Der Ring des Nibelungen -SignUp-


Supreme Logician
Hein! Information thread HERE

Rules, as always.

1) The chain of command goes as such: You < Moi < the Mod in charge of this subforum < the Admins < AcE <Muhammad

2) I expect no less than good grammar and sentence structure. Length-wise, a single paragraph is fine, but make sure it's a paragraph and not a bloody two-liner. You give me cheek and say it's three lines or four, mayhaps more, I will terminate you.

3) Character creation wise, as long as everything checks out (logical history and shiz), I should accept you. Even if your character sheet is perfect, though, I will run a check on your background.

4) No godmodding, bunnying, autohitting, etcetera, you know the drill.

5) This is OOC thread. Donut OOC on IC thread, plsthx.

6) You want someone to die but he's being owned by another playa? Convo that shit. I doubt it'll do any difference, but it shows you caaaaaare.

7) Donut be inactive if you plan on joining this. You gon die if you gon be inactive.

5) How could I make a profit out of Muhammad? Gonna make another video and mention Muhammad. I'm not even talking about the Islamic Muhammad, and if you've read the rules, please state Das Rheingold in any part of your sheet. Do not mention Muhammad. He don't like it.

Character Sheet:

Name: (What colour is your underwear?)

Age: (Sing a song of a thousand praises to Muhammad here.)

Gender: (Write a poem about genitalia here.)

Alliance: (Right, so are you a goody two shoes fighting baddie…uh…two slippers? Or is it the other way around? Perhaps you’re one of those being hunted! As of now, those who want to apply for NV units, convo me. I’ll drop you the details of the NV. Include the name of the corporation you're working for if you're with those guys, just say you are with the Govt. if you're with them and just say you're a Rogue if you're neither of all of them.)

Appearance: (Preferably a picture, but I’m not the boss of you.)

Personality: (Write a purple prose about behavioural instincts of the sloth here.)

History: (Here’s that one part. Describe, in adequate detail, how you ended up being a monkey in a robot suit. Or whatever it is that you are.)

Weapons: (Eh. Go wild here. You can have any futuristic-ish weapon you like, as long as it isn’t a laser-firing cat that can cut through buildings. The collateral damage will cost your company quite the bit of dough.)

Powers: (Here’s the interesting part. Describe all features of your cybernetic body. Can you implode kittens by wagging your fingers at supersonic speeds? You can have multiple here, but keep it in your pants if you want to stroke a boner for OPness.

Example of a power: Enhanced strength to lift a maximum of 10000 Newtons. )

Unique System: (Another interesting one. Your unit can possess a unique ability or trait that sets it apart from most of the rest. While another unit CAN possibly have the same system, it is rare.

E.g. (courtesy of Wiseman) activate internal gestalt particle generators within the body to excite the particles in his immediate area, causing a circular explosion with the character at the center.)

Other: (Theme songs, theme poem, theme blanket, theme park, theme miscellaneous. Whatever.)
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Das Rheingold BEBEH!

Name: Texl Heimer

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Alliance: Wanted Rogue

Personality: Texl is a man of standards. He believes in his own Ideals. He always try to make the correct decision in times of danger. Depending on what kind of danger of course. He loves to drink, Especially some delicious beer. In times, He may act all tough and mean, But inside, He somewhat cares. (tsundere).

History: Texl was just another random man doing his job as a police officer. He never had a family, Except his father who died 3 years before he got the job as a police man. There wasn't really much in his life, He was just another man on a job. Until he was taken away by some man in suits forcibly. He was then taken to some place he never quite remembered. He was given a dose of anesthesia, Where his body went dull. Then Texl fell asleep.

When he woke up, He could barely remember thing. But he felt his body somewhat, Lighter than before. He was strapped on a bed where his body, Arms, Legs where bound. And Also, For some reason, He remembered what had happened to him. Then a man, somewhere in his 40s, bald, Wearing circular glasses, no beard, Long nose, wearing a doctor's uniform, came in carrying a clipboard. He asked how "he" was feeling. Texl answered he was okay. Then the man just nodded and asked more random questions.

