Depths Of Hell [Inactive]


Yumiku White
Yumiku submitted a new role play:

Depths Of Hell - Para-rpers needed(18+ Due to foul language and explicit scenes)

The depths of hell. The dark, cold, underground lands of which lie under the earth that the humans roam. The place so very opposite of the superstitions that those petty humans talk about. No fire or an eternity of pain. Just slaving under the rightful king that owned every dark creature known to the mystical non-human like universe. No sleep is given to those who have committed an unforgivable sin. No food for those who have stained their angel wings with the wrong doings that they only...
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God stabbed his sword right through my chest, and kicked me off the edge. I fell for days and days, before finally landing on Earth.

I woke in a sweat looking around in my chambers. How long had I been asleep, where am I?

I noticed the skulls on my bed posts and realized where I was. Thank Eris, I was still in Hell.

I got out of my bed and wandered around the room examining the statues the contained my favorite scenes of Chaos. Oh how splendid was it to be the King Of Hell. I noticed my tail flicking about out of the corner of my eye, and realized I was naked. I walked over to a mirror and examined my body before pulling on my clothes. I decided to let me tail out today. I focused and allowed my horns to show. I was careful to make sure my wings did not get hurt by my shirt and coat.
"You work for me now"

KIra shook her head as she had snapped back into reality and away from the deep, dark words spoken to her within her mind by her 'Master'. Her eyes adjusting to the realization of where she was. She turned her head to scan the room around her before pausing and looking back into her mirror. She ran her hands down the front of her body to smoothen out the wrinkles in her black, see through gown. Her right hand lifted to cup her cheek for just a moment, then pushed back the piece of silver hair that attempted to move its way in front of her glossy blue eyes. She placed her hair behind her ear and moved from in front of the mirror. She closed her door behind her with her wings tucked close to her backside, she trailed barefoot through the halls of the mansion, ordering the other slaves to partake with their regular morning duties. From there, she gathered the courage and walked to the highest room in the tallest tower of the mansion. She took her time. It was the same every morning. She had to put together the will to wake him up from his slumber, and walk along side him where he pleased. She stepped to the large doors that stood as an entryway into his room. Upon hearing the words of the granted entry. She turned the knob and with ease, She pushed open the door. She slid between the open crack and shut it behind her. "You're up early this morning Master" She stepped a few feet forward, away from the door, and bowed before him. She stood back up, straightening her form. She batted those long, black lashes of hers over her sparkling blue eyes as the necklace between her breasts raised and fell with the deep breaths she took to her chest, the nerves getting to her. Would he be in a good mood today? It was unusual he was up before she.
Reina floated throughout the halls of the mansion, looking for pieces of garbage and waste that had been left behind by others. "It's the only job I can do... so I have to do it well..." She thought, spotting something on the ground. She wasn't quite sure what is was... A scrap of food? Most likely. She let her arm drift below and touched the scrap with a single finger. Immediately, the entire thing became completely black as it began to rot and disintegrate, leaving behind absolutely no trail of its existence. "I wish I could do more. The more I do, the happier the king would be with me... but there's only so far you can go without touching things, I guess." Reina thought, silently roaming the halls once more in search of further discarded scraps.

Em sat atop the roof, perched much like the stone monsters called gargoyles the decorated the top. Her eyes darted around behind her blindfold. As a slave, not a guard, she wasn't supposed to be up there. But she didn't exactly care about that particular rule. Besides, she was a better watchdog than them, as she could smell a threat from miles away.

Em's ear twitched as she heard conversations beginning without the manor. Sighing, she leapt down a dangerous amount of floors and landed with a small puff. Ignoring the glare the gardener gave her for landing on the grass (or what was supposed to be grass), Em made her way back into her "home".

Em shifted uncomfortably in her slave garbs. The rather revealing clothing hugged her the right way but a little too tightly. But nevertheless, Em started for kitchen. Hopefully the Master would be in a good mood.

I turned to look at Kira.

