~*~ Destiny's Descendants Academy ~*~ [Inactive]


Junior Member
**Schmunky** submitted a new role play:

~*~ Destiny's Descendants Academy ~*~ - A place where the 'freaks' who control the elements can finally fit in.

"Many centuries ago, there was a group of people called The Destiny, who possessed supernatural abilities. They could bend and contort the elements to their will, with the flick of a finger.

However, they other humans all thought they were freaks or witches, and brutally burned them at the stake one by one."

The child's eager eyes widened.

"Tell us more, Granny! He perked up excitedly. He was always one to love his bedtime stories.

"Of course, The...
Read more about this role play...
Rachel Arendale and Elizabeth Baker

In front of the entrace

Rachel was quite nervous when she stood in front of the school. She had often thought about how it would look like, and she had also often imagined what she would do if she stood in front of the door. Maybe she should look around the rather big area. Rachel moved her head away from the door, but the only thing her eyes recognized were well ... a bunch of red hair. Terrified about the unexpected sight she recoiled and dashed against a lantern.
Bumb. It was quite an awkward sound. The bunch of hair moved and Rachel realized that she was just standing ... sitting in front of a middle-aged woman who looked at her partly confused partly shocked. "What the hell are you doing on the floor?", Elizabeth asked and looked at her with a puzzled smile on her lips. "Well ...", Rachel did not really know how to answer and chuckled nervously. What a great start, she thought and tried to look anywhere, but not into the eyes of the woman in front of her. Think! "I was just checking out the ... holding strenght of this wonderful lantern." Genious .... not. When Elizabeth dazed look did not vanished, Rachel was just about to facepalm herself. Applouse, you made it even worse! To change the subject she stood up and introduced herself while wiping away the dirt of her clothes. "I'm Rachel Arendale and I'm one of the new students.", she said and smiled at the pretty woman politly. She could sense that the woman belonged to a higher rank. Elizabeth smiled back to her. A new student, no wonder this girl seems to be nervous. "Well, I'm Miss Baker and I'm a new teacher.", she also said while brushing her hair with her finger. Wow, I must look totally mested up. What a wonder that I did not scare her. "So, lets go in Rachel.", Elizabeth picked up her bag from the floor and opened the door.

Rachel could not withhold a bright smile. Opening the door is easier than I thought.
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Adrian sat under a tree, it shade tracing him with the branches patterns. His eyes where closed as he listened to the worlds melody, no one stopped to listen did they? The birds sung their own songs as one, they told a story to him as he laid there. But suddenly it stopped, all of it. Slowly Adrian opened his eyes to see what had disrupted the areas peace and looked up to see a larger boy.

"Whatcha doin' Hippie?" Adrian yawned before standing, "I was listening" he whispered tapping the tip of his ear before walking away the worlds sounds picking up against he stepped away. Today he was going to learn where he belonged, what he would study for the next couple of years. And he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited.
Aquilla; Water Tracker

Asylum, North

"Are we safe?" The recently kidnapped kid, who just introduced himself as Chris, asked quite frighteningly, causing Aquilla to quickly silence him. They were apparently hiding behind unconscious captives, who were just about to be tested for humans to know if they were witches of some sort. The humans with pitchforks who were once guarding them stormed out of the asylum.

"It seemed that my distraction worked." She mumbled, causing the tied-up kid to nod nervously.

"Yeah, so, can you like, get me out of here?" He asked silently, looking around as if there were people watching them.

"Hm." The tracker stood, and helped Chris up. Then in less than a second, water which was compressed into ice stuck to her finger like a pointy knife of ice. Chris yelped, but she ignored it. The coast was clear for now, and that was what only mattered. With speed, she sliced the ropes binding his hands and legs, and she was as glad as he to be free. The kid might've jumped up and down, but Aquilla pulled his arm and ran so quick that he probably didn't get to breath. He didn't need to inhale. All there was in the asylum was the smell of blood, and other unpleasant things possibly from the human body. They reached the exit after several staircases, and Aquilla wasn't surprised to see those ordinary humans cooped up to ambush them.

"Next time I'll take the cell windows." Aquilla told herself.

"YOU!" One of the humans raised his pitchfork, as if it was to scare the tracker away. True enough, it made Christ yelp and step backward, but more humans pushed him forward with his knife. They were surrounded.

"You think you could get away, huh?" The old man walked forward cautiously, unafraid of what was to happen. Aquilla had the thought that she was the first one in time to get caught, since if she wasn't, the humans might've been trembling with the next tracker they meet. Every human around them walked closer, grasping onto their useless weapons. Aquilla just gave out a smirk, annoying them more.

"Close your eyes," She told Chris, who quickly obeyed. She slowly, slowly made a stance that started one of her abilities.

