Depth of Shadow


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Here is my own profile for my character Saeoro

"It seems as my powers grow within me, the more twisted the become."




Unshaded, not quite finished, but basic look of Saeoro)

Name: Saeoro of Kennyr

• Alias/Nickname(s): Sae, Wolf, Silver, and Jay.

Wolf because her 'animal' is a wolf, Silver for her eyes, and Jay because her favoite bird is a blue-jay.

• Pronunciation (if necessary): Say-Or-Oh.

Species: Earth Elf.

• Race/Ethnicity: White

• Nationality: Earthen?

Languages Spoken:

• Main/Primary Language:

• Secondary Language(s): Dwarven, Goblin, Dragon, and learning the language of the unnamed species of mine.

Voice: A rather cold, slightly low gruff voice that 'hides what is really there.'

Homeland: The lands of Kennyr, a land that holds the Kingdom of the East, also known as the 'earth elves' lands.


(Basic look, this however is from a hobbit drawing. This is not mine, nor is it the offical kingdom but it gives a nice visual.)

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Age: Physcially she appears around 25-30, while in reality she is actually about five-hundred and thirty seven years old.

Date of Birth: The Fifteenth of Rebirth. (Or, in human days, 04/15)

Description: Saeoro is a bit of a hard one to understand. She once was a high-strung princess, with diginty and grace. However, years of seeing the poor die hungry, women raped and beat savagly, and the corrupted ways that have taken over since the rule of the Tyrant King, she started to change. Now she is a distant, cold, aloof, and darker version of what she use to be. Even though she still shares some traits, she is no longer a mirror image of who Princess Saeoro use to be. She is still hot-headed and stubborn, and often lets her anger get to her head, making it hard for her to think before she acts when she is angered. She also holds a witty and sacrastic tounge, breaking her distant silence to make a off-handed remark. Though this change is permint, she actually can be caring, protective, and rather loyal to her friends. Though it is hard to gain her trust in this world, one she is fighting to protect and free from the Tyrant, once you have it, she can be the best friend you need.

Physical Traits: *1

• Body Shape: Slender hourglass with muscle underneath it all.

• Eye Shape: Almound eyes

• Eye Colour: Silver

• Nose Shape: Small

• Lip Shape: Classic

• Hair Style: It appears short in the front, but her hair is just oddly styled. Her hair is short in the front, reaching what would seem the nape of the neck, but the hair is only cut at the sides, not in the middle. The middle is kept in a pony tail with a long place holder.

• Hair Colour: Light blone, however it changes with the use of her powers. At first it starts to turn black, but eventually ends up full white .

• Body Hair: No

• Height: 5'8"

• Weight: 129 lbs

• Physical Alterations: NA

o Controlled Alterations: Tattoos she had branded on her, going across her back, legs, and arms.

o Uncontrolled Alterations: Scar on her face, going over her left eye. Burn mark on her left arm, covered with her top, scar across her belly, very large and puckerd, scar on her back, a brand from a incident that she does not speak of.

Clothing: *1

• Casual Wear: She always wears her outfit shown in the picture, save for when it is washing. Then she wears a lose white shirt, much like what is worn under tunics, and 'tight' like pants to go with. Sometimes she wears a 'bar' dress, or a dress given to those who bathe at the inns to wash their clothings too.

• Winter Wear: A heavier, furr lined, version of her outfit. Also starts wearing a coat, and thicker boots.

• Formal Wear: She wears a simple dress, any color or variation.

• Battle Outfit: What she always wears.

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous.

Personal Information

Background: She was born in a high-ranking family, third in line for the Throne of the East Kingdom. She grew up during the time the Tyrant King, but bearly noticed anything different as she did. She was thought the ways of court, archery (like all earthen elves are thought), and how to be a 'lady.' She had met the Tyrant King many a times, and bearly noticed his evil-aroura for a long time. Saeoro was born with a special power known as 'Shadow Magick.' Shadow magick is very rare and has only been seen used by one man, the Tyrant King himself. Saeoro and her family kept this secret and she learned to use and harness it for the 'good' rather than the way the Tyrant King himself uses it. She learned to keep it hidden and locked away, and kept up her Royal appernces.

As she grew older the world became less foggy and she started to see the world as it truly is, but tried to ignore the pleas and saddness as she thought she could do nothing for the people. She eventually fell in love shortly after coming of age. She and her best friend Elliat soon became a romantic couple and were quite often talked about in the Royal system. This angered the Tyrant King as he wanted Saeoro for he knew her powers, as nothing is hidden from him, and he decided to remove Elliat from the picture by cursing him with a magick caused sickness. He died shortly after marring Saeoro, causing her to be greatly saddned. It was not until she over-heard a nurse speaking of the sickness that she learned that it was the same one that killed many around the time the Tyrant King was forcing every court to bow to him. Saeoro finally connected the dots and realized it was him who killed her love, and this is where she changed.

