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Fandom Descendants (Closed)


A broken doll picking up the pieces of her life

Let your story unravel. Whether it be your parents, society's expectation of your story, or your own.

It starts here. Will you choose to be loyal and helpful or will you betray this cause you've been chosen for? "Children of past stories, are you going to repeat history? Or will you make you're own stories and future?" . You Choose

Whether you be a Villain, Hero, or simply neutral, you have been chosen by Queen Jasmine and King Aladdin to help in take down this new found enemy. You have been requested to join the other selected people at their castle to meet them before you all start you're quest as a group.

You're characters are either just arriving, or have arrived at the castle. If they were forced, there by choice, or have different motives is another story.

***Updates where made to the plot slightly if you did not see that in the Overview***​
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Terra had just walked through the gates of King Aladin and queens Jasmine's castle,looking around in awe at being in another castle,and all things considered this castle was far more beautiful to look at than her uncle's,though she'd never say it out loud.she could hardly believe it,one day she was at her uncle's castle learning how to cast spells and fist fight a bit,she was rather lacking in that still,but it couldn't be that hard right? just punch and kick where it hurts.she giggled at that thought.And now she was here,on some super secret mission with others,she was looking forward to it.
Pitter patter, pitter patter. Drip drop, drip drop. Rain came down in a nonrhythmic stream. Creating sudden and random sounds against dark streets. Yellow street lights become blurred with heavy raindrops. A nearly silent, and peaceful night's sleep for anyone safely tucked in bed in their warm house on these crowded dark streets. Well, safe for most, but for those unlucky enough to find themselves the targets of enemies find a not so peaceful night's sleep waiting for them. The only thing to break the silence was the occasional car that rushed by on the streets, even then the noise was still soft. Only a few windows glowed through the water splattered glass.A dark figure, it's silhouette's edges blurred by the downpour of rain, sits perched on a rooftop, simply observing one of these blurred glowing squares, a black bow at his side in one hand, a single arrow in the other. In this specific window, a blurred figure appears suddenly, standing directly in the figures view. In both a swift and fluent motion, the figure swung his boy out in front of him, knocked the single arrow, and took aim. A second later he let the arrow fly. The sound of shattering glass broke through the silent night, before the lone arrow met it's target. It wouldnt take long before sirens started wailing and cops started appearing so the dark figure took his silent leave and with one graceful leap, landed gently on the ground behind the building. Something was off immediatly. The air seemed to heavy for only one person to be there. Nefore he could react though, a cool low voice broke the silence.

"Prince Zaire Ali, we are here with orders to bring you to your home kingdom immediatly." The voice could only belong to the all but to familiar captain of King Aladdins guard. The figure, Zaire, let out a groan in protest as six solidiers in total stepped out of the shadows and instantly surrounded the young runaway prince.he hung his head back, his soaking wet black hair hanging in his face, barely revealing his bright blue eyes.

"What now." The protestant groan came as the guards stepped forward, roughly grabbing his arms. Granted Zaire could easily take out everyone here, but they where his father's guard afterall. And Zaiee definently didnt want the murder of his fathers most trusted captain on his conscious. The captain being his normal cold stone self ignored the remark and instead took out a small green flask, a small potion. A trip that would typically take days could be accomplished in seconds thanks to this little potion. The Captain took it out and with a flick of the wrist, sent it shattering against the ground. Green smoke instantly surrounded them, before clearing away, leaving the hostage and guards in a completely new location.

Young Ronan Charming's story of arrival was far less interesting. Instead his started out with a full blown pencil war. See this young man has a small problem always picking fights with his younger sister. So upon the arrival of both his and his sisters selection, they where both a little preoccupied with murdering each other. This of course did not provide much of a bright side to the fact that they BOTH had been selected. But not having much of a choice, he accepted to work with his sister along with others.