"Hmph," One of them from the back said triumphantly. "Wanting a quick death, eh? Well you're not having o---"

He didn't even manage to finish his sentence. They dare not to look down, she thought, grabbing Chris's arm and moving forward. All they'd see is more ice in their hearts. Aquilla whistled, calling onto the fellow trackers, and walked away towards the route where she first got in. Chris, on the other hand, was still in her grip, eyes shut. He made the tracker wonder if all kidnapped kids were like this. Perhaps, the feisty ones died first. She wondered as the reinforcements--other trackers--came with their kidnapped prisoners.

"Nice for your first kidnapping." Selene, one of the trackers of them told Aquilla cheerily. "And you even have a tame one!" She pulled her arm, showing Aquilla the captive she caught. He was unconscious--full of marks, wounds and bruises, Aquilla could've sworn this was just done recently. He was poor enough to have Selene as his tracker, but that was probably what he got for being not obedient. "He'll live." Selene said sternly, heading back to the route where they would find their ride. Silently, Aquilla dragged Chris, who now opened his eyes, and headed along with the other trackers.

"We're leaving the others?" He couldn't help but ask. Truth be told, there were still probably tens or hundreds more in there, but the rule was just to find the descendants. When Aquilla checked everyone, she found Chris in the room where there were just brought along with more people, and he seemed to be the only one with the sign--the star-like shape at the pinky finger. Even she had one.

"Reinforcements will come to them quickly," She lied. She was almost too great in doing so. Well, it wasn't a full lie. There might be reinforcements, there might not be. She wasn't so sure.

"That's good to know." Chris sighed, cutting her thoughts. "She... My girlfriend's in there. I don't really know this business yet, but we both always believed in fantasy. And maybe, this wasn't fantasy. I'll get back to her. We'll see each other soon." He said in a very promising tone. I'm going to be with her someday, right?" He asked, as if trying to reassure himself more.

"Yes, of course." Aquila kept her serious face, and walked faster. "Now, move. You wouldn't want to be like those unconscious captives, now would you?"
Damien Jackozo

Heads Office

Damien gazed straight through the wall, his eyes boreing fiery holes and he stared mindlessly into the distance.

"Damien? Damien! Look, I know you've always wanted to be a teacher, and we don't want to let you go because you're great, and you have so much potential here, but... Look, to be blunt, the students are complaining. The new one feel uncomfortable in your lessons, scared of you, and te old ones are just plain bored.

What happen to the old fire inside of you that you used to have, the enthusiasm for the job?"

"I'll show you fire..." He muttered angrily, his eyes finally gathering enough heat to burn to small holes through the pale blue wall above the headmasters seat.

Remaining untamed, the headteacher continued, "Look, all I'm saying is that I think we should try yiu of on something different, no offense intended.

Just something with a little more excitement, to get your little spark back."

"What are you suggesting?" Damien asked, his handsome her exhausted face remaining blank.

"Tracking. We've got a big mission out right now, and they are requiring backup."

"Now?" Damien raised an eyebrow, which was answered by a curt nod.

Before he knew it, Damien was changed out of his signature white jacket and v necked top, and into something a little more practical for this kind of work. As he jumped out of the high speed aerocopter, he put his hand to his newly equipped earpiece.

"Aquilla? This is Damien. From now on, my codename is White Cobra. Care to tell me what we're doing, or where the hell you are? I've been brought here against my will."

Although he knew he should be grumpy about all this, Damien couldn't help let a little smile escape his face.

((@Luna, can I play Chris' girlfriend. I'll keep her human, though, not a descendant. Or did you have plans? ))

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Adrian stepped inside of the school his orange hair standing out in he large group of people. He ran his fingers through his bangs Un-enjoying of the indoors. But he stepped quietly in the rowdy group of students until he came to a bench down the hall and sat down yawning at his dull surroundings.
Liam Bradford; Charles Hemmingway

Lake Shore, Academy - Water Class

Well thank you all for finding your way out here to the lake tonight," Charles said from a small box that he brought with him so all his students could hear him speak over the noise of the crickets, birds, and gossip going on around the back of the crowd. The crowd was mostly 1st to 3rd year students on the very sitting on towels upon the small beach the lake somehow had. Charles best bet was that it was the work of some Earth House member who was missing the beach to much. Just like a regular beach the weather was warm, and cozy, however the sun was setting and the moon would soon be out.

"As I have told you we are going to be having a live lesson today on how to either form ice, water walk, or ice surf, depending which year or level you are at. Now, if you'll split up into the groups I asked for you to form by skill, I will be around to show help you all out," Charles enjoyed these live demonstrations which composed most of his lessons. Only small exams and lessons on things such as safety or technique were done in the class room.

