Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

I'm in a room full of cats and dogs, and they're all noisily cleaning themselves. The repetitive, wet sounds fill the room, and no matter how hard I try to drown out the sound by covering my ears, or singing, or trying to get them to stop, they do not. My head hurts from the sound, irrational, exhausting anger flares in me, I feel nauseous, and I want to hit the animals but feel guilty because I know they're not trying to drive me intentionally mad. I can't leave, and I want to scream.
Just an empty room with a radio that will only play Despacito

so my only entertainment will be that (terrible) song, and eventually, I'll get so bored of it that even that won't be entertaining so I will go insane

A world where the pain is unyeilding. Where I am emotionally tortured past the point of sanity with no way to escape. Tortured so much I no longer remember myself or those who brought me comfort. being forced to go through the same crap I experienced in life, over and Over and OVER AGAIN!
you know when you save just before you die in a video game and you load that save and you die instantly again. That is my hell. The infinite death loop
I'd imagine Hell would be a very intense place for me. It would be a land of misery and darkness, and everything would be working against me. I'd smell unbearable scents, and my eyes would probably burn. This would be going on regularly, and bodily pain would also be present.
Swimming in the ocean, and large fish or mammal swimming under or beside me.

or just a body of water where I can't see the bottom.
Everything’s normal, except you are cursed with the Midas touch where everything you touch turns into Pineapple Pizza
floating around a dark and empty space, with no one in sight. you can go anywhere, but nothing changes. Its one of my personal nightmares
giant, unrelenting rogue waves capsizing my small boat and continuously pulling me under. the worst thing about this is I can’t completely drown, only suffer for eternity as I grasp for air that I’ll never receive.
Trapped in a house that's mostly brown. It's always too hot but there is no way to adjust the temperature. Even removing clothing does nothing.
There's internet and videos and stuff, but it's really slow and every video is at least a few seconds out of sync. Only foods in the house are mushrooms and broccoli. That's it. Although you can feel hungry there's no way of starving to death. However, you can still suffer the pains and other side-effects of starving.

The only thing on a very loud television is the 1st season of Peppa Pig. On repeat. Forever. Even using the internet won't stop the sounds of Peppa Pig. You're not alone in the house, either. You share it with a person who berates you and puts you down every single time you meet. Although you can reach out and attack this person they cannot be harmed, killed or even silenced in any way.

Finally, your body is always wrong. Every time you go to sleep (or pass out) your body becomes more and more wrong.
Push notifications.

That or somewhere really cold and dreary, with no fire to warm me and no person around.
i'm in a bland poorly lit building, on a floor too high up to get down from. and there's cubicles everywhere

i'm given filing to do

just filing

i have to file

and file

god i hate filing

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