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Fantasy Demon Wars CS

Noodle Time

Yeah I'm hot...A hot mess
Welcome to the Demon Wars Character Sheet. Please follow the format of the CS and then wait for me to accept your character before you join in with the RP. When making a character please be aware that right now magic has not been unlocked so for now just give your character a normal weapon like a sword or a bow (No guns or firearms since they don't exist in this world)


Extra notes:

Augustus "Gus" Raqual

Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Gus grew up always fighting for survival and sometimes just for the hell of it. He was abounded by his parents at the age of 10 and he remembers the day clearly since it was the day he realized just how unfair this world was. As he continued to fight he eventually grew a name for himself a terrible name but a name none the less in the streets he's known as the 'devil eyes' due to how cold and hard his eyes have grown giving zero hint of remorse or any emotion has he beats his victims. Growing up he eventually evolved from someone who had to fight in order to survive to doing it in order to assert his dominance over others who try and cause trouble he shifted what goes on with others like him forcing them to stop stealing and stopped the fighting between them rising into a leader of sorts for them. It was almost perfect timing this was when demons started coming and attacking so with no one else to defend them Augustus took a stand grabbing his weapon he still uses to this day a 70cm tall viking sword along with a battered wooden shield that has the names of his fallen friends carved into it so they're never forgotten. This is where the male his now as his story continues to unfold as the demons attack.
Personality: He is a cold insensitive person with an insatiable urge to fight which can cause him to lose that cold facade fast if pushes enough though it doesn't make much to anger him. If he isn't dealing with strangers and has somehow warmed up to a person he shows a different side however a kinder side full of care and urge to protect the individual most because he wasn't able to save the others who fought with him so long ago.

Name: Umbra Tano

Age: 22

Gender: Non-Binary

Picture/Description: (attached below)

Backstory: Umbra used to live in a small town known as Creek's Brook. As a child they had spent their time hiding behind the wards and hoping that one day the chosen warrior would come along and free the world from the clutches of the demons. After growing up they realised that the world wasn't going to be saved by a Legend. It had to be saved by the people who lived. At first Umbra was reluctant to step beyond the wards of their village until one night they fell and the demons swept in, killing anyone they saw. Umbra took this opportunity to run from the village straight to Arden where they now run a small guild office for aspiring hunters. Very soon they plan to lead the guild on an expedition to find wards from the old world that can turn the tide of the demon war to favour humanity instead.

Extra notes: unlike the picture they are human, they just have purple hair and the black marks around their eyes. The rest of them is human


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Name: Natasha Carson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Picture/Description: B0B4AB5C-1353-4B3E-A9CE-8537B4AF0774.png Natasha has dark brunette hair that reaches her lower back; just above her hips. Her eyes are a dazzling hazel, changing the mixture of blue, green, brown, and gold depending on the amount of the sun’s rays that hits them and they are shaped in likeness to a doe’s eyes. Her skin is pale, but also has a caramel hue just beneath the surface, giving her skin a sort of glow. Her eyebrows, matching her hair’s color, are arched slightly upward, giving her an innocent look that matches her young age. She has a small scar at the corner of her left eyebrow, hardly noticeable as it faded with the passage of time. Her mouth is on the larger side, full and plump, and always in a bright smile that shows her slightly crooked white teeth.
Natasha is of average height for her age, standing at five foot six (5’6”) and weighs one hundred nine pounds (109lbs). Her figure isn’t very curvy, just a slight dip in her waist that could be said to resemble curves. Natasha isn’t very physically strong, barely able to carry anything heavier than a small doe that she hunted. Her shoulders are pretty thin, leaving much to be desired where strength is involved.

Personality: Natasha is an open, bubbly girl who befriends everyone. She sees the good in Humanity, even where others wouldn’t. She isn’t very violent either, which is why her weapon of choice is a bow and arrow or a spear so she doesn’t have to get too close to whatever it is she is shooting through. Her kind heart was been said would get her killed, but she doesn’t understand why.
But, just because she’s kind doesn’t mean she can’t be stubborn. She won’t be quick to anger, but once she makes up her mind she won’t back down without a fight. She’ll only follow someone who has proved they have the right to lead and to the respect that comes along with it and she will get confrontational if it seems that someone is threatening her friends. She won’t stop unless one side gives or if blood gets drawn.

