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Demon X Angel w/ Gamer Wizard Justin


"All Monsters Are Human"

♥ An Angel girl and a Demon boy meet somewhere in deep in the woods and they end up falling for each other even though it is wrong for their kind. ♥

Character Sheet




Appearance (NO ANIME PLEASE)






  • Kayla Smith



@Gamer Wizard Justin

Okay then just fill out one of those character sheets then we can get started! ( :P )
Name: Justin Kire

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance (NO ANIME PLEASE)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0501c84f84ea935ef937201a1b967d75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0501c84f84ea935ef937201a1b967d75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Silence, Food, Trickery


Rotten food, smart people, Angels, Stubborn girls

Power(s): Controls Lightning, Can control fire, can seduce a human.




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Hey so ready to start RPing?

@Gamer Wizard Justin


Kayla stood in the middle of a overgrown grassy meadow that stretched far up the hill surrounding the willow trees that dangled their strands effortlessly in the cool breeze that wiped through her blond wavy hair laying her hands at her sides loosely gazing around with her glazed sparkly blue eyes that the sun reflected on beating down on her shining brightly. The horizon had orange streaks that looked like silk from off in the distance. She let in a deep inhale breathing in the fresh sent of lavender. Kayla stood alone planting her feet to the ground letting her white dress sway in the the wind plopping herself in the meadow on her knees. "Why is it so quiet?" She asked quietly hearing the wind whistle to her.

Justin was running through the forest he was chased off from a few males because he was making their girlfriends seduced to him then the males got angry and went to beat him up. He then ran into the meadow and tripped over a girl in the meadow and he looked at her. "Sorry about that"
Kayla furrowed her eyebrows at the boy tilting her head slightly then scanned his face. "It's fine..." She said then let out a sigh hearing people yelling towards them. "Uh...what's that?" She asked fumbling her fingers through her soft blond hair then stood to her feet. "I think I need to get going..." She said turning to the boy "sorry disturb you" she muttered then ran for it towards the dark woods that were extremely thick. Kayla came to a stop sitting down in the leaves and twigs closing her eyes.
He sighed and ran afte the girl "wait up!" He shouted and kept running he threw a ball of fire and ran after her. She didn't seem human though he had to find out if she was or not. He was hoping to find her actually
Kayla came to a stop hearing the boy come after her. She shifted her body towards the sound fearfully then adjusted the flower crown on top of her head. "What?!" She exclaimed with trembling fingers and her blue eyes were glossed. The sun beated down on her leaving a shadow on the ground of her silhouette. "What do you want?!" She asked shutting her eyes.
Kayla looked at him at furrows her eyebrows questionably then nodded at his name "Kayla" she said then formed a half smile on her face then sighed "and you can after me because you wanted to meet me?" She asked.
Kayla came to a stop then shifted her body towards him "so what are you here for?" She asked raising an eyebrows folding her arms across her chest scanning his face with her blue eyes.
"Care to explain what you are?" He asked and sighed then stared at her. He was thinking on what she could possibly be with all the mythical creatures
Kayla nodded at his question then let a smile cross her lips. "An Angel, Why you are you staring at me?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows then gazed around then back down at him.
"that's impossible, I thought Angels were sectioned off from the human world?" He asked and looked at her kindly. He didn't know what to do but he didn't mention he was a demon. He wasn't really on the Angels side since he killed a few back then
Kayla let out a deep exhale then shrugged "I got placed down , I didn't have a choice if I could go back I would but I can't" she said then nodded looking up at the boy "what are you?" She asked placing her hands out in front of her playing with her bracelet on her wrist.
"Something that you don't wanna know" he said to her and sighed. He was wondering ehat to do after all. She seemed like she's out of place after all
"what do you mean I don't wanna know?" She asked curiously tilting her head to the side with huge puppy eyes smiling.
He looked at her And sighed "what are you trying to do but I'm just a demon. " he muttered to bet and sighed he was wondering what she was thinking now.
Kayla furrowed her eyebrows at the boy and shrugged "you don't seem like one, actually a lot nicer than most of them" she muttered making her eyes bigger then look over at him "I'll accept you, your alright" she said looking at the ground.
"If you say I'm nice again I'll pummel your face in!" He said rudly and sighed. He hated that she was thinking he was nice. He was wondering why she accepted him anyways
Kayla came to a stop then raised her arms up looking at the ground letting her blond hair drape in front of her face directing her shiny blues eyes towards the ground "go ahead since your a demon and you hate me..." She trailed off with a serious tone.

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