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Fandom ♦ Ðινєяgєηт ♦ (𝑀𝓍𝐹) 𝑅𝑒𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒹 (𝒪𝒞)


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Each year, all 18 year old's are required to take an Aptitude Test. The purpose of the test is to discover a disposition towards one of the five traits of the five factions, Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Candor, and Amity. It provides a good indication of what faction a person should choose based on his/her predominant characteristic.The next day in the Choosing Ceremony test-takers must choose which faction they will enter into. They can either leave their family and choose an entirely new faction or they can remain where they are. The aptitude test result should be taken into account but the decision is ultimately their choice. The Aptitude Test, the test takes place at the school, in dedicated testing rooms . No preparation for the test is allowed, electrodes connected to a computer are attached to both the student and the test administrator, and the student is then given a serum to drink. This connects them to a simulation. The simulation provides a series of scenarios which the student must react to. Each stage, monitored by the administrator, should eliminate at least one or more of the factions, ultimately eliminating at least four factions and leaving one single faction as the result. In the rare case a test proves inconclusive, with the elimination of only three or less factions, the taker is a Divergent. Divergents are considered dangerous and a threat to the system since they cannot be controlled and therefore must be exterminated.

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The time has come for your character to take his Aptitude Test, the test that tells you where you belong. When he completes his test and his results come back inconclusive, meaning he is Divergent. The ultimate threat to the system, as far as the most of factions are concerned a species that needs to be exterminated. Luckily, his administrator is sympathetic to the situation and manually altered the results. The Choosing Ceremony, takes place and he choses the factions that's always interested in the most and my character's faction, Dauntless. This is also where he comes across my character, a ranking Dauntless mentor and local legend. As the weeks count down the training the two grow closer as well as the training taking a serious tole on your character, concerned they won't make the cut. Then the two as a unit paired with allies try to over through the tyranny that is the faction system.

𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔
A thing I noticed about the books and movies was Four and Tris seemed to almost instantly fall in love and for the circumstances it didn't seem to fit for that quick of a setting considering they wouldn't have reasons to talk outside of training. So I'd like this to be a bit of a slow-burn type of romance paired with the active world rebellion that we make out our own. I don't want to just rewrite the books with a few name changes, there could be completely different events that take place or things removed, the ending could be completely different all things I would love to plot out and hear your thoughts and ideas on!

• I only RP at least romance related with 18+ since I myself am and adult and something about having a romance with a minor doesn't do it for me.

• No one liners, I do prefer quality over quantity but I request at least a paragraph which is 5+ sentences. I'll be writing multiple, closer to 5 paragraphs versus sentences.

• The writing will be done in third person, almost as if we're the narrators of our own characters.

• I don't really have any triggers, although I have no interested in a partner who wants their character to be SA.

• When I mentioned your character struggling to climb in the ranks in the beginning I wasn't trying to degrade your character, it would just deepen the plot and give him a bit of an underdog turned to warrior status and a reason for the two to spend more time together versus a thriving student that wouldn't need any guidance.

• Feel free to add any triggers you have or rules you would like to add, I'm actually very open minded even though I low-key seem rude.

• I would absolutely love your thoughts and ideas. A new outlook and being about to plot out things with me will be a must! If it doesn't seem like you're invested at all it kills muse.

• If I lose interest I'll let you know, and if I won't be able to get on for a long period of time I'll let you know so you aren't under the impression I ghosted you. Although not required of course I would appreciate the same in return.
• Not much of a rule but I do love making playlists and even Pinterest boards of the RP if I get really into it so I would love to find someone who can tolerate that and bonus points if you also participate in those things 💜

ℙ𝕄 𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 <𝟛
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