Backstory: Natasha was born in a male - oriented family. She doesn’t know her mother and has been surrounded by her father and her six older brothers. She was learning how to skin a felled animal before she could even walk. But she found the act of killing for sport appalling, preferring to kill when she needed it for its meat and its hide. She was criticized for this attitude as, in her family, hunting was a bonding experience, and should be seen as a God -worthy event. She just didn’t see it though, so while her brothers all mastered swordplay so they could get ‘up close and personal’ when they took their prey down, Natasha learned how to use a bow and arrow and, after a while, the spear as well.
When she was a child, she loved playing with the other kids whenever she got away from her brothers and father. Her favorite games were tag and demons, which was a game made up by her group of friends that was split into two teams: The Hunters and The Demons. The Hunters usually won, but it was a fun pastime! As she grew older, she found herself wondering more and more about the Older World and the ruins she had heard about from those passing through her home town. She would read anything she could get her hands on about it, though what she found was hardly readable. Her family discouraged this, but she didn’t care as she looked high and low for anything related to the Older World. And that is why she joined the group of Hunters that banded together, in search of answers, but also for a way of life outside of making ends meet whilst inside the stiff wards that protected them.
She also found out later that she was different from the others from a young age and was strongly discouraged from acting on those behaviors...but it didn’t work and she is known within her family as the disappointment.

Extra notes: Natasha rarely eats the meat she obtains, preferring to sell it or give it away to those who needed it most. She’s also a very skilled seamstress and crafter, able to make anything as long as she had the right materials. Also, fun fact that only Amberlynn and her family knows! Natasha is a trans woman!

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Name: Natasha Carson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Picture/Description: Natasha has dark brunette hair that reaches her lower back; just above her hips. Her eyes are a dazzling hazel, changing the mixture of blue, green, brown, and gold depending on the amount of the sun’s rays that hits them and they are shaped in likeness to a doe’s eyes. Her skin is pale, but also has a caramel hue just beneath the surface, giving her skin a sort of glow. Her eyebrows, matching her hair’s color, are arched slightly upward, giving her an innocent look that matches her young age. She has a small scar at the corner of her left eyebrow, hardly noticeable as it faded with the passage of time. Her mouth is on the larger side, full and plump, and always in a bright smile that shows her slightly crooked white teeth.
Natasha is of average height for her age, standing at five foot six (5’6”) and weighs one hundred nine pounds (109lbs). Her figure isn’t very curvy, just a slight dip in her waist that could be said to resemble curves. Natasha isn’t very physically strong, barely able to carry anything heavier than a small doe that she hunted. Her shoulders are pretty thin, leaving much to be desired where strength is involved.

Personality: Natasha is an open, bubbly girl who befriends everyone. She sees the good in Humanity, even where others wouldn’t. She isn’t very violent either, which is why her weapon of choice is a bow and arrow or a spear so she doesn’t have to get too close to whatever it is she is shooting through. Her kind heart was been said would get her killed, but she doesn’t understand why.
But, just because she’s kind doesn’t mean she can’t be stubborn. She won’t be quick to anger, but once she makes up her mind she won’t back down without a fight. She’ll only follow someone who has proved they have the right to lead and to the respect that comes along with it and she will get confrontational if it seems that someone is threatening her friends. She won’t stop unless one side gives or if blood gets drawn.

Backstory: Natasha was born in a male - oriented family. She doesn’t know her mother and has been surrounded by her father and her six older brothers. She was learning how to skin a felled animal before she could even walk. But she found the act of killing for sport appalling, preferring to kill when she needed it for its meat and its hide. She was criticized for this attitude as, in her family, hunting was a bonding experience, and should be seen as a God -worthy event. She just didn’t see it though, so while her brothers all mastered swordplay so they could get ‘up close and personal’ when they took their prey down, Natasha learned how to use a bow and arrow and, after a while, the spear as well.
When she was a child, she loved playing with the other kids whenever she got away from her brothers and father. Her favorite games were tag and demons, which was a game made up by her group of friends that was split into two teams: The Hunters and The Demons. The Hunters usually won, but it was a fun pastime! As she grew older, she found herself wondering more and more about the Older World and the ruins she had heard about from those passing through her home town. She would read anything she could get her hands on about it, though what she found was hardly readable. Her family discouraged this, but she didn’t care as she looked high and low for anything related to the Older World. And that is why she joined the group of Hunters that banded together, in search of answers, but also for a way of life outside of making ends meet whilst inside the stiff wards that protected them.

