Please use this sign up. After each sign up I will say what should go there.

Name {First and Last}

Age {12-19 please}


Sexuality {gay, straight or bisexual}

Family {List Names, Roles in life, and Age}

Personality {please use a paragraph 4+ sentences}

Looks {please attach pic}

History {sames rules as personality}


Dating/Single {if they are dating state who}

Why they signed up

What they plan to do with the money

Talents {each character can have 0-1 talents like dancing, wood crafting, etc.}


You are allowed to update your character at any time about your crush.


Name: Zebulon Dae

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Family: Jo (sister, 14), Scott (dad, 27) (BOTH DEAD)


He is very lonely and does not like to be talked to. He perfers to have no friends and wants to be alone. When someone tries to talk to him he never responds and just sits there. When annoyed he buries his face in his hands and he is very much an emo and a punk.


At the age of 8 he was an orphan and was adopted by a family. From that point foward his life was very boring until a tornado came and killed both of them. He now lives alone.

Crush: None

Dating/Single: Single

Why he signed up: Bored (zzzz)

What to do with the money: Buy a apartment and maybe a TV

Talents: skateboarding

Other: is from England and speaks British (way different than English)
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Name: Skylar Abbott

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Family: Amelia (Mother) Darral (Father) Ashford (Younger brother)


Skylar is a quite tired-some boy and always looks irritated. He usually ignores those he dislikes and follows those who he trusts, kind of like a puppy. Once he feels close enough to someone he opens up and be like an open book to them. He's not a huge introvert but hates being in crowded places. He is usually seen cleaning his glasses, he's not a nerd, or a dork, I mean, yeah, he's those things, just not super smart. So in a nutshell he's a huge spazz. Oh, and he's also allergic to peanut butter. And absolutely hates spiders, he finds them disgusting.


Nothing really interesting has happened to him in his life, at age 12 his mother was diagnosed with skin cancer and he's been avoiding the topic ever since. He's moved a lot so he never really made any close friends, those he made usually just stopped talking to him. He was never bullied and stayed away those who looked shady. He usually stays inside playing video games now, since he sees no point in trying to make friends.

Crush: Nope, unless they're virtual

Dating/Single: Single.

Why he signed up: Because he wanted to earn money for his mother's treatment. And because he wanted to do something with his life.

What to do with the money: Use it for his mother's treatments

Talents: If doing all nighters count then that's his talent pretty much besides being pretty good at hiding.

Other: Has a bad habit of biting his lips, so they look pinkish and are sometimes seen bleeding.

((Here's two bad drawings of him, when I have access to a laptop that I can use my tablet on I'll draw him so much better))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf294decf_image(1).jpeg.c334d147e821e3db8aa6abf7185eb9c6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf294decf_image(1).jpeg.c334d147e821e3db8aa6abf7185eb9c6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpeg.2f9f35148b6d7d5e406aacaf8a512db0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpeg.2f9f35148b6d7d5e406aacaf8a512db0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name - Lia Marshall

Age - 16

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Human :) Bi

Family - Nathan (twin brother 16) Evelynn (mother who died) Jake (step-father 50 years old)

Personality - Lia is very shy and quiet. She's that nerd girl who reads a lot and usually stays away from other people. But when you do know her she is really awkward yet has a good sense of humor. She's often scared of what people will think of her so even if her friends are around she's fairly quiet. She knows a lot about outdoor survival from going camping with her step father when she was younger and reading a lot of outdoor survival books.



History - When she was just a baby her real father ran out on her, her mother, and twin brother. Her mom married a very rich man when Lia was about 6 years old. When Lia turned 10 her mother got cancer and died two years later leaving her brother and her with the rich man. When her mother died the man got custody of Lia and Nathan but he was drunk all the time because of his wifes death. He always hit Lia and Nathan so when they were 16 Lia and Nathan got emancipated and lived in a small run-down apartment so when she heard about the survival thing she signed up so she can get the money plus some money they saved for her and Nathan to buy a new home.

Crush - No one

Dating/Single - Single

Why they signed up - To win the money

What they plan to do with the money - To buy a house with her brother

Talents - Singing

Other - She has a fairly quiet soft voice, has a tattoo on her collar bone of a heart, when she gets nervous she tends to pull her sleeves over her hands and crosses her arms.
Name: Anna Mater

Age {15}

Gender Girl

Sexuality {Straight}

Family {Lora, Mother, 42. Jake, Father, 45.}

Personality {Anna is a nice women. Her voice is calm. Anna is very flirty and clingy, but she gets mad once fooled. She is used to getting broken hearts, while her father has cancer. Once you get past her rude act, she would be a excellent friend.}

Looks {

History {At 5, her birth-parents put her up for adoption. Then she met the nicest parents she could ever meet. At 12, her father was diagnosed with cancer and her friends abandoned her. She gets bullied in her school.}

Crush: No one.

Dating/Single: Single

Why they signed up: She wanted to get away from her school life and enjoy the wild. Have the fun taste of eating raw bird eggs and a bunch of stuff, like making her first fire.

What they plan to do with the money: Private school, so she doesn't deal with the bullies at her current public school.

