Dia & Lampachka (1x1)

Introduction: In a Kingdom named Eaorgon where everything was gorgeous. The people there were the kindest and the nicest from anywhere. Flowers bloomed from every cranny on the kingdoms ground, everything was perfect, until a black mist covered the kingdoms walls. Anything in its path crumbled. A slow knock came on the Kingdoms gate, everyone was afraid to open the gate to see who it was. The King (George) and queen (Lisa) sent their eldest daughter (Alexandra) to greet the mysterious stranger, since they couldn't see through the gate, because of the mist. As the gate rised to her surprise there was nobody there, but black mist that covered her view. She steered her hand near her sword handle, as she eased through the gate. The gate banged shut with a loud clang behind her, she whirled around to see the gate shut. She grabbed onto the bars of the long tall gate that attached to the ceiling. She called out telling the guards to open the gate, they cried back at her saying it won't budge. The people of the kingdom crowded around the other side of the gate, as soon as a hand came from the mist and pulled their beloved Princess into the mist, and that minute the black mist vanished. Leaving no trace of existence on the spot.
It had been a couple years after those horrid events and to the kingdoms dismay lady Alex was never found. Even after team after team were sent to search for the late George's and Lisa's daughter she was never found. Not even a single trace was left of her mighty presence. As if she had somehow disappeared on the spot like some kind unruly beast. In the end they even claimed she was murdered and brutally killed by an evil being ruling the cursed black mist. Though the truth of the matter was that Princess Alexandra didn't truly disappear and she didn't quite die either. The truth of the matter was that when she had 'disappeared' as everyone says she was really just being consumed by the living mist in their area. In simple terms the black mist is a living being who desires to find a host. But not just any host could satisfy the spirit of the black mist. To satisfy the mist you must be both strong, wise, agile, and fearsome at the same time. You had to be someone great or someone like the princess herself who seemed to fear nothing.

How do I know all of this? That's a simple question once the Princess disappeared both Eaorgan and its neighboring country's Ronbaru, Urbus, and Tolbana went into total chaos. So it was easy to here of the princess seeing as I lived Ronbaru while the events played out. Now was the princess ever found? Why yes she was but unfortunately know body but I know so far and why is that? Well because I found her half a year after she was pronounced dead half way around the world! Can you believe it? I can't either....Where is she now you ask??? In my tent resting I think. What am I doing??? Trying to figure this out like a reasonable person would. At least I'm trying. For you see I don't much care for this rich princess who has never faced poverty like a normal person would. A person with unimaginable riches would just never understand the commoners pain. And honestly I don't expect her to either I just want her to leave once she gets better and never show up again so I can live my carefree life again like I was yesterday.
As the mist dragged me inside, I heard people scream my name, and they screamed that the mist was gone and I disappeared too, but I was right there. I was right in front of the gate. They seemed to look right through me. I dashed too the gate and attempted to grab the bars, but my hands slowly glided through. I yelled and shout, but nobody could hear me... I felt alone, I collapsed on the floor and sat with my head on my knees trying to clear my mind.

A hand slowly touched and rested on my shoulder, it sent chills up my spine. I darted by grabbing out my sword, and jumping to stab this victim. Again there was no one in my sight.. Than out of know where my sword vanished, and than someone wrapped themselves behind me, and they slowly lifted my chin up and holded me in a tight embrace. It was a boy, with Dark blue ocean looking eyes, black hair, I couldn't see the rest of him, because he was standing behind me. I struggled to get him off of me, but he had no hard time keeping me still. His eyes were locked on mine, and he didn't say anything at all. For about 30 minutes straight I was struggling to get him off, but he just kept holding me, and had his eyes locked on me. I felt like his eyes were stealing my soul, I darted my eyes closed. I heard a soft whisper, and felt like the entire world was rushing past me, I didn't understand what the whisper said, but I quickly darted my eyes open, finding myself in a different place, but this time I could touch things without having my fingers go through.

