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Fandom Devil May Cry 5 RP Cravings (OC X Cannon Only.)

Hello! I'm back n Alive! And here with a brand new request~ Hopefully, it'll get some love.

r e s p o n s e t i m e + l e n g t h
First off, I will not do one-liners! I love to write! So far the max I seem to go up to is 500 words per side. Maybe a little more if I’m feeling creative. I really prefer to RP this way, as it keeps my interest in the RP, although, my replies are slower for lengthy replies. I try to reply every day, but if I’m sick or something comes up, I will be slower; in which case, I will tell you! Please do so for me as well~ And the way I write is third pov, and I don’t intend to change that.

O C + Y o u
I don’t care what your OC is, as long as it fits the world.
I also don’t mind it if you have a history with your OC’s love interest, in a way that makes sense! In fact, if you don’t want a slow-burn romance, I think you should go for it!
I love to share Oc bios~ So please come show me your oc! No bio is too short or long!
Don’t God mode. Yes, you can have an awesome strong character, but, make them realistic! Everyone has a drawback.
Don’t control my character- as I won’t control yours.

L o v e - i n t e r e s t s
I won’t change my love interest. Nor will I do a split RP and play them for you too. Sometimes it leads to mirroring each other and things get weird. But, I’m normally flexible in who I can play for you, in most of my fandoms I could play anyone; although there are some I have more experience going as. As far as F/F, M/F,M/M. I'm open to anything! But please note I have more experiences writing M/F. However, I am open to trying anything if you'll be patient with me!

P l o t s
I LOVE plotting! Hit me up with your ideas! Please! I found out recently that it’s quite fun to plot a bit at the start. Now, I don’t wish to plot the whole RP in one sitting. No. But, I find that it’s good and easier on both of us if we at least plot out a starter, and how you think the relationship will develop between your OC and love interest. Let’s just openly tell each other what we want so we’re both happy instead of guessing or being nervous! Tell me what your thirsty for and b o i I’ll do the same! We are both here for the same reason!
I might be open to any AU ideas if it sounds good as well! Especially in the worlds where it is to difficult to have an OC squeezed in. (I’m looking at you- Danganronpa.)

With that wall of text out of the way, my one and only crush for DMC 5 is
But I am open to playing anyone!

Please PM me if you wish to RP, or comment asking me too if you are too new to PM! <3

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