Devils lake hotel: day 4

Who killed Gur?

  • AnicentPredator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • KT~

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Legendless

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The CreativeUsername

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Riddle78

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Degree

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MagicPocket

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nivrad00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lily

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One Thousand Club
Wingal, mistaken identities are the worst, especially when it gets you killed.

Unfortunately, the killing has not stopped. We have just found out that Kagura was murdered last night.

Hung - Wingal - good

Killed - Kagura - good
Did he,Predator? I see it.

Anyways,two more people gone. As usual,a mixed blessing. Yes,innocents have died,but it's still two less people to protect our tormentors. I'll withhold my vote until 2100-2200 hours,or until I feel someone implicates themselves. As usual,my votes will be explained. So,until then,shall we decide who will get the unified vote if no suspect is revealed?
(Dammit, I was out of town yesterday, and I have a feeling I know who the wolf is again. >B[

Noir, can I post as a dead person, lol lol?)
Was Legendless contributing to the investigation? If not,her inaction is assisting the wolves.
Not until the game is done Gur. Also AP, you might have been posting when i was still in the process of making it.

Riddle78 said:
Was Legendless contributing to the investigation? If not,her inaction is assisting the wolves.
she's been active, just not voting i think.
Blue, Amdream, Gur. I want to say that this hasn't been an inactive persons since all of these people have contributed.
Not voting is a very serious offense here. It means they don't want to kill anyone off. It means they're willing to let the wolves continue on their buisness. Legendless is therefore our enemy. Even if she's innocent,she's directly assisting the enemy. So,is Legendless our target for the vote?

I think Degree has a point. Blue was the seer, Dreams was contributing, and Kagu-le-fake-ghost pops up saying she knew who it was. Either this inactive has some crazy good luck, or they're active- and very perceptive. Plus, Riddle's alive... This is hardly conclusive, but consider who he's targeting; if someone active wanted to stay out of sight, well, they'd leave him alone, or he could even be a traitor. On the other hand, it could be random luck that he's not dead, but still.

Degree's been proven innocent, right? There's a chance they set it up and slipped that note to us through Blue's corpse; trusting that they wouldn't be targeted, they could be trying to turn us against ourselves. But really, they've been way too helpful to doubt Blue's message.

But no one killed them. Which doesn't make sense and points either to an inactive, or Degree himself. Or herself. Tell me your gender so writing this is easier, would you? DX

So my conclusion is that some things point to an active werewolf; if they were active, the murders were selective, Riddle is either traitor or helpful to their cause anyways, and either Degree's been overlooked or is evil as well. (which isn't likely)

If the werewolf is inactive, the murders were coincidental (unlikely) and Riddle's life proves no evidence at all; this also explains Degree's living status.

Active seems more likely to me.

EDIT: "Yep" was at Pocket.
Niv,what makes me suspect? I'm simply ushering the only viable course of action. It's a dirty buisness,yes,but the fact of the matter is that we NEED to vote someone off every day or else we're doomed. The vote gives us a chance to get the enemy. To refuse to vote means to give up that chance,and allow yourself,and everyone else,to die. The best way to do this is to focus our votes on an individual who is either suspect,is not contributing votes,or,failing those,someone at random.
Thank you Niv. I appreciate you taking my words into account.

"Degree's been proven innocent, right? There's a chance they set it up and slipped that note to us through Blue's corpse; trusting that they wouldn't be targeted, they could be trying to turn us against ourselves."

That's possible? Seems a tad unfair to the ability of the seer- not to mention the Werewolf would have no way of knowing if Blue was the Seer to even plant the message.

"But no one killed them. Which doesn't make sense and points either to an inactive, or Degree himself. Or herself. Tell me your gender so writing this is easier, would you? DX"

I don't know why I am not dead, I still seriously don't. Last round or this one, I thought it was my time, but you see, I don't think the Werewolf sees me as a threat. I am a guy, by the way.

Givin' that there are 9 people left with 1 being a werewolf. It will be down to 7 next round if we fail. So why get rid of people who don't want to vote- when most are dead by the time someone uses a vote? I didn't understand the need to bandwagon onto certain people just because they don't vote or aren't online. I don't think I voted last round as I said I was going to, but I definitely will this time. My main focus is Riddle. I don't understand Niv's reasoning, but you aiming for those who don't want to or haven't voted over who you think the werewolf is seem's the wrong way to go about it.

"There isn't enough info to find a suspect"

There are three pieces of evidence for anyone who played this game before- and of course I am a suspect if Niv's suggestion was possible- to point to the killer. The kills themselves.

So, unless I am persuaded otherwise soon, Riddle will be voted by me.
Oh, right, Degree. That completely flew over my head, how the werewolf wouldn't know Blue was seer. xD So you're pretty much innocent completely, especially with the fact that you're a guy. Lock your door tight, tonight.

Oh, by the way, there might be two werewolves. It was like that in the first three games.

My main point was that most of the evidence pointed to someone who was active. And Riddle, by the way, you are being a little more insistent than usual. Again, it could be random, but if you were a traitor you'd have no thoughts of self-preservation and maybe be a little bolder.

I don't think he's a werewolf, though.

Kaze, was anybody seen with Kagura the day before she died, and was there any noted activity at night?


Hope this works.
The last person to hear/see anything was Legendless, she said that KT~ was the last person seen with Kagura before Kagura went into her room.

(legendless doesn't truly know this, she is just right next door to Kagura's old room so that's why i chose her)

Perfect ten, heck yes!

So. What do you guys think?

I know it could be a false alarm, but I think KT's pretty much condemned. Not to mention, she fits the first hint of a woman being seen and I think Degree and I agreed it was someone active.
Well, she was the last person to be seen with Kagura, and there is a chance that that someone, snuck into her room afterwards. It is the best lead we have got, for now anyway.
I'd rather take my chances with Legendless. She has been communicating,yes,however she hasn't been voting. I'd rather get rid of someone who isn't helping than someone who is. KT~'s a friendly person,so of course she'd be talking with people. We have nothing solid to act on.
Hm, i didn't take that into account maybey we should vote or Legendless, she hasn't been helping, it would be a fair-ish vote
My vote goes towards Legendless. I agree with Riddle and Lily. Legendless isn't helping the cause.

And like Niv said, it's safe to assume the werewolf is active. If we take care of her now, we'd be more likely to weed out the werewolves.

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