I was in a castle, I glanced through a window nearby, and found out that I must be on a mountain, Since there was clouds close, and I couldn't even see the floor. I glanced around the room trying to find the mysterious boy, but no sign of him was anywhere. I whispered "I wish this was a dream," but it was to real to be a dream. I pulled open two huge doors and walked through them, I was in a dining room filled with candles. In the middle of the room was a narrow table, and on one end of the table sat the boy, holding his head on his hand, and if he had been waiting for me.

I heard a soft whisper as if his voice was a mist itself, " Sit down." I sent a glare at him and said, "No." He got up from his seat, and disappeared, I turned around and ran for the window. Thinking I could jump and climb down the mountain, before I could even make it a step across the floor, I was lifted. He sat me down on the chair across from him, and as I blinked he sat right where i first saw him. His eyes locked on mine again, I glanced away. I slowly blurted out "What do you want from me?" I heard no reply.. I shifted my eyes toward him, his head was on the table, and his eyes were closed. I was sure that he was asleep, so I made my way quietly to him, before I could even trying to strangle him, his eyes flashed open, and he launched on to me, sending me and him laying on the floor. Before I could knock him down, his lips met mine and it felt my body become numb, and than my vision blurred, and everything faded...

I woke up in a bed, with him sleeping at my side. His hand holding my hand, and his body facing in my direction, I quickly shook his hand off. His eyes opened slowly, and I didn't know what too do. This guy was weird, he kidnapped me, and tries to be romantic.. I finally said "what do you want?" Again.. He smiled and said "Your love, of course." I glared at him, sending his smile to a serious face. He repeated "I need your love, It'll help me." I slowly asked " how can my love help me?" Silence filled the room.... "Do you not know why your parents never allowed you too speak or talk to boys? Do you think it was normal that you weren't allowed to talk to any princes or cousins?" I let my mind wander into what he said.... "I don't understand.." I meekly said..

"Your love is power, If I can take just a tiny bit of it, I can rule the world.. Your parents are blessed by your love, and they are living past the average human life. You blessed the kingdoms with your love, after you left chaos raised from all Kingdoms. I want you to be my bride, and I won't let anyone have you. we'll be perfect." I had a lot to take in, so I rested my head back down on the pillow... He slowly started again " I can see your heart through your eyes. and its as cold as ice, you should give me a chance." He knelt toward my face for a kiss, and I slapped his face. He threw me against the wall in a split second, I felt blood on my back. I glared at him, I was his prisoner, and I couldn't do anything about it...

Over weeks of trying to escape he chained me to a wall, I could walk freely around the house, But the chain couldn't go outside, so If I jumped out the window, I'd just hang from the mountain. Months passed and everyday he tried to make me love him, but in return I was negative, So he beat me.. I always had no way of defending myself. In my free time I would sit and read the Bible, and pray for my freedom. I usually never talked to him, I lived with him for months, and I still didn't know his name.

One day when he left the castle for some business as usual, I was strolling around the rooms of the castle. I didn't have much to do, so I looked around everything. I ended up getting bored, so I went to a book case, and pulled books out to read titles of books, everything was about how a Villain won against the good people. As I pulled another book out, the book case moved, and there was my sword, and some other random armor.

I grabbed my sword, I hadn't seen it since many months back. I ran to the wall where the chain held me prison, and broke it with my strong sword, than I broke the cuffs around my feet. I was determined to run away. I tied the chain around my waste, and used the other end to tie around my sword. I ran to the nearest window, and slowly climbed through it, I used my sword to make sure I don't slip and fall to my death down the mountain.. I eased myself down, and started climbing down. I climbed down for 3 hours straight, and finally I started seeing the least tiny bit of the ground. At the same exact second My sword slipped from my sweaty grasp, and my hand let go of the mountain, and I was sent falling 300ft...

Present time~~~

I awoke in a tent, I was too tired to ask if anyone was around me. I probably broke many bones, and I was surprised I lived. I tried to get up, but found myself falling back on to the tiny bed. I sat there in pain... I dragged myself out the tent, using my sword, I was thirsty, and hungry.. I darted my eyes around looking for a possible food source or water.. I made it as far as to the nearest tree, but I was in so much pain, that I just sat there, and spaced out.....

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