the traitorous queen
Echo Dawn Jones
- Name: Echo Dawn Jones
- Nickname/Alias: N/A
- Age: 28
- Birthday: August 11th
- Race: Human
- Gender Identity: Female
- Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
- Martial Status: Divorced
- Occupation: Head Baker/Assistant Manager of a Bakery
- Nationality: American
- Campaign(s): Futuristic, Sci-fi, Modern
- Name: Echo Dawn Jones
- Brief Bio: Echo has had enough of people's bull-crap and is ready to lay out the smackings with her wooden spoon. She is the type of woman who knows exactly where she stands and isn't going to take any nonsense from anyone. While she is often charitably described as "bossy" or a "bitch," Echo is really pretty friendly, so long as you don't break any of her personal rules. For example: no sampling the cupcake batter before it's been baked. While not overly intellectual, Echo is a whiz in the kitchen and has a sharp wit to match her fast-paced baking style. She loves a clever joke or pun, and tells them herself from time to time.
A fiery individual, she's very outgoing and loud. She adores being around people, but desperately craves alone time on occasion. She's independent and loves the fact that she can take care of herself, and prides herself in knowing she doesn't need a significant other to survive. This can lead to her being excessively stubborn about accepting help, even when she knows she needs it. While nearly thirty, Echo is still a bit on the naive side and makes a habit of trusting people too easily, although when she finds herself in a tough situation, she's usually smart enough to get herself out of it.
Never one to turn down an opportunity to go out, Echo is always out socialising and gossiping, though never really seems to enjoy herself. She tends to dedicate herself to whims and falls into bleak depressive states when they fade away, which explains the hundreds of forgotten hobbies she's attempted to pick-up over her lifetime: knitting, basketball, swimming, piano, and others. Baking seems to be the only constant she has ever held on to during her entire life. Well, that and her love for anything that shines: diamonds, glitter, etc.
- Ethics: While not afraid to give a deserving someone a good kick in the shin, Echo is otherwise pretty harmless and good-natured. She's fiery, stubborn, and hot-blooded, but probably couldn't bring herself to do something truly malicious or illegal-- on purpose, anyways. She's the type of person who always pays her bills on time, religiously balances her checkbook, and drives the speed-limit in fear of having to have a face-to-face conversation with a police officer.
- Major Strengths:
Independent - Through a series of several rather large mistakes she made in the past, Echo is vehemently independent and prides herself on being able to pay her own way all by herself. While independence in generally considered a positive trait, she often takes it to a point of being hesitant to accept help, even when she knows she needs it (like trying to move her new dining table up a flight of four stairs. She'll do it by herself, damnit!).
- Extrovert - While her loudness can be a double-edged sword, people often respond positively to what Echo has to say. She's boisterous and fun, with a genuinely good heart and traits that people often take kindly to. She's the type of person who can easily make friends, but struggles to keep them.
- Business-minded - While she's not a shining example when it comes to building personal relationships, Echo has a mind for business and money. She intuitively understand cash-flow, good service, and producing quality product. Building business and client relations is as easy as breathing for her, which explains how she came to be the head baker and assistant manager of a bakery.
- Major Weaknesses:
- Noncommittal- Echo is about as noncommittal as they come, both with people and hobbies. She often throws herself into a hobby or past-time, but becomes quickly disenchanted with it when it becomes too difficult or boring for her tastes. Like her quote-unquote hobbies, Echo is a bit hesitant when it comes to her relationships with people. Her constant unwillingness to commit to a relationship, whether it be romantic or otherwise, has caused her to lose a great number of friends.
- Aimless - While she enjoys her work as a baker, Echo really has no more life goals left to achieve. Not because she's achieved so much in her lifetime, but because she doesn't like to set goals in fear of not being able to reach them. Ergo, she's stuck in a rut that is years deep and shows no signs of overcoming it anytime soon.
- Emotional - Echo is the type who has intense emotions that are clearly expressed as they are felt. Once she is swept up into her emotions, she often stays there until she sleeps it off. These emotions often cloud her judgement, of course, and make her decision-making skills erratic. While she feels her own emotions intensely, she's often blind to the emotions of others.
- Noncommittal- Echo is about as noncommittal as they come, both with people and hobbies. She often throws herself into a hobby or past-time, but becomes quickly disenchanted with it when it becomes too difficult or boring for her tastes. Like her quote-unquote hobbies, Echo is a bit hesitant when it comes to her relationships with people. Her constant unwillingness to commit to a relationship, whether it be romantic or otherwise, has caused her to lose a great number of friends.
- Fears:
- Heights
- Creepy crawlies - spiders, mice, bugs, etc.
