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Fantasy (Detailed) Renewal- IT'S FINISHED GO SIGN UP GO GO GO

Will you apply?

  • Yes, as a current Bearer!

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  • Yes, as a past Bearer!

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  • Yes, as a villain!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but I think it's a cool idea anyway!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, and just seeing this awful idea has ruined the rest of my day. Your hair smells like onions.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The One Called X

Enlightened Squid
Pull up a chair and get yourself somethin' to drink, this might take a while. TL;DR version is at the bottom of the ramblings. :)

So basically I started RPing when I was fourteen, on the Neopets RP boards, and I had this idea for an RP that I wanted to do. It was pretty near and dear to my little adolescent heart, and I started it up multiple times- it never lasted long, since the Neopets boards are basically the absolute worst possible format for long-term RPing. Anyway, I pretty much wound up losing interest in the whole business... until last January, when I had a sudden urge to role-play and discovered this site! With detailed RPs that last longer than two hours! And world building! And talented writers! And soon I started wanting a little RP to call my own, and I remembered my little idea. And I added to it, and fleshed it out into something viable.

Trouble is, it's turned into a bloody monstrosity that my fourteen-year-old self would never have conceived of. I'm looking at needing a minimum of eight player characters and two separate IC threads (possibly three); plus a ton of backstory and lore. It'll take some commitment on my part to put down everything I've got in my head and polish it to a reasonable degree, so before I even start I want to make sure I have at least some interest.

TL;DR pls to read summary of idea and my concerns and tell me if you're interested and/or give suggestions or comments or critique? Kthxbai.


It started a long time ago. Nobody's quite sure when or where. All they knew was that into each generation, there were born five special people. They were chosen- we know not by who or what- to bear the power of an element. Earth, air, fire water. These were simple. When one Earthbearer died, another was awakened. The same for air, fire, and water. But the fifth element... that one was special.

Darkness is the absence of light- or is light the absence of dark? It matters not. The fifth Bearer was either light or dark. If a Lightbearer died, a Darkbearer would wake. When a Darkbearer died, a Lightbearer woke. So it was for a long, long time; and for a long, long time there was peace, and joy, and safety.

And then.

It isn't known whether it was a Bearer of Light or Darkness. It is only known that there were born twins; and that they were both awakened, and that they bore both Light and Darkness.

Both could use either element, but the boy favored the dark and the girl favored the light. She was cheerful, open, kind; a good leader to the other Bearers and a good advisor to her country's king. He was cold, ruthless, cunning; merciless on the battlefield and frighteningly charismatic off of it. But he loved his sister dearly.

He loved his sister, perhaps, as a brother never should.

She fell in love, one day. The young man isn't remembered. It is only remembered that he was the first to fall to him; and that the Bearers followed; and that the twins simply vanished.

There were no Bearers after that; not for a very, very long time.

It's the modern day now. Winter break, almost, in a tidy little college town. A young woman has been having strange, strange dreams- sometimes of a man; sometimes of a woman who begs her not to listen to him. One day, she finds a small, exquisitely beautiful black stone- and is inexorably drawn to four others, who are also having strange, ghostly dreams. These five are drawn forward, into a strange new world, a quest; and the only surety is that their lives will never again be the same.


1. It's gonna be detailed, and I can get picky about that. I don't mind the occasional mess-up, but I'm still a stickler for quality. Also, people have to be willing to commit to posting once a week or more. Every single character slot is vital for the story to move forward, so if somebody stops posting it would be bad and I would cry; which nobody wants because I look scary when I do that.

2. It's gonna be a bit on the dark side. Not, like, sooooooper dark and depressing- I definitely want to preserve a core of optimism and Triumphant Good- but the villain is a Bad Bad Man who does Bad Bad Things and is also very creepifying and kinda badtouchy. It's obviously gonna remain within PG-13 levels of thematicness/violence/etc., and most of the creepy is gonna be restricted to characters I control, but I'm kinda scared of scaring people off; because the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

3. Am I overcomplicating this? Because as it stands now, there are going to be either two or three IC threads. One will be for our hapless modern-day newbies, the other will be for the dead Bearers who are currently occupying a dreamworld from which they are attempting to contact our protagonists and offer them guidance. If there's a third, it will be because I decided to offer a few seats for "lieutenants" of the bad guy (an idea which I greatly enjoy, because it will give me more opportunities to write him and writing evil is fun) and they need a place to plot and pet cats menacingly. I'm pretty sure I can handle it- but again, they'll be somewhat intertwined and I don't want to put people off because it seems overly complex.

4. It's gonna take a little while to assemble the damn thing. Not sure how long, as I've never created an RP before, but I'mma have to figure out BBcode and whatnot. I'm relatively confident that I can have it up in a week or so... but I'm scared that by the time I do everyone will lose interest in my idea.

That's... just about everything, methinks. So. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Carrots?
OMG NEOPETS. I started off there too... So bad... So bad... With only 400 characters per post... and omg the long list of words that could just NOT be used or you'd be banned... Yes, bad place for rp'ing. But I am happy you found your way here just like me. And believe me, this is roleplay heaven!

Okay back to the idea. I love. ABSOLUTELY LOVE. the way you set this up already! I would love to be part of this! And I surely don't mind waiting around. Roleplays like this take a lot of time to set up.

