• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Detailed Partner Search (OPEN)


A broken doll picking up the pieces of her life
Bonjour friends! If you stumbled upon this marvelous thread of mine then welcome! If you didn't guess it already my name is Pawz, and I'm searching for a few new long term detailed partners once more! So I'm not going to jump into a introduction of myself right here, but if you would like to read it, then feel free to click that tab. If not completely cool but PLEASE PLEASE read my requirements and preferences before going to my rp plots and pairings. Thank you!

About Me, Myself, and I

Just a few random things about me, just since I've had a few people ask me random things like this in the past. xD I'll try to keep it semi short, no promises though!

  • I love love love Geeky and Nerdy stuff like Marvel, DC, anything Superhero, Anime, Reading, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, ect. It goes on and on. If you name I've probably seen it.
  • I love all genres and pairings, no real preferences oddly
  • I love cars and fast car movies.
  • I always crave some form of action
  • A somewhat weird trait about me, I know a lot of different weapon types, history, pretty much anything relating to weapons. Weird no?
  • Favorite color, blue, favorite animal, Wolf or Dog
  • Thing I'm regretting most right now, typing this pretty much pointless tab. xD I'm just kidding....Sorta.
  • My two best friends are @Momoka and @juuchanisu

Well I hope that wasn't a complete waste of your time, hope you enjoyed! Now you should read the helpful info....

What to Expect from Me

  • I will post at least once a day, almost always more. If I disappear for a day, don't panic I will get back to you as soon as I can with a Reply, or at least a note letting you know how long I will be.
  • Since this is my Detailed recruitment thread then I will reply anywhere between 3 paragraphs (at least 5 sentences) to 7 or 8. Sometimes if I'm really motivated I can go more. But if you couldn't find any of my other recruitment threads that are more casual then feel free to still send me a PM
  • I love romance in my rps but it is not a Must. Preferred, but Not a Must.
  • With that said, right now I am Craving some MxM pairings but I also love doing FxM and FxF. Its completely up to you on these. Just let me know!
  • I don't have a preference between Threads and PM for the actual Rp, again I leave this up to you guys. Though dealing with my past Thread one on one rps (which never got any responses back) please please make sure you actually will respond to threads.
  • Character Sheets are preferred for me, but again not a Must.
  • I love to talk in OOC, I want to at least become at least not complete strangers with you guys!
What I Would Like to See

  • At least one Daily post please.
  • No one liners or paragraphs less than 5 sentences! I understand writer's block but please this is a Detailed search. I'm okay with an occasional one paragraph or so but please keep it to a minimum.
  • Add to the plot! Add in twists, throw ideas at me. I don't want to be carrying this plot all on my own, it makes me feel controlling.
  • A Notice if your going to drop out of the rp. please don't disappear without letting me know, I won't be upset if you drop it I swear!
  • With that said, if you are losing interest, want to restart, try a different play out of the plot, or just need something more interesting thrown in, let me know we can discuss it and figure out something.
  • Please let me know if your going to be gone for long periods of time. PLEASE
  • Detail! I need some detail in it or I will take forever to reply.
  • No Godmodding, power play, mary-sues, anything like that none of it please!
  • At least Decent grammar! I'm not a perfect writer, and I know you guys aren't most likely either. A few typos are okay but please read over your work before hitting send. even your replying over a mobile device
  • Be open to ideas, random plot twists, and big reveals you hopefully weren't expecting.
  • Talk OOC with me please! you don't have to but I would love to become friends! I'll even exchange skype or email with you guys if you want to be friends! Now I'm not trying to say that in a creepy way just a friendly one!
  • Have Fun! I love rping and I would love my partner's to be as dedicated as me!

Now with all of that being said I hope I'm not asking for too much, and scared off people. Just remember this was a Detailed search!

Now I hope you made it through that without crying or giving up on me. But now to the thing you are most likely really looking for! Here are some of my plots, pairing ideas, fandoms, and preferences as far as characters and plot stuff go!

Character and Plot idea Preferences

  • Original Characters I personally prefer to play OC's, but if you would like to play a canonxmyoc then I would consider it. Mostly I prefer OC's though
  • Ability to discuss plots together. I probably already stated something like this. but please just add to the plots! I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on it!
  • Please make your characters suitable for the rp. Please match it up, I don't want to have two hyper and childish characters in a dark and serious rp. We will most likely discuss characters and things along with the rp.
  • Please PM if you are interested! you can post below your interest but that would risk the chance of me not getting back to you.
  • Lastly, I might ask for a rp Sample. I would just like to see a sample of your writing before we discuss anything. You can send it in the PM that says your interested, or just take a chance of me asking for one personally. If you post below however, and choose to give me one ahead of time, please put it in a spoiler. Thank you!



