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Fandom Detailed Fandom AU

Lady Warlock

Anime RN
An Introduction
Hello everyone who stumbled upon this thread! I’ve been on RPNation for quite some time now and gone by many names in the process including Athena, Hales, Sergeant Sass, RN. It could be a long list, really, but for now I’m just Comet Lady… or RN if you really want to because I’m a registered nurse. Anyway, thus far in my roleplaying career here, I’ve stayed in group roleplays because that’s where I started roleplaying. I eventually ran a couple larger fandom roleplays that were quite fun, but the pattern of them dying out started to get annoying and frustrating. I’ve been off for a little while now and in my boredom recently, I’ve decided to attempt some 1x1 roleplays here. I have written 1x1 roleplays before, but that has been on different roleplaying sites and I’ve been finding that when I look at writers here, I tend to find some better quality prospects so it seemed worth it to extend an olive branch.

I am 25 years old at the moment. I work full time so my writing may be a bit sporadic although I try to at least maintain communication with partners once a week. I don’t like setting a guaranteed frequency of posts because in addition to being a working adult, I have a relationship I’m maintaining, and I’m also actively combatting depression which isn’t being helped at all by the current world situation. I’m an anime nerd. I love fandoms of many types and am willing to explore them under certain specific conditions I’ll get to later. I don’t really care how old prospective partners are so long as you’re capable of being grammatically correct (with allowances for an occasional error here and there, obviously), and so long as you can write multi-paragraph posts. I’m an aspiring novelist. I use roleplay as my writing practice.

What I’m Looking For In a Partner
I’m looking for a detailed partner capable of writing multiple paragraphs per post. Some will obviously be longer than others, but I’m really really really (notice the repetition for emphasis) not looking for one-liners or for single paragraph posts. Even two paragraphs is a bit questionable for me. I like partners who help set the scene of the story and who use spare space in their posts to establish and further build on the lore we’re creating together. I love NPCs and usually, I create them spontaneously to fill open space as needed and to add more to the world.

Now, I’ve realized that I’ve been starting a lot of sentences and paragraphs with the word ‘I.’ Let’s attempt to change that.

Any roleplay that I start with a partner is a roleplay I want to be our story. It’s something I want us to be able to claim shared ownership of. When I have good partners, we’re able to go back and forth for hours sometimes just plotting what’s going to happen next and surprising one another every step of the way. The roleplay is so much more fun when both partners involved feel like the story is partially theirs and it gets even better when neither person truly knows what is going to happen next. Roleplaying takes on a whole different level when each partner is able to surprise the other in ways that only enhance the plot they are both working towards developing.

Patience is also a necessity for a multitude of reasons. Lately, I haven’t exactly been the fastest when it comes to replying to posts that partners put out there. However, that doesn’t mean I vanish from existence or am ok with my partners doing anything similar. I still like to maintain active and open communication regardless of whether or not either of us are in a position to be actively writing posts at that particular moment in time. Even if we can’t post, I’d like to have a partner who’s open to communicating when posts can most likely be expected with me and to receiving similar communication from me. Also, even if one of us has delays in posting, I don’t want that at all to delay our abilities to continue planning and building the world of the story we’re writing together.

Fandoms… Fandoms… Fandoms
Here we get to the meat and bones of this thread. I love writing fandoms, and the purpose of this thread is to seek out fandom roleplayers to write 1x1 rps with. The main detail that I ought to mention right away, though, is that I don’t write canon characters and I don’t write with players who write canon characters. My style of fandom roleplay involves using the world and the lore without using the characters as well. I like creating OCs instead. I also like building on the lore that the story already has in our own and unique ways in order to allow it to grow beyond what it already is. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then please message me!

Fandoms I’m willing to write include:
  • Soul Eater
  • Fairy Tail
  • Naruto
  • Pokemon
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Fire Emblem Three Houses
  • Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn / Path of Radiance
  • Avatar the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra
  • Harry Potter
  • Game of Thrones
  • Charlie Bone / Children of the Red King
  • The Inheritance Cycle
  • The Witcher
  • Star Wars
  • The Wolves of Mercy Falls
  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  • Warrior Cats
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • The Mortal Instruments
  • Marvel Universe
  • X-Men

Original Stories
At this point in time, I’m not so much seeking original stories as I am seeking fandom based roleplays. However, if you manage to propose a fantastical idea, I might find myself with no choice but to accept. A few hints: I love werewolves and dragons and magic and demons and… I hope you get the idea.

To Contact Me
If you’re interested in writing with me, regardless of whether it's a fandom or original idea, please feel free to let me know and we can figure things out from there. I would prefer to avoid having full conversations within this thread so as to keep it somewhat clean, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share an idea with me here. If it peeks my interest, I’ll message you. Or you could just message fresh ideas to me.

Oh, and for fandoms, you don’t necessarily need to have an idea. If you’re interested in a particular fandom and in writing an rp within that fandom with me, just let me know and we’ll figure things out together from there!

Hope to hear from some peeps!
Last edited:
  • Removed Harry Potter from the list of fandoms. If I've already started discussing one with you, its fine, but I am not seeking any more Harry Potter fandom rps.
  • Added two Fire Emblem worlds to the fandom list I'll write for.
  • Added Game of Thrones as an option. Please note I'm not familiar with the books - only with the HBO show.
Bump:I've been absent for a while and would like to possibly return to writing some roleplays here. Please let me know if you are interested!

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