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Fandom DGRP ocXcc or ccXcc RP Search


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Off-site

  • Hello! I won't take up too much space with an introduction.
    As you can tell, I'm on the hunt for some Danganronpa RP's. Particularly looking for ocXcc double ups, but there are a couple ccXcc I'd be interested in trying.

    Once you take a look through, feel free to either DM me or leave a comment on this post!


    -I'm only open to rp with people 20 yrs or older. I am over 20 myself.

    -My level is advanced literate to novella. I do not expect that from a partner. I honestly prefer shorter replies. But if you struggle to get 3 paragraphs we might not be a good fit.
    Length isn't the issue, quality is. No asterisks, no first person.

    -Because my own brain likes to get writers block and I have work, I only ask we try to uphold a minimum of 1 reply per person per week.
    I'll try to do more and I should be able to if I'm not sending 3 google doc pages worth of reply each time, but consider this a warning if you expect daily replies, so please no hourly spamming for replies.
    This is a hobby and life comes first. I don't need a life story, just let me know if you gotta poof for a little.

    -No obvious rp no-no's, such as OP characters, changing plot/ignoring the story, controlling actions without permission, being a not nice person outside of rp.
    No overly edge lord characters or softest uwu who faints like a feather.

    -Don't be mad if I say no. Having to argue with someone to continue stay in contact ain't a great way to start things.

    -Help me make the plot and move it. I don't mind steering things most of the time, but it's not enjoyable if I'm not given anything to work with.
    I need an actual plot to start. I can't work with vague concepts like "idols" "vampires" "they are roommates".

    -I don't have any triggers, but let me know if you have any I need to know about. If something comes up that makes either of us uncomfortable, I'd want us to be able to say so.


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