Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

Demonic Angel

The Holder Of The 7 Sins

Lucinda= girl don't get freaked if you put devil and I wrote Lucinda

People Accepted


Sacelia Esâna Rosaline -Demon O' wrath- by @HoneyBear\-Kat


Analise- The Goddess O' The Winds- by @SekiryuuteiDxD

Time to go to the character sheet!

" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"


Nick names:




Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'


Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers):

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)

marks location:


"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"



weapons, or special items:

crush/bf or gf:


are they dead:




partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)


"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"


what they say a lot:

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess)


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Name: Ju Djin

Nick names: Ju Ju

Title: Karma

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.714a41ba3377f39ad56e9a59b93e015a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.714a41ba3377f39ad56e9a59b93e015a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Demon

Which type of that species? Vampire, Fairy Hybrid

Mark:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0992367b_images(9).jpg.dcfe827ddf8b3091807746201f783efb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0992367b_images(9).jpg.dcfe827ddf8b3091807746201f783efb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Powers: Transform, Blood magic, and special weapons.

Personality: Unique wise and a bit cocky

Biography: Parents abandoned him. As a battling Lucifer himself raised him himself. He soon figured out his parents were a fairy and a demon a very unusual couple. Lucifer knew this and banished his dad for mating with a holy creature is an dishonor to his unholy name. Once the two ( Dad: Azcorath Redd Mom: Liliana Azcorath) settled in the human world, they had a child, half demon, half fairy a mix of holy and unholy. The child had the looks and powers of a cunning demon, along with the vampirism of his dad, also the heart and passionate soul and magic of a fairy. A very unique creature he was a vampire fairy. Soon after he turned 3 his parents were attacked and killed by werewolves. Azcorath had a very ironic and predictable feud with the wolves. Lucifer felt an unusual pity for the poor battling so he took him in as his own. He was soon renamed Ju Ju because he kept causing bad luck everywhere he went so on his 21rst birth day Lucifer sent him to the human world where he took a human for as well. And he is still there to this day.

Weapons: Silver Bullet and Commander. Silver bullet is a Gun for killing mystical creature along with katana

Crush: n/a

Family: n/a

Likes: Blood, killing demons

Dislikes: Humans, werewolves and angles

Motto: torture or death

What he says a lot: That's a very nice neck you have there.

partner: Ankasha

Human form:



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" Sacelia, a new student"

Name: Sacelia Esâna Rosaline

Nick names: Sace, lia, ESA,Ana, rosa, rose, Celia, Cecelia

Title: Crimson melody

Age: 17

Gender: female

Appearance: human form.....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.912c138c2107a4c3a11731b4ae5e68bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.912c138c2107a4c3a11731b4ae5e68bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon form semi-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.8458773853f4213c5220c0a36f3a4ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.8458773853f4213c5220c0a36f3a4ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon form true-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2fbbab917b048e20d5efa8d069c0042a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2fbbab917b048e20d5efa8d069c0042a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is actually human shaped though with a black devil tail her eyes actually show through the helmet like a mask, her eyes appear blood red with slits.

" One I'm a seven sin demon so don't take me lightly'

Species: Demon

Which type of that species?: Wrath


marks location: on the back of her neck

Powers: power to control people with corrupted hearts

Hell fire magic- able to manipulate hell's fire but unlike Rena the goddess hers are more close range and extremely hard to control so she only uses this magic when angry

Demon form- makes normal speed triple and the capability to tap into peoples thought only to send messages but can't receive or read them, her jumping doubles as her blood thirst and hunger for raw meat doubles. ( just was thinking of some the differences that happen in her demon form

"Are you...flirting with me?"

personality: she is very sweet and stubborn can hold a grudge for centuries. And very helpful, she loves to make friends but is so easy to anger and offend she's like a ticking time bomb, if angered to badly she will go demon without control and attack anyone. She will growl and hiss at nearby danger and sometimes might speak in tongues. She easily gets distracted and sings in her spare time she also will bite anything close to her mouth and has a blood lust (crazy animal like taste for blood)

biography: Sacelia, the well known demon princess of the wrath devil. But no one knew she has been hurt, beaten, treated in worst ways possible by her father, he was scared he would lose the throne. She has also been kidnapped at age of 7 and held like that in a basement chained up for 10 years they did whatever they wanted to her but luckily it never went the intimate way just mostly beating her when they were angry. When she escaped she went home to see her mom only to get locked to the wall by her father he left came back with her mom the made Sace kill her mom. Sace burnt the chains and used like as a weapon hit her father across the face burning a scar to his face then ran off to the human world where she met her new family.