Oh I would love a to have a carrot. I really don't know what more to say... all though I am curious what all the character slots would be for the rp. And if the old Bearers will be played by different people than the now Bearers. And what the powers of a Bearer precisely are? I guess that is it... and again. I absolutely love this... (I even had goosebumps all over while reading)



Also I was fourteen and had poor judgement and thought wolves with fairy wings were good characters. The warrior cats RPs weren't so bad, though. Man, I loved those...


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed my rambling. The character slots would be as follows:

4 current bearers (earth, air, fire, water)

4 former bearers (earth, air, fire, water)

2 or 3 Lieutenants of Eeeeeebil

The old bearers CAN be played by the same person as the new bearers, but they don't HAVE to be.

Powers will start of pretty small, and grow stronger over time. At the very beginning, they'll have to rely mainly on their wits. After they achieve their first goal, they'll begin to have more and more control over their respective element, eventually becoming able to combine them (I.e., fire and air into lightning).
OMG YES I even got banned for saying 'rhymes with snail' because that seemed as if I tried to get someone to send me a message on gmail...

Hahaha wolves with wings are the most perfect characters. Never done warrior cats since that fandom never took of in the Netherlands as much as in US...

I want to reserve a spot... but I have no idea which character I would want to play nor which power... I can't even decide on gender... ugh... I think i will go for the current water bearer {might take up the old one too if no one else wants it}
Well, you don't have to worry about reserving a spot straightaway. After I get it all set up to my satisfaction and posted, there will be more detailed, better organized information to help you decide on an element and get a better feel for the general atmosphere. :)
@SleepiestBear7 Mmm, there's no real minimum length- I don't want people to feel like they need to pad out their posts! But I do envision a limit for frequency of posting- like, wait until three other people have posted before posting again. If you're posting at the level of detail I want, that means that you should have enough material that each of your posts should end up being at least two paragraphs long.
*Has flashbacks to Neopets* Oh my...What sad days...

But I would absolutely love to keep updated on such an idea as this, roleplays have been a little flat lately in my perspective and to find something new and seemingly well put together is very exciting.

I am greatly interested!
Consider me interested! I'm not so sure about the whole 'dreamworld' thing - from previous experience those kind of things have to be very well defined or they flop. That said, it seems like you're putting a lot of effort in to this, plus it actually aligns a little to an idea I was just coming up with :) So I shall keep watching this thread for ein bischen!
@SleepiestBear7 Great! I'm brand-new to this, so I'm still trying to find a good balance between restrictiveness and inclusivity, so please bear with me. ^_^

@ParalyzedPrince I dunno... terrible as it was, I do remember it pretty fondly. You gotta start somewhere, I guess. I'm glad you like the idea!

@SkyGinge *le gasp* Can it be? Is the great and orange Gingericus truly interested in my humble scribblings? *keels over ded from flattery* Srsly tho that means a lot from one such as yourself. For the dreamworld thing... once I start assembling everything, I'll see how well I'm able to define it and integrate it into the main storyline. Until I actually start putting everything together, the setup is gonna remain somewhat in flux.

I must say I didn't expect even this much interest. I'm very gratified that you all enjoy my thinkity thoughts. :D
This is a really creative idea, X. :D

Whenever you finish it up, I think I'll try my hand at an eeeeeebil character~ (That is, if my character is accepted by you of course ^-^)

Just to clarify, depending on what type of character you are, you'll have a different RPing tab?
@Zelda18 Zeldaaaaaaa! 8D so glad to see you here. And yes, as it stands now, each character group will have its own "main" thread, though each type will be "sent" into other threads as the situation calls for it. I promise it's not as clunky as it sounds, probably.

I shall begin work on it this evening, methinks. I look forward to seeing your character!
Glad to be here :D That's a pretty cool idea. Especially if I'm evil, I get to leave my own tab just to go mess things up for other people. *rubs hands together*

Sorry for the questions, but would you be telling evil characters what sort of evil things to do? I imagine it would be important to the plot~
@Zelda18 Don't apologize for questions, yo. It helps me know what all I need to account for. And yes- if you're evil, your character will be working for and taking orders from the Big Bad.
This looks highly interesting! I would love to be part of this if you're still looking for interested players!
Sure! I'm gonna be looking for people for a while yet.

Added a poll, to help me decide how many villainous slots to include. And just to clarify- each player will be allowed two characters. Depending in how things play out, I'll have three because I'm the GM and I make the rules. POWEEEEEER!!!
A current bearer or a villain would suit me well~ And you flatter me with all you 'the Great Gingericus' stuff :P I too am but a humble RPer, albeit one who loves competition :')
Okay then, this thing is now officially a work in progress! As it currently stands, I will have a maximum of 4 slots for the evilly inclined. Once it's all postified, I will post the link to this thread and tag everyone who's watching this thread. You guys made me really happy with all your feedback!

*looks at poll results* 0_0 WHO SAID THAT MY HAIR SMELLS LIKE ONIONS?! *Brandishes Tuna of Righteous Punishment*

I would much like apply--er... Excuse me, humble... person, I have taken a large amount of interest in your idea and the thought of writing out such a story with your eccentric self floods my heart with absolute joy. Yes.

(Your hair doesn't smell like onions, I promise.)

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