- Heights
- Aspirations/Goals/Motives: All Echo really wants in life is to fit in and gain acceptance, which stems from a lack of belonging and social development during her childhood. She has sacrificed almost everything in her life for the sake of what she defines as normalcy.
- Likes: Musicals, pop music, baking, folklore, trolling online, shoes, thrift shopping.
- Dislikes: Zombie films, strategy games, jazz music, film noir, heights.
- Quirks: She'll never admit she doesn't understand something and will either A) try and play along or B) stare the person awkwardly until the subject changes.
- Brief Bio: Echo has had enough of people's bull-crap and is ready to lay out the smackings with her wooden spoon. She is the type of woman who knows exactly where she stands and isn't going to take any nonsense from anyone. While she is often charitably described as "bossy" or a "bitch," Echo is really pretty friendly, so long as you don't break any of her personal rules. For example: no sampling the cupcake batter before it's been baked. While not overly intellectual, Echo is a whiz in the kitchen and has a sharp wit to match her fast-paced baking style. She loves a clever joke or pun, and tells them herself from time to time.
- Brief Bio: Short and round, Echo is a curvaceous, broad hipped woman with brown skin and black hair that that is so curly, it's curled within an inch of its life. It's kept at a pretty long cut, though it goes into more of an Afro the longer it gets. It's a wild do, but it's well-suited to her personality. She has a lovely face with defined cheekbones and deep-set laugh lines that adds a certain hospitality to her expressions. Her eyes are a bit plain when compared to the rest of her, a sort of spring-mud hazel colour. She wears a lot of colours, textures, patterns, and just... brightness in her garb. The louder the print-- the better. She doesn't often adhere to contemporary fashions, ergo her choices of attire tends to give her a patchwork quilt sort of feel. There is always room for excessive necklaces and earrings, though she prefers to keep her forearms and fingers bare. She also refuses to paint her fingernails (though her toenails are an entirely different question!).
- Height: 1.52 m (5'4")
- Weight: 68.0 kgs (150 lbs)
- Health: Echo has a busty build, but is athletic nonetheless. She loves crunchy veggies, eats well, and always enjoys an evening walk. She may never be a stick-figure model type nor run a 50k, but she wears her weight nicely.
- Voice/Accent: Her voice is a bit deep for what is traditionally described as feminine, but it is pleasant enough. She is clearly born to American parents from the Northwestern region, though her choice of words reflects her pilgrimage-style upbringing.
- Scars/Notable Features: Has a nose piercing.
- Brief Bio: Short and round, Echo is a curvaceous, broad hipped woman with brown skin and black hair that that is so curly, it's curled within an inch of its life. It's kept at a pretty long cut, though it goes into more of an Afro the longer it gets. It's a wild do, but it's well-suited to her personality. She has a lovely face with defined cheekbones and deep-set laugh lines that adds a certain hospitality to her expressions. Her eyes are a bit plain when compared to the rest of her, a sort of spring-mud hazel colour. She wears a lot of colours, textures, patterns, and just... brightness in her garb. The louder the print-- the better. She doesn't often adhere to contemporary fashions, ergo her choices of attire tends to give her a patchwork quilt sort of feel. There is always room for excessive necklaces and earrings, though she prefers to keep her forearms and fingers bare. She also refuses to paint her fingernails (though her toenails are an entirely different question!).
- Brief Bio: Echo has a great number of things she could kick her hippie mother for, not the least of which is her name. Echo's childhood was a transient and globe-trotting one, spent on the backs of horses, in stinky old diesel-powered VW vans, clinging to the backs of mopeds that might have broken down at any moment, and sleeping in teepees under the stars, lulled to sleep by the scent or marijuana and the bubble of a shisha pipe. Of course, sensible and business-minded Echo just had to be born in Elmhurst, Maine, to two young, nineteen-year-old parents: her father, Roger, a small-time freelance photographer and journalist, and her mother, Layla, a giant pot-head who filled her days trotting across the United States with her child and husband while selling her oil paintings over the internet.
Echo did all of these things in sensible slacks and shoes, with her hair tied back, and a wrinkle in her nose, because Echo wanted nothing more than to be an accountant. She spent those weed-hazed nights counting stars, multiplying constellations, and dividing the hours by the number of puffs on the shisha before her mother fell asleep. But growing up a true traveling child, jobs like accounting were simply out of her reach, as she really had no formal education. By the time she was thirteen, Echo had been to all fifty states save for Hawaii, and most she had been to more than once. While it may have been a dream for some to travel so frequently, it was a nightmare for young Echo, who never really had the opportunity to go out and make friends or interact with people her own age. Her childhood was chiseled from a poor home-schooled education, a small early 90's caravan, and reheated Spaghetti-Os.