Hemmingway made his way to the lower level group where he extended his hand over the water and began speaking,
"What is heat?.. Energy. So what you want to do is try to lower the energy of the water to the point where it freezes." He formed a fist, pulling one finger in at time as the water was frozen when the fist was completed. "Go ahead, try... Once you get good enough you can try to conserve that energy and then send it back into the ice to make it melt." He let his fist open and as if the energy was flowing from his hand like water, the ice melted turning back into water and rejoining with the lake. "Remember it is not really energy but just a mindset, you have all the energy you need, but just need to find a way to use it."

Charles then went on to a group mostly of intermediate second years, they were easily forming ice and moving it around and changing it back to water. Charles did not have to explain much to them since they learned the technique for water walking pretty much all the way in class, and he was sure many were practicing on their own time. But for those few who were just a little behind or did not fully understand the concept he continued on to say, "When you are walking the hard ground supports you, so just make the water like the ground. Imagine it becoming hard and dense under your feet, then moving it to your next foot then the next step then the next step." He only had to correct a few people before leaving them to practice on their own.

Now onto his more favorite group, the 3rd years. He liked teaching the more advanced things as they were also more fun.
"So, Ice Surfing. One the coolest ways to travel on water and to make the fire house jealous, which is just a bonus," He joked with his students. The Fire and water houses have a strong rivalry which boils up during the yearly House Gahe mes, but those were quite distant into the future, as they were only just finished about 3 weeks ago. A soft chuckle went throughout the crowd of students. Charles remembered helping Water win back-to-back House Cup championships. He smiled lightly on the memory and then continued, "To start of you work your way from a walk to a run on the water. Then you turn your body sideways like a surfer would do his board. As you do this you want to form a small pallet of ice with small indention to hold your feet in place. This pallet has to be strong enough to hold your entire weight. Once you do this, you form ice in the direction you want to go, ramps, jumps, whatever, and move your pallet through it to pull yourself along with it. Liam, would you like to start us off?" Charles looked right at Liam knowing he has the ability and was quite good. Charles preferred Liam, because he is not rushing into the turn over and is still developing his skills to a higher level.

Liam looked up from a conversation he was having with a friend, and replied yes to the question he had just barely heard enough of. Liam quickly popped up and began a sprint towards the water. Where there would normally a splash was nothing. The water supported his every step and movement. Soon Liam very closely together crouched and sprang into the air as an ice path formed in front of him and a snow board like structure appeared around his feet. He landed it and continued moving even faster now. The ice that was behind him simply moved in front of him to keep him going in the direction he wanted. As he was riding dangerously fast for a beginner, he decided to form a loop in front of him. As the crowd on the beach saw what was happening an collective
ooooh could be heard around the shore. Liam crouched picking up speed and flew around the loop very quickly. He came out yelling in celebration and pumping his fist in celebration. As he celebrated his focus wavered and the base stopped forming in front of him. Liam flew off the front going well above 8 feet and landed with a splash into the water. The crowd cheered as many stormed the water trying to do it like him, except with out the loop... and the crashing.
Aquilla and Chris

Asylum, North --> Forest Path

"Oh hey, White Cobra." Aquilla whispered soflty under her earpiece's small microphone thing (that's what she calls it), trying her best not to laugh. "We've actually got all the descendants present all through out the asylum. We're currently clearing the forest path from the north. We're pretty much done." She thought a little before speaking again, and a small grin crept in her beautiful face. "Actually, you can clean up the humans--"

Chris, who was listening intently and silently, managed a gasp. He was leaning over to Aquilla, which annoyed her since he kept dragging her down.
"You're killing the--"

"The dead humans." She repeated, indicating to those she just killed with ice. The boy with her looked down silently, sighing in relief. She rolled her eyes swiftly before continuing. "Da--I mean, White Cobra, once I return to the academy, I'm going back here to check up and investigate. You can come too, if you want." She looked up and around, seeing that the group of trackers were reaching their point. She was done speaking.

"I'll join too, right?" Chris asked sincerely, deep-blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"Nope." Aquilla said, pulling him towards some kind of teleporter that only the descendants--especially students--could use. "Go on, get in there. You'll be welcomed by the headmaster... or someone else. But either way, go on." She didn't even let him speak. The captives were supposed to wake up one day with their memories gone. Who knew if the academy even altered those memories? "We'll find her." She said lastly, enabling the captive to move.

Chris hesitated, and he regretted that. Because once he stepped backward, Aquilla just pushed him towards that portal-like thing. Of course, Selene and the other trackers just threw their unconscious captives like they were used to doing so.
"Load off our backs." Selene said, brushing away hair on her face.
Damien Jackozo

Outside North Asylum

"A cleaner, seriously? I have a phD in philosophy, and I end up being a cleaner?". he grumbled, reluctantly heading on inside.

He let out a small gasp she saw the bodies strewn on the floor, long and dangerous- looking icicles sticking out from their chests. There were only a few - tracker were always briefed to cause as little human death as possible, so he numbered them up onto his broad, strong shoulders, carrying them outside into the nearby woods.

