Demons Vs. Angels


Anxious child
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Accepted Characters:

Damon Holloway { Day } - [MENTION=4611]Nightmayr[/MENTION]

Helena Sky-Anne Tillany { Sky } - @Helena Sky

Angeline Devrik { Angi } - @kinadra



Chase rolled over on his side. The Alley was Cold and Damp. He sat up groggily. Chase had to camp the nigh out here oly becausea Few Demons had Invaded his home. The Alley wasn't very pleasing, rats running through it, over him, Dumbsters filled with Raccoon's. It's really no xafe place for him. Well, since he was a Demon. There really was no such thing as a Safe place.


Kenzie shuffled out of her Lavander, flowered room. She had already awoken, Changed into a uniqu outfit. A Saffpire blue, sleeveless blouse. Denim , button down jacket, and a pair of jeans. She shifted through the house. Her mother and father had droven to work already. She was home alone, getting ready for school. Kenzie explored the kitchen until she discovered a platter of pancakes. A note was lying next to it. She bent dow and picked it up. To My Kenzie, Love your Mother. She smiled, sweetly. As she began to eat.
Damon clutched his bleeding side as he ran down the ally way. "Dumb b**ch" He mumbled as he slowed down and leaned against the wall. He looks down to his side, pulling up the shirt. The gash ran from bellybutton to his spine. "How in the hell did she get me that bad?" He spoke to himself, hoping no one was creeping on him. He pulled off his leather jacket and his shirt. He rips up his shirt and ties it around himself. He pulls his jacket back on and grumbles as it starts to sprinkle.
"Great rain.... Just what I need..." Sky mumbled to herself as she glared at the offending droplets. "Looks like it's time to head home.." With that said, she turned and started back down the street. Occasionally she paused to wiped the black hair out of her eyes. She wondered to herself whether or not she would take the short cuts through the alleys back to her crappy little house. As it started raining harder, she decided that it would be the best course of action and ducked into the first alley she saw and was shocked when she found another person already there.
((( [MENTION=4611]Nightmayr[/MENTION] Oops, I should have been more specific. I was seeing yours..))
Damon's eyes shot up to the girl as he stands there hunched over clutching his side. He stood in a puddle of blood as the rain came down hard, soaking him. His red and blue eyes study her as a smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. The smile leaves as a jolt of pain courses through his body. He drops to his knees and growls in pain. He looks back up to the girl and lets his mind travel to hers. He overcome her emotions with sadness and the want to help, hoping she would help him. The gash he had was too much for his body to fully heal on its own. It would take a day or two, he needed somewhere to stay for that time. He didn't want to just use the girl. Might as well get to know her... She IS a demon... He thought to himself. "Help me please." He watched her face hoping she couldn't put up walls to block him out.
Sky's red eyes locked on to his as she darted over, skidding on her knees as she hit the ground a little to soon. She didn't even bother to ask what happened, she figured she'd ask later after she helped him. She couldn't stand seeing another person in pain. She gave him a soft smile, her fingers lightly ghosting over his side in an attempt to assess the damage done. However, her hair kept falling into her eyes due to the rain. "Crap.. I can't do anything to help you out here in the rain." She mumbled, climbing to her feet. "I'll take you back to my place where I can fix you up." With that said, Sky attempted to help him to his feet.
Damon stood to his feet and clutched his side again. He mumbled something as he reached out to her and laid his arm over her shoulders. He let out a chuckle as he looks over at her with weak eyes. "Sorry if I get any blood on you, beautiful." He winces and shook his head. "Dammit..."
"I don't mind." Sky said with a small smile, a blush spreading across her cheeks as his words fully registered. "My place is just a short walk from here.." She said quietly as she helped him down the alley. A few short turns later and a small shack came into view. "I know it's not much" She mumbled as she used her foot to open the door. "but it's a place to call home at least.." She settled him into a chair and began darting around the small room and throwing open random cupboards to find bandages and such.
Damon chuckled as he shrugged off his jacket. He looked down to his exposed chest and cussed "Shit..." He shrugged and pulled off his shirt that he tied around his torso. He looked down to the gash. "How in the hell did that dumb ***** get me so bad?" He asked himself. He looked up to the girl. "I didnt catch your name love." He eyed her as she ran around.
She paused for a moment in her dashing. "Helena, but you can call me Sky." She said, turning around long enough to give him a smile. She finally found the bandages the she'd been looking for along with a small bottle of antiseptic and she made her way back over to where he was sitting. Kneeling down in front of him, she looked up curiously. "What's yours..?"
He turned some to the side to show her the gash that lead to his bellybutton all the way to his spine. He smiled down to her and raised an eyebrow. "Damon." He growled as a jolt of pain hit him. "Damn woman." He mumbled as he looked down to the bleeding gash. His eyes grew heavy as he shut them then opened them slowly. "I think I'm about to..." His head fell back and he passed out due to bloodloss.
"Oh boy.." Sky mumbled to herself as she bandaged him up. "Since I can't move you on my own, looks like your staying in the chair for a little while..." She said quietly. By this point she was well aware that she was simply talking to herself, but it was a habit that she picked up and it helped to keep her calm at times when she was stressed. "There, that ought to do it." She said as she finished bandaging his side. "I wonder what happened for you to be hurt so badly..."
----time change