Barely eighteen, having obtained her GED, and desperate to escape a life she hated, Echo met a young man named Mario Gable while her and her family were passing through a small, suburban town just outside of Chicago. A simple man, by all accounts, Mario was Echo's ideal escape route: he was kind, he was not very smart, and he wanted to get married the worst way. Two weeks after first meeting each-other in a small town grocers, the pair was married in the town's courthouse, though probably not very happily.
Still, Echo got her wish and found herself free of her parents, though life was considerably more difficult for the young couple than Echo had initially anticipated. Money was an issue and after failing to scape together the funds to rent their own apartment, the couple found themselves sharing a three bedroom home with two other individuals. If finding a place to live had been rough, trying to get along with her new husband was a nightmare. Mario worked nights as a stock-boy at the local supermarket, while Echo worked days as a dishwasher in a bakery. Both only eighteen, ends were never met, and buying food often trumped paying bills. Weeks in to their marriage, their relationship grew strained and uncomfortable from the hardships, and without enough foundation to their romance, the marriage dissolved only six months after it had begun.
Single, homeless, and in-debt up to her eyeballs, Echo picked herself right back up by the bootstraps and moved into a co-worker's spare bedroom while she continued to work as a dishwasher. Day by day, she learned small pieces of baking knowledge: how to properly knead dough, how to get doughnuts to have that glossy frosting, how to apply fondant to cake, and much more. Eager to learn and with a intuitive skill for baking, Echo remained in the same bakery for the last ten years of her life, working her way up from a dish-washer to, most recently, the head baker.
It's hard to be taken seriously in a sensible profession like baking when your name is Echo Dawn, but she refuses to change it. Despite the ribbing she receives, her name is a part of her now, just as much as her damn bohemian past is.
- Birthplace: Elmhurst, Maine
- Parents: Robert Jones (47), Layla Jones (46) - Both currently still alive. Retired from traveling in their forties, sold their caravan, and bought a small town-home in Oregon.
- Siblings: None.
- Education: GED
- Brief Bio: Echo has a great number of things she could kick her hippie mother for, not the least of which is her name. Echo's childhood was a transient and globe-trotting one, spent on the backs of horses, in stinky old diesel-powered VW vans, clinging to the backs of mopeds that might have broken down at any moment, and sleeping in teepees under the stars, lulled to sleep by the scent or marijuana and the bubble of a shisha pipe. Of course, sensible and business-minded Echo just had to be born in Elmhurst, Maine, to two young, nineteen-year-old parents: her father, Roger, a small-time freelance photographer and journalist, and her mother, Layla, a giant pot-head who filled her days trotting across the United States with her child and husband while selling her oil paintings over the internet.
- Prized Belongings: None.
- Finances: Middle class.
- Weaponry (if applicable): None.
- Prized Belongings: None.
- Physical (strength, stamina, dexterity): Echo probably falls somewhere in the middle. While she eats healthy and enjoys a good power walk or some yoga, she's lacks the stamina to run or go long distances without growing winded. She's strong enough to lift fifty pound boxes of flour and sugar, but probably couldn't life anything much heavier than that.
- Social (charisma, manipulation): While friendly, Echo is a bit awkward when it comes to socialising, but that doesn't mean she realizes it. She finds herself to be rather suave, even if everyone else in the room thinks her to be socially uncoordinated. Still, there is a certain charm about her, and she knows how to command the bakery like a well-oiled machine. She couldn't manipulate or lie to anyone to save her life.
- Mental (intelligence, perception, wit, languages): For not having a formal education, Echo isn't dumb, but "smart" is probably a stretch. She's witty and is always up for a good pun, but has piss poor perception skills and seems completely ignorant to other peoples' emotions, no matter how emotive they're being. It's not so much she's trying to ignore other peoples' feelings, she just lacks the understanding of normal social cues.
- Magic (resistance, attack, whatever): None.
- Physical (strength, stamina, dexterity): Echo probably falls somewhere in the middle. While she eats healthy and enjoys a good power walk or some yoga, she's lacks the stamina to run or go long distances without growing winded. She's strong enough to lift fifty pound boxes of flour and sugar, but probably couldn't life anything much heavier than that.
- Pets: None.
- Hobbies: Has a new hobby for everyday of the week. Aside from baking, which she has miraculously stuck with all her adult life, Echo is the type to pick-up a hobby only to give it up a few days later when it gets too challenging or too boring for her tastes.
- Other: She loves cats, but is wary around children-- they tend to be too messy and chaotic for her liking.
- Pets: None.
I'm sorry, but were you trying to steal a sample before the meal is even cooked? Get your butt out of my kitchen! *Whack!* Echo |