As he came back for third round, a beef looking security guard popped up into front of him, he fear evident through his squinted eyes.

Destroying the gun in his holster, Damien tackled to the man onto a chair tying him up tightly.

With skilled precision, Damien conjured up a large wall of fire in front of the man, the tall flames licking the whitewashed ceiling. Using different colours of flame, he created images in the fire, a dancing elephant, a giant serpent towering over a city, tightrope walking sharks at a circus, as the sweaty man watched with widened eyes.

For the finale, Damien wafted a thick curl of strong, incensous smoke under his hairy nose, causing him to fall unconscious. It was clean, pure smoke so the only damage it would do was to his dignity.

No one would believe the stories of the man who sees visions of dancing elephants. The whole break in will just be classed as the hallucinations of a fainted man, who might even be thrown in the asylum he was supposed to be guarding.

That thought didn't bother Damien too much. They wrongfully put descendants in places like this all the time, so what would this one off matter? He extinguished the flames surrounding him, removing the ashes and evaporating off all the melted ice to cover their tracks.

Passing the heaped up pile of corps on the edge of the woods, he flicked a small but powerful ember from the tip of his finger onto the pile, causing it to quickly ignite, the only remains being blackish lumps resembling charred wood.

He walked on casually, never looking back, just inhaling the smell of smoke that felt so natural and calming to him.

Suddenly his blissful peace was broken by a girls voice from behind him.

"That Was So Awesome!!!" She grinned a wild glint in her eye.


Woods near North Asylum

A slowly growing grin spread across Amileeja's delighted face and she processed what she had just witnessed. Her complete lack of fear seemed to impress the man, who she didn't recognised, but was her new hero.

Thinking on the spot, she said "I think they forgot me." Swapping her amazed expression for tears that she hoped would inspire a little sympathy in him.

She wanted to go with him, be likr him, do whatever crazy tricks he did. And she wasn't going to let this opportunity past.

"Sorry kiddo, I gotta run," was thr man's reply, to which she upper the sorrowful expression other face.

As he tried as put a finger to his ear, and started to run, talking as he went, Amileeja followed him not giving up on this opportunity or Chris that easily. She was pretty fast, and had always won the races at her school before... She pushed the though out of her mind, concentrating on catching up with him, and listening into his conversation.

"Aquilla, this is White Cobra, reporting in. The bodies have been disposed of, and I have found one more descendant. She's coming with me. See you back at base."

Hopping into his aerocopter, he gestured for the girl to jump in. They didnt have much time, as they needed to get out before the security guard regained consciousness, but she hadn't held him up, and e found her resistance and lack of fear admirable.

The pulled up the lever, and they lifted firmly off the ground, heading back to the school.

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Charles Hemmingway

Portal/Tracker Entrance, Academy

Charles decided his students had gotten enough of a grip on the skills and dismissed them moreso for him to be able to leave then them. Most students remained playing with their skills, especially the Ice Surfers. He forgot to tell them about the test, but that could wait until after the new students came in.

The portal was wide enough for 3 men and tall enough for 1 and a half. The blue light emanated from the portal, giving the room a slight tint. It was not the only light in the room of course, as the room was well lit to show everything, and make an impression of openness to the new students who most of which would be unconscious. The room was well decorated with comfortable beds and furniture for the descendants who were... uncooperative, whether it be during the tracing or once they are through the portal. Charles was there to put those students on the beds, and then welcome the ones who were awake. He placed a bucket outside of portal as travel this way can make those not used to it sick, and Charles was not in the mode for mopping.

Liam Bradford

Lake Shore, Academy - Free Time

Liam sunk deep to the bottom of the pool. He moved his hands away from his body and an air pocket formed by the water moving way from his head so that he could breath. He jumped to the surface and the bubble disappeared. He swam to the shore, laughing. As he emerged from the water he was completely dry, his hair, his clothes, his skin. Not a drop of water. He stood on the shore, and watched the others surfing. He smiled and began to surf towards his friends again, of course this time with out the loop.
(My goodness, I feel so late.)

Hazel Odell

Academy Hallway - Wandering

Hazel wasn't used to being in such a big building. She didn't care to sit in a classroom for hours either. She would rather wander around and learn the environment before having to practice her powers. They were more like a curse to her. She didn't hate them, rather she loved them. She only hated the burdens and isolation that were brought with them. She thought back to her tiny room, back at the asylum somewhere south from here. They all thought she was crazy when she said she could bring flowers to life, and make them grow. Though as she grew older, and the potted plants leaned toward her as she walked by, and vines grew toward her room from the outside, they soon realized she wasn't lying. With that they got scared, and gave her a room, without a window. A small one with only a bed, desk, and writing materials. How she loathed that room.

Then there was the yellow bell incident--but she wouldn't think of that now. She wouldn't burden her mind with sad tales, when she had the opportunity to create something new.

