserve anything, she also hates people that try to hurt her friends, shes very protective of them.

personality: Rune is a very happy, sweet and friendly girl, she always seems to be in a good mood and its very hard to make her angry or sad. she knows of her abilities but keeps them hidden away from her friends and family. she sees her self as a hero in a way so when someone is in danger she will try to help, even if sometimes it ends up with her having been hurt. shes a smart girl and very strong for her age, even if she doesn't seem like it. shes very oblivious and every way possible and will put her self in the worst situations.

backstory: Rune has had a very normal life, other than the fact that when she was 7 she found out she was Distant, her parents very knew though and she very let them find out, because of this she looked around for someone who was like her, after a year she finally found someone, a young man in his early 20s, he was a cruel person and didn't like many people, and for some reason Rune took a liking to him, and him to her (not in sexual way) her became very protective of her even if he didn't show it, sometimes rune even though he hated her, but as time passed she grow to realize her truly didn't. the man trained her to use her abilities, trained her to be able to control them, the training was harsh and she would sometimes get hurt, once the man even made her fight agents 5 thugs who were trying to steal from an old woman, that day she went home will a broken arm and a black eye. years passed and the training went on. now at the age of 14 Rune is still living a partly normal life, but now with the name who happens to be called james by her side and her abilities her partly normal life has became fantastic.

abilities: rune can control a black fire and see in to the future

weapons: rune if needed can used daggers

name: James Heartfire

age: 27

appearance: James has dark black/blue hair, pale skin, dark blue eyes, 6ft 4, weighs 140 (mostly mussel)


likes: being alone, reading, video games, Cares a lot about Rune Abeth

dislikes: sun light, most people.

personality: James is a very laid back person, he is calm most of the time and doesn't get angry often, but when he does he will be out of control, he doesn't care for what other people do most of the time and doesn't get involved. he cares a lot about Rune Abeth and is very protective of her even if he doesn't show it. he is cruel most of the time towards others, and not many people have seen his loving side like rune has.

backstory: James grow up on the streets with no one to help him in life, he learned of his abilities when he was 10 years old and trained to use them. he used to get in to fights as a kid and still does even now, his training helped him in earning a rep and the nickname "puppeteer" this was because he used peoples weaknesses, mental weakness's agents them during a fight. once he was 20 he had already mastered his abilities but very showed them. he met Rune Abeth during a street fight he was in, she showed up out of no where shouting "evil doers begone! i have come and am ready to fight!" James thought she was crazy at first but after seeing her risk her life for someone she didn't even know her came to like her. after a month of her hanging around him begging to be trained by him, he finally said yes, after time passed of her training he thought her ready for something more "extreme" he let her fight off 5 thugs, it was a struggle for James not to help her, even though she ended up hurt, she still seemed eager to fight. years passed and James grow closer to Rune, taking her in like little sister, he even void to him self to always protect her.

abilities: James can control shadows and darkness, being able to create things out of darkness its self

weapons: James has a gun on had at all times, but her barley uses it



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Name: Shell


Appearance: he has always wears a hoody and stays in the shadows sorry for not having any pictures of Shell

Like: begging to his sorrow for being an outcast for his abilities

Dislike: hates people who think that they are better than him

Personally: Loner and "freak or outcast"

Backstory: he has a powerful ability to change shape and shadows or become a shadow

Ability: Phocokinetic abilities

Weapon: His Mind
name: Maya Greath

age: 19

appearance: 5'8" and usually wears jeans and t shirts. She has long pink hair that goes to her waist, usually tied up in some form.

likes: People who save her, chocolate, heat, fire, hugs, cuddling, candy, meat.

dislikes: Ice, cold, freezing, perverts, people harming themselves.

personality: She is a fiery character who loves to be boisterous and loud. Her childish nature makes her stand out, but she doesn't care, her hair alone makes her stand out. She can be caring, but if you ruin the moment, she's goanna kill you.

