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Realistic or Modern demon x human f/f ?


local unicorn
"Oh, please, I have loved you so much from afar! I know you, little human, are afraid of the unholy- but I can show you true love if you would just surrender to me..."

Possessive demon x human F/F. I will not do M/M or M/F for this roleplay, I'm strictly craving some lesbian love right now (mostly because I'm homoromantic and i've been Mega Single(TM) lately ;-; ). I'll play the demon!

RP base plot:
Your character is pretty sure a demon has been stalking her for half a year now. Your character sees the demon, with a barbed tail, large wings, and horns outside her bedroom window at night. She's been getting more and more bold- showing up whenever your character looks over her shoulder, peering out at her from behind a tree or a wall before disappearing. One night a week ago, your character even woke up to the demon perched right on the edge of the bed, before she fled out the window and into the night.

Well, the demon is about to make a real first move... which is where the real fun begins.


Things to note:
- I'm fine with ghosting early on in the RP (like in the first few months)! Sometimes it's real awkward to tell someone you've just met you're not interested in the RP anymore. I get it. Though after we've really established ourselves, I'd prefer it if you would just tell me you're not into it anymore.
- This is my first time doing a real romantic RP.
- OOC is great, let's chat and get to know each other! I'd also love to work out more details of the plot with you~
- I'm 18, and would ideally like to play with someone who is 17-21!
- No explicit sex OR gore. No animals getting hurt. No detailed descriptions of pain or injury. This is what I'm most sensitive to.
- I would like a post at least once a week!
- I don't care about post length. As long as you're contributing something meaningful to the RP, I don't mind!

I think that's everything!~​

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