With that thought, she turned to a window and looked out at many others splashing around in a pool. They must be the water students.
Liam Bradford

Lake Shore, Academy

The water students had slowly made the transition from the water to land. The higher students had made snow form, and after the guys grew tired of making snow angels with the girls, they (mainly Liam) proposed an new idea. Liam picked a few people, and one of his friends picked another then they went to opposing sides. Soon snow began to fall from the sky, covering just the shore area. The lower students were leading this as it is pretty much all they could do assuredly. Then those who just learned how to water walk began forming forts from snow and ice. Not ones that 7 and 8 year olds would make, but ones with full tunnels, gates and, 4 feet tall walls. The upper students helped with some of the intricacies of the forts, but their main focus was making the snowballs. The perfect snow would rise from the ground and clump together in a perfect ball, before stacking itself. Those that were more skilled were doing this 3-4 balls at a time.

Soon there was an unusual silence in the making of the forts and weapons. One would faintly be able to hear each leader giving a speech to their people. Then with a yell, the first barrage came from Liam's side. The snow balls came down, surprising the other side and stirring them into action, but not without getting many of their people out. Soon Liam looked up and saw snowballs flying right back at them. He raised his hand and the snowballs that would have hit him turned into water and fell straight down. He looked around and saw many people getting hit around him,
"Take Cover!," He yelled to his people.

The volleys back and forth kept coming until he decided to go around a flank them to win. He brought one low level to keep a tunnel open for him as he crawled out into no man's land. Eventually the protection could not reach him, and Liam looked around and saw no one. He carefully continued until he heard steps. He popped up and saw a group of enemies doing the same thing. He threw 3 snowballs, and controlled them so that they all hit their targets except one which melted in front of its target. He got a good look at the person, and realized it would not be as easy to get this person out. Liam took a ball and very quickly threw it. The person dodged the throw, and quickly returned to their base for protection. The snowball, however, did not. It continued flying hard. The ball struck into a window cracking it.
Ooohh not good. He looked carefully ad noticed that there was a girl inside. He quickly ran inside to apologize.
Hazel watched as the students enjoyed themselves. Soon it seemed that the older ones started to create snow. She hadn't seen snow in quite some time, and a smile grew on her face. She watched as they create forts, almost like castles in her eyes. She was amazed at how they were able to do it. She wondered if when she grew more comfortable and advanced in her own powers, if she would be able to do the same, in an earthy sort of way. She wondered if it were possible to create a castle out of mud and vines. I must try one day.

After a bit of the fighting she noticed one boy come out of the glorious protection of the fort and attack three others. Before she realized it, she saw a snowball fly at her face, and ducked. She heard the window crack and her eyes grew wide. It must have been a pretty powerful throw. She lifted her head up to examine the crack; it wasn't too large, but it spread out like a spider's web.

"Oh goodness," She murmured to herself, then looked out to see that the boy who had thrown it had ran inside. Where in the world is he going?
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

Liam eventually found the proper hall way, and as he turned the corner stopped running. He saw the girl was still standing there and began to say,
"I'm sorry. I did not hit you did I? The person didged and I wasn not expecting it to fly so far. It would have really hurt if it did. I don't see any glass on the ground. Did the window break?" He said this all very quickly the end parts nearly becoming blended together and not understandable, but worry could be heard in his voice. He walked towards the girl, stopping a friendly distance away from her, as he he looked at the damaged window. He frowned as he saw a large hole in his caste's wall.
Elizabeth Baker

Academy Hallway

When Elizabeth and Rachel toddled into the school both of them remained silent. They watched at the glamorous paintings, the huge windows, the elaborately decorated doorframe. "Georgeous!", Elizabeth whispered and looked around smiling happily. "So this is going to be my new home," she thought and skimmed over the a picture frame. "I think I have to go now," she said to the brunette girl, who was still looking around the room. She left the entrance and walked along the hallways when she suddenly recognized some pieces of glass at the floor. "Hello? Anybody here?", she asked and stepped forward.

(Be careful, she is a teacher!
:D )
Lauren Clarke Academy Hallway

Lauren strolled through the hallways with a soda can in hand. Like the rest of the water students, she had participated in the snowball fighting that was occurring outside. However, she decided to take a break and head inside and cool off. Well, that was her excuse. When the boys had decided that making snow angels was too "girly", she opted to not be a target on the battlefield. Don't get her wrong, she loved using her powers and competing, but a small teenage girl like her had no chance against the higher male students. Why waste the extra energy on a lost cause?

