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Fantasy {Desired Interest Generated. Closed}


Lazy Overachiever
Just to be clear, this would be a slow moving, post once a day max type deal. Maybe twice on the weekends. Ideal for those with busy lives or looking for a roleplay to fill the empty gaps between replying to other roleplays. I'm a busy, busy bee, but roleplaying is my escape so I do what I can. Also I may be new to this site, but I am not new to roleplaying, so I'd say my expectations of the roleplay would have it be classified as Intermediate.

Right, so this is set in the near future in a world that has been devastated by demons, vampires, and other dark creatures. We had once armed ourselves with the tools and rituals described in ancient folklore, but as the dark creatures faded into the background, hiding away from the ever growing human population, we humans became lazy and disbelieving in the existence of demons and monsters. We made ourselves vulnerable, and they attacked, massacring us in large numbers.

There are only a few thousand of us now and we struggle to survive as these monsters continue to hunt us by night. There is one solace for us. Jerusalem, a city considered holy by the three major Abrahamic religions, is an impenetrable sanctuary as demons and other beasts with blackened hearts can not trespass on holy ground.

There is another rumor though. One that tells of a messiah to be born against all odds and bring an end to the demons' war on humanity. Over the years however, many have lost hope for this, as a child hasn't been born since the take over began. The demons have seen to that.

There will be three forces driving the characters: survive the nightly hunts, make it to Jerusalem, and protect a young pregnant woman in the off chance that she might be carrying the fabled messiah. There are obviously religious elements to this story, but religion will be treated more like folklore and a tool against the enemy.

Speaking of which, the creatures in this world are as follows but are not limited too: demons, vampires, werewolves and witches (both evil and good), apparitions, poltergeists, banshees, etc. Think of it as an "all-Hell-broke-loose" situation.

So, yes, I guess in layman's terms, this would be The Walking Dead meets Supernatural with a touch of Practical Magic, Blood and Chocolate, and Full Metal Alchemist (yes, there will be alchemy). Rules and guidelines would be provided for a clearer understanding.

Questions? Concerns? Ideas? Do I write to freakin' much?
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I fricken love this idea. Please make it. It is just so good. So good. Although I might have a few questions about the alchemy... But we shall get there. In time. In due time.
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Thank you for the interest everyone! I'm currently working on the graphics and mechanics for this RP. I'll post in here when I'm ready to start accepting characters, so stay tuned.
I too am potentially interested, though would want to see the finished product and some of the submitted characters before I make a definitive decision :)
I am interested in this, but how are you structuring supernatural abilities? Will they be limited to demons and such and if not, what kinds of powers are there?
I've got a portion of the information up already. You can see that here:


I am, however, still working on this. I didn't realize how different this site would be from the last forum I was on, and it's taking some time for me to learn the set up.

Magical and supernatural abilities will be very limited however. I want a strong human element in this, and in the past, when I was looser with powers and abilities, I had Mary Sues/Gary Stus running rampant and killing my roleplays.

I'm going to be rather strict about abilities and their limitations, but if anyone has an idea to add, I invite them to message me and discuss it.

Forgive the typos, I'm posting this on my phone. Damn autocorrect.
You mentioned mechanics, pray tell, are they from an established game system? e.g. nWoD, Fate, CoC, etc.?

P.S. Kudos on using source material as a reference for a setting rather than a "truth".
No, I suppose I should have called that tab lore...my mistake. There is no established game system, the mechanics I've set in place are descriptions of the enemies we will be encountering and various abilities and tools that are at our disposal, as well as descriptions and reference material for most. It's a working process, I've been adding little by little as more comes to me and I've laid out a section specifically for content suggested by other players to further build upon the rules of the world.
It's only taken me all day, but the roleplay is completely set up now. Character applications will open tomorrow morning and there are 8 available slots, but as it's 2:40am, I am going to bed now. Thanks everyone!

Applications are open.

|| At Dusk ||

Please review all information and rules thoroughly and either message me your completed profile or, if you're new and your messages still locked, post it in the Character Sign-Up tab.

Don't be alarmed if I don't respond to you right away. I'd like to review the applications in batches as apposed to one by one. Please be mindful that there is a limited number of non-human characters and characters with supernatural abilities available. I will try to update these lists accordingly as characters are accepted.

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