The young male dragged a hand through his messy hair, leaning his head back slightly to admire the artwork painted on the cielings. His eyes sparkled with admiration as he took in the difference between architecture and design styles of his parents castle,versus Queen Jasmines and King Aladdin's castle. He wasnt allowed much time to sight see though, aince the rendevous point or throne room was coming up soon.
As Terra walked through the castle heading in the general area of the throne room,she took in all the decorative items through the halls, the colorful vases, drapery and other things, it was all very dazzling to look at.She stopped in front of a particularly shiny gold vase with five emerald's and strange glyphs on it,she looked around carfuly,looking to see if anyone was waching,then she cautiously reached for the beautiful vase, only to smack her own hand and scolded her-self with a pout. "To steal from a former thief would be foolish,bad terra bad!" she let out a sigh to one last glance at the pretty vase and continued on her journey to the throne room. Eventually without anymore temptations, she made it to the throne room door which was guarded by two rather dutiful if not, stoic looking guards, she decided to sit there and wait for the others to arrive before continuing on.
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Mae smirked at the palace "Momma would be proud" she thought to herself, her grip on her favorite purple graffiti can tighten as her other hand held a simple black suitcase with a painting Mae made. She headed inside the castle, the guards gave her a glare "Guess mom left a reputation for me' she sighed then poked her tongue at the guards before racing inside. She blew a strand of her purple hair away from her eyes as she continued down the hallway. Mae smirked at some random girl smacking her hand at herself for taking the vase "What, is she afraid? she innocently pouted with a small smirk then went up to the vase. Grabbing a few pens then quickly drew on the bottom of the vase the same logo as her suitcase then placed it onto the table then raced off into the throne room. She squinted softly as the sun reflected onto the golden objects and into Mae's eyes "Golden much?" she murmured then went to find a seat away from everyone else. She glared at two girly looking girls squealing. Mae smirked then using her spray can, drew a large purple M on the girl's back then continued to walk. She sat down onto a chair, sighing then lifting her legs and placing her dirty boots on top of the chair in front of her then began to relaxed

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The desert,Lance has found he hated it,it was so dry,and lacked water,and shade for that matter,he supposed the only good from the venture were the pretty ladies in the market,he grinned a wolfish grin, maybe there'll be some pretty ladies involved in the little get together,he hoped he didn't need to deal with some snobby brats,that wouldn't be very entertaining. He yawned stretching his arms over his head lazzily,his golden eyes looking at the rather bland scenery passing through the castle gate ignoring the looks of the weary guards, 'such a warm welcome' he snorted.This better be worth leaving his nice cozy forest.he continued through the castle halls at a leisurely pace,without incident until he made it to the throne room doors,where others,who assumed were called here as well,stood.he found a pillar to lean against casualy while he looked around at the current occupants of the area.He snorted as a firey haird girl who walked around a few of the pillars in boredom he imagined,then hie eye caught onto a vilote hair young lady,his nose twitched,he would have to watch that one,she would be no easy prey that much he could tell,he smiled slightly at that.he then turned towards the area he had came watching people come and go,he wondered how long they'd stand here until things get moving along.
Elizabeth walked through the palace gates and into the the room at which she was instructed to go to. There were so many people there. From "Hero's" children to "Villain's" children. There were too many people in Lizz's opinion. All she wanted to do was curl into a sunny spot and nap. It was also noisy. With all of the chattering between people who knew each other. It's too loud! Lizz thought to herself as she walked over to one of the pillars and sat down. She pulled a string that was wrapped around her wrist and started to play one person Cat's Cradle.

On the other hand Hiro wanted to blend in with people. As much as she liked being alone she didn't want to be near her older brother, Ronan. She hated him, with a passion and wished her parents would quite trying to get them to "bond". She was always forced to be with her brother. During school, at home, even when she went out with her friends Ronan was forced to go with them. As she weaved her way through the group of people she glanced at her brother every once and a while. One of the only things she actually like about her brother was his admiration for art. He always got a sparkle in his eye when he was looking at it, and Hiro always enjoyed watching his eyes grow big and sparkle as they looked at the magnificent colors.
As usual he had slept peacefully on the ground, with the hoards of birds flocking around him. It was only until he had noticed the strange change in temperature, that he had noticed what he was sleeping on was not his comfortable bed. Opening his eyes he wondered what was going on and saw the daunting ray of the sun to greet him. Squinting his eyes, he sat straight up causing the many birds surrounding him to fly away. "Where the hell am I?" He thought as around him he saw was unexpectedly the dessert. Behind him it was a palace in which he had only seen in pictures. "...Why the hell am I in King Aladdin's and Queen's Jasmine's palace?" Soon the only one bird left, one single yellow canary who flew comfortably on his shoulder, having a ribbon attached to it's leg. Unraveling the ribbon he saw a message from his parents.

'Hey son~ This is your mother. Long story short. It seems that are friends Jasmine and Aladdin were in trouble and they were looking for help. So we gave them you. Make sure to be good and listen to them!! Or else mommy would take away your bed. Also please make sure to stay awake when things are happening, ok sweetie?