Extra notes: Natasha rarely eats the meat she obtains, preferring to sell it or give it away to those who needed it most. She’s also a very skilled seamstress and crafter, able to make anything as long as she had the right materials.

Accepted :)
Name: Noor Hadad

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Appearance (Click to Enlarge):

Attire (Click to Enlarge):

Personality: Noor is quiet and keeps to herself. She only really approaches people if she needs something from them. In terms of personal relationships she prefers to keep people at a distance. Often she'll only talk if addressed first or if she has something important to say. It is rare for her to show any emotion. If there is conflict between her and another person she prefers to avoid the situation as opposed to have confrontation. Often times in disagreements she'll just let the other person win unless the issue revolves around necessities.

Backstory: Noor was born in one of the kingdoms scattered throughout the desert of Bach'maen. She was born impoverished, and she was born male. Most young men in similar situations joined a band of thieves but she was frail compared to other boys her age, and didn't believe herself capable of surviving their heists or the fights they get into. Instead she opted to take on a female persona and join the dancers. Her slim figure allowed her to pass well, and she never offered the other services the other dancers did as to not be discovered. Somehow though, one day she was, and found herself fleeing the kingdom for her life. She ended up traveling north through the sands, stopping along nearby villages for shelter and protection against the demons. She managed to pick up sword dancing, which not only served to improve her act but also provided her a means of self-defense. She survived by continuing to dance, as well as taking any odd jobs she could find that weren't too hard for her body to handle. She eventually ended up in Arden and has been taking refuge there while thinking of her next move.

Extra Notes: Noor uses twin daggers as a weapon.
Name: Noor Hadad

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Appearance (Click to Enlarge):
View attachment 693968

Attire (Click to Enlarge):
View attachment 693969

Personality: Noor is quiet and keeps to herself. She only really approaches people if she needs something from them. In terms of personal relationships she prefers to keep people at a distance. Often she'll only talk if addressed first or if she has something important to say. It is rare for her to show any emotion. If there is conflict between her and another person she prefers to avoid the situation as opposed to have confrontation. Often times in disagreements she'll just let the other person win unless the issue revolves around necessities.

Backstory: Noor was born in one of the kingdoms scattered throughout the desert of Bach'maen. She was born impoverished, and she was born male. Most young men in similar situations joined a band of thieves but she was frail compared to other boys her age, and didn't believe herself capable of surviving their heists or the fights they get into. Instead she opted to take on a female persona and join the dancers. Her slim figure allowed her to pass well, and she never offered the other services the other dancers did as to not be discovered. Somehow though, one day she was, and found herself fleeing the kingdom for her life. She ended up traveling north through the sands, stopping along nearby villages for shelter and protection against the demons. She managed to pick up sword dancing, which not only served to improve her act but also provided her a means of self-defense. She survived by continuing to dance, as well as taking any odd jobs she could find that weren't too hard for her body to handle. She eventually ended up in Arden and has been taking refuge there while thinking of her next move.

Extra Notes: Noor uses twin daggers as a weapon.


Augustus "Gus" Raqual
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Gus grew up always fighting for survival and sometimes just for the hell of it. He was abounded by his parents at the age of 10 and he remembers the day clearly since it was the day he realized just how unfair this world was. As he continued to fight he eventually grew a name for himself a terrible name but a name none the less in the streets he's known as the 'devil eyes' due to how cold and hard his eyes have grown giving zero hint of remorse or any emotion has he beats his victims. Growing up he eventually evolved from someone who had to fight in order to survive to doing it in order to assert his dominance over others who try and cause trouble he shifted what goes on with others like him forcing them to stop stealing and stopped the fighting between them rising into a leader of sorts for them. It was almost perfect timing this was when demons started coming and attacking so with no one else to defend them Augustus took a stand grabbing his weapon he still uses to this day a 70cm tall viking sword along with a battered wooden shield that has the names of his fallen friends carved into it so they're never forgotten. This is where the male his now as his story continues to unfold as the demons attack.
Personality: He is a cold insensitive person with an insatiable urge to fight which can cause him to lose that cold facade fast if pushes enough though it doesn't make much to anger him. If he isn't dealing with strangers and has somehow warmed up to a person he shows a different side however a kinder side full of care and urge to protect the individual most because he wasn't able to save the others who fought with him so long ago.