Over time she began to help those who were in need, going against the rules of the court placed by the king and starting the motion of her story. During one of her operations of aiding someone her kingdom was shown as a example and erased from the map. She lost two sibilings, her eldest brother and youngest sister, and her mother and father. This angered Saeoro and caused her powers to florish more than they ever have. With this anger she decided to take vengence on the King, going into hiding so she can train to become stronger.

As the years pass she realizes she cannot take on the king alone and starts what is known as the Rebels Cause, sparking rebellions everywhere. She gathers a team of those who are strong and known for their powers to travel with her as she gathers a army to defeat the Tyrant King.

• Occupation(s): None

o Income Level:

  • Nothing

• Rank: She was once a Princess, but the loss of her kingdom has made her a ex-princess and now she is nothing in the caste system.

• Philosophy: Realist

• Psychological Status: Unknown, but others wonder if she is sane.

• Education: High, she was born into royality so she was given a great education.

Owned Residence(s): Two places, a home given to her by the West Kingdom and a small cottage like home in a disclosed location.



General Possession(s): She owns more knives, a short staff, a pack of needed supplies, a red cloth braclet, and a hidden necklace.

Catchphrase: "The stars speak..." (Usually followed by something the 'stars say'. "There is no such thing as good and evil, there is only what people think good is, and what evil is." "The world is not black and white." "Tch." "Come, let us fight." "Who am I? The girl who stares into the mirror, or the one looking back."

Likes: She likes many things, from different foods to long walks on the beach at night. The important ones are; Training, as it helps her ease her mind, sleeping on the ground, as she can stare up at the sky, the stars, as she is connected to them, night time, as it is the strongest time for her shadow magicka, the moon, as it 'seems to be just like her, being alone, as she feels like herself when alone, cakes, it reminds her of her older brother, the color red, the favoite color of her long lost love, hot water, it relaxes her mucles, spicy foods, it reminds her of her younger sister who she lost, and the feeling of fur, just something she likes to feel.


• Food:
Cherry Bread, a type of cake with cherries in it. It is very sweat and often served with creame, other berries, and wine.

• Drink: Water, with lemon.

• Music: The sound of a flute and drums.

Dislikes: Fire, as it was the eye-opener for her life and she resents being the one to led everyone. Strong smells, as she has a sensetive nose, the color yellow, as it is to bright to her, the thought of being alone, even though she likes being alone she doesn't like being lonely. Being on ships, as she is very prone to sea-sickness. [...]

Most Hated:

• Food:
Unneti, a combo of fish, sauce, and oyster. She dislikes fish very much.

• Drink: Jasmine Tea

• Music: Anything loud

Fear(s): Necrophobia, Phasmophobia, Altophobia

Personal Skills and Abilities:

Shadow magicka, the ability to controle the shadows, use it to ones whims. This ability allows her to shift through the shadows, make shadow hide her, heal with 'shadow' powers (it burns like hell to be healed by this.). Some abilites she has not unlocked suck as corruption through shadows (She does not wish to know this, as it is a very corrupt thing to use.), the ability to make shadow minions or followers (something she has almost mastered.) and the ability to stay in the shadow realm. The shadow realm is a very diffucult place but so far she can stay in it for hours without losing to much energy.

Earth Magic, the ability to ask the earth to hear you out and aid you in battle. She hasn't played with this much and is not very skilled in it, but she can make the trees move to block paths and show her where she needs to go.

Weaponry, she can use duel swords, knives, and other wepons such as long swords and broad swords. She is adept in throwing knives and one-handed weapons.

Agility and flexability.

Hobbies/Interests: Gem Collecting

Allies: Cecila, Gael, Cale, Syn, Ryuu, Coravel, Keth.

Family Add as appropriate...and tell me so I can add the sub sections appropriate. *1

Friends: Cecila.

Rivals: Gael

Enemies: Tahl, the Tyrant King.

Personal Views:

• Religion:
The world of Erovia doesnt really have a religion has everyone knows the gods/goddess exists, they however do tend to worship one god or goddess more depending on the region. Saeoro prays to Raer for he is the god of the Earth.

• Love: Koehon

o True Love: Eliatt

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/ Homosexual/Bisexual/Transsexual, etc.

• Current Sexual Status: Unactive non-virgin.

• Relationship Status: Depends on the part of the story. She is single through most of it but shares her feelings with Koehon near the end of it.

• Love Interest(s): Koehon

• Lust Interest(s): N/A

Blood Type: O

Stats, Abilities & Skills

(for Game aspects and Character comparisons)

Physical Attack: 9/10

Physical Defence: 9/10

Ranged Attack: 6/10

Ranged Defence: 5/10

Magic Attack: 10/10

Magic Defence: 4/10

Strength: 7/10

Dexterity: 9/10

Agility: 9/10

Courage: 10/10

Cunning: 8/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Constitution: 9/10

  • Magical Abilities:
    o Shadow controle

    - Level: 67/100

o Earth magick (General)

  • - Level: 10/100

o Devourer of Light (Shadow)

  • - Level: 45/100

o Shadow Emerge/Pass

  • - Level: 90/100

☼ Shadow Relem

  • - Current Status: Sealed

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