Did high-school suck? Luckily, college should be a different story!


One Thousand Club
Alright, there's enough high school threads here, so I'm starting a college thread. College is more fun anyways, trust me!

Danni couldn't believe her luck. The place that she had found was only five blocks from the college campus. Sure, she was going to have six other roommates that she had not yet met, but the house looked large and spacious.

She let herself into the house using the key and as she dragged behind her a bloated suitcase Danni smiled. She was the first one here. She passed through the kitchen and quickly survived the three bedrooms on the bottom level and then she decided on one of the four on the upper level.

Once she had finished unpacking her things she sprawled out on her bed still panting from the exertion of hauling everything she owned up the stairs. She had contributed various cooking utensils, a frying pan, a pot, several dishes, and a handful of silverware to the kitchen and to the living room she gave an old worn two-person couch. She hoped that her roommates would bring more, if not they would have to go shopping.

She was looking forward to college. She had signed up for all of her courses. They were all basic courses of course, because it was her first year and she had no idea what she was going to major in. Danni looked over her schedule and pinned it up to her mirror using sticky tack. She had been nervous but now only excitement rattled around in her brain. Her classes couldn't start soon enough.

She had only just pulled out one of the magazines that she had brought when she thought that she could hear the door downstairs open. Her roommates must be arriving. She couldn't wait.
Bianka entered the house, lifting her suitcase over the door bump and wandered into the main room. She adjusted her 3 sizes too big t-shirt which had been slowly crawling up her neck and looked around the room. She had still not been able to find a real job yet even though she'd been searching all summer so she could no longer afford the rent on her tiny apartment and go to school on a McDonald's salary so since apparently no one else wanted to live in a one room apartment she had to find somewhere else to live
"Hello? Helloooo?" Danni shouted noisily from the top of the stairs when she heard the door open. She immediately set off down the stairs and encountered a short woman.

"My name's Danni... actually it's Danica. Please call me Danni though, my full name makes it sound like I'm in trouble." she smiled broadly and extended her hand for Bianka to shake, "What's your name? Where are you from? Is this your first year? Oh wow... I must be coming off crazy. I'm just so excited though, you're the first one of my roommates to arrive. This is also my first year so I'm not used to any of this! Are you going to choose a room on this floor or the second? I've got a room on the second. Here, do you want help moving your things?" Danni rambled excitedly. Reluctantly she paused waiting for Bianka to speak back. While she wanted to continue speaking Danni knew that she was going to overwhelm her roommate... if she hadn't already.
Bianka smiled, her enthusiasm reminding her of her younger siblings "I'm Bianka. I'm from Liechtenstein. This is my fifth year. I don't really care which floor, you can pick if you want. And I'm fine on my own, I only have this one bag" She replied to each question in order
"Alright, you can be up on the second with me! Liechtenstein huh? I'm not going to lie, I barely know anything about that country. Maybe I'll learn something about it in my World Regional class I'm taking this semester? You should tell me something about it?" Danni gushed trotting halfway up the stairs before she motioned for Bianka to follow her. Once she had gestured she continued up the stairs.

"Do you know anything about our other roommates?" she added as she waited for Bianka to follow her up the stairs.
"It's very small, very very small. But it's also very rich, there is no national debt and the principality has a GDP of $3,409 billion, the second highest per capita in the world. It's also the onlyy country in Europe other then Switzerland, Andorra and Monaco to still use the Franc. Liechtenstein is a tax heaven and has more businesses then citizens. The largest export is dentures and we have no military" She said as she followed Danni "And I know nothing about the other roommates"

Mia walked up to the door, gazing up at her new home. She pulled her pale blue rolling suitcase up onto the step. It was heavy, everything she had was packed tightly inside. She quietly opened the door, glancing around to see if others had arrived yet. When she heard nothing, she stepped in and closed the door behind her. She toured for a few minutes before heading upstairs to where there were some more bedrooms. Of course, she was fine with any room, but if she got to pick she might as well be upstairs. She rolled her suitcase into the first room she came to, which was not occupied. She set her luggage on her bed to unpack.
Shawn walked up to the house that he was staying in, rolling his tye dye suitcase behind him. He opens the door by turning the knob as he peeked his head inside, looking around for people. No one was around. He was use to it anyway. He shook his head, sighing as he walked upstairs, exploring it along the way. Once he reaches the top step, he searches for a room. "Hello?" He calls out while looking at the ceiling, walls and floors. "Whoa." He says to hisself, finally finding a room. "Oh look, no one is in here." He opens up the door, not closing it as he walks over to the bed, flopping down on it as he unzips his bag, pulling out a Snickers bar.
"Wow, I should name you wikipedia." Danni murmured trying her to best to absorb any of the knowledge that Bianka had just told her. She was about to comment on the fact that the highest export was dentures but she began to hear sounds around the house alerting her to the arrival of some more roommates. She didn't want to limit herself to one friendship as she was quite used to having many friends.