Okay so rpnation deleted my comment. Accepted, sorry about that!
Name: Amberlynn Summers

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Picture/Description: Amberlynn.jpg

Backstory: Used to play with Natasha until her family moved her across town. She was trained non stop in swordplay but preferred to use daggers. Her family is consisted of her mother, two sisters, father, and three brothers. Fighting is in her blood and is all she knows. She was thrown out of the wards when she was ten and left out there until she found her way back a month later. She was covered in blood, sweat, tears, and mud, but she was alive. She knows what it means when people say to fight like your life depends on it. It's all she knows, so she's an expert in strategic plans and retreats.

Extra notes: She's a mute. She's able to find ways to communicate, but she refuses to talk unless she absolutely has to.

Name: Amberlynn Summers

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Picture/Description: View attachment 698597

Backstory: Used to play with Natasha until her family moved her across town. She was trained non stop in swordplay but preferred to use daggers. Her family is consisted of her mother, two sisters, father, and three brothers. Fighting is in her blood and is all she knows. She was thrown out of the wards when she was ten and left out there until she found her way back a month later. She was covered in blood, sweat, tears, and mud, but she was alive. She knows what it means when people say to fight like your life depends on it. It's all she knows, so she's an expert in strategic plans and retreats.

Extra notes: She's a mute. She's able to find ways to communicate, but she refuses to talk unless she absolutely has to.

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Name: Allanon

Age: 15

Gender: male

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history: he was born in japan and when Allanon was a baby his mom died at birth and his dad hated him for that exact reason so he abandoned on the street when he was just 3 he had to be raised in the battles and hardships. he killed many for money/yen he had to steel his weapons and when he gets angry the demon takes control in a way, he hasn't seen the demon take full control since it passed into him. he made a name for himself and because of that a lot of people fear him that name was FROSTBITE.
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extra notes: he rarely ever talks and when he is around his crush he doesn't talk at all. he uses any weapon he can use but he is best with dull blades, staff, daggers, and scythe. he has some what of wings that are huge he never shows them though unless your in battle.


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Reginald Raqual

Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: He never knew his outcast of a brother since he was abounded and his family had him which he was treated with move respect and basically spoiled he wanted to take sword lessons he'd take them until he got bored of it regardless of the price same with bow practice in which he wasn't fond of either and had stopped that. Finally he decided that spear lessons was the most elegant weapon that matched just how amazing and handsome he was and used his family name as a bribe tool and used his money to make friends or basic pieces of a chess board for him to use as he wishes. Eventually he caught wind of the guild as strolling through town after lessons and wanted something fun to do.
Personality: He's full of himself always believing he is so much better and isn't afraid to voice his opinion on the matter or "criticize" his "comrades". He was always made leader and will always believe he is the true leader because he was spoiled so young if he doesn't get his way he will huff and complain even back stab if needed to achieve what HE wants no one else.
He also carries around a small sack of candy that he is not sharing with anyone and will get angry if anyone even lays a finger on him. HUGE GOD COMPLEX

Name: Allanon

Age: 15

Gender: male

history: he was born in japan and when Allanon was a baby his mom died at birth so her demon passed into him and his dad hated him for that exact reason so he abandoned on the street when he was just 3 he had to be raised in the battles and hardships. he killed many for money/yen he had to steel his weapons and when he gets angry the demon takes control in a way, he hasn't seen the demon take full control since it passed into him. he made a name for himself and because of that a lot of people fear him that name was FROSTBITE.
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extra notes: he rarely ever talks and when he is around his crush he doesn't talk at all. he uses any weapon he can use but he is best with dull blades, staff, daggers, and scythe. he has some what of wings that are huge he never shows them though unless your in battle.