Then Texl asked if he could go now, Thinking that this place was a hospital. He said that he wanted to go back home in Bruhl. The man was surprised and he asked, " You remember ?! " in a surprised voice. The man than quickly took out some kind of a vial and a syringe. Being afraid of needles, Texl struggled on his bounded bed and was able to unbound himself. He then jumped out the window with great height, Realizing this and being scared and yet thoughtful. He used this strength to escape the Building and go back to Bruhl.

He didn't know what was going on with him until he realized that he was some kind of a super human ( he thought ) . When he arrived at his place in Bruhl, He was ambushed by a couple of armored men with rifles such as M4a1 and Hk-2 . He knew that they were the people from that building, Then one of them shouted, " There he is ! The cyborg, Get him ! " then that's where Texl realized that he was not a superhuman, Rather, He was a machine.

Texl got so angry at this, He murdered the three armored men with bare hands, He had immense strength. He then never went back to his home, And started roaming around Randgriz, As some kind of a hitman. He used all the money he gained on weapons, He even made his own gun, The Patriot.

  • A custom made Sub-Machine gun called " The Patriot ". a 200 rounded SMG capable of firing 9mm custom rounds. Also, The SMG is attached with a makeshift grenade launcher made by Texl himself. It is loaded with RKG-3 anti-tank grenade, Enough to blow a hole on a military humvee.

Powers: The skin of Texl is hard enough to withstand a c4 explosion point blank, Although, anything stronger than that may damage him. Also, He has the strength to carry a car with both hands when needed. His speed is just fast enough to go 40 km/h . That's as fast as a Honda Wave in 3rd gear. Jumping is no problem for Texl, His feet are strong that he can jump over a 2 storeyed house.

Unique System: Texl's unique system allows him to switch on the nano-machines on his skin, Turning him invisible. It only stays on for a couple of minutes until the nano-machines overheat in the process and needed to be cooled down again, for a couple of minutes or so.

Other: Texl loves his beer, So if you disturb him in the middle of his "beer" drinking moment. Never hope to escape uninjured. Well, Not in a matter of no broken ribs, both arms broken, Face make-over, and a cute little black eye on both eyes. Also, some gifts for the tooth fairies.

Name: Tatsuo M2

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Alliance: Formerly: Fasolt Fabrication Ltd. Currently: Rogue




How does one define the characteristics of a cyborg, a creature part man and part machine, his former life wiped away? What is left? Nothing? The same person with no memories? No. What is left is something, someone new. The Tatsuo Model 2 is unlike its predecessor in that, it is not devoid of personality or freedom of choice. You may be wondering; "Will it follow my orders? and the answer to that is yes. This cyborg has an innate sense of loyalty and several inhibitors that prevent it betraying its designated operators.

The Model 2 has a 'unique' sense of humor and an air of dignity that few others can achieve, this model is focused, driven and dedicated to any task it is assigned. Unlike the previous model, the Tatsuo does indeed posses some intuition, intelligence and initiative. The Tatsuo is polite and cordial, pleasure to have at any social function. In combat he is intimidating, calculating and calm, the perfect companion for any inter company meetings or negotiations.


Originally born as Gisei Uyamau, he was an illegal immigrant whose work visa had expired, he was on the run from the authorities and was living on what pitiable scraps he could scrounge from anywhere; discarded refuse, meals left untended at cafes, he'd even sneak into hotel rooms to steal from whoever he could. He was at the bottom of the food chain with no one to care for or save him from his impending doom.

One night while creeping down the hallways of a prominent hotel, Gisei espied an unlocked and unguarded door, it was quite suspicious for such a high floor and poor Gisei might have turned away but alas, depravity and desperation gripped his wits and stomach. Foolishly he tiptoed into the room, sure that his passage was unseen, at first glance all seemed well and Gisei proceeded to the minibar where he gorged himself on the small packaged morsels kept therein.

Like a soft warm blanket his fatigue draped over him and his dreary stupor he supposed he could rest for a minute or two on the luxurious couch not five feet from his location. With stretch of his arms and a long and deep yawn he lay down to rest not knowing that it would be the last time he would ever sneak into a hotel room for food.

Drugged and yet still in pain, Gisei Uyamau was no more, in his place was Tatsuo M2, the second attempt by the company; Fasolt Fabrication Ltd to create a cyborg to employ in the struggle for supremacy between the various organisations that preside within the city of Randgriz. However, the CEO of the company had overspent on Tatsuo's creation, the exorbitant costs of creating a cyborg and their already poor success culminated in their eventual bankruptcy.