Your mother'

...After reading the letter he was speechless. *So you just randomly send your son to help?* He thought, annoyed at how he didn't get any say in this. But for now he decided to go along with it. Any more thinking and being angry would just hinder his sleeping time. In the end after a couple of steps, he found a nice spot under the shade of a tree. Once again he was back into slumber completely ignoring his mother's letter.
Zaire coughed, a he always did having being transported by magic, as the green smoke cleared. A frown instantly crossed his face as the first thing his eyes land on is the one and Prince Siane, his older brother. "Can I just be the first to say this. What the hell Siane?!" Zaire growled yanking his arms away from the guards grips, a little too easily. Siane simply rolled his eyes, before turning his attention to the Captain.

"Thank you, you are dismissed." He ordered calmly, the guards and captain leaving silently. Siane shook his head, looking at his little brother again. "Another kill Zaire?" He gave a heavy sigh as Zaire crossed his arms leaning against a fall wall.

"It;s what I do, just accept it short stuff." Zaire shrugged, a small snicker crossing his face.

"I am not short." The older prince muttered, straightening his stance. Zaire raised an eyebrow and stood up straight, his older brother two inches shorter. "Whatever, Mom and Dad needed you for a mission. The new villain, they've organized a group of people to take him down. And Dad wants you to be in it."

"Why doesn't he ask you to do it, instead of dragging me away before I receive my payment?" Zaire arched an eyebrow, starting to follow Siane who was beggining to leave already.

"Dad...Wants you to." He replied shortly before walking out of the small room and into the throne room. "Now shut up and get out here."

Ronan,still admiring the beuatiful architecture, was completely oblivious to his surroundings and it was only a matter of time before he ran straight into a pillar. He cringed stepping back and holding his nose. "Ow" came his muttered response as he glanced around hoping no one saw that. When he finally convinced himself no one saw his idiotic move, he turned to continue forward, but stopped abrublty again, a pencil having just bounced off his head.
Hiro watched her clumsy brother walk straight into one of the pillars holding up the roof. It wasn't like she had much room to say though because she was probably way more clumsy than him. She quickly grabbed her pencil out of her back pocket and chucked it with perfect aim at her brother. It bounced off of his head and Hiro snickered quietly at her brother and his stupid-ness as she ducked into the crowd, weaving her way in between people so Ronan couldn't see her.

"Idiot!" She called from her hiding spot watching as Ronan's act of cool slowly started to slip away.

Lizz watched as someone walked into the pillar she was sitting at. She looked up at him with curiousness, tilting her head to the side. As the boy tried to continue forward a pencil bounced off of his head. When 'idiot' was called out from the crowd Elizabeth cringed and covered her ears."Shh," She whispered to herself, pretending that everyone could hear her.
Terra Starry

Terra now bored with walking around the pillars in the area decided to walk through the near by halls, making sure to stay close enough to see if the throne doors opened for the meeting to begin.she looked at some of the paintings, wondering If they had been made of stolen,she assumed the latter but you never know.she shrugged and continued on looking through the vass halls of treasury.

Lance Redwulf

Lance snickered,having heightened hearing was a great plus,he couldn't see who had hit the pillar but he sure could hear it "Nice job pillar pal!" threw his head back and howled out laughing, hoping whoever hit the pillar has good enough hearing to hear him.He stood up from his pillar and stretched.'geez this is taking a while I could be doing something more fun' he huffed a bored sigh and sat down.if it was going to be any longer he might as well doze off for a bit.
Ronan frowned, picking the pencil up off the ground, ignoring the loud remark that had been made. He glanced around until he caught the slightest glimpse of brown hair in the crowd. Calculations quickly ran through his head as he aimed the pencil upward. After about half a minute he put half of his strength into a throw and chucked the pencil in an upward arch. The pencil flew at his sister, but with much much much more power and a slight spin behind it instead. He smiled confidently as he heard the slightest thud that let him know he had aimed correctly.

Prince Siane and Zaire on the other hand, had stopped just outside the throne room, when Zaire stopped him. "Seriously Siane what's the big deal with this? So theres a new villian there always is. We've dealt with them easily before what makes this time different?" Zaire raised an eyebrow, remembering all the countless other villians that tried to take over, only to fail of course. Siane stared at him with for the first time, a readable expression. His eyes showed deep worry and concern, and it made him look 10 years older.

"This is different. Young kids, younger than you are dissappearing, being recruited by this person. S-Snow White's kingdom has already fallen and The wonderland world is already under attack, and is almost fallen as well." Siane placed his hands on his younger brothers shoulders. "This is bigger than before. Something we've never faced before." The two princes stood there in silence for a while before Siane moved away again and stepped out into the throne room again, not saying another word. Though what they come across to find....