backstory: She has always been bullied, stood out. She was never once normal. Her parents shunned her, her siblings hurt her, the only person who didn't' hate her was herself. So at the age of 5, she ran to the mountains, fleeing the regular village. She soon found a large cave and sat there to cry. Little did she know that a dragon lived inside the cave. He came to comfort her and eventually gave in to letting her live there. They have been best of friends ever since.

abilities: Can control fire and wind, giving her the ability to run super fast.

weapons: A old style katana with a black handle and fiery case.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-25_22-20-40.jpeg.2c9e722a29e9c6217e855c0db61a1725.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-25_22-20-40.jpeg.2c9e722a29e9c6217e855c0db61a1725.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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name: Cori Winchester

age: 16

appearance: About 5'7", weighs 120 lbs


likes: Listening to music, horror movies, eating

dislikes: homework, spiders, sitting still

personality: Cori is cunning, brash, inattentive, exuberant, and heedless to any kind of formality. She loves to anger people and pick fights. Because of her amazing speed and agility, she's able to get away from bad situations quickly and, mostly, without getting caught. She is very clever and, if she can't get out of bad situations physically, then she uses quick thinking and a slippery tongue.

backstory: Was living a normal life until she discovered her powers when she was 11. Her parents went crazy and called the police to pick her up but she escaped. Ever since then, she's been on the run and often breaks into places and steals things to get what she needs or wants. Sometimes, she will intentionally be seen just to see if she can get away. She was caught when she was 13 and put in a small prison but a boy rescued her and several other Distants. She was trying to find him for a while but never could. Now, she's living in a small apartment by herself and training to get stronger.

abilities: Controlling and generating water/ice

weapons: Wields a rapier, or uses her fists
name: Oakton Lyode

age: 17

appearance: 5' 4''. Oakton has long brown hair that she prefers to keep straight. She wears an eyepatch over her robotic left eye and she is always wearing the uniform of her old school, except when she is at home relaxing. It is a purple and black checkered skirt that goes down to her knees, black leggings, and formal brown shoes. Some days she alternates between a black tee shirt or a white tee shirt, along with either a solid purple or a purple and black checkered jacket.


likes: anything sweet, high school, a good book, electric guitars, her friends

dislikes: hurting people, violence, rodents, her parents

personality: Oakton is a quiet girl that pays close attention to detail. She is kind and gentle to everyone around her, even the ones that make her irritated or angry. She tries to make the best out of everyday, even the rainy ones. She also is a hard worker and doesn't like to give up easily. She prefers to talk things out, but if a situation turns sour she won't resort to her powers unless it is absolutely necessary.

backstory: She was donated to the science world as soon as she was born. She went through many experiments in her lifetime, she was a guinea pig for science. Through her scientist discovered a way to train the body to not reject foreign objects. After this discovery they slowly transformed her into a machine. After a while, the Army soon took interest in her and wanted to use her for combat. The scientist protested against this, but they didn't have their way. A superior agreed to get her ready for combat and they started to make her into a killing machine. She severely lacked social skills and ethics, this was a problem. They couldn't have her be a mindless killing machine, but instead one with ethics and a good sense judgement. They decided to send her to public school to gain what she was missing. They say that she is a transfer student from homeschooling and that her fellow students should help her get used to life around school. The government is closely monitoring Oakton, and if she defects she will most certainly be assassinated.

abilities: Override - By taking off her left eyepatch she can use her powers that science has gifted her with. Once the eyepatch is off she can modify her own strength and agility to be up to 25 times more than that of an average human. However, this puts a massive strain on her body so she can't use it for long periods of time.

Magnetism - Using the metal that she is constructed with, she can either chose to attract or repel anything metal that is around her. She could perhaps use this to stick to a metal surface, or even repel blows from weapons made out of metal.

Advanced Processing - Her mind can process information a lot faster than that of a human, as an effect of this her reaction time is greatly increased and she has moments where, in her mind, she slows time down.

weapons: She doesn't carry a weapon, she uses the environment around her or whatever item in the vicinity that can be classified as a weapon, such as a rusted iron pipe in a dark isolated alleyway.

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