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Fantasy Descendant Academy


Previously Rabbid
Alright, this is the first RP that I'm starting, so bear with me here. I think it's a good idea. Anyway, you're 15-18 years old and at an academy made for people descended from the blood of famous people. Everyone gets a power based on their ancestor. If you can't think of one, I will for you. I only have one restriction (for now): Please, don't make yourself be the offspring of modern stars. No Justin Bieber, One Direction, or any other famous people from the 70's and up. Check the character sign up for more.

Start whenever you want!
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Anna walked down the school hallway. Heading towards her first class, she looks at the other students walk by her "Heh...." Anna look down at her watch "Great, I'm late for my first class and I don't know where it is."
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Nikola Tesla was one of the founders of the school, so Michael had an easy time getting in. He got into the school building and went into the workshop to review his ancestor's designs. The Tesla Coil, the death ray, the earthquake machine, and so much more! Michael's infinite power source allowed him to give his creations unlimited energy.
"Great..... where is this damn class!?" after walking around the school she finally found the workshop class. Afterword she walked into the class clamly she sat in the back of the class ignoring everyone.
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Michael was able to get multiple inventions done. The school wasn't very linear and pretty much allowed students to do what they wanted. Michael could stay in the workshop all day if he wanted, but he went to physics instead.
Rabbid said:
Michael was able to get multiple inventions done. The school wasn't very linear and pretty much allowed students to do what they wanted. Michael could stay in the workshop all day if he wanted, but he went to physics instead.
Anna sit down near her desk waiting for today assessment as she notice a book about Yumiko Anna ancestor's She quickly grabs it off the books shelf behind her desk and begin reading each page Anna were dying to know about Yumiko past life
Bliss wandered around the school, looking at something scribbled down on her hand before she would looked up again and at the locker numbers on either side of her. She sighed and clutched her binder to her chest, not being able to find her designated locker.
Michael finished up in physics and took the rest of the day checking his ancestor's intentions. So many great creations.
Bliss tapped the top of her binder gently, looking around and she yelped softly, feeling something fuzzy on her binder. When she looked down, the girl discovered that she accidently made a small patch of grass grow on her beloved binder.
Deon woke up on the ground next to to his bed with legs still settled on the edge. He let out a sleepy groan as he rubbed his oddly colored eyes and sat up, glancing at the clock. Crap, I'm late. He ran a slender hand through his messy black and blonde tresses, before he stood and pulled his boots on. Not bothering to pull on a shirt, he grabbed a black hoodie from his coat hanger and zipped it up to his collar bone; though, it did a bad job of hiding the markings that snaked just past his white tank collar. Deon left his door unlocked once he left his room with bag in hand. He made it to the main building of the school in no time, using a form of teleportation magic. The male stood there staring at the school for a moment before he entered inside, rubbing the back of his head at his own tardiness. When he finally got all of his information he followed the numbers on the lockers until his found his and lightly tapped the metal with his index finger, unlocking it and placing his books and bag inside, keeping only a notebook and a journal in hand while he situated the contents of his locker to be exactly where he could remember it. He ignored the stares he got from a few random students while rummaged, oblivious to what they were thinking.
a few mintues has pass since Anna were reading her book about Yumiko she was shock that she was a vampire from old yet she died by humans on;y because they was scared of her powers which she may do in the near future Anna let out a small giggles "heh.... interesting" she said while closing the book as she walks out of the class room Anna beginning walking down the hallway calmly ignore the students that walks pass her
"Oh my goodness I am so late!" Naomi panicked as she flew from her bed running around her dorm. "Books, pencils, uh binder... Binder." Naomi gave up as she flung herself out the door, a loud bangi signaling that it had been shut. Naomi pulled on her black hoodie, as she held a tooth brush in her mouth. After a five minute struggle to run to her locker Naomi let out a breath. She really needed to learn that teleportation magic. After stuffing everything in her locker praying that it wouldn't explode with all the papers and food she ran to class a muffin stuck in her mouth. "Naomi Berlyen could you be more like royalty and make it on time for once, and spit that muffin out!" The teacher shouted. Naomi crindgd as she ignored the teacher jamming the last of the muffin in her mouth. She hated her royalty label allmost as much as the black cat. The black cat had come up when she entered the school. Whenever someone was around Naomi something bad would happen. Their hair would catch on fire, Naomi would spill something on them or even lock them in a broom closet accidentally. People began to say it was a curse when she was really just a clutz. Naomi sat down in the back flipping to her most recent notes. No one saf near her praying that she wouldn't blow something up this time. Naomi was praying the same thing.

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