The company's assets were frozen and pending liquidation, unlike the other assets Tatsuo's future was uncertain, would he be put in storage or would he be set free. To him neither was preferable, his directive was to serve and he needed a master, any master would do.


Sh?rai (As seen in Appearance): A Katana made out of a light but extremely durable polymer, it is able to slice through steel alloys like a cold knife through frozen butter. It is even capable of deflecting high speed bolts of energy, it is scaled to his height and arm length.

Blade Pistol: This pair of semi automatic pistols are the culmination of Fasolt Fabrication Ltd. weapons technology. They snap forge and fire carbon blades, these pistols are best used against light armoured foes and travel at high velocities.


Super Human Reflexes: He may react 5x as fast as a normal human and pluck a fly out of the air with a pair of chopsticks 5/5 times. He may dodge or deflect 1/10 bullets fire at him with the use of his katana.

Enhanced Durability: While standard firearm propelled projectiles are capable of killing him, Tatsuo's body is reinforced to withstand damage from melee or hand to hand combat.

Enhanced Senses: All of his senses are enhanced to the peak of human capabilities.

Enhanced Swordsmanship

Not a Superpower: Martial Arts Training.

Unique System:

His unique cooling system; Excess energy is turned into pressurized air and escapes via pore sized holes in his skin, he is able to close any number of these holes at will thus building up the pressurized air, this air can then be expelled forcefully from his hands and feet (His shoes are modified to enable this ability).

Other: Das Rheingold
Tatsuo will whore himself out, if you've got the money he'll use his sword wherever you want it.
ninbinz Tatsuo M2 of Fasolt Fabrication ACCEPTED

GoddessOfGod Chrome Florin of -Unknown- ACCEPTED Very well done as well, I must say. I can only hope that your RPing is on par.

Phoenix Wright Texl Heimer of -Unknown- ACCEPTED CONDITIONALLY Only on the account that I trust that you are possibly rushing for the CS, and having seen your postings elsewhere, I accept thee. Do note, however, houses are quite rare in Randgriz.
Name: Tyson/Caitlyn

Age: Appear to be 26/21, but statistically speaking they are both about 6 years old


Alliance: Tyson is 100% loyal to CrailTech, but an experimental personality chip that Caitlyn is running has begun to question why she/they should be working without question or hesitation for their company. As of yet, she hasn't revealed her thoughts to Tyson.

Appearance: Tyson: Shaved head apart from a dark brown short (2cm) mohawk. Dark brown eyes, dark enough to be mistaken as black. Caucasian, muscled, stands at about 190cm tall. Stern expression most of the time. Right arm and hand is made of a dull grey metal, extending up to cover part of his shoulder and chest.

Caitlyn: Mid-brown hair usually worn in a plait. Light green eyes. Caucasian, stands at 170cm tall. Left hand and forearm is made of the same dull grey metal as Tyson's arm is.

Both: Both Tyson and Caitlyn are surrounded by a synthetically enhanced 'skin', clothing is a bright red tank top with light brown cargo shorts. Both are made of the same regenerative polymer as their skin (meaning that if it is damaged, the clothes will quickly 'regenerate' themselves over time).

Personality: Tyson: As befits his section of the prototype dual-core system, Tyson is aggressive, blunt, and slow to respond to enemy tactics. Doesn't back down from a fight unless there is a 15% chance or less that he will lose.

Caitlyn: From the start, Caitlyn was made to be the best deep-cover spy technology had to offer. Able to change from her quiet, submissive default personality setting, to a chilling interrogator or perhaps a alluring woman, her personality as she was 'grown' was pushed towards everything that would make her more effective in the field of information gathering and exploitation.

History: 'Born' in the CrailTech lab, DC1 (as the scientists and engineers called the project) was little more then two embryos in the beginning, but as the months stretched on the microscopically small beings grew. As they did, they were subject to genetic changes to handle more stress, faster reactions, increased intelligence and any other improvements that CrailTech could muster, as well as being attached to their personality chips. There were a few differences, Caitlyn was engineered more towards cognitive abilities and enhanced sensory input, while Tyson was geared towards military tactics and the mechanical functionality of weapons and armour. A few months after the enhancements began, the major part of the DC1 test occurred; they fused the two embryos together. Scientists watched statistics and output tensely, expecting their project to fail at any moment. But their worries were not needed, Caitlyn and Tyson were succesfully fused and linked to the fist-sized canister that contained the Mk0 DC technology.

