[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Mermaids and Sirens


Daughter of Loki
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Mermaids can be a viscous species, but not all of them are, by any means. Most mermaids have the ability to walk on land for short times, but must stay near the water. They are usually found Near the coast, or in Michigan or Montana, due to the massive amount of lakes there.

A siren is a variety of mermaid who feasts on land dwellers and lures them by exploiting their prey's sexual desires. While they used to only prey on men, in the modern age they have begun preying also on women. If sirens are encountered, remember they are not as beautiful as they may appear, and they will kill and/or eat you. Their power lays mostly in their song, if one is able to shut out their voices, or if one has no sexual desires to exploit, then it is much much easier to take down a siren.
Mermaids today are usually portrayed to be beautiful and benevolent. However, that isn't always the case. At some point they were seen as the cause of floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings. A bigger issue was that mermaid sirens could trick sailors with their appearance. Some mermaids are completely separate creatures from humans, and can't always understand them. This has led to reports of mermaids pulling humans to a watery death under the thought that they are the same creature.

There have been 3 types of sirens reported: Full human, Half-Fish (mermaid-like with fins), and Half-Bird (harpy-like with wings). Each of these have 1 strength: their voice. If heard, it'll strike nothing but obsessive desire into their hearts. In the event that they are passed or escaped by those who have heard their song, they die immediately.

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