Detailed Creation Map

Sheridan Boyce

New Member
Does anyone know where I can find a (preferably official) map of Creation more detailed than that in the core book?  Specifically, I'm wondering where Sharktooth Bay is, but it would be nice to see a more detailed map.  I can simply plunk things where I need/want them to be, I realize, but I'd like to see the official designations as well.  In addition, the troupe I'm going to run for has no less than two other STs in it, and I'd like to be able to keep things in line with their location placements, having access to a nice detailed map might make that easier on us all.
Alrighty, scratch that, I found quite a good map on the WW site.  No mention of Sharktooth Bay though.  Has anyone else used the location in their games yet?  And if so where about's did you put it?  Once referance to the Roseblack mentions her fighting pirates in the south west, but is no more specific than that.
No, I don't think there is any map stating where it is... ^_^ ;;;

But you could descript more of Sharktooth bay... and which book it's from... and I'll do a hunt for it
Try StephenLs map. It's not official, but it's very well done. Google it.

No shit? Could you post a link to the WW version?

Yup, That's one of his. I wonder if that means they've officially endorsed his guesses at various locations?

Too bad no WW folks lurk here, like on the old EC. They might be able to answer that.

kakitashinsumi said:
Why not post over on the WW forums?  You'd probably get an answer pretty quick
Eh. Me and the WW forums don't seem to mix too well. I usually get jumped on by by irrational flamesters once they find out I was one of the old EC crew.

Stillborn said:
kakitashinsumi said:
Why not post over on the WW forums?  You'd probably get an answer pretty quick
Eh. Me and the WW forums don't seem to mix too well. I usually get jumped on by by irrational flamesters once they find out I was one of the old EC crew.


Didn't your name once upset someone over there?

I haven't been jumped on, so much, as I'm usually disappointed by the level of content.

And WTF with  It's now got a pay membership?  Caucasians, please.  I need that like I need a gut-shot hooker in the trunk of my car... is infested anyway, and WW's forums are full of mindless diatribe.  Most of the people that post there couldn't find the Realm on StephenLs' map, much less Sharktooth Bay.
I just think that it's sad that the official site is so...lame.  

The interface for the forums is buggy--if you have any decent level of protection on your computer, it won't even keep you logged in--the content is mostly for noobs who are all a-twitter, but if you are at all an adult, and want to talk about a serious games--and this is supposed to be from the folks who wanted to bring RPG's over into adult territory--you've got a dozen or so Nosey Nellies who want to criticize your posts for their content of "purient" material, as opposed to actually discussing the idea's merit or faults.  

And Yahwey help you if you disagree with anyone there for being an idiot...

How you gonna go and claim that you want to put out a game for adults and adult themes, and then moderate the forums down to drivel?

Far too many folks who post there have had lives of too much ease and wouldn't know good debate if it bit them on the ass.  Which is why I'm glad that Still ported over the old EC community--or at least some of it.  

I'm glad to see that you can now Google the site, and there are a few links to it, so that folks who might want to migrate are now better able to. I wish that the Wiki was more accessable, because they have a decent amount of content, but the site makes my eyes bleed sometimes in navigating it.
Check the other post you made about the wiki.  I'll help you out if you want.  Ain't got nothin' but solidarity in me... and some booze.
Just a lack of respect.  Have you read the commentary?  Between the PC police, and the lack of real content...I just can't do it. And is even worse.

I want to talk about a game I love, and I have a great deal of respect towards the material...just not so much for a lot of the users.  

I give folks plenty of rope to hang themselves, but if someone is being a tool, you should be able to call them on it, be able to point out the flaw in their arguement, and be prepared to accept when others point out your own.

You can do so, and be polite, and I think that folks at the Redux have done an admirable job at keeping their commentary relevant and without a gnashing of teeth, but then again, the troll index is still fairly low--non-existant at this point, and I like that a lot about the board. But, that's a commendation to the community as a whole. If we do get a fella like GUTB or some of the other idiots who insisted on posting tripe, then we have the option of calling them on it, as opposed to a moderated PC hell that only encourages idiots.  

WW Forums wants hits. A lot of them, and they are more than willing to sacrifice adult content to get it, and suffer idiots to get them. Let them have their tools and their power gamers. Better there than here.
If we do get a fella like GUTB or some of the other idiots who insisted on posting tripe' date=' then we have the option of calling them on it, as opposed to a moderated PC hell that only encourages idiots.[/quote']
Gotta admit though, some of the funniest posts on the dead EC was of the tripe that got churned out, and the ensuing flame wars.

But I agree totally: if someone makes a comment that needs addressing, in a manner that may no doubt upset them, then it is all fair.  We're all adults, and should at least give others a chance to make their point without some moderator coming down on them like a ton of bricks.

Oh it was hilarious. But it wan't neccessarily all that useful.  I had my share of flambaue with Little Joe and TSJ there, but it wasn't all that useful for the community at large. It did generate a lot of traffic, to see who was getting pasted, but I'd rather have pages of stuff that was either useful or entertaining.

I do miss TSJ and Little Joe, because both could be very incisive, but their roles as Trolls in Residence didn't neccessarily help folks that often, and it generated a fair amount of ill will in other forums, and that, I think, has limited a bit of Still is doing here. But then again, if it keeps GUTB and others off the board, I'm happier for it, because I'd rather not slog through their dreck.

This is one of the better forums for testing out ideas and getting solid feedback, and I think as time goes on, it's going to get much better.  It's just going to take some time to build up a good following. That there are new registered users each time I come here, and I'm here a fair amount as I keep a window open when I'm writing, is a good sign for that.  That the community has been very open, fairly polite without being saccharine is even better.
kakitashinsumi said:
Wow, I hadn't realized the lack of love towards the WW forums.
I think the reverse is true, actually. The old EC had a bad reputation, wether deserved or not, for being antagonistic and hostile toward newcomers.

Ironically enough, this rep has made many on the WW forums antagonistic and hostile toward anyone associated with the EC. As I've mentioned before, I've been attacked with little or no provocation, on the grounds that I was a well known EC regular. That's bullshit.

I have nothing in particular against the WW forums, I just tend to avoid posting there because it can be an excercise in futility.

I had not intention of thread jacking this into a discussion of the various forums, but it seems that the original intent of this thread has come and gone.

I was not around during the time of the old EC.

I only began forum roaming and posting in Sept of this year, (primarily because I had moved 1800 miles from my gaming group and was looking for a resource to find gamers/information)  

I have done the DnD thing since I began gaming, and always detested associated forums.  (Although a good friend of mine was a avid troll of the forums and kept our group up-to-date :roll: ).  Anyways, my wife and I really liked Exalted, yet we only had limited experience with it because the old group perfered DnD (with which we had no complaints).  Since we moved and had to find a new group, we decided to try and find something more Exalted oriented this time, and so I started my forumite life on the WW forums.  I have become very familiar in this past month as to which posters have somthing worthwhile, and which are stubborn bastards (who critique without suggestion or discussion.)

Thanks to Haku, I found myself here as well.  I find this site to have some  very good ideas, and is a better organized resource for information.  However, the relative dearth of posters here limits how its potential.  So I frequent both.  I find I post on the WW forums more frequently because there is often more discussion involved.  Here people post a lot of game-related information, but more often than not I can find something inspiring for my own campaign creations, but I tend to end up without any real input (constructive or otherwise) to give.  

As for the wiki...   I have scoured its labyrinthine structure, and have found that with a little persistance it is actually easily navigated.  However, although I have found some gems there, I believe it to be the least useful, albeit most static, of the three resources I use to date.

It seems I have begun to rant...

I shall take my leave for now.

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