Yeah no one has demon forms in this, it's humans vs demons right now and also Japan isn't a country in this RP as it's a made up world :P so if you fix the backstory so the character isn't a demon and doesn't have wings all should be fine

Reginald Raqual
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: He never knew his outcast of a brother since he was abounded and his family had him which he was treated with move respect and basically spoiled he wanted to take sword lessons he'd take them until he got bored of it regardless of the price same with bow practice in which he wasn't fond of either and had stopped that. Finally he decided that spear lessons was the most elegant weapon that matched just how amazing and handsome he was and used his family name as a bribe tool and used his money to make friends or basic pieces of a chess board for him to use as he wishes. Eventually he caught wind of the guild as strolling through town after lessons and wanted something fun to do.
Personality: He's full of himself always believing he is so much better and isn't afraid to voice his opinion on the matter or "criticize" his "comrades". He was always made leader and will always believe he is the true leader because he was spoiled so young if he doesn't get his way he will huff and complain even back stab if needed to achieve what HE wants no one else.
He also carries around a small sack of candy that he is not sharing with anyone and will get angry if anyone even lays a finger on him. HUGE GOD COMPLEX

Name: Allanon

Age: 15

Gender: male

history: he was born in japan and when Allanon was a baby his mom died at birth and his dad hated him for that exact reason so he abandoned on the street when he was just 3 he had to be raised in the battles and hardships. he killed many for money/yen he had to steel his weapons and when he gets angry the demon takes control in a way, he hasn't seen the demon take full control since it passed into him. he made a name for himself and because of that a lot of people fear him that name was FROSTBITE.
may be edited

extra notes: he rarely ever talks and when he is around his crush he doesn't talk at all. he uses any weapon he can use but he is best with dull blades, staff, daggers, and scythe. he has some what of wings that are huge he never shows them though unless your in battle.


accepted. remember though you don't have wings and you aren't half demon. Just a regular ol' human
Name: Paige Thomas
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Backstory: She grew up in a Southern area. The youngest of 3 children, she always looked up to her brothers. Over the last two years, her entire family and most friends have been lost. Most to demons. She's normally quite lighthearted, but not lately due to events. She can be a bit naive, but she can hold her own in a fight. She is also terrified of water over her head or the possibility of it happening due to nearly drowning as a small child. She carries a metal staff for defence.
Name: Paige Thomas
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Backstory: She grew up in a Southern area. The youngest of 3 children, she always looked up to her brothers. Over the last two years, her entire family and most friends have been lost. Most to demons. She's normally quite lighthearted, but not lately due to events. She can be a bit naive, but she can hold her own in a fight. She is also terrified of water over her head or the possibility of it happening due to nearly drowning as a small child. She carries a metal staff for defence.
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Name: ruka adachi
Age: 20
Gender: male
Picture/Description / hes 5ft and he is also introvert but is very loyal to his friends and family he has dyed hair and pale green eyes that change a bright purple when he is angery when he is angered its hard to stop him from what he set his mind in doing he is also gay but doesnt talk about it much and is still in the closet mostly to strangers but hes friends know
Backstory: he lived in the woods with his family untill they got killed in a fire hes been on his own since then teaching himself to fight and live taking odd jobs for people to survie
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Name: ruka adachi
Age: 20
Gender: male
Picture/Description / hes 5ft and a weretiger he is also introvert but is very loyal to his friends and family he has dyed hair and pale green eyes that change a bright purple when he is in his tiger form when he is angered its hard to stop him from what he set his mind in doing he is also gay but doesnt talk about it much and is still in the closet mostly to strangers but hes friends know
:View attachment 704405
Backstory: he lived in the woods with his family untill they got killed in a fire hes been on his own since then teaching himself to fight and live taking odd jobs for people to survie
Extra notes:

there aren't any weretigers in this rp...It's humans only, I know my character pic is deceiving but my character is human in this RP too
Name: ruka adachi
Age: 20
Gender: male
Picture/Description / hes 5ft and he is also introvert but is very loyal to his friends and family he has dyed hair and pale green eyes that change a bright purple when he is angery when he is angered its hard to stop him from what he set his mind in doing he is also gay but doesnt talk about it much and is still in the closet mostly to strangers but hes friends know
:View attachment 704405
Backstory: he lived in the woods with his family untill they got killed in a fire hes been on his own since then teaching himself to fight and live taking odd jobs for people to survie
Extra notes:

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