(This guy is not actually a devil so he won't be allowed to be chosen because he isn't one, he's a actor that fooled everyone)

weapons, or special items: a chain around her waist like a belt. A katana on her back with a design going straight down the blade, she also keep a bow and arrow in her room only for a hobby she never fought with it

crush/bf or gf: not yet

family: Fiona Rosaline (mom)

Ken Rosaline (dad)

are they dead: yea

likes: demons, darkness and fire, animals, singing , scaring people, drawing, forests, being alone, stunning people,red,chocolate, romantic novels (yep even a demon likes romantic novels )

dislikes: angels, god, holy water, crowds,

pets: a black panther, a fire familiar so he's made out of fire, his names blaze <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.11bcd348626e55860472e0bdecc23d70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.11bcd348626e55860472e0bdecc23d70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1165d035f54f591c2f06a444783d3fd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1165d035f54f591c2f06a444783d3fd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"Thanks and nice to meet you to!"

motto: "karma, is a demon so is everyone even gods"

what they say a lot: Don't worry, time kills and you can't die yet

quirks?: very bad at lie'ing for a demon, she hates crowds, stage fright and likes to be alone (thought of as a quirk)


She is quite talented at singing

If someone wants to be principal go ahead and ask!



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" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"

Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Nick names: Liz

Title: Mistake

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

Human form:


Angel form:


Demon form


" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: Half demon Half angel (yes, I have permission to use this species)

Which type of that species?: Demon/Angel



marks location: Right arm

Powers: Dark energy manipulation

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"

personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and she likes breaking the rules when the rules are stupid or if she has another motive. She is a daredevil and likes taking risks and she is very intelligent. Elizabeth might seem cold at first but she is a very loyal friend and has a kind soul, she likes to act though so people would leave her alone.

biography: Elizabeth´s mother was known as a very important and beloved queen who cared for her kingdom and loved everyone who fell inlove with a a demon who loved her a lot too. Abigail was still loved by everyone after Elizabeth was born but her daughter was hated by a lot of people because of her weird species. Abigail died a short time after because one of her warriors thought she was cursed after giving birth to Elizabeth and killed her thinking he was saving the queen. Edward was mad after the love of his life died so he started to train his young daugher to kill people who hated them. Elizabeth was very smart though so she tricked her father to make it look like she killed all those innocent people but the only thing she did was wound them but not enough to kill them. The town began to respect and love the princess until her father realized Elizabeth was just like her mother and tried to kill her to make the bad memories stop. Elizabeth was able to defend herself and her father dissapeared after trying to kill his daughter.

weapons, or special items:

crush/bf or gf: No one

family: Abigail Blackwell and Edward Blackwell

are they dead: Her mother is but her father is not

likes: Music, magic, animals, art

dislikes: Her father, being called princess, being used, squids

pets: A dog named Hunter


partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)

extra: She plays the electric guitar and she sings

"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: "I´m not going to give any advice, i´m just going to swear a lot and buy you candy"

what they say a lot: "Shut up"

quirks?: Trust issues, stubborn and can be agressive

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Name: Tasion Griffon

Nick names:


Age: 18

Gender: male




Real form:


Species: Angel

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Fairy/ angel hybrid

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)


marks location: on right hip

Powers: He can change his appearance, use magic, and he can create puppets with light energy. The puppets have special features like razor sharp teeth and listen only to him. Some have wills of their own.

personality: Tasion is a mischievous daredevil who thrives on adventure. He is very friendly and kind and always knows when not to cross the line. He is extremely curious and always up and about. He often gets into trouble or overhears things that he shouldnt.


