Demon Summoning

The Mad hatter

Junior Member
ok, it says in the players hand book for the god blooded that they can cast terrestial circle sorcery, but it also says they can not summon demons as they were not pacted with when the yotzis surrundered....

but mortals using thuam or predescribed ways can summon demons, so shouldnt a Demon-Blooded be able to summon up 1st cricle demons as long as they serve their demonic parent?
but mortals using thuam or predescribed ways can summon demons' date=' so shouldnt a Demon-Blooded be able to summon up 1st cricle demons as long as they serve their demonic parent?[/quote']
I see no reason why God-blooded couldn't summon demons using thaumaturgy. However, that's a far cry from summoning via sorcery.

It might be useful for a Demon to allow someone to think that it was bound to do their will, instead of being forced to.  But that goes along with Demons being a damn sight smarter than most Sorcerers think they are.  

You are Demon Blooded, you get whispered a grand idea that you can summon up your 'relatives' and the relatives how up to do your bidding. Fantastic! So, you call them up a few more times. Fantastic, but this time, they showed up a little late from their ripping into your enemies. Then they start asking for some things in addition, just to seal the deal.  Then it gets harder, and they start citing metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, so you're going to have to do more to get them there.  All the while, the poor bastiche is corrupted further and further, and Demons are loosed to do their master's will.

As an ST, I'd be more than happy to maintain a PC's illusion that they're in charge...
i sorta figured that if your a demon blooded, then summoning by sorcery is possable, but you cant controll them, meaning you have to rely on personal managtism and threats, along with the threat of your parents displesure if they dont coporate, that is if you serve your demonic parent that is.
you have to rely on personal managtism and threats' date=' along with the threat of your parents displesure if they dont coporate[/quote']
Man that's some charisma to threaten demons.  For a start they're not likely to be impressed that some uppity by blow of a demon dares to summon its full blood betters.  Secondly the demon bloods parent cares about there offspring only as long as they are doing there bidding.  They are pawns, slaves, hands within creation not adored children.  You can count on daddy Yozi to sign your checks as long as you further his plans and therefore I agree with Jakk Bey, your demon blood merely thinks they're in charge until its all too late.
This isn't unique to Demon-Bloods and demons, by the way--Ghost-Bloods using necromancy to summon ghosts, or a God-Blood trying to summon an elemental have similar issues.

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