Difference tween two Brawl Charms?

Crow T Boy

New Member
Is there a difference between the two Brawl Charms:

Crashing Wave Throw  and

Heaven Thunder Hammer   (pg. 159-160, Exalted)

They both throw people you hit, but in slightly differnt ways.  Does one actually throw the target farther?  Better?  If so I'm not seeing it.  Is there a reason to buy Heaven Hammer (it being the next step in that branch of the charm tree)?

Tanx and splosions
Is there a difference between the two Brawl Charms:
Crashing Wave Throw  and

Heaven Thunder Hammer   (pg. 159-160, Exalted)

They both throw people you hit, but in slightly differnt ways.  Does one actually throw the target farther?  Better?  If so I'm not seeing it.  Is there a reason to buy Heaven Hammer (it being the next step in that branch of the charm tree)?

Tanx and splosions
CWT - Simple, HTH - Supplemental.  This affects Combos and dice actions.

Both do similar knockback.

CWT is unblockable.  HTH is only as unblockable as whatever attack you supplemented using it.

In other words, you either get an unblockable attack, OR you get to do some other sort of attack that also does knockback.
Unless you are using Crashing Wave Throw with Power Combat rules.  

It is now Supplemental, costs 3 motes and can only be used when ending a clinch by throwing an opponent, who is launched (Brawl x 5) yards upward or twice that distance horizontally.


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