His parents were well respected even loved by all of their clan. He grew up dotted on by everyone and was treated like a prince. He wasn't spoiled though and always got what he needed not what he wanted. His parents were great warriors and from a young age trained him to be one as well. Though he was considered a prodigy at fighting he always felt the need to become a healer.

weapons, or special items:

A dagger

A magic flut that lulls those who hear it into a trance


crush/bf or gf:

family: Hermes and Anna Griffon

are they dead: no

likes: Drawing, singing, dancing, pulling pranks, exploring, sweets, and

dislikes: Bullies, snobby people, being told what to do.

pets: A wolf named Kalem

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)

extra: He plays the flute and knows many languages.


what they say a lot:

quirks?: Has a bad sweet tooth, dresses like a girl, and is an insomniac.

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"Of course you haven't, I just arrived here."


Luciana Valandro

Nick names:

Lucia, Lucy


The Messenger

Age: 17

Gender: Female






[Angel: Seraphim]


"Everyone is special, but since you asked...I'll tell you.'

Species: Angel

Which type of that species?: Seraphim



Marks location:

Back of her right hand


Air (and wind) manipulation

"Wait, do you want to be my friend or use these informations against me?"


She's very quiet and shy at first, but once she got to know some people she'll show her actual personality. She's friendly, kind and caring, but she can be cruel when she's angry.


Her father and mother were well known in the kingdom. When the found out that her mother, Evelyn, were pregnant they were all excited to see this child. Luciana grew up in a kingdom where everyone loved her. She first discovered her power when she was 7 years old but she never told her parents till the mark appeared. When her parents knew about it they sent her to the island to learn more about her power.

Weapons, or special items:


Crush/bf or gf:



Evelyn Valandro and John Valandro

Are they dead:



- animals

- books

- sweets

- nature

- flying

- music


- noise places

- crowds

- disloyalty


White tiger cub, Tiga



She play piano sometimes

"Nice to meet you too!"


What they say a lot:


Quirks?: Her cruel side, her shyness and she can be very stubborn


You'll be able to breathe if you're on her good side.​
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(Based character off spn's Gabriel)

Name: Ankasha

Title: The Trickster

Species: Devil

Type: Devil of Frost

Gender: female

Age: 19

Weapons: Katana blade

Pets: Kitten named Bastet

Powers: telepathic, can summon some creatures, and create new lower level creatures that usually don't live long, ice breath


Likes: playing tricks, sometimes deadly, ice dragons

Dislikes: Dogs,storms, fire dragons

Personality: Cold, calculating, hides emotions

Arrest record a mile long, known for causing trouble. Wary of the school, she has had an unpleasent past with other creatures. But very hopeful that she can finally find a safe haven in the school.

Quirks: Loner, aggressive towards strangers


Motto: "I must be cruel, only to be kind"

Human form:

True form:
(sorry for the quality)

Partner: JD
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Hmm I would just like to say everyone you may create another character if you like but if your 1 character is angel 2 one a god/goddess they will not be paired together. This might allow for the RP to go a little faster
Name: Analise

Nick names: Annie

Title: Goddess of the Winds

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Goddess

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers):Elemental


Human form:

True form:

marks location: Across both cheekbones

Powers: Only over air, but can cause severe damage if she's ever angered enough

personality: (based on Luna lovegood, HP) Spacy, care free, likes making other people happy

biography: Raised by her brothers, the winds, no parents, they left very early on. Its doesn't bother her, though. Nothing really bothers her. People get annoyed at her because her minds tends to suddenly change direction.

weapons, or special items: Staff made of silver with emeralds

family: The four greek winds are her siblings

are they dead: No

likes: Animals, summer, storms, sweets

dislikes: Shouting, fighting, sour foods

pet: Large panther


extra: Her marks confuse people, she is unique in the most bizarre way.


what they say a lot: Wherever the winds take me, darling

quirks?: Short attention span, spacy, difficulty forming emotional bonds to people

other/extra: Her brothers get annoyed by her flighty nature and how she changes direction like the wind, but they are secretly grateful because if she was more wrathful, she could cause a lot of harm.