Talents: Stealth.
Name - Sarah Morgan

Age - 16

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Family - No one

Personality - She is an unsocial person who barely smiles. She doesn't trust no one because the only person who really helped her betrayed her. She is very sarcastic. She is cold to anyone who tries to talk to her.

Looks - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girl-wearing-hoodie.jpg.a266defbb8c92f1f8d51049ff5c8d5ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girl-wearing-hoodie.jpg.a266defbb8c92f1f8d51049ff5c8d5ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History - Sarah never meet her parents. At the age of ten she run away from the orphanage and started to live on the streets or with the help of people who pitied her. Soon enough, she started to robber small shops to find clothes and hunted to find food. At the age of 13, she was found by an adult women who treated her and helped her during one month and then tried to give her to the police. With luck, she ran away in time and went living to the streets.

Crush - No one

Dating/Single - Single

Why they signed up - To improve her survival senses and to have enough money to live more like a normal person.

What they plan to do with the money - Buy a house and food and clothes to herself.

Talent - Hunter



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Name - Coraline Hatcher

Age - 15

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Family - Sophia Hatcher, Mother, 51 / Grace Hatcher, Sister, 22.

Personality -Sophia usually prefers to stay in her room playing video games or reading than spending time with people. She is very warm to the few close ones, since she appreciates every living soul and ther company, but finds it very hard to make new friends.She likes the silence and hates parties, she finds them boring. She always needs to be doing something, or she will get very deep.

Looks <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.99b27379dd6d8338527b552030f563dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.99b27379dd6d8338527b552030f563dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History - She used to be very social kind, and had lots of people around her. But when she and her sister discovered that their mother had lungs cancer, she kept away almost all of these people, keeping only old, strong friendships and decided to isolate. Her older sister had to work to get money for all the machines, making Coraline feel useless and sad for a long time, asking her self if she was just being ignorante, or on a nightmare. Spending most time alone on her house, with her sister working, her mom in the hospital, she slowly started to understand that she couldn't do nothing, and starter to get back as old Coraline.

Crush - None

Dating/Single - Single

Why they signed up - She wants to do something that would help her mother. She also feels like this is a good place to a new start.

What they plan to do with the money - Help her mother and share it with her sister

Talent - Atletism.



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Name Sky Heart

Age 17

Gender female

Sexuality bisexual

Family Emily mom she works 17 hrs straight everyday to keep house dad N/A little brother Jackson he's all i got

Personality she acts tough around her family so they don't realize how much she cares for them so if something happens to them it will be easy not to care. shes a little weird and stays quite. she wont talk to you unless you start the conversation. everything she dose she dose for her family.


History she was only 3 when her dad left leaving her and her mom and don't forget newborn Jackson to fend for themselves. her mom being a stay at home mom had to find a job to support her family Sky knew how hard it was for her mother she wold leave at 4am and not come home till 9pm. sky stepped up at the age of 5 and started baby sitting her brother.till this day sky is still trying to keep her family together sadly her Little brother and her grew apart causing them to argue every time her brother says i hate you which is quite alot she dies a little


Dating/Single single

Why they signed up her family is poor

What they plan to do with the money try to get her family stable

Talents shes an escape artist
Name {First and Last} Alexa Bates

Age {12-19 please} Almost 16

Gender Female

Sexuality {gay, straight or bisexual} Straight

Family {List Names, Roles in life, and Age} None known

Personality {please use a paragraph 4+ sentences} She has always been smart, though few people tend to notice and are quick to underestimate her. She is quick-witted, which is quite useful when in danger. She happens to be extremely adventurous, which often lands her in deep trouble, usually getting kidnapped. She is a tiny bit reckless, though not by much; only when she needs to be. She's exasperatingly brave, as she never turns down a fight, though she is kind-hearted and caring of others, and also deeply stubborn, which also doesn't help her stay out of trouble.

Looks {please attach pic} Shortish red hair, blue eyes, freckles, extremely baby-faced

History {sames rules as personality} Orphaned as a baby, she grew up in an orphanage with many other children, most of which teased her relentlessly. Eventually, she was adopted by a couple, a gruff man and a kind-hearted woman. The man drank frequently, and one day, during one of many beatings, ended up killing his wife. This he blamed Alexa for, and abused her for a long while. One day, while hiding out in the woods one day from him, she was discovered by a very intelligent stray dog, who took to following her everywhere. She named the dog 'Snow' for his white fur, and he was the girl's only comfort. Eventually, the man was discovered for his crimes and was arrested, thus sending Alexa back to the orphanage. After the incident, no one wanted to adopt her for fear of 'mental issues' or something like that, and at 13 she left her hometown to seek a better life, bringing Snow with her. At 14, she took to working for the newspaper, (who mostly let her out of pity, child slavery laws be forgotten,) and at 15, partially the police, as a detective of sorts.

Crush None yet

Dating/Single {if they are dating state who} Single

Why they signed up To train herself in case she is put under such extreme instances

What they plan to do with the money She honestly doesn't know yet

Talents {each character can have 0-1 talents like dancing, wood crafting, etc.} Writing

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