Months passed as they grew further. Organs were removed, including the skin and complete skeleton. A new technology purchased from another company was added, hair-thin white worms that could conduct electrical currents, contract and detract, and which could change colour and texture so as to mimic hair. The many tracks of blood vessels were taken out to be replaced by these worms, and the vague shape of a body began to form. Metal plates were inserted to protect the few remaining organs, which basically comprised of the digestive system, the two (heavily tech'd out) brains which had been relocated to the torso, and the Mk0 DC system. Titanium rods were placed as structural supports for the arms, legs and spine in lieu of the absent skeleton, and the integrated weapons were gently introduced. Finally, the skin.

A marvel of bio, chemical and nanotechnology, the skin was made up of thousands of millions of synthetic cells. Based on the amount of electrical current forced through them, they could harden to almost untold strengths. Unfortunately, DC1's power supply would not let them push it as far as they had in the labs, but it still operated at more then sufficient limits. The skin was also versatile enough to handle the worms that caused the shape and build of the body shifting from Tyson's large torso to Caitlyn's smaller, more petite frame, and vice versa. And that is when CrailTech's luck ran out.

They had received and applied roughly 85% of the skin when Lucius Crail, founder and CEO of CrailTech Prototypes, died. His personal funds, which had kept his company going, were frozen and inaccessible to everyone including his only daughter Shannon, who suddenly found herself the leader of a soon-to-be bankrupt company. She ordered the last of the skin applied, final tests run, and the DC1 project to be activated. Their first mission, to cause the death of the CEO of her main rival industry by any available as soon as possible. They were shuttled off to Randgritz the next day.

Weapons: Tyson: When Tyson's 'energy focus' (see powers) is towards weapons, the more effective his integrated weaponry is. His right forearm and hand contains his main weapon, a semi-auto high-power anti-cyborg rifle that fires shaped slugs of superheated metal. His left forearm contains a flechette (a shotgun that fires a spray of heated metal shards).

Caitlyn is rather simple here, her thinner, female arms allow for nothing more then a simple 8cm long retractable blade integrated just behind her knuckles on the left hand, and a short-range firearm (little more then a pistol) which juts out underneath her right wrist.

Both: Either can use weapons they pick up in the field, although Tyson has more natural skill. All three guns regenerate their ammunition over time, but it is entirely possible they will need a break to recharge mid-battle.

Powers: Tyson: Tyson has the ability to direct internal power to either his weapons or armour (skin) by increments of 10%. More weapon power means they fire faster, hit harder, and ammo regenerates quicker. More armour means a thicker skin, with higher power levels deflecting most projectiles and the highest allowing him to take a direct hit from a tank's main gun.

Caitlyn: Caitlyn's power is to expel a pheromone through her nose to dim wits and make the target more inclined to agree with suggestions. This power does not work at all on non-humans, and has a severely reduced effect on cyborgs.

Both: Caitlyn and Tyson cannot use the other's power while they are in charge. Caitlyn is very lightly armoured (although she will heal from most wounds over time) and has no ability to enhance her knuckle blade or wristgun. Tyson cannot use Caitlyn's pheromones.

Unique System: Mark Zero Dual-Core system (a CrailTech prototype)

The Mk0 DC system allows the body it is installed in to swap between two completely different people in a matter of seconds. Skin hue does not change colour, although the white electrical worms that DC1's internal organs are made of take a few seconds to realign weaponry, electrical pulse pathways (the flow of electricity through the 'worms'), and the shape/pattern of the skin. During this change DC1 is at it's most vulnerable, with weapon systems virtually non-existant and armour paper-thin.

Other: Apologies about the lack of pictures, but I *hate* having my character's look based off something I didn't imagine. Also, PM me if you want to kill off my character later in the RP, I have more then enough imagination to make another. Das Rheingold.
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Name: Unit Omicron. Also responds to any pseudonym it makes for itself,or is assigned to it by it's superiors.

Age: Apparent age is 32.

Gender: Apparently male.