Partner: Sora
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Name: Sora Ashura

Nick names: Bright Wing, The Ascended Hero,

Title: The Divine Blade

Age: 19


Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)




Species: Angel

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Reincarnated

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)


marks location: Shoulder

Powers:Divine Weaponry: Divinity granted by his weapon

personality:(To be revealed in RP)

biography: (To be revealed in RP)

weapons, or special items:

Signature Weapon

crush/bf or gf:None

family: Not anymore

are they dead: Yes

likes: Awesomeness

dislikes:Being Bored,




motto: Worship Possibility

what they say a lot: Awesomeness

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess)Can really control how loud or deep his voice comes out, says phrases that may only make sense himself, can barely resist not getting into a fight

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Name:Isley Uraki

Nick names:The Berserker cloaked in Darkness, Demon Blade Isley

Title:The Black Knight

Age:20 something


Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)




Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Devil Knight

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)


marks location:Chest

Powers:Demonic Weaponry

personality:(to be revealed in rp)

biography:(to be revealed in rp)

weapons, or special items:


crush/bf or gf:None

family:friends who were like family

Are they dead:yes

likes: Weapons, Books, Women's Long Hair

dislikes: Going berserk, women's tied up hair


partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)

extra: His armor has tenctacles

motto:"If you can't let something go then it's not worth holding on to"

what they say a lot:Manly

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess)Flexes alot, distracted by beautiful women, and can,t really be evil for a demon

other/extra: Has a tendency to go berserk when thinga get desperate
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Name: Lucas

Title: God of Light

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.57b1aa73a6aea55ef83fe0343b9fb0bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.57b1aa73a6aea55ef83fe0343b9fb0bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

God appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.356e2cde1ba283aaf7b60cee10de33cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.356e2cde1ba283aaf7b60cee10de33cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: God

Which type of that species?: Helios, God of the Sun.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.7b58f34eb65c337b387f941610cbda43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.7b58f34eb65c337b387f941610cbda43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marks location: on the right side of his neck

Powers: Light Manipulation

personality: (to be reveal in the RP)

biography: he was born into a big family. Everyone was so close to each other and they were friendly, well, most of them. He befriended Luciana, his cousin, when she was 10 years old and they've known each other since.

weapons, or special items: none

crush/bf or gf: N/A

family: his parents, brothers and sisters, and his cousin

are they dead: Nope, all alive

likes: music, the sun, food

dislikes: lies, noisy places and selfish people

partner: n/a


what they say a lot:

quirks?: he get overprotective of those he care about and he forgive people too easily.




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" someone's talking to me rudely? I guess that means I should leave..."

Name: Rena Sacel

Nick names: fio, flare, Sace, Nona, ReRe, ena , Ren

Title: the Eternal Flame

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.862500d53c2397ea4e4e29d2887127ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.862500d53c2397ea4e4e29d2887127ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"The fact that I'm here is proof enough isn't it?'

Species: Goddess

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Fire Goddess

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd4bb1a5d9fdab74b9fa89a0886d2b0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd4bb1a5d9fdab74b9fa89a0886d2b0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

marks location: in the middle of her collar bones


able to produce intricate designs using fire or heat from the room (heat is a major property of fire so she can control that two)

Able to heat up a room just by being angry

Able to melt items easily

Manipulate fire if the room is middle temperature or something is flammable in the room.

