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...the Story Teller
Salutations, I'm SerenityAngel. It's a delight and pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have currently outlasted all of my other partners, sadly. They have their lives to take care of which is preferred for one's health and sanity. Anyway, it has left me rather bored and looking for partners to entertain myself with. I saw your basic plot line and I though I would see if you would like for me to audition. I am an experienced rper of 12+ years and I do detailed posts ranging from a minimum of one or two paragraphs to multiple paragraphs with some mild coding to add to the post's appearance and I also tend to put in updated pics of my character depending on the situations just to keep my editing skills sharp. I tend to post once a day at least if I do not have writer's block, otherwise it could take me up to a week but the quality of my posts will always be at least decent. If you are interested in any of the senarios I have provided or have ideas of your own, please pm me and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you, for your time and attention,

1. The Dragon's Call
No young man, no matter how great can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And so it will be for the young sorcerer as he walks through the gates of Camelot. A boy who, in time, will father a legend. So the fate of the kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name…Merlin.

2. The King's Maker
Prince (yourcharacter) Wolfgang Goldenleonard, the 4th Prince of the kingdom, returns to the palace after years of living in hiding. He rejects everything about his new royal life, but is intrigued by the mysterious and dutiful (mycharacter), a catamite of the King. As Wolfgang slowly opens up and learns the ways of the palace, (mycharacter) begins to see something special about the wild, unkempt, and stubborn young prince. He might just be the one (mycharacter) has been waiting for... the one who could light the flame of rebellion.

3. Dragon Ball Z: Return of the Saiyans
Okay so you would be taking control of at least Vegeta and even an oc if you would like. I will be helping with other cannon characters when needed. So the basic storyline is the timeline is set a few years after the defeat of Cell. Goku is still dead, Gohan is in high school and peace has been reigning on earth for a few years. One day there is a massive spaceship that has landed on earth and guess what was on that ship. Saiyans!

4. Black Butler: Book of Descention
Purple eye - Copy.png
There are children going missing but they are not entered in the death records, nor are they reported as truly "missing" They come back after a few days but the children change somehow. There is a darkness that is spreading through England and it is up to the Queen's Pets to figure out what is going on and put a stop to it. (Will you be Sebastian? You can make your own characters as well if you wish but we need at least Ciel and Sebastian for this plot to work.)

5. The School's Hard Case
Okay so it is a basic NerdxBully scenario but gender doesn't really matter here. You can pick the pairing, MxM, MxF or FxF, I am up for anything. It is really up to you there. But either way (Mycharacter) is the school nerd, doesn't socialize, best grades, middle-class family, and refuses to make friends, while (Yourcharacter) is the school's pride and joy. Popular, good-looking, athletic, decent grades ect, but when it comes to those smaller and quieter than them they tend to be....well.....a bully. Eventually these two are forced to interact more often than they are comfortable with. Will they eventually start to get along? Only time will tell.

6. The True Children of the Sea
On a distant planet made nearly completely out of water, there is an island. An island that holds a lot of magical secrets. One is held by a small boy(your character) in the depths of a cave called, "Mermaid Cove" on one side of the island close to the sharp, rocky shore that hides many secrets from the surface and sea alike. Here, there is a young mermaid(my character) that has been trapped and now helped by the strange little outsider boy.

7. Dying Magic
Unial Corentha. A kingdom, no a world where the people are gifted with magic. This magic is stored in their bodies as children and only surface until the body becomes able to withstand the transformation into a physical trait. A single horn that grows from their foreheads. These beings are called Unalicorthans. The horns they grow can come at any age. It all depends on the body of the vessel. It is rare, but some babies are even born with horns and they grow as the child grows. In this world, peace reigns and is governed by a benevolent king and queen with the longest horns ever seen. However, this was not to last forever. The king and queen have disappeared and a dark king now rules, though he pretends to be benevolent and kind. His horn as black as night and over 16 inches long. In this world the longer your horn, the stronger and more magic you have. The color of your horn determines your elemental affinity. Earth, fire, wind, water, metal, light, dark, wood, plant, lightning, speed, creation and destruction. There are many things to discover about this world.

8. Game of Thrones: A New Game
Long had the days been quiet. Like the calm before the storm, everything was still and quiet. There hadn't been any wars for quite a while now and things had finally settled down and peace had spread through the lands, but, as with all things, this peace was to come to an end. Beyond the northern wall deep into the Haunted Forest, where snow fell year-round and monsters still roam free, unchecked by mortal men. A castle remained standing that had long thought to be abandoned was bustling with life and had been for centuries. Only recently had any humans even glimpsed or heard of this sacred place. The Fist of the First Men was in a frenzy from worry over their ruler deciding to reveal herself to the mortal world. The people of this land feared that the ruler may never come back and they would be left without a path, but this was not to be so. Things would be well taken care of in her absence a trust-worthy friend of noble blood would lead as she would while she was gone.

To each of the noble houses in every corner of Westeros, even to the Dorn lands, a special bird with gold and white feathers, similar to that of a hawk but the plumage was far more elegant. The white feathers seemed almost to be made of silver and the bright yellow seemed to be made of gold. The tuffs of feathers layered down its head were a crown of elegance. The creatures' eyes held a violet hew and pierced into mortal souls if stared at too long. The beak is strong and tipped with a black color that contained a poison, deadly to any unlucky enough to be priced by it. Strong talons gripped whatever stone it came across and left scratches wherever they happen to land. It would not be wise to let this elegant and dangerous bird perch upon your arm, lest you have a desire for pain and a broken arm. This is a bird humans had believed to be extinct and even back when it wasn't it was rare to even see one, but now every noble family would find one on their walls, or window sills, or desks or wherever the bird could find people, with a letter in its beak with a golden wax seal with an intricate insignia embedded into the wax. The bird was called an Alicanto. A bird of prey that was feared by any unfortunate enough to bear its wrath. Now they seemed to be messenger birds from some unknown noble house.

If the letter is taken from the Alicanto's beak it would instantly fly off, back to the Haunted forest from whence it came. The letter was made of a very high-quality paper as if it were made of silk, the wax was embedded with pure gold. The person that had these letters was definitely rich and powerful if they could afford cold in a simple wax seal for a letter. When the letter is opened the written words were elegantly scribed and written by a highly learned person and a steady hand. The letter read: "To The Head Of The Noble Family.

Dear Sir or Lady,

You do not know me, but I know of you and many others. I have waited for the right time to join the mortal world in a peaceful alliance, but in order to do so properly, I ask that you and all those that receive a letter like this to arrive at your land's highest place of command. Your king's palace of King's Landing. If you wish not to attend then I wish you luck and I pity you for you will not be able to witness a true union between two kingdoms of equal strength and power. I pray that you will find it worth your time to attend for it will not be an event to miss and will begin an era of true peace between our lands. I can promise that this event will not be dull nor boring and well worth your time. I will explain who I am then and why I have waited till now to show myself at the summons because introducing myself through a letter is not proper nor polite, so I will introduce myself there. I look forward to meeting you and many others.

Yours truly,

The Ruler from Beyond the Frozen Wall"
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If you have suggestions please pm me and I might add them to the list. I am really easy to rp with, I promise and if you want a romance I am open to any kind of pairing. So please, don't be shy! Come say hi! ^_^

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