Derp and Dino's happy fun time adventure land in Space.


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Year 2511 AD, Fourth Season.

USG Outlander

James Drake peers at the screen seemingly hovering above him. He groans before lowering the brightness and continuing his work. Working throughout the night had its pros and cons. The most obvious of which were the extra work completed and the crippling exhaustion in the morning. He found it strangely funny that he goes through all this inconvenience just to get a little more work done, so funny that he felt the sudden urge to laugh. Jeez, if anyone was listening, he must have sounded like a maniac. He smiled to himself before continuing his work. He was able to continue for around five more minutes before collapsing into a snoring heap on the floor.

A shrill scream pierced the air, jolting him awake and making him cringe. He quickly recovered and jumped to his feet, ready to assist a damsel in distress in the name of chivalry, only to open the door and discover that the hall was empty. He frowned before slowly stepping into the hallway, anxiety and confusion pushing to the front of his mind. He could've sworn that the scream was just outside...

A clattering from a nearby vent made him spin on the spot, gasping and stumbling backwards. A painful impact from a nearby pipe dizzies his vision but seems to clear his mind, and he quickly sees that the vent had merely fallen off due to rusted screws.

He approaches the now gaping hole in the wall and peers inside, curiosity getting the better of him. He is greeted by black murky fumes from a busted valve. He coughs and turns away, making a mental note to inform engineering of the malfunction and returning to his office and resuming the repetitive task that he had been set.
Year 2511 AD, Ninth Season

USG Beowulf


Stanton Hayword sat in the co-pilot seat as his colleague piloted their ship for what seemed to an eternity. towards the USG Outlander, It'd been 5 seasons since they had even heard a whisper from the station, so they decided to send in a military team that was composed of himself and 5 others. The only name he bothered to learn was Lythians, who was currently piloting the small ship. For some reason the government felt saw this a low priority assignment and barely funded them at all. So they ended up being able to only equip 6 of them and enough fuel for one tiny and cramped ship. He tapped Lythian on the shoulder "I'll be in the next room, call me over the comm network if anything changes." Lythian nodded and Stanton headed out to go get some coffee. He walked in seeing some ready made, grabbing it he sat down at the small table in the room and lowered his face guard .allowing him to slowly sip the drink.

Just after finishing Lythian had called him over comms. "You might want to see this Stanton." He had said in what seemed to be slight shock. He turned his face guard on and stepped back into the cockpit. When he looked out of the window he felt a large dose of shock his body as he looked up at the enormous station that was the USG Outlander. It was bigger than what he had imagined, but that wasn't the shocking part. It was the holes the large dented into the walls they seemed to be almost all over the ship with the same air lock door blocking them off. "Get us to the docking station Lythian. I think we could have done with those extra funds right about now." Slowly the ship navigated itself around to the docking port. Slowly preparing the ship for exit. "Here we are boys, Get off your asses and get ready to get on this ship" He ordered over the comms.

A few minutes later and they were on the Outlander and none if them could have predicted what they were welcomed by...
Year 2511 AD Ninth Season

USG Outlander

James Drake slowly peers around the the side of the vent, flinching back as yet another lumbering beast stalks past. It had been the 4th today. He drew breath and raised his Plasma Cutter. Technically, it wasn't classed as a weapon, but it was designed for cutting though minerals, so it had no problem slicing though a necromorph's limbs. It's true what they say, surprise really is the greatest weapon. A few well placed shots to the limbs dispatched it easily, making it slump to the ground. He quickly crawls over to the body, checking it for loot and finding a few rounds for his Plasma Cutter. Shame, he probably used more killing it than he got from looting the corpse.

He stands up straight and stretches before scurrying back to the darkness and relative safety of the vent.

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