Department 19


New Member
Department 1: Office of the Prime Minister

Department 2: Cabinet Office

Department 3: Home Office

Department 4: Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Department 5: Ministry of Defence

Department 6: British Army

Department 7: Royal Navy

Department 8: Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service

Department 9: Her Majesty's Treasury

Department 10: Department for Transport

Department 11: Attorney General's Office

Department 12: Ministry of Justice

Department 13: Military Intelligence, Section 5 (MI5)

Department 14: Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)

Department 15: Royal Air Force

Department 16: Northern Ireland Office

Department 17: Scotland Office

Department 18: Wales Office

Department Classified 19 -/[unauthorized personnel-please insert security key 11Y8-0T]\-

Department 20: Territorial Police Forces

Department 21: Department of Heath

Department 22: Government Communication Head Quarters (GCHQ)

Department 23: Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC)

Passcode: GY67-MI6-Frankenstein, Victor

Over ride- 109447


Department 19: Supernatural Defence Force

Codename: Black light

Task: To stop and destroy all harmful Supernatural beings

Top Priority targets:

Status-/[Reincarnated]\-Vlad Tepes -/[Aka Count Dracula]\-


Can only be truly killed by the first man he turned

Turned the Rusmanov Brothers firs

Status-/[Alive]\-: Valeri Rusmanov


One of the first humans turned by Dracula

The strongest vampire alive, other than Dracula

Status -/[Killed]\-:Alexandru Rusmanov


No longer treat, all data has been deleted for safety reasons

Status -/[Alive]\-:Valentin Rusmanov


Has Betrayed his Brother and his master to help out Department 19

The fastest vampire alive

Notes All vampires know be brought in for questioning, and testing.

-/[if more information is needed Colonel Frankenstein, please request for more informations for Director Carpenter, or Security Officer Kinley.]\-

Command: -DAM-666-

-/[Override Accepted. Destroying memory.]\-

-/[Have a nice day]\-

-Department 19 is the single most secretive department in the world. They're main mission is to destroy the vamperism plague which started over 200 years ago, just recently Jamie Carpenter, who is now Director of the Department eradicated the plague in early 2013, over 20 years has past, and some how the vamperism plague has returned but with a punch. New vampires have arisen, the HCV-7 or the popular term of Dark Knight maybe used. HVC-6, or the Goblin. HVC-5, or the Stalker. These vampires have soon that they are idea a major threat against the Department, and after showing the strength by destroying the American Head Quarters of the Supernatural. They turned they're head at the department. When they attacked they threw England into a Defcon state, and warheads were launched, destroying over half of England. However most of the vampires survives the blasts of the booms. Now with Department 19 known to the world, as well as vampires, a whole new threat has arisen. With the Department headquarters destroyed all the captured supernatural creatures escaped. They range for zombies-werewolves, dragons-giant ants. The world is no longer a safe place. Can it be saved?-

Just an idea really, I hope I can make it work. Ideas are welcome, same with feedback.

Sounds pretty interesting. So the vampires are the major threat, but characters would also have to contain/recapture escaped creatures as well? Those HCV's, are they different creatures or just types of vampire? (Also what does HCV stand for?)

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