Detention (A breakfast club inspired role play)


One Thousand Club
Name: Imogen Frost

Age: 16

A little history lesson? (Optional): Imogen had always been a nerd, I guess you could consider her kind of a popular nerd, in the sense that she really gets along with everybody, and has a lot of friends, but instead of partying on Friday nights, she's in her room, painting. She comes from a loving home, being the only child of her wealthy mother and father

Clique: Nerds/oddballs

How in the Hell did you end up in detention?: She loves art, she lives and breathes for her painting, it's more than a passion, even though, she isn't quite sure what you would call it. She heard tht the school was threatening to shut down the art program and it lit a fire in her. After several arguments with the principal, she bought a bunch of paint bottles and squirted them all around the school, but hey, he kept the art program, so you know, worth it!

Appearance: (I really, really prefer real pictures guys, you can use anime I guess, but be prepared for me to not take you seriously)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imogen.jpg.c53631df915d2a83d6d8c7ae0f276c41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imogen.jpg.c53631df915d2a83d6d8c7ae0f276c41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Olivia Elswood



A little history lesson?:

Being an only child born to two overemotional parents, Olivia had always been spoiled and treated like a princess. This doesn't deem her a brat right off the get go, in fact, Liv has always been soft spoken and polite; she is a social butterfly and can't stand not fitting into a crowd. Respect among teachers and students is a big deal for the young lady, she wants to please and be adored by everyone.



How in the Hell did you end up in detention?:

Now Olivia isn't one to do anything crazy in school, she likes having a good reputation with the teachers and the students. Sometimes she gets to school late due to either sleeping in, spending too much time getting ready, or having to wait an extra long time for one of her parents to get out of bed and drive her. 15 late slips later, she was sentenced to serve detention.





Bobby Kay





How In The Hell Did You End Up In Detention?:

Bobby is a really well-known kid, mostly because of how strange and weird he is. One time, in protest of a "No Mask" policy at school, he wore a gas mask around all day. But one day, he did something that just went over the top; after school one day, Bobby made a molotov cocktail and threw it into a brick wall on school grounds. He extinguished the flame with a nearby bucket of water, but the school put him into detention anyways.






Thomas Chambers



A little
History lesson:

Born in London as a twin, he was raised for the first two years of his life in the United Kingdom with two happy, healthy parents. At the age of three, the twins, moved to America in hopes of their father getting a better job. Their father, Clayton, had previously been an news reporter, but due to circumstances, was fired and left jobless with a pair of boys and his wife at home. Clayton eventually settled in America with his family, and started his own auto-repair shop after learning the insides and outsides of a car on his own. There, in America, their mother, Lillian, raised the two twins on her own while her husband, Clayton, worked day to day. She became a nurse at the local hospital to help bring in some money to pay the bills. The twin boys, Thomas and Brendan, grew up close together. Though they were identical twins, they couldn't have been more different. Thomas had been a quiet, clever child who loved sports, while Brendan had been an outgoing, gentleman that everyone grew to love. All in all, he's a good kid who loves to play American football, but just isn't bold enough to try to break out of his shell of being an introvert.


and Jocks

How in the
Hell did you end up in detention?:

After a long Monday, Thomas had grown more tense than usual with the stress and burden of the mountains of homework due. While walking out of class, he got into a huge argument with his twin, Brendan, and eventually it turned into a physical fight between the two identical brothers. The principle happened to be strolling by to the front office, and saw the pair of boys fighting, and broke them up. After a small investigation, the school found Thomas responsible for the whole fight, and sentenced him to detention.



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Oh Runner, I love you, I hope there's no hard feelings because of how our role play kind of faded out, but of course you're accepted!

I guess I'll go ahead and start it up! <3
Name: carter

Age: 16

A little history lesson? (Optional):

Carter is the youngest of five. All succesful and well known. He was expected to follow in his siblings footsteps and became successful. He hated it. Especially the pressure his parents placed on him. So he began lashing out when he was younger. His parents couldn't deal with it so sent him to live with his widowed aunt who was the black sheep of the family. It was thought that she was crazy but she wasn't. She loved to explore and had a large imagination and saw the world through creative eyes. He lived with her for five years and she taught him that the world was full of wonders and even the littlest action could lead to something big. His aunt received a job across the sea and since it was a once in a lifetime opportunity took it under Carson's urgings. Then he went back to live with his parents. He has quickly discovered that his habits weren't very accepted here and so he has learned to live without friends and became a loner.

Clique: loner

How in the Hell did you end up in detention?:

He witnessed some jocks bullying another and intervened. It led to a fight and when the principal showed up everyone pointed to him even the one he saved out of fear of the jocks.



