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Fantasy Demon Wars Lore

Noodle Time

Yeah I'm hot...A hot mess
The year is 249 af (after fall). 249 years since the world fell to the demons. During the day humans are safe but at night they are forced to hide behind magical wards meant to keep demons out. They patiently wait for a sign that the God they worship will send down his demi-god son to wipe out the demons but their prayers go unanswered.

In the small town of Arden in the North of the continent there's a stir. Someone is starting a group of hunters who will venture into the night and find the secrets behind the old world. They wish to find wards that not only offer defence but also offence in the vain hope they can take the fight to the demons and push them back into the core of the Earth.

The continent itself is large and to the North are the snowy mountains of Achbalen and to the far south is the expansive desert of Bach'maen. In the centre of the continent is the country known as Thelum. The people here are hardy but both the people from the North and the South hate them. Ever since the demons rose up the people of Thelum have found themselves hiding from demons at night and fighting warriors from the other two countries during the day.
Demons in general
Demons rise from the Earth every night as soon as the sun goes down. They are fearsome creatures that can strike terror into the most brave of warriors. They all have thick skin and can heal any wound that isn't fatal almost instantly. Normal human weapons cannot break through this armour without offensive wards which as of yet, humans do not have. It does not mean they are invincible however, a weapon can still pierce through the top of their mouth into their brain but will probably cause the weapon to break too as the demon goes into death throes. Their eyes are also soft and once again can be pierced by a weapon but again may result in the loss of a weapon if it doesn't go deep enough as the demon is likely to snatch it away. The most effective way the Hunters have of dealing with demons right now is pushing them back into heavily warded pits and waiting for the sun to come up as sunlight burns them away until they are no more.

Wind/Air Demon
Giant birdlike demons with thick skin on their bodies. The weakest point on an Air demon is their wings as they are only covered in a thin membrane. This does not mean they are useless if they are grounded as their wounds heal within minutes but if they can be trapped in a ward pit before they recover they won't be able to escape. They have sharp scythe-like talons on their feet which are sharp enough to behead/gut anyone unlikely to be caught by them. If they can be caught in a narrow ward net they can also be grounded too as they require a running start to take off.

Fire Demons
Fire Demons are the most common type of demon. They are also the shortest only measuring to about 5 feet in height. Just like the other demons they are protected by thick armoured scales and can spit fire over a great distance. Fire demons have telltale signs that they are about to spit fire, they have to take in a deep inhalation of air meaning a Hunter has time to anticipate and dodge. Fire demons can be killed in two ways so far, they can be pushed into a ward pit and be forced to wait for daylight to burn them away or they can be dropped into water where they will thrash and drown. Killing a fire demon does not mean safety though. If they are drowned the water will reach very high levels of heat and anyone touched by the water will be scalded heavily and may lose skin. If the fire demon is somehow made to bleed, their blood is a very high temperature as it is liquid fire, anyone touched by fire demon blood will not only be severely burnt but they also run the risk of combusting.

Earth Demons
Earth Demons are the most formidable Demons observed so far. They stand at around 9 feet tall but others have reported seeing Earth Demons at 12 feet. These heavily armoured creatures are not to be treated lightly. Besides their size and weight they have incredible horns that will gore anyone unfortunate enough to be hit by them but they also have a knack of bringing smaller demons with them as they are the most likely to find a hole in a ward net. Even if humans had combat wards it would take a squad of Hunters to bring one of this abominations down. For now, when Hunters see an Earth Demon they retreat and find a new area to ward trap demons. Earth Demons look like they are made out of rocks and hardened clay.

Meadow Demons
If there was anyone fast enough to outrun other Demons, Hell did some planning. Meadow Demons may sound sweet in name but in reality they are horrendous creatures. Their maws are filled with rows of dagger-like teeth and they can also run faster than any man. Horses may be able to outrun them but just like humans, Meadow Demons are endurance hunters. Once they get the scent of a human they will chase them throughout the night until they either kill them or the sun rises to chase them back to Hell. These creatures look small but they are no laughing matter, they are covered in thick scales on their backs with thinner skin on the front but even then, swords would have a hard time piercing this skin. The best thing to do when you see a meadow demon is run to the safety of the wards.
Wards: Defensive
So far Humans only have defensive wards to keep the demons out. These wards are not to be laughed at however. Each demon has a specific ward which must be carved into the ward net that surrounds a building or city to keep them out. When ward circles are made for a city they must contain an even amount of each ward and they must be placed in a way that casts a strong net to keep Demons out. There are miscellaneous wards like Heat wards which just helps to keep the heat in during winter times.

The Hunters put defensive wards on their shields and armour so they can push demons back but even then, the ward nets are not strong enough without supporting offensive wards so they just take some of the impact out of being hit.

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