Loyalty: Omicron is programmed to be unquestionably loyal to Lightsky Ltd.,a company dedicated to the production of lasers and light-centric technologies.

Unit Omicron stands five foot eight inches,and weighs two hundred ten pounds. Built for corporate espionage,Omicron is remarkably unremarkable,with short,yet thick dark hair and dark eyes,with a Caucasian complexion. Technically naked at all times,the unit's "clothing" is a genius material designed to perfectly emulate clothing,with the appropriate sublayers beneath to mimic worn clothing. This is a design feature to enable the Glass Shield Personal Stealth System's operation. These "clothes" are changed depending on the circumstances of the unit's deployment.

Personality: Unit Omicron is a slave to Lightsky,and is a spy,to boot. It has no personality of it's own,aside from a near-supernatural drive to get the job done.

Weapons: Covered in the "Production Systems" section below. None held,unless picked up along the way.

Production Systems

-High-Powered Load Systems. Unit Omicron is several times stronger than an average human,capable of lifting and throwing a whole sever cluster,at it's limits. This,obviously,also brings considerable striking power to the table;enough to break a concrete wall with a good punch.

-High-Durability Endoskeleton. Unit Omicron's skeletal structure is heavily reinforced,primarily to serve the H-PLS,but breaking Omicron's skeleton is impractical,at best.

-Neural Data Unit. Omicron's brain is heavily modified,allowing it to nearly instantly transfer and store digital information. Of course,this is worthless without a proper interface...

-Universal Serial Bus Interface. Which is solved by this. Stored in the palm of either hand,the USB Interface is key to Omicron's role as a corporate spy. The USB Interface can be detached,and attached to a wire lead.

-Enhanced Optics. Omicron's eyes are high-quality cameras with numerous filter options,including UV,Thermal,EM,Light Enhancement,IR,Strobe,and high-powered zoom.

Unique System: Glass Shield Personal Stealth System. Omicron's "skin" is made of countless miniature panels that can rotate. On the reverse side are hosts of microcameras and microscreens,all mounted to a reflective surface to enable invisibility. This system can even replicate a laser beam,to hoodwink laser tripwires.

Background: Unit Omicron's past is kept only as hard data. That is,paper documents. These documents detail an operation known as "Project: POLTERGEIST". Lightsky's goal was to produce a small cadre of elite infiltrators,with the purpose of stealing the competition's data,and selling it as their own.

The particulars of POLTERGEIST involved the mass kidnappings of the invisible bottom rungs of society: The homeless. Without a birth certificate and living family,it was childsplay to enact a modern Damnatio Memoriae on the subjects,obliterating all trace of them from record and memory.

Picked up off the street by Lightsky employees posing as humanitarian aid workers,the man that became Omicron was never seen again.

Over the next few years,the subjects were lobotomized,and slowly operated on,enhancing their bodies. Many died on the slab. Few survived. Fewer still remained functional. Omicron was one of the very few successes. Now without an actual name,Omicron is fielded almost constantly to hamper the competition,in the name of turning a buck. Without any real connections,and masterfully fabricated erroneous identities,Omicron is the ultimate deniable ops agent. Stealthy,masterful,determined,disposable,deniable.

It might as well not even exist.

Other: The existence of Omicron is a very well guarded secret. Only a very small handful of people know that it is a cyborg,and it answers directly to them.

Das Rheingold
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Name: Cyisi (see-see) (What colour is your underwear? - Blck)

Age: 25 (Sing a song of a thousand praises to Muhammad here.- Ohh Muhammad... How greeeattt youu aaarrreee!)

Gender: Female (Write a poem about genitalia here. -

Alliance: Former Russian citizen now working for the protection of Midgard



Personality: Strong, confident, can adapt to all circumstances, very strategic.

History: Cyisi was born in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia. The first and best-known Cyisi is a Russian agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed her "Wolf's Bite". She wears no costume during her first few appearances but simply evening wear and a veil. Cyisi eventually defects to the U.S.

Cyisi's parents were killed in a fire when she was a child. She was saved from death herself by Ivan Petrovitch, who raised her as a surrogate father.