"Hello!" she shouted when she had moved out of Bianka's room into the hallway. As she trotted through the hallway she couldn't help but to notice that two people had begun moving into the upper level bedrooms and they were now all occupied.

"My name's Danni!" she practically shouted hoping that both of the new roommates would hear her without her having to do separate introductions. She also hoped to draw both of the new roommates out of their rooms so that they could talk in one big group. She paused for a moment waiting for a response from anyone before she jumped excitedly and yelled, "Did anyone bring chairs?!"
"I'm going to unpack" She said as she went into the first open room she saw and put her suitcase on the bed, unzipping it and pulling out cloths, books, miscellaneous items and framed pictures of her families
As he heard another person's voice, he quickly pulled out another Snicker, nearly slipping as he ran out of his room. Running down the hallway as well as he bumps into a girl. "Oh sorry." He says while handing her the Snickers bar, hoping she wouldn't think it was an intent attack. "I'm Shawn by the way." He extends his hand to the girl. "What is this I hear about chairs?" He looks the girl in the eye as he takes another chomp out of his Snickers bar.
"I can tell we're going to be best friends." Danni shrieked with excitement as she tore open the candy bar and proceeded to shove almost half of it into her mouth. How could she not befriend someone who fed her? It was too good to be true. "Shawn, I'm Danni." she muttered as daintily as she could manage through a mouthful of the chocolate bar. She was going to have to go for a jog tonight, but it was worth it.

"I didn't bring any chairs," Danni muttered sheepishly waiting until she had swallowed the mouthful first before continuing, "I brought a two-person couch to furnish this place, but it's already not enough." she muttered. "Oh! What are you taking? Is this your first year?" she regarded the rest of her chocolate bar curiously before she shoved the rest of it into her mouth. She was certainly dainty.
Watching Danni shove half of the candy bar in her mouth, he laughed a little while looking down at his half eaten candy. "Well we know who has the deep throat." He coughs while saying that while wrapping his back up, stuffing in his hoodie pocket for later. "I sadly didn't bring any furniture, hoping this place would already be furnished." He says while hearing her other two questions. "This is my first and only year here. I'm majoring it Journalism and is in the music program." He says while slowly walking away, hoping the girl will follow him as he looks back. "What about you?"
Mia heard someone calling out, probably to her since she hadn't introduced herself. But then someone else started talking, too, so she figured the first voice was occupied again. She heard them introducing themselves as Shawn and Danni. There must be someone else up here, too, because Danni said all four top floor rooms were taken now. Mia continued unpacking quietly. She finally remembered she had carried her bass here and took the bag off her back, opening it and taking the guitar out to make sure it had made the trip unscathed. When it was satisfactory, she leaned it lovingly against the wall by the window then continued to unpack her clothes and the few art supplies she's scrounged up back home. She was going to have to buy a lot of new things.
The last thing she pulled out of the suitcase was a notebook of letter stationary and a light pastel pink fountain pen. She put the two items down on the bed and set the suitcase on the ground, sitting down where it used to be. She then picked up the notebook, opening to the first page and starting to write

Liebste Mutter,

Ich habe bereits in meinem neuen Haus niederlassen, ist essehr schön. Sind die Kleinen verhalten?Antje hat endlich aufgehört zu beißen?Wenn sie nicht bald aufhört, sollten Sie ihr einen Psychiaterzu treffen, umzu sehen, müssen Zwölfjährige werden nicht mehr beißen.

Sind Vaterdie Lunge immer noch besser?Er istauf die Behandlung gegangen, nicht wahr?Nur weiler sagt, er ist bedeutet nicht, dass er tatsächlich geht, muss manihn zu begleiten.Vergessen Sie nicht, dass.

Ich versuche immer noch, nach Amerika zugewöhnen, obwohl ich endlich den Akzent verloren haben, damit die Menschen tatsächlich verstehen können, was ich jetzt sage .Ich glaube nicht, dass ich jemals zu Waschmaschinen hier jedoch gewöhnen, in der Wohnung ich leben in ich zu Fußnach unten fünfzehn Treppen, nur um auf einem separaten Raum, in demsie gelagert waren, bekommen hatte eingesetzt.Und sie sind riesig!Ich verstehe wirklich nichtdie Notwendigkeitfür all das Zimmer, sie sind ein fach zu faul, um mehrere Lastenzu tun? Vielleicht ist eswegender Treppe.

