Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
Approved by Stillborn
Name      - Shinobi, the Shade Warrior, Demon of the First Circle
Linerage    - Progeny of The Keeper of the Forge of Night
Concept     - Shadow ninja demons!
Nature     - Ninja!
Strength    oooo   Charisma     oo    Perception    ooo Â
Dexterity    oooooo  Manipulation   oo    Intelligence   ooo Â
Stamina     oooo   Appearance    oo    Wits       ooo Â
War           Life           Wisdom
Archery    [   ]  Craft      [oooo ]+ Bureaucracy   [   ]
Athletics   [ooo  ]  Larceny     [oo  ]  Investication  [o   ]
Awareness   [o   ]  Linguistics   [o   ]  Lore      [oo  ]
Brawl     [   ]  Performance   [   ]  Medicine    [o   ]
Dodge     [ooo  ]  Presence    [   ]  Occult     [oo  ]
Endurance   [o   ]  Ride      [oo  ]  Specialities
Martial Arts  [ooooo]+  Sail      [   ]  +Back-attacks  [oo ]
Melee     [o   ]  Socialize    [   ]  +Shadow gear  [oo ]
Resistance   [oo  ]  Stealth     [oooo ]+ +sneaking!   [oo ]
Thrown     [ooo  ]  Survival    [   ]  +poisons    [o  ]
Unenhanced Die Pools
Clinch     init  9  accuracy 11  damage  4B  defense 11  rate 1
Kick      init  6  accuracy 12  damage  7B  defense  8  rate 3
Punch     init  9  accuracy 12  damage  4B  defense 13  rate 5
Sword     init 16  accuracy 15  damage 10L  defense 13  rate 5
Thrown     init  9  accuracy 10  damage  8L  range  20  rate 5
Willpower    o o o o o o           Compassion   oo
Natural Soak  02L / 04B / 00A         Conviction   ooo
Armour Soak   06L / 04B / 06A         Temperance   oo
Total Soak   08L / 08B / 06A         Valor     ooo
-0       o                 Essence    ooo
-1       o o o               Personal    68 | 68
-2       o o o               Materilize   40 | 40
-4       o                 Remaining   00 | 00
Incapacitated                 Â
Essence Calculation
(Essence(3) * 10) + (Willpower(6) * 3) + (Sum of Virtues(10) * 2) = 68
(Essence(3) * 5) + 45 = 60%
Shadow body-suit armour
Soak 6L / 4B Mobility Penalty -0 Fatigue Penalty +0
Blade of Fallen Shades (MA style weapon)
Speed +7 Accuracy +3 Damage +6L Defense +2 Rate 5
Darts of Piercing Shadows - as many as needed
Accuracy +1 Damage +4L Range 20 Rate 5 (piercing)
Measure the wind (core pg 291) - my senses show....
Harrow the Mind (core pg 291) - shadow clone illusion
Cunning Thief (core pg 292) - your essence is mine!
Hosts of Spirits (core pg 292) - shadow clones!
Principal of Motion (core pg 292) - multi-actions
Materialize (Player's Guide pg 82) - from shadows
Worldly Illusion (Games of Divinity pg 131) - Genjutsu
Stillness (Games of Divinity pg 132) - keep still
Camoflague (Games of Divinity pg 132) - hide in shadows
Creation of Perfection (Games of Divinity pg 134) - forge shadow equipment
+ Martial Arts +
Known as Ebon Dragon's Ascension Style (DragonBlooded pg 197 - 199)
5 Dragon Fortitue
5 Dragon Blocking
5 Dragon Claw
5 Dragon Force Blow
5 Dragon Form Charm
5 Dragon Invulnerability
5 Dragon Fist
5 Dragon Wrath
The shinobi are able to use the post form charms despite not meeting the essence minimums.
None typically. Certain elder shinobi have combos, but those are rare demon assassins.
The children of Alveua, the shinobi also known as shade warriors, are the elite cadre of assassins and spies in Malfeas. When called up in Creation, this demons serve in the same capacity as they do in Malfeas.
When shinobi materialize in Creation, they do so from the shadows (typically of their victims) or if there are none, their very materialization will create one momentarily. The shinobi possess no shadows of their own.
They take their missions seriously, always hoping for a chance to kill. For those they kill have their shadows stolen. The shinobi uses the shadows of their victims to forge their weapons and armour.
Their swords are slender glittering blades of darkness that can slice the light of the brightest of lamps, while their darts are swift as shadows and just as unstoppable. None, save their creator, have seen the shinobi without their shadow armour, for that is forged at their creation from the shinobi's shadow.
If slain in battle, the shinobi collapses into a pile of dust that is blown away by an non-existent wind.
When in battle, they practice an ancient martial arts created in honor of their most ancient of ancestors, the Ebon Dragon. The creation born mortals have perverted this style and call it "Five Dragons Fight as One Style", but the shinobi know it by its true name "Ebon Dragon's Ascension Style".