"Why are you asking? Didn't I just meet you?"

personality: a very gullible and naive girl who is very clumsy and finds almost anything offensive, she is hard to anger doesn't trust anyone but angels not even gods or goddess..well she would trust them after awhile anyway she loves to be alone and rather be alone than anything, causing her to make masks for herself to hide from crowds... She is a bit stubborn and loves to play games.

biography: she is the daughter of a unknown family, the family always being on the run and having to fight for survival until the day they suddenly appeared, at the time her, her friends and family were surrounded by tons of attackers. They ended up killing her dad while her mom was actually part of the attackers. When they tried to attack Fionna got so angry it caused the ground to shake and bring lava from inside the earth to burn everyone but her mom who then killed her dad....when he was die'ing her dad explained that they knew she had powers he wanted to protect her while her mom didn't believe and thought she was evil...the father gave her the letter then died, Fionna took her fathers necklace ( a military necklace ) and now wears it all the time under or on top of her clothing it didn't matter just as long as she had it on. That is when she took the tickets to the collage

weapons, or special items: she carries two flammable Chakrams that with a little heat the blade around it can catch on fire.

crush/bf or gf: looking (basically PM me )

family: her mom Jade Kwitch Sacel and her dad Damen Sacel

Her twin sister : Gwen Onyx Sacel

are they dead: her dad is while her sister joined her mom


  • Games
  • Animals
  • Dancing
  • Fire/heat
  • Masks
  • Forests
  • Angels


  • Demons
  • Being noticed
  • Being misunderstood
  • Ice/ water
  • Being seen as weak
  • The past where woman were seen as things instead of people ( a trigger for her)

pets: a pet Phoenix

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)


"Wait did I just have a conversation?!"

motto: Adventurers find their path faster that path has been found covered by the ash of past fires, what's your path look like?

what they say a lot: Baka!!!

Quirks: she's very gullible/ naive , trust issues , jumps to conclusions, cover her mouth when eating

Other/extras: she hides her Phoenix knowing it very rare and how it rumor lay can make your immortal or a tear could heal you...yeah right so she hides it to keep it safe!

I said I'd add my 2 character



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Kameil asked so I decided to answer.

" How funny, since I saw you last week."

Name: Zaine

Nick names: Z

Title: The Insightful Timekeeper

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed):

" Picking on a blind man? Your mother didn't teach you manners?"

Species: Devil

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Djinn

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)

marks location: On his entire back

Powers: Can see parts and fragments of the future, Can slow or speed up time on himself, Can sommon objects he could carry to him for a limited time, tremorsense in a 30 foot radius.

"Well, good to see you're sorry. Now how about giving me a hand, eh?"

personality: Keeps most of what his premonitions show him to himself unless he feels it necessary to speak up. Zaine can get along in a social situation perfectly well, but doesn't go out of his way to be sociable. He tries to treat most people with a degree of civility, with the exception of people who manage to annoy him.

biography: Zaine was born near the border of a country in the Middle East and was the youngest of seven children. His family is a member of a group of people that were traditionally nomads and valued magical arts as well being able to live day to day. When Zaine was born the tribe's elder divined that Zaine would grow up with more potential than many of his tribesmen, but his powers would eventually rob him of his sight. Sure enough the strain of being a seer with minimal control robbed the young Djinn of his ability to see. He despised it at first, but he eventually learned a few tricks to make up for his lost eyesight. One day while using his extrasensory powers he saw a vision of a letter coming to him, inviting him to a place with similar people. When the letter arrived he knew what to do.

weapons, or special items: Desert Rose, an ancient scimitar given to him by his father. It can summon sand to try to blind opponents or can try to dehydrate opponents with a special attack. An hourglass filled with sand from his home that he considers a good luck charm.

crush/bf or gf: Currently none

family: Mother and father, three brothers and three sisters

are they dead: No

likes: His powers, time, hourglasses, clocks, music, friends, family

dislikes: overly loud people, people that don't take his future sights seriously, bland food

pets: None

partner: Elizabeth

extra: If he dislikes a person he is perfectly willing to take advantage of them underestimating him because of his lack of sight. He usually likes to wear sunglasses or some other kind of eye wear to cover his eyes when he is allowed to.

"Likewise, maybe I'll see you around."

motto: "Even a blind guy could see this coming."

what they say a lot:

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess) Does not always realize the full significance of what he sees in the future, Collects clocks/hourglasses when he can, slow to act on things that aren't life and death situations

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