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Hello! I won't take up too much space with an introduction.
As you can tell, I'm on the hunt for some Danganronpa RP's. Particularly looking for ocXcc double ups, but there are a couple ccXcc I'd be interested in trying.
Once you take a look through, feel free to either DM me or leave a comment on this post!
-I'm only open to rp with people 20 yrs or older. I am over 20 myself.
-My level is advanced literate to novella. I do not expect that from a partner. I honestly prefer shorter replies. But if you struggle to get 3 paragraphs we might not be a good fit.
Length isn't the issue, quality is. No asterisks, no first person.
-Because my own brain likes to get writers block and I have work, I only ask we try to uphold a minimum of 1 reply per person per week.
I'll try to do more and I should be able to if I'm not sending 3 google doc pages worth of reply each time, but consider this a warning if you expect daily replies, so please no hourly spamming for replies.
This is a hobby and life comes first. I don't need a life story, just let me know if you gotta poof for a little.
-No obvious rp no-no's, such as OP characters, changing plot/ignoring the story, controlling actions without permission, being a not nice person outside of rp.
No overly edge lord characters or softest uwu who faints like a feather.
-Don't be mad if I say no. Having to argue with someone to continue stay in contact ain't a great way to start things.
-Help me make the plot and move it. I don't mind steering things most of the time, but it's not enjoyable if I'm not given anything to work with.
I need an actual plot to start. I can't work with vague concepts like "idols" "vampires" "they are roommates".
-I don't have any triggers, but let me know if you have any I need to know about. If something comes up that makes either of us uncomfortable, I'd want us to be able to say so.
On the topic of Canon Characters
These are the characters I am 100% confident in playing right off the bat with little research:
These characters are ones I do not like and/or do not think I could play well even if I tried:
Byakuya Togami
Toko Fukawa
Kazuichi Souda
Hiyoko Saionji
Miu Iruma
Korekiyo Shinguji
(Any of the future foundation characters from the “Future” anime arc)
Not mentioned characters:
Anyone not listed I'm neutral towards, so I would be willing to learn to play as them, and I think given research time I could play them well.
I've watched all the games, so I could pick up anyone pretty easy.
Feel free to ask.
I could be convinced to try a pre-game plot for V3 characters, I just don't know a lot of the common headcanon for most of the characters.
On the topic of shipping
For ships, I'm open to ccXcc. I'd even consider a double up ccXcc. Feel free to ask about rarepairs.
I also like playing ocXcc. Double ups only.
I have nothing against ocXoc, but I typically only do that for original plots or with friends.
I am fine with gxg bxb bxg bxnb gxnb nbxnb, really any kind of ship dynamic. Poly? Maybe? Haven't tried that yet. I play any and all characters as bi, pan, or anything else meaning attracted to 2 or more genders, so that's not an issue for shipping. Can throw any other label in too. I'm also potentially open to gender swapped characters if you want that for your ship.
I can add/tweak things to the character for your personal preference, but I'm mostly going to stick to as canonically accurate as possible.
(So if you like characters who are canonically “mean”, please let me know how you want them to interact with your oc)
I am also fine with cross-game ships if you got the rare pair.
Not only am I ok with cross game ships, if we do ocXcc double up, I'm fine with cross fandom RP's if a canon character you want is from a different fandom. The fandom can either be adjacent genre wise, or we can work on finding a way to make it coherent. As long as I get a CC from Danganronpa, it's cool.
(This will probably require research on my end to learn the character you want. I'd ask for time and assistance with this.)
On the topic of what I'm looking for
1. ocXcc double up.
Don't bother asking for ocXcc if you're not willing to double up.
I would definitely want to share OC's information before starting.
For characters I'd want with an OC ranked high interest to low(but will be happy with any):
2. ccXcc roleplay.
Will also double up ccXcc in exchange for one of the listed below ships if there's a ship you're really wanting to try.
Can be platonic or romantic.
( [ ] around character I would play as. )
[Shuichi] X [K1-B0]
[Shuichi] X [Kaede]
[Shuichi] X Kokichi
[Shuichi] X Kaito
[K1-B0] X Kokichi
[Sonia] X Gundham
On the topic of Plots
Genre wise, I prefer things with a more "adventure" style plot, having to complete tasks to get to a final end goal. To me, its the best way to make a long living rp. That said, I am ok with modern low stakes plots, but there needs to be some kind of direction outside of just a general sandbox idea. I'm fine with most genres then, romance, action, angst, horror, mystery, and I'll add comedy because I am prone to cracking jokes in more lighthearted moments. I like having romance be an option in rps, but be warned I'm also into slow burn.
I honestly don't have much for specific plots. Hopefully we can come up with something together. But here's some base descriptions of potential plots I have that I can describe in more detail in dms.
1a. The characters are all Hope's Peak students, and sneak into a lab to test the new neo world program being developed before its ready for proper tests. They get stuck and now have to get out of an unstable digital world.
1b. Alternatively, if all Canon Characters that are in the rp died in the series... Everyone had been on at least 1 season of Danganronpa, and now their minds are trapped in that world. Can they leave? Are there bodies for them to return to? What can they do?
2a. A new kind of killing game. Team survivor hunger games style. Characters are on a team and have to survive against others.
2b. Alternatively, play through a "normal" killing game. This will probably require playing a lot of side characters though. I have some ideas for this depending on the characters.
3. V3 focused. After the 53rd season, the survivors are freed into a world that still very much wants the next season of Danganronpa. The characters need to find a way to stop the show for good. A lot of personal headcanon for this one.
4a. Non-despair slice of life. Students have to pair up for a talent exchange type thing(learning about each others talent and working on a project together) or some kind of festival event thing. This would be the initial way we get characters to interact, and then we go from there.
4b. If the OC's are reserve students, it could be a team building exercise between ultimate and reserve students to help keep the peace between the two different courses.