A revised, retconned origin establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the "Operativniki Privideniyami Volk" program, which translates to "The Haunted Wolf Operatives" or 'Ghosts' as they re referred to, rather than solely by Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to Department X, with other young female orphans, where she was brainwashed, and trained in combat and espionage at the covert "Red Room" facility. There, she is biotechnologically and psycho-technologically enhanced—an accounting that provides a rationale for her unusually long and youthful lifespan. During that time she had some training under Winter Soldier, and the pair even had a short romance. Each 'Ghost' is deployed with false memories to help ensure her loyalty. Cyisi eventually discovers this, including the fact that she had never, as she had believed, been a ballerina. She further discovers that the Red Room is still active as "2R".

Cyisi was arranged by the KGB to marry the renowned Soviet test pilot Alexei Shostakov. However, when the Soviet government decided to make Alexei into their new operative, the Red Guardian, he is told that he can have no further contact with his wife. Cyisi was told that he had died and is trained as a secret agent separately.

Weapons: Cyisi is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu, and boxing), marksman, and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training. She is also an accomplished ballerina.

Powers: All abilitied are augmentations or enhancements.

Unique System: Cyisi has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate; as well as psychological conditioning that suppresses her memory of true events as opposed to implanted ones of the past without the aid of specially designed system suppressant drugs.

Other: She likes bears, bears are her favourite kind of animal... fluffy basterds...
Oh look. Disc One Boss.


Name: Siegrune

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Alliance: Nibelungen Valesti, as well as the Government


-As a governmental official-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/f7c7edb5e7935dbca1b79f34e267f061.png.46b400b7095d05b17a51181fc4f21a8e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/f7c7edb5e7935dbca1b79f34e267f061.png.46b400b7095d05b17a51181fc4f21a8e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
-As Walkure-09-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/LMS___GABRIEL___UNLOADED_by_adonihs.jpg.0a9141663b1be960eba20faa075fb3bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/LMS___GABRIEL___UNLOADED_by_adonihs.jpg.0a9141663b1be960eba20faa075fb3bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: (Write a purple prose about behavioural instincts of the sloth here.)

History: (Here’s that one part. Describe, in adequate detail, how you ended up being a monkey in a robot suit. Or whatever it is that you are.)


-A straight-edged kotetsu variant under the production title of Kiwite-002. It is produced by the ever enigmatic Shinju Kai Weapons Foundry, renowned for the finesse of their weapons. Micropores line the edge of the weapon that, upon activation, line the edge with plasma particles, allowing Siegrune to easily bypass any futile defense with a single slash. The sword runs fully on battery with a life span of about 60 minutes on continuous run. Siegrune keeps two spare batteries in her pouch.

-Two Mark-17 handguns, produced by SKWF as well, styled after the now extinct Beretta 92F. They have extended clips of about 20 rounds each and fire semi-automatically. They don’t do much damage on a cyborg, but the glancing of the bullets is enough to disrupt momentum.


Named after King Arthur’s spear, Rhongomyniad takes the form of a shield-lance combination. In true fashion of Valkyrie weaponry, the shield of Rhongomyniad possesses a battery that connects to the lance half. The lance itself is a functioning lance with a spiral pattern upon it. When deployed and charging up, the point opens up and reveals a cannon within the lance, where upon after 5 seconds of charging, will fire a beam that disrupts all mechanical functions of whatever it hits, along with severe concussive damage. This weapon is only deployed on emergencies, and is not always on her personnel, since a lance and a shield would be quite hard to hide, hm?

Powers: As a human with barely any enhancements, Siegrune has quite the reaction speed. While not up to par with the upper echelons of cyborgs, Siegrune will easily dodge most things thrown her way. Other than her speed and reaction time, there is nothing else worth speaking here, since the Walkure are blessed with weaponry, not powers.


When donning the heavy armor of the Walkure, however, Siegrune is as fearsome as her brethren. The heavy armor slightly limits her movement speed, but the helmet allows her to single out a target and allow her to stay on it as far as she can see. The armor is able to fend off a lot of damage as well, leaving weapons to get stuck upon it, or simply bounce off, and bullets to simply ricochet off it. It contains an extra battery pack for Rhongomyniad.

Unique System: None.


Unlike her sisters (and brothers), Siegrune is a more grounded Valkyrie, and thus lacks the aerial superiority of the usual Walkure unit.

Other: Das Rheingold



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