Depths Of Hell


Yumiku White
Yumiku submitted a new role play. @Yumiku, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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The demon king: (Taken) -

Demons head slave: (Taken)

(Females only)

Demons slave 1: (Taken)

Demons slave 2: (Taken)

Demons slave 3: (Taken)

(Males only)

Head guard 1: (Taken)

Head guard 2: (Taken)

Sinners 1: (open)

Sinner 2: (open)

Sinner 3 : (open)

Sinner 4: (open)

Sinner 5: (open)



Race: (Any dark creature; Vampire, wolf, dark elf, fallen angel, shape shifter (etc)

Postion: (King, guard, sinner, slave)



Pet: (If you have one.)

Name: Kira

Age: Appears to be 20 but is hundreds of years old

Race: fallen angel

Postion: Head slave


Bio: Character profile -

Pet: Kitten

Abilities/powers: Her element is controlling water
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Name: Kurai Muchitsujo

Age: 100+

Race: Demonic Chaos King

Position: King


Bio: Kurai was originally an Angel of god, but he was a very chaotic being and tried to kill Adam and Eve. He was cast out of heaven and sent to the earth. He lived on the Earth for years regaining his powers. He later met a fallen angel whom he had seven children with. These children were the seven sins. God and his angels trapped these sins in a box. Kurai eventually created Hell and set up his kingdom there. Eventually the box became corrupted and god had to place the sins in a tree. The Tree of Knowledge. In the Garden Of Eden. Eve ate from the tree and Kurai's children were released upon mankind. Kurai now sits upon his throne waging a constant war for power over Earth. One day it is prophesied that he will have a child that will overthrow God.

Pet: He keeps a powerful creature known as Jormungdur, the end of the world.

Abilities/powers: He can cause any human or angel to become corrupted by standing near him. He has all the powers you would expect from a chaotic Demon King.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Archaeus.jpg.b5fdc793eb767dcaa2022c3ae561f0c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Archaeus.jpg.b5fdc793eb767dcaa2022c3ae561f0c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I don't really understand the placement sheet... I would like to be a female demon slave, but is that ok?
Name: Vegil

Age: Unknown but at least over 1000

Race: Demon-Human Hybrid

Position: Head guard



Bio:He was always power hungry even from birth killing his twin brother it was like he was born a demon in a humans body which he was. His power hungriness drove him to want to gain power by any mean's necessary which he ended up doing he found a sword called Yamato early on in his life he wanted it but it was in the possession of his parents instead of asking them he then slaughtered them both wanting even more power he attempted to he decided to attempted to fight the Demonic Chaos King he ended up losing but it seemed to impress the Demonic Chaos King so he for some unknown reason let him live but only if he served under him as one of his head guards Vergil reluctantly accepted thinking a king has power he can grant to others and power is what i seek.

Pet: He has less of a pet and more of a attack dog its name is Nelo Angelo aka the Dark Angel

Abilities/powers: Summoned Swords: magically generate blades.

Devil trigger is a power that Vergil posses that gives him uniquely inhuman abilities and endows him with an extraordinary physical prowess far beyond that of any normal being this is what his true demon form is but he can only use it for a limited time.

Devil triggers appearance:


His sword: The Yamato is Vergil's trademark dark-forged blade. Yamato is a katana with an ornate bronze guard and the guard is an oval, and the tsuka-ito seems to be braided from white and black material. The blade features several intricate ornaments, most notable is a relief of a dragon at the endpoint of the hilt.

The scabbard is black, made of traditional lacquered wood, and features several metallic ornaments on its far end. it also features a yellow sageo, the cord used to tie the katana to the waist.

Despite having a scabbard, Yamato is only occasionally worn on the waist—Vergil carries it in their hands during battle.

Although Yamato resembles a katana, it is said to be able to cut through anything, as it is even sharper than the Japanese blade, and is imbued with tremendous magic. The damage caused by Yamato generally does not become apparent until the sword is re-sheathed.
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Name: Medusa. Prefers "Em"

Age: 19 in human years.

Species: Gargoyle

Postion: Demon Slave


Bio: Em was sold as a child when her parents could no longer afford her. Since she was the youngest, the got rid of her. Em was sold to a lord who was very cruel to his slaves. When she turned 7, she had enough and turned him to stone. Horrified by what she had done, she forgot to replace her glasses and turned the rest of the household to stone. She was taken into custody and was given a choice; serve the king or die. So she chose to become a Slave again.

Pet: She had a snake once. Not anymore.

Abilities/powers: Like her true name, Em can turn things to stone. Hence why she constantly wears glasses. As a slave she wears a blindfold. The way she navigates is by using her other senses, which are enhanced due to her species. She can also fly, or was able to once, but her wings were severed off when she agreed to serve the king.
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Name: Thanatos

Age: 1000+

Race: Death God

Postion: Head Guard


Bio: Thanatos, or The Hand of Death. Is Archaeus' Right Hand man. He carries out the task of guiding the damned to Hell and the collection of souls. Whislt he is silghtly jealous of the king he is as chaotic and insane as the king himself.

Pet: His pet is the death dragon, the wing of death. It can transform into Thanatos' scythe at will.

Abilities/powers: He can use his scythe to tear portal in the fabric of time as well as collect souls.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_18-29-58.jpeg.1336f08d5f2b3d0b8ab5295ef005e9ec.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_18-29-58.jpeg.1336f08d5f2b3d0b8ab5295ef005e9ec.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Nefi.jpg.c43f6456b2ac082c05f371cde04bbedb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Nefi.jpg.c43f6456b2ac082c05f371cde04bbedb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Darius Blood

Age: several centuries ( he doesnt keep the count :P )

Race: pure blood, first generation vampire

Position: guard


normally in his armour otherwise in lose, expensive silk clothing, which may have the fur of a snow leopard in them, and golden lining

Bio: He once belonged to a noble house, but he peace was always threatened by his desire, to watch someone in pain, he was verily a sadistic child, he even tortured his pets, in his teenage itself he was forced to please his parents or was giving a beating, but one day he cracked and ened out brutally killing his parents, his brothers, the servants, and even the pets, he then let his house ablaze, just to satisfy himself, when taken to the king, he accepted to bid under him, the king knew about his natures so didnt put much control over him, and let go off his minor mistake, he proved to be loyal and dangerous and ended up as kings's guard. though he still has a habit of slacking off

personality ( no one had this O.o ): is calm from outside, but inside is just driven by his instinct of harming others, is very loyal and honorable, finds enjoyment in hunting others, can find a liking to anyone who can take his boredom away

Pet: a raven ( can turn into a Thunderbird, if needed)

Abilities/powers: vamipre so : can control fire and electricity, super agile and powerful, can turn others to vampire, knows how to use any type of sword, and specializes even in mordern day weaponry ( guns)

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