( Just bumping @Geek with Me @Yunn to reply, Momoka says you should also before she dies.... xD )
After a few moments of closing his eyes, he had once opened them again. *...Strange I can't sleep* He thought. Getting up he felt somewhat uneasy, was it the weather? The noise? Or...was it something else? He was mostly sleeping all the time so he didn't know what to do. Unsure as to what to do he stood up, and began to walk around the palace, finding his way to a crowd of people.
Something sharp stabbed Hiro's head and bounced off. She looked around eyeing her brother and picked up the closest thing, a backpack left on the ground by her feet. She quickly through it. It hit her brother's head with a thud and she laughed, picking up other random things and through those at her brother as well.

Lizz looked around at the chaos that was slowly unraveling. She transformed into her cat form to escape the noise and people. She started her journey to the door, but didn't make it too far when hands wrapped around her small body. Air blew her fur from her face as she was thrown into the air.

(Don't try to catch Lizz someone is already going to save her.......... @Pawz )
Mae watched what was unraveling in front of her, her eyes wide open as the events happened. She raised her hand some type of green smokey fire flew out of slowly. Mae's eyes suddenly became green as she cast a small spell "Prohibere tempore" she murmured then every thing stopped. She knew this spell would only last thirty seconds but her head was hurting. Mae stood up, leaving her bag behind then raced out of the room. Time began again and the events continued. Mae raced outside then sighed, the fresh air always cleared her head. She grabbed her small mirror then said "Mirror mirror in my hand, show me my friend's home land' she said then the mirror revealed her best friend back home "Mae!" Clara squeaked as she picked up her mirror. Mae smiled as Clara tried to dye her hair half black half white like her mother. The two friends began to chat
Terra Starry

Terra having heard the sudden commotion headed back towards the throne room,only to see two people having a throwing war,she watched as a backpack was thrown at a smacked the boy."are you alright she called out,having gotten closer to the throne room to investigate.

Lance Redwulf

Right as he was starting to nod off,of course there had to be a fight of a sort happening at that moment. he growled annoyed."really!can't you brat's take this elsewhere"he huffed.Not wanting to get stuck in the cross fire he moved out of the throne room and took a seat against the wall,not noticing the two princes had appeared.
Both Zaire and Siane stopped dead upon seeing the chaos that started in front of them random things where flying across the room as two people seemed to be the cause of it. "What is going on?" Saine tried shouting over the loud noise that had started, but nevertheless his voice was drowned out.

"This just got a little more interesting." Zaire laughed crossing his arms and watching the 'war' with amused eyes.

"Oh grow up Hiro!" He shouted back at her, rubbing the back of his head from when the backpack smacked him. He growled mentally debating wether he should retaliate or not. he fisnt realize what he was doing until he felt the heavy back fly out of his hand back at his sister, clocking her right in the face. "Oops?" He called before his attention was snagged by someone calling out if he was alright. "Ya im fi-" he started but was cut short when another object amacked him in the head. "Really Hiro grow up already!" He shouted grabbing another object and throwing. Only when he heard a startled cry did he realize what he threw. "Oh shit!" He growled running forward, crashing through people, shoving people out if the way before he reached the front if the crowd. Just in time to jump up and catch the poor unfortunate white cat from hitting the ground. He caught her gently, but in the process crashed into Prince Saine, knocking them all to the ground. Ronan jumped up holding the poor cat. "I am so so sorry miss. I didnt mean to i swear" he apoligized genuily as he set the cat down on the ground before turning to face the two Princes again. Zaire laughed hysterically, high fiving a confused Ronan.

"Nice job, i've been wanting to knock him to the ground since i got here." Zaire laughed crossing his arms again as Ronan helped Saine back up.

"I am so sorry about this Princes. Me and my sister...well mostly my sister, got carried away. And well that kind of happened." Ronan got out quickly, pointing in the direction of Hiro.
Terra Starry

Terra had let out a supposed 'oh' when she realized the two princes were standing there watching the madness between the two people,she assumed they were siblings or rivals, she tiled her head in thought, when she saw that one of the princes had been taken down on accident she ran over the the guys, slightly concerned, she wondered if the fighting would be started again. "Hello there,are you guys alright?" she greeted with a smile"what a way to started this huh?' she giggled.