She stopped in front of the doorways. Hm. She could join the other girls with whatever activities they were doing and risk being hit with a high velocity snowball, or she should stay inside and relax, but she would be alone. She weighed the pros and cons. But before she could make a decision, she heard the sound of a window breaking off in the near distance. Lauren groaned and rolled her eyes. There was no mystery to what that could be. A misfired snowball perhaps? She was answered by the doors swinging open in front of her, and in ran a fellow water student she recognized from class. She stepped out of the way to allow him to run past her. Yep, because of him, they, the water students, were about to get in a good amount of trouble.

Forest Path --> Teleporter/ Portal

It was a pity that Selene had to be the leader of their tracker group. Despite her looks and great acting and captivating skills, she was heartless, even and especially to men. Aquilla wouldn't be surprised if she learned that all the male trackers were into her. As for now, after throwing that unconscious descendant, that the people in the academy would probably tend to, she started a meeting with all the other trackers. As soon as Aquilla got a report from Damien, a.k.a. White Cobra, she excused herself, and got a painful stare from Selene before she got off the meeting. Aquilla knew that the superior was totally jealous that she was able to talk with Damien, and Selene wasn't.

"What?" Aquilla mumbled a little too loudly, shooting off polite glares (yes, she made polite glares possible) to the superiors who looked over to her in curiosity. She simply gave them a don't-worry-about-it wave, and they went back to the quick meeting before going to another asylum. Aquilla turned around and bit her lip. "Can you describe her?" She whispered calmly. I shouldn't have set her free. Aquilla thought, giving herself a mental facepalm. But she was awake... and whiny. Now, she's out there, probably as cheerfully as they first met. Earlier, she'd been talking with Chris, and she was told that the girl whom she set free was actually Chris's girlfriend. The whole description that Chris gave Aquilla about that girl named Amileeja, was almost the same with that human girl she freed in the asylum. She'd get enough trouble already for handling and conversing with a conscious captive, and she didn't know what she could do if that one girl she let loose before getting Chris--his girlfriend, apparently--would actually join Damien in his trip back to the academy. "Sorry you had to take her along. We lost track of her when she escaped by herself, so I planned on getting back there." She lied smoothly but quickly.

Apparently, Selene heard that, being the great listener she was, and gave a suspicious look at Aquilla. Sooner or later, she would be confronted by more than just the superiors, so Aquilla decided to give a little bribe.
"And also, Selene's group needs you to help them raid another asylum a little close to to the central North Asylum. I'm pretty sure that's what headmaster would like too." Upon saying this, she saw the acceptance in Selene's grin. "White Cobra, bring that descendant to the portal entrance at the academy, please. Bring her to that room with the other new ones. She's a little late, after all. You'll have to get to Selene quickly once you're done. They'll be waiting at the north asylum, and she'll be leading the group from there."

"Do you mind...?" Aquilla asked, quickly receiving a 'whatever' nod that their leader always gave.

"Go, before I throw you into that portal." She mumbled, and Aquilla did so.


Portal Entrance; Academy

Chris should not have been pushed.

Still, it did happen. He hoped he didn't sound so weird when he kept on screaming until he made some kind of roll onto the other place where he was brought by the teleporter. He made lots of pained sounds like "oof" and "oow" as he made a front roll on tiled flooring. It took him a few seconds before he stood and looked around.
"I'm... in a room?" He mumbled, stating the obvious. It was a pretty nice room, and a whole lot more open than the asylum. He looked over to the unconscious people with him who seemed to be as pained as he, and he suddenly remembered everything that he did and happened to her earlier. "Oh yeah... I was kidnapped by some pretty lady who called herself a tracker, and we talked about things and--Amil!" He looked around, and more memories came into his head. "They'll get her soon... She promised me that."

Groggily, he walked around a room until he sat on one of the beds. After all that he had been through, that comfortable mattress felt really amazing on his bottom. It wasn't soon until he realized that there was someone else in the room, who was probably in charge of those kids like him. "Woaah!" He exclaimed, falling on his back. It felt better than he expected. With a little more strength, he sat back up, clutching on the bedsheets for balance. "I--uh... Sorry. I didn't see you there." Upon closer observation, it seemed to Chris that he was a teacher of some sorts. He was tall and had nice, black hair. Before he could even ask or talk, the portal shone a little brighter, and a familiar figure made a successful front flip, slipping as she avoided one of the unconscious descendants. Fortunately, she managed to do another flip, covering up for her floor-slipping.

"You're that tracker lady!" He said, looking for his girlfriend. "Amil isn't with you."

"Aquilla." The lady said sternly, enough for anyone in the room to hear. "It's better to call me by my name. And about that..."

He waited, watching as Aquilla bowed at the teacher. They seemed to know each other a lot. Probably some student-teacher relationship.

"She's coming here, soon." She said to Chris, and helped the other man in the room bring the unconscious descendants to the beds. There was enough for everyone, being that it was some kind of small hall.

"She'd better be..." He looked down, mumbling. Worry was probably obvious in his tone.