Italics= how many plots available I have for each

Fantasy= 4

Modern/Realistic= 2

Futuristic= 3

Fandom= 3

This was just to show you how many plots I have available fr each genre, this will be edited over time. Though keep in mind, I would love to hear any plots that you have in mind!

Bold= Cravings

Italics= I have a plot

Soul Eater

Attack on Titan

Legend of the Legendary Heroes


Doctor Who

Pokemon (not as experienced with these just a heads up)

Marvel or DC

Star Wars

Madoka Magica


Black Butler

Fast and Furious


Kingsmen: Secret Service

I am always open for any other fandom suggestions you have as well.



Underlined=Preferred Role(if both underlined no preference)








RebelxEnemy Solider


More to be edited in!

This is my most Craved Plot, so I'll post it below, if you would like to hear anymore plots or ideas of your own you would like to do send me a PM. Thanks hope to rp with you soon!

Kill or Be Killed




Excessive Plot Twists and Turns

Unexpected Reveals


Violence=Medium(If you have a problem with blood discription or too much violence please let me know and we can edited or try a different plot. Thank you.


CA is the best out there when it comes to killing. It is their job. With an alternate Alias they work under for their assassinations, they are a force not to be reckoned with. Hired by the highest bidders for any job, no matter how deadly, he is feared in all kingdoms.

CB is one of the most powerful prince/princesses out their. They have managed to hold their kingdom a high and peaceful place. Their kingdom rules peacefully and avoids almost all conflict. CB stands firmly at their father's side and helps rule the kingdom until their coronation one day and is loved by all the citizens of their city.


Modern day advancements and technology are in existence, cellphones, electricity, hoodies, hi-tops, ect. But instead of countries our story remains mainly to 4 kingdoms that are positioned next to each other. CB's kingdom is the kingdom of Primavera, the other three being Verao, Inverno, and Cair.


The three kingdoms have lived in peace and harmony for centuries. True the kingdoms of Verao, Inverno, and Cair have their occasional small conflicts but they have all remained in peace. However the kingdom Inverno has recently fallen to thick corruption and slowly started to raid and take over both kingdoms of Verao and Cair. Slowly they both fell, leaving Primavera to a corrupted and powerful force from Verao, with no allies left to stand by them. Its been a decade since Verao started war with Primavera, but the normally peaceful kingdom has kept them at bay. But because of this war, many assassins and attempts on CB's life have been made in hopes of weakening the kingdom. That is when CA is brought in. Hired by the highest power in Verao, CA is sent to kill CB. CA manages to steal a job as CB's bodyguard and gets close enough to make his move. CA's makes a total of three attempts; the first being halted unexpectedly forcing him to wait longer, the second being he hesitates, causing him to get interrupted once more, the third attempt CA finds themselves unable to follow through with it for having fallen in love with target. But because of the inability to finish the job, CA only manages to put CB in more danger.​

If you previously tried to set up, discuss, start or were doing an rp with me and I vanished on you, please contact me again if you are still interested. I'm so sorry, my rpn or computer or something did an odd thing and wiped all of my conversations a while back. So sorry again, please if you are still interested please contact me. Thank you.
[QUOTE="Cherno Lux]I am interested in the Fast and furious plot.

Btw if you are interested in rping just shoot me a pm.
Yellow @Pawz, I was just happily searching the threads after coming back from a long hiatus. I noticed you mentioned liking nerdy things (Marvel, DC for instance). I love in-depth role plays, and I was wondering if you'd like to do something kinda like a Superman pairing (but a little bit less one dimensional--and NOT Superman but an OC hero). I have no details yet (because I like to come up with those with my partner) but I'm happy with MxF, or mixing it up with FxF. I know this wasn't specified in the thread, so I understand if you aren't interested in something like this. If you are, I'd love to talk some things over with you; I can PM :D

Thanks a bunch!!
Your kill or be killed plot sounds brilliant; I would absolutely be up for that! I'm afraid I can't PM you as I'm new, but if you're interested please do shoot me a message :)

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