Mit viel Liebe,


Her cursive writing was very delicate and curly, almost every letter had to have an extra curl, almost everything. Her 'I's were missing a part, if the curl didn't start as early as it did it could easily be confused for an 'l'. Another oddity is that whenever a letter went below the main part of the letters the curl would stop at the curl and then restart, continuing as if nothing happened. The stems are also rather long and thin. 'S' and 'G' were simply written as larger versions of the lower case. Her signature at the bottom was illegible

((Google Translate is god, if you wish to know what the letter says then just run it through there))
((If it was French I could scrape by but Google translate failed hardcore on the letter, sorry. It didn't translate the bulk of the words especially at the end.))

Danni noticed that Shawn was walking away as he spoke to her, so she made the assumption that she was to follow him and continue the conversation that wasn't in the middle of the hallway. Even if that wasn't the case then she was going to take it as such. She passed by him and tossed herself onto his bed while she waited for him to enter his room.

"This is my first year too, but I'm sure I've got a few more left. Especially since I have no idea what I want to do with my life. So where are you from? There's that quiet weird girl who's from Lichenstein... or something like that." One of the problems Danni had was tact. Once someone was out of her sight they were practically out of her mind. She didn't bother to check to see if Bianka was in earshot before she began speaking.

"I'm from Canada. Oh and I liked your joke in the hallway about the chocolate bar and deep-throating. There's a little kernel of truth to every joke though." she laughed giving a quick wink before continuing on, "I hear there's a social on friday. Do you think you'll be going? Do you think anyone else in this house would go? I'd hate to go alone." Danni smiled before letting herself trail off. She hated that she had to consciously think about pausing in conversations to let people respond when she got too excited. She probably wouldn't be able to calm herself down to speak like a normal person for another week or so.
((It's not very important information, her 12 year old sister bites, her dad has problems with his lungs and washing machines are weird. The main information to pay attention to is the description of her writing))

She folded up the letter, putting it in an envelope hidden between the pages of the note book and sealed it. She set the letter down, which was not currently addressed, and stood up, exiting the room just as Danni finished talking
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - Your character is staying in a dorm then? I've got everyone else in a house five blocks away.
((Oh! I had no idea...sorry, yeah, I'll have her head there instead.))

Jenni turned on the street and looked at the numbers on the houses as she passed. She found the house and turned into the drive. She pulled the keys out of the ignition and hopped out of the black Camaro. She pulled down her pink and black striped shirt and zipped her hoodie halfway up. She knocked twice on the door and rocked back and forth on her purple Chuck Taylor Converse Hightops.
Danni immediately found herself become distracted when she heard a knock on the door. She was positively overwhelmed by the arrival of new people and she trotted down the stairs and she threw the door open.

"Hi." she called out in greeting, "My name is Danni." she quickly answered, "Do you want any help moving? Oh and all of the rooms upstairs are full, but all of the rooms downstairs are empty." she smiled warmly as she adjusted her neatly straightened blonde locks. "You have a key right?"
Saffron drove by the house he was going to be staying at. It was by accident of course. He could not wait to meet his new roommates. He hoped they were both friendly and helpful. The last place he stayed out when going to college he had to do most of the work. But he heard there would be several other people there so someone else should be able to help out around the house. It also made rent easily with more people.

Turning around Saffron went over his class schedule in his head and his work schedule as well. He thought he would have a good schedule for both worked out so that he could have time for homework and to relax. He parked his car and got this things. He headed up to where he would be living for the remainder of his college career. He really hoped he would like his roommates.

He entered the place and called out, "Anyone here?"
Jenni was surprised and taken aback by the enthusiasm of the girl...and the chocolate smeared on her face. "Uh..I'm Jenni. And I don't think I'll need any help. I have two bags and that's it." She held her hand out in a handshake.
Saffron blinked when he saw that two other girls were nearby. He also heard something about only the lower rooms being free. He waved to them hoping to caught their attention.

"You guys living here as well?"
Danni reached forward and shook Jenni's hand. She had not met the one roommate upstairs officially, but she felt that she was going to be friends with most of the people in this house.

"I'm Danni." she quickly told to the newest arrival and after she had wiped her mouth clearing it of the remaining chocolate she let her eyes slide obviously over Saffron. She liked the chase of men more than having a boyfriend. Her last town now had a string of men with broken hearts and she had never thought about letting up on her ways.

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