Damon opened his eyes and groaned as he sat up looking around. "What the hell." He blinked a few times and looked down to his torso, seeing it was patched up he smiled and tried to stand up. He fell back into the chair and growled in pain. He looked around the room looking for Sky.
On the opposite side of the room, Sky sat curled up on a small couch. Her knees were tucked up against her chest and her arms were loosely wrapped around her legs. At the sound of his voice, Sky stirred slightly. She opened her red eyes and looked at him. "You know, you shouldn't be trying to move.." She mumbled quietly.
Damon raised an eyebrow and gave her a crooked smile. He eyed her small frame and watched her eyes. "You are tired?" he asked listening to her tone and watching her red eyes. "If you are I'll leave and let you sleep." He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. He let his mind travel to hers searching for her emotions. He wanted to know how she felt.
"No, I'm awake." She said softly, sending him a small smile as she stretched. For just waking up, thoughts were already coursing through her mind. She was glad that she had found him in that alley rather than someone else because not everyone would have helped him. She was also excited about the prospect of meeting someone new. Since her brother's had passed, she had holed up in her little shack and not really taken the time to get to know anyone. She was also curious about what had happened that left him injured in the alley. Other than all of that she was just content over her little nap since she didn't get the chance to relax often. Tilting her head at him, she couldn't help but smile again because in the back of her mind she was assessing him and his personality. So far she liked him because he seemed nice and she also thought that he was cute. However, she would never say these things out loud of course because embarrassing herself was the last thing she needed to do. "So, are you feeling any better this morning..?" She asked.
Damon could feel her curiousness. He smiled a crooked smile and rubbed his face with his hands and looked back at her. With out seeing himself in a mirror he could feel how he looks. He could see it now. His blue and red eye are darkened from bloodloss, his bed head, his... Shit... He thought and grabbed for his jacket pulling it on and zipping it up some. He looked back up to her and smiled his crooked smile again. "I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two ladies... Well after what I seen they dont act like ladies, but they got in a fight, me and this other girl tried to split it up, b**ch got me with a knife." He chuckled and shook his head. "Yea, I feel better. Thank you."
"Ahh.." Sky said softly. "Well, I'm glad you feel better at least." She said with a smile. She paused to swipe a stray strand of black hair out of her face. "Do you have a place to stay...? She asked, tilting her head to the side.
Damon watched as she pulled a strand of her raven hair from her face. "No, I saty around town." He chuckled and shook his head. "Mostly at the bar not too far from here." He scolded himself for letting his Irish accent slip through his teeth. C'mon, keep the fake american accent up. He smiled at her after dragging himself from his thoughts.
Sky raised an eyebrow slightly. She had noticed the faint Irish accent and her curiousity peaked again as she wondered why he was hiding it. "Oh, because I was gonna say you could stay in the spare bedroom here for a little while if you like." She said quietly with another small smile.
(Quick question... where are you guys? Heaven, Hell or Earth? I am not sure where to start...)

Damon found the best time to make a dirty joke but passed it up. "That sounds wonderful." He stood up and stretched some. Other than the sick feeling he felt fine. He pulled away the bandage and looked at the gash. It was healed up alot, that god. He chuckled as he thought about what he just thought... 'thank god' He looked at Sky and smiles. "Thank you fer everything. Is there anything I can do in return?"
'Heaven and Hell... they are like cities,' Angeline thought, sighing. She had always been confused why humans thought they looked differently, why would they? The Greeks were close, but still, besides really low crime rates in Heaven, and really high ones in Hell, on the surface they were similar to Earth. "Besides the powers... and the wings... and everything besides the first layer..." she mumbled softly to herself then snapped her head up and looked around, wondering if anyone had heard her mumbling to herself. Not like Angi cared much, she was used to people thinking she was odd. Over the years she learned to hide it, but Angels and Demons don't forget easily. Angi learned how to control her wings shifting color. They did it more randomly before, only according to her mood. Though they still do so, Angi tries to have them black in hell, and white in Heaven.

Right now, they were invisible to humans, as per the glamour on them, but to non-humans, they would be black-looking, according to how she felt. Angi was depressed, upset at the powers that be for being so cruel to her. Put her in the middle? She didn't see how that could be a good idea ever. Demons and Angels hated each other enough, throw a hybrid into the mix, and it was like they took all their hatred out on them... on her. On Earth, she walked through the darker streets, the dingier neighborhoods, no longer afraid of their ominous look, she found the dark comfortable, like she could hide from all the worlds here.

Angi knew she would have to return to either Heaven or Hell again at some point, stay a while at each, like a toy that both sides wanted, but only for argument's sake. Angi yawned and stretched, looking around as she walked, wondering if she would run into anyone interesting.
Sky shrugged. "It's fine. Having some company to help light up this empty place is payment enough." She said softly. Her eyes couldn't help but glance quickly over at the black leather jacket that was strewn haphazardly over the back of the couch. It had belonged to her older brother. He threw it there before he left on the day he was killed and she hadn't touched it since. Shaking her head to rid herself of that train of thought, she looked back up at Damon with a smile as if attempting to cover up her moment of reflection.

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