I'll be gone for just a bit, so while I'm gone, everyone can just consider themselves accepted and proceed to role play! :)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/JamesFranco.jpeg.4c59ac23eab464d390ffec9db2aa7d14.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/JamesFranco.jpeg.4c59ac23eab464d390ffec9db2aa7d14.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Derek Paulder





A little history lesson?:

Growing up in house with an older brother and a father who was, simply put, obsessed with sports was quite a challenging childhood. Growing up in the shadow of a bigger son, a better son, a smarter son, the favorite son; was difficult for Derek. He and Desmond were always pit against each other in some sort of competition, sports or otherwise. Respect was not easily gained in this house and Derek was pretty sure his dad just saw him as an extra burden. After Desmond moved out, the only time Derek even spoke to his father it was about how he was performing. In his dad's eyes, it was usually poorly. Derek's mom was no help either she was just a shell of the woman she once was. Basically a servant to her husband, just a big pushover. So Derek found his strength in the fame and popularity that being good in sports brought. Some could say he had become a bit drunk with power, soon after becoming an upperclassmen he became the typical jock. Picking on anyone different or below him in the "high school hierarchy". Also, being seen as somewhat of a womanizer due to his poor example for a role model. He didn't care though, his "bros" thought he was cool. They seemed to look up to him, so changing his image would only let them down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/franco.gif.10d352d48c904ce6cded5dede755023a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/franco.gif.10d352d48c904ce6cded5dede755023a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How in the Hell did you end up in detention?:

Derek isn't a detention regular, but he has gone quite often throughout his high school career. His smart mouth in class gets him a few laughs, but he goes a bit too far sometimes and the more stuck up teachers will usually sentence him to this fate. His smart mouth isn't what got him in trouble his time though. Earlier in the week, some sophomore tried talking shit to Derek, calling him out for getting in trouble with the teacher the week before. So to put him in his place, Derek started a "fight" that was turning more into just a beating. Some weird kid with spikey hair tried to break up the fight, but was instead just brought into the beating as, a few of Derek's friends jumped in. Collecting so much attention then brought the principal. Derek, figuring he would obviously be to blame was surprised when the wiseass then blamed the kid that was actually trying to save him. Weird how things work right? Derek shrugged it off and continued about his day. Once making it to Math class at the end of the day, however, Derek fell asleep at his desk like he normal did. Mrs. Wallace had had enough of his laziness and sentenced him to detention for his delinquency. She's hoping it will correct his behavior. HA! Yeah... RIGHT!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/week-in-review-james-franco-gifs-imgur.gif.9fa3e78e9eb6b7f526ae06cf0616afb7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/week-in-review-james-franco-gifs-imgur.gif.9fa3e78e9eb6b7f526ae06cf0616afb7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Lacey May Shelomere



A little history lesson?:

Being in a house with 12 children and 5 adults Olive had to fend for her self, b=but her way was inconspicuous she studied hard and worked through every piece of stolen stationery or copied homework.Her parents depend on her as the oldest child who live in the house and she began to work at age 11 and now is studying college courses out of school.She was bullied viscously since the age of 12 and has cuts on her wrists and scars.



How in the Hell did you end up in detention?:

Lacey refused to do a jocks homework the boy shoved her into a broom closet and started to assault her a teacher walked in and the boy was rich and his father a supplier to the school so the teacher believed the story that he made up and she got her detention slip


Name: Armin "Skunk" Hanigan


History Lesson: Lives in a broken home, moving back and forth between his asshole father and his saintly mother. Not like he'd tell anyone that though. For Armin life is resistance. He sings in a badass punk rock band, reads books that have been banned since the 20's, and breathes left wing jargon. He'd be a model student if only he'd do as he was told. When the work interests him, he does it for the whole class, giving answers to the less informed students and questioning the so called "smart kids" on everything they think is true, and winning half the time. He mostly reads in class though. During down time and any social time his favorite thing to do is to inspire his fellows to rebel against the chains that tie them down. Usually ending in a bell ringing rather than glorious revolution.

Clique: Rebels, he skateboards too. But if you asked him, he'd say he makes his own cliques.

How the hell did you end up in detention: Well, that's a surprise. Did you know handing out Anarchist Primers in school without approval is against the rules? Well, the principal and his cronies agree. So, here Armin is. Again. Under the oppressive clutches of oppression. And because if he skips any more detention, he has to go to court. And that isn't too cool.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/punk_rock_means_freedom_by_miyavik.jpg.f9e89ca39eb771976e331b786d6a91cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/punk_rock_means_freedom_by_miyavik.jpg.f9e89ca39eb771976e331b786d6a91cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jackie Lockworth

Age: 16

A little history lesson? (Optional):

Clique: Nerds/oddballs

How in the Hell did you end up in detention?: He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. While walking home, bullies where running after him. They chased him to school and locked him in the janitors closet. When the principle checked the janitors close and thought he was doing bad things
Name: Brayden Newmann

Age: 17

A littler history lesson?: I'll put this in later.

Clique: Loners

How in the Hell did you end up in detention?: Heh. This is a funny story. Someone was dissing him because he was a loner, and the guy "fell" down the stairs. He tried to explain how the person was threatening him, but they didn't believe it. Still totally worth it, apart from the fact that the boy broke his arm.


I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Name: Roxie Heart

Age: 16

Clique: Skater girl

How the hell did you get in detention?: She gets into detention a lot. The reason why she is on there now is because she dumped one of the popular cheer leaders in the big garbage can. If course she had some help.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.9c3c53bba73dd1c3ae9ba83a5d5670d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.9c3c53bba73dd1c3ae9ba83a5d5670d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b63e9f20ea66c95f4acb5c6024a52b23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b63e9f20ea66c95f4acb5c6024a52b23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I think they might be just sorta kinda friends because Lacey literally just studies it would be near impossible for her to have any strong friendships. But her and Imogen maybe could just always be in a pair together and know each other better then anyone else

I also think that most should come into detention having no close relationships with any inside it
I don't even know how to start. Late or already there? Hmm.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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