"K-Kira I would like you to get all of my most important slaves to gather in the stadium, I have a very important announcement to make." I left out the compliment on her looks anv turned away and continued getting dressed. As I was trying to put on my black denim jeans a realization came over me. I had yet to take a bath. I stripped down slowly, and walked into the hall naked with Kira following me. I walked into the washcloset and told Kira to draw my bath. As she did so I took my time to admire her body and her beautiful silver hair. Once she had finished I slipped into the tub and dismissed Kira out into the hall.
Vergil was in a hall of the dark mansion he was making his way to the king's room at a slow pace as he was taking in the unique style of the mansion as well as thinking 'why spare me' but what confused him evermore is 'why then would he chose me to be one of his head guard's even though I tried to kill him' he has been thinking about this a lot more and more lately. After walking for a few more minutes he arrived at the king's door but decided to wait outside he guessed the king would be here by the time. He stood tall and proud outside the room on the left side of the door's with one hand on his sword sheath just in case.
Thanatos dropped out of the shadows next to Vergil and looked at him briefly

before standing on the right side of the kings door 
I took my time to relax in the warm bath. I submerged my self under the water and floated under for an hour or so before I heard the door open and I cautiously peeked my head over the tub. It was Thanatos.

"What do you want Thanatos?" I asked remembering his attraction to me.

He blushed a deep red "I came to make sure my master was alright but if you want I c-"

"No no it's fine stay." I re-submerged my self as Thanatos hid in the shadows.
With her hands folded in front of her tiny frame. She hung her head with eyes closed as she listened to his orders and followed him. She nodded to him and walk ahead of her Master as he had ordered her to draw him a bath. She bend forward. Her left hand on the edge of the tub, her rear in the air and her upper body bent towards the knobs of the tub that would realease the water at the temperature of her desires. She plugged the hole at the bottom of the tub and turned the water to the temperature of her Masters desires. She stood once the tub was filled and the water was turned off and turned so she faced the king. SHe bowed. "Your bath M'lord" She stood and waited til she was excused. She nodded her head at her dismissal and closed the bathroom doors. She cleaned her Masters room, clearing the floors of the dirty clothes and making the bed for she was the only slave allowed to go in there.

After she was done with the room she walked out into the hall, turned to close the door behind her she looked to the left and jumped slightly."Oh, Vergil. "She shook her head and pushed her hair back. "I never get use to that as many times as it happens. You scared me." She smiled up at him. "Our king is in the bath. Sleep well I suppose?"