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Damien Jackoza

Landing strip outside school gardens

Although the schools aerocopter was pretty quick and definitely a feat of engineering, it couldn't compete with teleporting portals for speed, so they were a little behind time.

Damien quickly rushed Amileeja to the new student debriefing rooms, where all the portals led to, and sat her down in a large armchair stuffed with pillows. The room was designed to be as comforting to the students as they went though the shocking process of discovering who they really were.

As they were late, Amileeja didn't have time to be checked out with all the usual tests for new students, insuring that they had survived the kidnapping and journey back with minimum injury, and checking that the asylums hadn't had an adverse affect on their mental health, etc.

As soon as the pair got in, an old woman and the headmaster walking him, talking quietly to each other with familiarity. As they started the welcoming speech explaining the pupils origins, Damien got another call on his earpiece.

"Another one, already? I was just about to sit down with a cuppa." Damien joked, stepping through the portal to their new asylum.


New Students Debriefing Room

As Amileeja sunk into this newfound level of comfort, she saw a.familiar face across the room. Jumping up and running towards Chris, she squealed, "I thought we'd been separated! God, dont scare me like that again Chrissy."

She sat down cross legged on the floor next to Chris's chair, sacrificing her comfort for bathing in the relief of being reunited with Chris.

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Rachel Arendale

Hallway - New Students Debriefing Room

When Elizabeth left the young student abruptly, Rachel felt lonely and also a little bit scared, as she did not really know what to do or where to go. Slowly she walked down the hallway watching at the pictures, the plants and the windows. When she realized the plants were moving their heads towards her body she frightened a bit, but tried to ignore it. In the past her parents told her about humans who were able to use magical skills, about the elements and about a school full of magic. They recognized that Rachel was one of those people and tried their best to protect her, of course they knew about the asylums, about the hatred and the violence. When about some days ago people had come to their house to call Rachel for a kind of test things started to happen very fast. A tracker appeared at the sky throwing balls of fire and took Rachel with him. He promised her to look after her parents, but she knew this was just an empty rethoric. Her parents were normal humans, the people would not hurt them. Hopefully.

Suddenly she stood in front of a quite big rooms with masses of children sitting or lying at the stony ground. Rachel recognized blood and dirt on their bodies. "This must be the rescued ones," she mumbled and looked at the painful faces. Stepping forward she realized that she ought to be here and sat down quitly looking at the boy and the girl nearby. They seemed to be a little bit younger than her. When Rachel recognized the girl looking at the boy happily she had to smile. Those two seem to be made for each other.

New Students Debriefing Room

Amileeja smirked at the girl who had just joined them, the closest she could come rp a smile for anyone but Chris. She wasn't trying to act unfriendly, it was just her natural sarcasm coming through.

"Amileeja" she introduced herself abruptly, "Were you just rescued too? Are you a descendant?"

She asked the last question weighty and her voice laced with concern, as she had a sneaking suspicion she was the only non-descendant here. And she wasn't supposed to be here.

But she could never have resisted the tempting pull of the fire. And Chris, of course.

As much as she checked over her two little fingers, there was no star shaped mark.

Grabbing a permanent marker pen, she quickly drew one on, neatly as she should, animating absolutely sure thay Rachel could see what she was doing.

It was too late too leave now, so she figured that she might as well make he most of her time here.

The headmaster and the old lady, who Amileeja now knew was I've of the four original founders of the school, who wanting to bring the Destiny's Descendants back to there former glory, proceeded to tell the students about the four different elemental houses, and how they would all find out what house they were in soon, except for the couple of more observant ones who had already noticed strange things happening around them. She explained how they should not try to use their powers beyond the most basic level - producing a small quantity of their element in their fingertips, until after their first couple of magic lessons, where they would have been taught how to use them properly.

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Rachel Arendale

New Students Debriefing Room

When the other girl started to smirk at her Rachel smiled back even she recognized the sarcasm. "Rachel Arendale, ... well I think so and you t -...", she wanted to ask the girl if she also was a descendant, but realized the blank skin on her hand and fell quit abruptly. Silently she looked at the girl drawing a star on her hand and at the boy sitting on the chair. Rachel understood the problem immediatly.

Once the headmaster started speaking she turned around her head and listened to his words, she was quite nervous as she did not know her element yet. There was just this idea ... she thought of the flowers in the hallway.

New Students Debriefing Room

It took quite a few minutes, that seemed like hours to Chris, for Amileeja to get to where they were. Admittedly, the boy kept on looking around, only to see unconscious descendants who were being gently slapped by Aquilla. "Um..." He wanted to interrupt, but the look on the tracker's face had an I-know-what-I'm-doing expression. Those new students seemed to wake up in a nice way, that he almost fully believed. He immediately stood upon seeing Amileeja again, and almost exclaimed and hugged her.