Lance Redwulf

Lance covered his mouth as he snickered, as he watched what had become of the situation 'I suppose it wasn't all bad to be woken up if this was the outcome' he thought as Ronan had crashed into one of the two princes, though the white cat being thrown by mistake was far funnier to him.he sat up and walked closer to the group,since he assumed the meeting was about to begin shortly.
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Jessica and Lyle were probably the two who had the longest journey to Queen Jasmine and King Aladdin's castle. When they finally reached the castle it took them about twenty minutes just to figure out where the bathroom was, let alone the throne room. Jessica looked around confused.

"Lyle I have no idea where we're going...." Lyle sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Me either...." He mumbled. Suddenly, the two heard a commotion coming from down the hall. The two looked at each other before following the sound. The came upon was looked like the throne room, only there were two kids fighting and people yelling and causing mischief. The two cousins sat and blinked at the sight, completely mesmerized. It wasn't until three boys were knocked down on their butts did they spring back to life. Lyle cleared his throat.

"Excuse me." He said. "Is this by any chance the throne room?" He asked.
Hiro ran over to the small group of people that surrouned the princes. She gave out a nervous laugh when she arrived. "Um... Sorry about that, my brother here," She said while gabbing her thumb into her brother's shoulder, "Is a stupid idiot." She shoved Ronan over and bowed in front of the two princes. "I'm Hiro by the way."

Lizz was suddenly stopped and landed in someones arms. She made a weird screech sound and wiggled out of the person's arms, landing on all fours and cowering behind someone. She looked up at the person's back and saw fiery orange hair with red streaks. She clung to the person's legs and looked around at the small group of people that was forming.

Zaire looked up raising an eyebrow. "Ya, who the are you?" He asked, his tone a little too cold. Saine sharply elbowed his brother in the ribs.

"Yes this is. I am assuming are Jessica and Lyle, cousins who's parents are Hansel and Gretel correct?" Saine stated simply, before turning to Hiro and Ronan" Hiro and Ronan, duaghter and son of Cinderella and Prince Charming," He crouched down and looked to the upset cat. "Elizabeth, and Terra I believe?" Zaire rolled his eyes.

"Stalker much?" He muttered, raising an eyebrow again. "Only a creepy guy would take the time to memorize faces before he's even met them."

"No. I have a reason for this. And who are you to talk? You stalk people then kill them." He retorted, shooting a glare, as Zaire just shrugged it off. Saine sighed stepping to the center of the room. "Excuse me." He called, instantly gaining silence. "Before I begin, can I have the following people come up please. Ronan and Hiro Charming, Remiel Phillip, Terra Starry, Mae Faery, Elizabeth, Lance Redwulf, Jessica Wood, Lyle Wood, and Eve Dorcha." Saine stepped back to the ones that where already waiting. "Once everyone is here, I will tell you guys the mission assigned to you're group specifically."

( @Geek with Me @Yunn)
Eeve's eyebrows quirked up and she cautiously stepped forward. She wasn't sure how much the others knew about her parents, but, she hoped it wasn't much. She hugged her arms to herself self-consciously and glanced at the floor as she waited..
Mae came back into the throne room when she heard her name "You called?" she said loudly as everyone turned to face her. She walked down the isle, twirling the spray can in her hand. She stood next to the wood children. She flicked her purple hair over her shoulder as she waited for their reply. She tapped her dirty black boot on the floor, leaving mud prints on the red carpet. "Question... Why are we here" she had a smirk on her lips as she placed her free hand on her hip. She leaned on one leg as she waited a reply
Walking around aimlessly amidst the crowd he was beginning to feel annoyed as he couldn't move a single step, or more like he didn't feel like it. *Ugh this was a bad idea, I should've just enjoyed the shade and continued to sleep.* Soon he had heard his name being called. Wondering who it was he slowly made his way forwards towards a group of people, not really recognizing anyone. He was never the type to bother remembering others faces after all. Sleepily yawning, uninterested now that a guy had announced that they had a mission to do, meaning work.
Jessica and Lyle just raised their eyebrows at the know it all prince. This guy seemed really full of himself. Lyle leaned down and whispered to Jessica.

"What did your mom say this was again?" Jessica shrugged

"I dunno." She whispered back "All she said was that King Aladdin and Queen Jasmine wanted the both of us to come and that we may get money." Lyle rolled his eyes

"Is that all your mom cared about? The money?" Jessica laughed

"Have you met your aunt before?" She asked. Lyle chuckled and nodded

"You're right." Lyle stood up straight and waited to hear what this guy had to say.

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