After his response she nodded and waved her hand, walking down the hall to gather the slaves. She met up with the other 2 most important slaves and looked at them. "Master is in the bath and will be out shortly. He wishes for our presence within the stadium but Surely he would be most comfortable at his chair in the throne room so lets head over now." She walked with the other two Slaves to the throne and lined up with them with her in the middle she folded her hands in front of her, nervous about her kings announcement.
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I began to drain the bath and got out wrapping a towel around his shivering body. He noticed Thanatos had left and walked back ito his bedroom nodding to Vergil on the way in. Once inside he put on his clothing and lastly his coat. He walked down the stairs with Vergil and Thanatos following beside him. Once he reached his throne he noticed the three slaves gathered and addressed them. "As you all know I have been waging a relentless war against God. Well as of late I have been mentally attacked by him in my sleep. does anyone have an explanation as to why our shields have been failing. Hmmm anyone?"
She looked up after bowing and looked around to the other slaves who had remained clueless as much as she was. She looked to the guards who had yet to say anything. What was happening to her Master. She supposed that was why he had waken up before she. Was he scared? She shook her head remembering her strong dislike for him her heart pounding. She had no idea what to say. What was she to do? She had to protect her new ruler as well as the next person under his wing does but how was she to do so? She looked up at him her eyes glossy from confusion, waiting for someone to say something
I notice Kira looking at me in confusion.. Oh if only I could tell her what I felt. I looked to her with a look of terror he was terrified. 
"I don't care who did it but I want the sheilds back up." I said trying to regain the confidence in my voice what was happening to me ? 
I turned away briskly and ran to my room where once inside I locked it and threw myself onto my bed. Why why why was this his sick way of getting back at me Humans are unessecary why can't he see that they are corrupt and foul. He may blame me for it but it is his fault.
"hmm strange is he really the chaos king or have i been shammed into thinking he is he seems more like a lost puppy the more i see of him the less i want to help" Vergil said to the others in the room nodding his head in a disapproved manner at the way which the king just acted he was thinking 'was he too young to get thrown into all this power if so his luck must have been good to have been given this much power some strive for thousands of years but get no where close to this much power' much like himself.
God once again tried to intrude upon my mind but this time instead of being upset I was thrown into a rage. I threw open the door and jumped out of one of the windows landing on the grass. The black veins on my neck began to spread and I had sinners brought in front of me. I commanded all slaves in the house to join me on the front yard. 
Once they were all gathered I lifted the first sinner up with chaos energy which burned him and he screamed oh how I loved there pain. He thrashed about in the tangle of energy which only constricted about him more. I zappev him repeatedly with black lightning as I pulled him closer my eyes glowing in rage. As soon as he was in arm's reach I pulled out a knife and cut off his tounge. I then stabbed out his eyes as he screamed more.
She looked to vergil and said nothing her hair falling along side her face she hung her head as her mind traveled in all different directions. Why had he been acting like this? She looked up and ordered the slaves to folllow her to her Masters room. Upon opening the door she had stepped up and gazed put at the window that had been destroyed. She ran to the edge and looked down and there he was on the grass. She leaped out the window before the others qith her dark wigs spread she allowed them to carry her to the floor before him. "Master what are you doing?"
I continued to torture my victim pretending it was god himself. I threw the victim onto the ground and slit open his stomach and began to disect him laughing loudly.
vergil followed soon after his face was blank like he expected it to happen "O and about the shield sir it just occurred to me i may have caused it to brake during our first meeting in order to get to you i had too brake though the shield and unless someone repaired it i caused it" vergil said calm just looking at the man being dissected and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the sight.
The grounv arounv me began to tremble as I released massive amounts of chaos energy. My victim had long since lost his soul and was now an empty body I went to work cutting off all extremities before their was nothing but a pile of gore. I then took pleasure in eating the remains. 
After I was finished I turned to Vergil and Kira grinning psychottically. My body was surroundev by green flames and the ground was shaking. I looked to them with a child like glee as I pounced upon Kira and prepared to kill her.
She snapped into reality when she heard his laugh. He hadnt answered her. She turned her head away as she smelt the horrid stench. She looked up at vergil who had been chuckling. She narrowed her eyes and bit her lip, looking away again till her Master was finished with his desired meal. Her eyes widened as he had tackled her. Her lrgs giving in. She fell to what seemed to be her death. She grunted and squirmed pushing him off and much as she could but all attempts failure. she gasped and arched her back upwards with eyes closing " m..master" she pleaded
vergil quickly activated his devil trigger knowing that his own normal power wouldn't be able to stop him with out his devil trigger when it was activated his appearance drastically changed he then attempted to restrain the king by holding the kings arms behind the king he did this in order to protect Kira. "calm down sir" Vergil said in a painful voice caused by the green flames as he was attempting to calm the king down to stop him from killing kira or the rest of them.
Em had remained silent the entire time, but seeing (or rather sensing) the Master tackle the Head Slave (she never remembered names) caused her to speak without thinking.

"Master, stop this," Em said in a scolding manner. "Kill the sinners, not your property."

It took a minute to realize what she had done, and paled. Well, I'm dead.
I thrashed about in a frenzy. I had lost it I silently said sorry to Kira for being so wrong I tried to regain control and managed it the flames dispersed and the ground became still. I laid there on the ground for hours. 
God stoov over me laughing hysterically. I tried to lash out but I was frozen I coudn't speak or move. He just stood there laughing and saying how he killed my parent slowly. 
I tried to tell Kira that I was sorry and that I woulv rather die than hurt her but I realized something... I was in a coma
when the king passed out vergil put him down he then went back to normally deactivating his devil trigger but began to spit out blood soon after "dam human side of me" he said wiping the blood from around his mouth and panting heavily. He took a seat on the floor near the king waiting for him to wake up or not either was fine for him.
Thanatos knew what to do. he flew onto the lawn and picked up the king. "The king has put me in harge in case he ever dies. I am your leader now. Everyone dismissed. After they left he buried the king.
"Why do I smell blood? Is someone bleeding?" Em asked, sniffing the air. Ah, it was the guard man. Wait, did the other guard man just say the king was dead? He smelled alive to her... Before she could protest she was ushered inside.

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