But of course, he fought that urge. Immediately, the respectable headmaster started talking and explaining to the them about lots of 'basic' stuff. He simply watched and listened to him, unaware of what his girlfriend may have been doing. After all, nothing would go wrong. They'd be able to stay together, and the only possible problem was if their elements weren't the same.
"No bother." He mumbled, lost in his thoughts. We'd still be together.

Although, he almost fell from his seat when he felt Aquilla's voice from behind them.


New Students Debriefing Room

Aquilla slid through the seats behind Chris and Amileeja, and immediately bowed at Rachel, giving her a greeting she gave mostly to everyone. She'd hear her introduce herself as Rachel Arendale, and for a new descendant, she didn't seem so gossipy and evil. Aquilla always disliked that type.

"This is quite bad." Aquilla mumbled behind Chris and Amileeja. "I didn't really let you go so that you'd follow us here." She ignored Chris's questions, and continued to speak. "Amileeja, isn't it? Do you still remember me? I was that one who let you free earlier." She asked, thinking about ways to help her at the same time. "Marker ink will only help little, until you enter the Choosing Chambers. It will be easily detected and the superiors will easily be suspicious as to why no element would react to your being." The tracker shook her head, not wanting to remember the last time a human snuck at this academy.

"No normal human has ever gotten through the academy happily on their first day. However, I have an idea." She looked at Amileeja, hoping that she would accept. If she didn't, things would go bad for her and Chris, and they both new that. "Remember White Cobra--that teacher who brought you here? Apparently, he's good with fire, and he's probably one of those who can enter the Choosing Chamber to evaluate new students. Students and trackers like me--totally off limits." She stopped talking everytime someone would turn attention to her, but continued. "There are rare cases of humans who aren't descendants, but may hold the same abilities. I am not sure if it will work, but we can perhaps risk this. If you're willing, I'll give you cover and try if you can learn."

She sighed, trying to ignore Chris, who already understood the situation, and had a paused expression of surprise and uncertainty. "So, do you want to go with it?" Chris immediately nodded, even though he wasn't the one being talked to, and all he could do was lie about Amileeja. He seemed to want to help her fully though. She figured that she would tell Amileeja more about her plan once she would accept. Soon enough, the headmaster would finish talking, and once he would, Aquilla would be the first to tell him that she would like to handle these three new students she just met.
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New Students Debriefing Room

"Thanks for just pointing that out, Miss Subtle. I wasn't exactly intending to tell him. But you kinda just threw that plan in the trash. "

Amileeja's rage was interrupted by a command from the headteacher, "All new students may now walk to the Choosing Chamber, and form an orderly queue outside the door please. Do not try and open the door, as only me and the heads of the houses are granted access, and it has a complex security system, so all attempts at getting in there shall be futile."

Amileeja rushed out. She wasnt usually one to get this angry, but ste didn't need her help. She don't need ANYONE'S help.

A small flash of fire flew from her fingertips towards Aquilla. Amileeja knew she was a water, and a strong one at that, so it wouldn't cause any damage, but hopefully it would go some of the way to proving her point.

She pulled up a small microphone that linked to Damien's earpiece, which she had stolen from one of the trackers earlier, and said n her most authoritative voice, "White Cobra, we need you back at base immediately, for the new students visit to the Choosing Chamber. You have been appointed the new head of the Fire House, so you must be here as soon as possible."

Amileeja's brain was already whirring, trying to work out how she was going to get Mr Jackozo a promotion, and it wasn't long before a brilliant idea hit her.

As she left the classroom to put her plan into action, she grabbed Rachel by the corridor.

"Look. You will tell NO ONE about my secret. I dont want to become your enemy on the very first day, but we are definitely going to have a problem if you let even a single word slip out of your mouth." She said, her tone dripping with threat.

((Sorry about her behaviour, but if she's not a descendant, she must have been in that asylum for some reason.

Also, please could no one else notice she's human? I wanted to keep it a secret for a while at least, and three people already know...))

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Charles "Chris" Hemminway

New Students Briefing Room

Charles laughed to himself as he heard the young student screaming as he landed. He quickly straightened his face, and awaited just a little longer. He saw Aquilla come out of the portal, and he nodded his head with a smile in an easy response to her. He then proceeded to lift the unconscious ones to beds which were all around the room. As he saw the Headmaster come in, he was already waking up the new students, by his own method, which some teachers hated him for. He would go from bed to bed and squirt water out of his hand and onto the students faces to wake them up. Of course, the possibility of him getting in trouble for this was high, so as soon as they were awake he would dry them off. But still their initial reaction was amusing to him.

He left the students as the speech was winding down, in order to prepare the Water cauldron of the Choosing Chamber. He was the youngest house head to be elected as he was only 20 when he was initiated.

He smiled as he thought about the new students, and how the celebration would be with the new students. Though the event had for the most part been taken over by the upper class men who celebrated it like a birthday party of sorts.

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