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Fantasy Demonic Re:Possession.

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Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
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This felt like it was a bad dream. Not a nightmare, it had started that way, as you had awoken to find that you were no longer in your bed and had suddenly gained horns and goat feet. But now it was simply a bad dream as you sat in the rather ordinary office. It would have been like any other were it not for the grey skinned man with gash across his throat that blue flames occasionally flicked out of. You could also just make out a small crown of horns underneath his hair. And he no doubt had cloven feet behind that desk, just like yours. You had been guided by several other bored looking individuals, looking much like the one in the office with you, though their blue markings were different, in size, shape and location, as were their horns. You couldn't make head nor tail (which you could've sworn one of them had) of the situation, and how the guy just pointed to a seat didn't help much either. That was when the small pamphlet caught your eye.

Welcome to Hell!

Now you might have a few questions, and that is why this pamphlet was made.

The biggest question you may be having right now is "how did I get here"? Well that's a simple answer. You where dying a violent death and you wished for revenge upon your assailants. That is when The Boss showed up, offered you a contract, and you no doubt signed it without a second thought! Maybe next time you'll read the fine print. In this contract, it is stated that in return for allowing you to get your final vengeance, you relinquish your mortal soul and will work for Satan until either a.) you are released from your services, b.) retire after an eon of valiant service, or c.) you perish in the line of duty! Hope you don't get that last one!

Now what exactly are you doing here? That's another easy answer, you're here to work! Souls have a fiscal value here in the Divine Realms! And your job is to go out and collect them! From rabbits and humans to chimeras and dragons, it's up to you to obtain them! I personally wish you the best of luck!

Ok, so now you know how you got here, and what you're going to do now that you're here, so now what do you get out of it? If only you had read the contract, then you would know the answer yourself. Can't let that be happening in the future. I'll let you off this one time and tell you, you get a pass into Heaven. Yep, that's right, you're retirement is the fast track to them Pearly Gates. But you have to survive long enough to enjoy it!

That sums up the general stuff. If you have any further questions, you'll just have to wait for the presentation!​

What an oddly condescending pamphlet, but it did help to explain. Sort of. No, it didn't help at all, now that you think about it. Like you were supposed to really believe all that? But what other explanation did you have for this? So it was right, you supposed, but that didn't mean it was helpful. Guess you'd just have to wait for this presentation.
If you have questions, feel free to ask. Here's a couple things that I'm going to throw down that I didn't feel would fit in that intro.
  1. A demon's strength can often be judged by their horns. Often times the larger/more elaborate the horns, the stronger the demon. There are exceptions, but those are few and far between.
  2. The flaming blue wounds are those that they got during, or shortly after in some cases, their violent death.
So that's it from me for now. If you got questions, ask them here and I'll answer them. If I did a good enough job, the next time you'll hear me is when I've made a CS and OOC.
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Does this come with some sort of evolution/upgrade process as is common for isekais?
Fair enough, but how about getting bigger/more elaborate or just more horns as we get stronger?
Fair enough, but how about getting bigger/more elaborate or just more horns as we get stronger?
I can see that getting stronger, upgrading, evolving, etc etc would make sense, promotions within the company and what not, but I'm worried that it could get out of hand pretty quick. That is why I've decided against upgrading/evolving/gaining more raw power. This doesn't, however, stop your character from getting more proficient with what they're given. They are recruits after all, they have learning to do.
I can see that getting stronger, upgrading, evolving, etc etc would make sense, promotions within the company and what not, but I'm worried that it could get out of hand pretty quick. That is why I've decided against upgrading/evolving/gaining more raw power. This doesn't, however, stop your character from getting more proficient with what they're given. They are recruits after all, they have learning to do.

Yeah I get that, I was just wondering if since bigger/more elaborate horns are typically a sign of strength if they would change when we improve or if they represent our our full potential.
What you start with is what you'll have for the duration of the rp. If I change my mind about this, I will say so.
I'm interested. How will this go down、are the other rpers going to be other people who ended up working for satan?
A few questions before I put myself into a bad position lol
-Is there a length you would prefer? (I personally hate forcing myself to write more than a paragraph if I feel like it will just become bland)
-Max size/complexnous we could have in theory?
-Any powers you would prefer not to have?
  1. A paragraph is just fine
  2. I'm not going to put a limit on it, but I'm a simple person so I might have questions.
  3. Nothing that's quite clearly to powerful, ie time control and the ability to make portals to get anywhere, etc etc. If you don't know if your specific power will be accepted, pm it to me and we'll work something out.

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